all the way to fairy

Chapter 473 Pain

Chapter 473 Pain

Xingye didn't turn around, still looking at the swaying tree shadows outside the window, and said in a cold voice: "Qianjiuqianshi is in the Zhongshan Department, Wen Mingyueyi is not their opponent, you go to take charge of the overall situation."


Without any hesitation, the deputy pavilion master immediately agreed, turned around and left, just like he had done countless times before.

When he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, turned his head and asked, "Can I see her before I leave?"

"She needs to rest." Xingye's voice was still emotionless.

"I mean, Yingmei."

The room fell silent, and the air froze for a moment.

"Her?" Xingye's voice was finally tinged with emotion, he turned his head, under the sun, the sneer and contempt on his lips were so obvious, without any concealment.

Soon he restrained his emotions, and said lightly: "You are the deputy pavilion master, one person is under one person and over ten thousand people, anyone in the pavilion can see you if you want, and you don't need to report to me."

The deputy pavilion master lowered his eyes halfway, staring at the dappled sunlight on the ground. He was speechless for a long time, and only responded in a low voice after a long time.

The forbidden area behind the Qinghe Valley.

A faint fluorescent light appeared in the endless darkness, passing through the long corridor and going deep into the depths of the ground.

As it went deeper, a low moan came from the end of the tunnel, intermittent, sometimes sharp, sometimes low, sometimes short, sometimes long, whimpering, like a female ghost crying.

Soon, the fluorescent light stopped at the end of the corridor, a little bit of inspiration flashed, and the heavy stone door retracted into the wall, revealing a narrow arched opening.

The groaning stopped abruptly. Standing outside the door, one could feel the tension of the people inside.

Arriving here, the palace lights were dimmed, as if the light had been swallowed by the boundless darkness, only casting vague light and shadow nearby.

The deputy pavilion master waved his sleeves and lit the candles in the secret room. In an instant, the secret room was as bright as day.

The person huddled in the corner subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes, his fingers were dry and slender, his skin was as loose as bark, his face was gray and pale, his lips were almost colorless and lifeless.

The deputy pavilion master was stunned, and could hardly connect the person in front of him with the lively woman in his memory.

He lowered his body, pulled off her hand covering her eyes, pulled it up abruptly, and asked in a cold voice, "Why?"

After getting the news, the questioning stuck in his throat, fermenting a little bit, making him unable to breathe, driving him almost crazy.

After nearly a hundred years of sharing the same bed and sharing each other, he gave her power and status, and watched her transform step by step from a young girl to a charming woman, from a bullied little monk to the master of the Heavenly Mystery Hall that everyone respected, Manage all the espionage in the cabinet.

"" Ying Mei was already angry, but she staggered and rushed over after being pulled by him like this. If it wasn't for his strength to lift her up, she would have thrown herself to the ground.

Seeing the person coming, Ying Mei secretly tightened her back molars, enduring the pain in her body like ants biting bones, and laughed with the corners of her lips, "Why? Why... Hahaha cough, hahaha..."

She laughed wildly, tears rolled down the corners of her eyes, along with the coughed up red blood, slipped over her cheeks, flowed down her pale neck into the red clothes, leaving ugly marks like earthworms, ferocious like a ghost.

The deputy pavilion master closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his pupils were filled with peace, and he asked lightly, "You hate me that much?"

"Should I be grateful to you? Thank you for breaking up my lover and me, or thank you for ruining my life?"

She was full of sneering, and the hatred in her eyes made the Deputy Pavilion Master stunned. For so many years, he was addicted to her petiteness, charming and affectionate, and almost forgot that their beginning began with a coercive transaction.

His demeanor made Yingmei confirm the guess in her heart, and burst out laughing, "It looks like you're really in love with me."

The Deputy Pavilion Master's eyes froze, and the force in his palm unconsciously loosened.

Ying Mei twitched the corners of her lips, she got the strength out of nowhere, and broke free from his restraint, but feeding Gu with her body, there was not much vitality left in her body, after breaking free, she no longer had the strength to stabilize her body, and fell to the ground.

When she looked up, she found that he hadn't had time to take back his hand. Her heart was slightly condensed, but the corners of her lips became more ironic, "You actually fell in love with your own furnace, hahaha..."

She couldn't help laughing, as if she heard some big joke, "Xing Luo, you're done, you're done!"

Deputy Pavilion Master Xing Luo's face froze, with a touch of powerless bitterness on his lips, and after a while, he sighed dejectedly: "Yes, I'm in love with you."

He admitted like this, but Yingmei was stunned, stopped laughing wildly, and only heard him say: "Because I love you, I will try my best to send you to the position of Hall Master of Tianji Hall; The pressure of the second brother has delayed the matter of planting Gu; because I love you..." After the incident, I didn't dare to see you, until today, there is no way to retreat...

Taking a deep breath, he tried to calm down his emotions, but his eyes were already flushed, and there was a sparkle in his eyes, "Hate, you came at me, why did you kill Xiaoshu? How could you do it..."

He squatted down and moved closer to Yingmei, his voice gradually trembling: "For an irrelevant ant, you killed the child you brought up with your own hands, Meier, how can you do it?"

Ying Mei felt a pain in her heart, but her face remained unmoved. She sneered and asked back: "Irrelevant? He and I have known each other since we were young, and we support each other, like a real brother." Pursing the corners of her lips, she raised her eyes to stare at the assistant. Pavilion Master, word by word, "You are the ones I have nothing to do with."

Xingluo's face was pale, her lips trembled, and she said in disbelief, "From a baby to a babbler, to a child with long hair, after so many years of raising and getting along with each other, to you, she is just an irrelevant person?"

Ying Mei clenched her fists, trying her best not to think about it, but a white and tender baby involuntarily appeared in her mind, she was lying in her arms, sleeping soundly, with a small pink mouth, she spit out a Transparent bubbles; a three- or four-year-old girl sitting on the ground, reaching out to her with her mouth puckered, and shouting "hug" in a childish voice; a little girl of six or seven, wearing a light pink dress, standing In the flowers, she tilted her head and smiled at her...

Her eyes were hot and her vision was blurred. She tried to open her eyes wide, not letting the tears crush and roll down, and said with difficulty: "Yes!"

Xing Luo staggered back a few steps, feeling sad and desolate in his heart.

Seeing him like this, Ying Mei's aching heart aroused the pleasure of revenge, she knew only too well what to do to make him feel miserable after getting along with her for so many years.

After a long time, Zhenjun Xingluo let out a foul breath, took a few steps forward, bent down, and firmly pinched Yingmei's chin, a flash of inspiration flashed at his fingertips, and a thin jade slip appeared between his fingers.

He rudely pressed the jade slip on her forehead, and when the slip melted, he threw her away, turned around and strode out, and stopped suddenly when he reached the door without turning his head, saying, "From now on, you I have nothing to do with it, I can do it myself."

After speaking, his figure disappeared into the darkness outside the door.

As the barrier fell, the light in the room was swallowed up bit by bit, and it became dark again. Ying Mei was stunned, and raised her hand to touch the center of her brow, where the coolness of the jade slip still remained.

The content of the jade slip is a road, a secret passage leading to the outside world.

 Thank you Lei Siyan (*^o^*) for the big monthly ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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