all the way to fairy

Chapter 474 Reunion

Chapter 474 Reunion
Xingyao Mountain.

"Sent away?" Xingye asked standing tall in front of the window.

With a very soft hum, in front of the round table in the room, a figure slowly emerged, it was Bai Lu.

With a light bend of his finger, the water in the teapot was pulled out, slowly poured into the cup, and he took a sip of the tea. He said slowly, "The four factions have strengthened their inspections, and it took some effort to send it out."

Xingye didn't take it seriously, "It's time for us to realize that we have been confronted for so long."

After a moment's pause, he suddenly sneered, "Oh, my younger brother is still confused as always, and he doesn't care about his wife, but he can't put down a stove, stupid!"

Bai Lu lowered her eyes and played with the teacup in her hand without making a sound, Xing Ye just sneered casually and didn't need his approval.

After a while, he asked again: "Is there any news about the mother and daughter?"

"No." Bai Lu put down the teacup, and smiled playfully, "I don't know who is so capable and robbed people under the noses of the three old men in Fuyue Fuguang Suxi."

Xingye sneered: "Who else can get in touch with the mother and daughter at that time, only the monks of the four major sects. The so-called four major sects are nothing more than that."

Bai Lu wondered, "Could it be Qianjiu and the others? They didn't know the purpose of the Mother Gu before, but Qianshi went so timely when the incident happened, there may be other intentions."

After a moment of silence, Xing Ye said: "It's also possible, low-level monks should also check it out, maybe there are bold ones..."

While the two were talking, the barricade rang outside the door, and Chun Shiqi's weak voice came, "I report to Pavilion Master, there is a secret letter."

Xingye frowned, waved his hand to open the restraint, and with a wave of his hand, the letter in Chun Shiqi's hand was in his hand.

The letter was very short, only a few words, after scanning it at a glance, Xing Ye was extremely angry, and slapped the letter on the table with his backhand, cursing: "Bastard!"

The round table was reduced to powder under his palm, the letter paper fluttered, and Bai Lu raised her hand to grab it. After reading it, she couldn't help but frowned. After thinking for a moment, she said uncertainly, "Ji Ruochen, I remember you are a disciple of Xuanyu Sect, right?"

"Exactly." Chun Shiqi replied with his head bowed, feeling bitter in his heart, there was only one content in the secret letter, Ji Ruochen informed the four major sects about the witches.

The problem is, Ji Ruochen has never been to Qinghe Valley, nor has he been to Central Continent, so how could he know about the witches?
The only explanation is that Qianjiuqianshi messed up.

After the Shuying Xiaozhu incident, Qianjiu did not mention Ji Ruochen's whereabouts. In that case, everyone took it for granted that Ji Ruochen had died at his hands. Next is Ji Ruochen, the second-hander.

Judging from the experience of these days, as long as it is related to these two people, the pavilion master will be furious.However, these matters were kept extremely confidential, and he could only report them in person. Chun Shiqi couldn't help but sigh.

"How did Qianjiuqian know the existence of witches?"

Bai Lu's words brought back Chun Shiqi's thoughts. He thought about it carefully. Qian Shi had never been to Central Continent before, and Qian Jiu had only passed by Zhong Continent when he was fleeing from the Buddha's relic. In addition, the biggest possibility is that there is something wrong with Qinghe Valley.

He looked up at the two of them, and saw Xingye's eyes fixed, as if thinking of something, and then saw him sneer, "It seems that I underestimated them, at such a young age, I can hold my breath."

The matter of the witches and Gu people is top secret, and the entrance is extremely guarded. Over the years, only the phantom array at the exhaust vent of the back mountain has been touched.

In the past, he thought it was Mo You who moved the formation by mistake, but now it seems that someone else moved the formation.


Yunli looked at the emerald green mountain range that suddenly appeared in the distance, lowered her head to compare with the map, and murmured: "That's right, after turning over that mountain, you will be Tanzhou City, and then you will be the border of Zhongzhou."

She exhaled lightly. Since the extermination of the twelve Golden Core Stage Witch Gu killers, these days, they have not encountered any decent resistance. Most of them are small strongholds led by the Foundation Establishment Witch Gu killers.

The high-level power of the two sides does not match, and "Wangqing" restrains the witches and Gu people. They advance all the way, smoothly and conveniently push the battle line to the hinterland of the Zhongshan system, and then move forward, they can cooperate with Ye Xiao and Ye Xiao. What's the situation on the north side.

It's also time to send someone over to make contact, and send someone there when Tanzhou City is taken down. She was secretly thinking about the next action plan, and Qu Liang trotted over and said beamingly: "Really, you are here from the Taiyi Sect!" .”

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and quickly realized that Mo Huai had mentioned before leaving that Zheng Rui would come after he formed the alchemy.

"Keep an eye on the opposite side, and notify me as soon as there is any situation." After explaining the matter, she turned and walked back, and asked casually as she walked, "How many people are here? Is it just Senior Brother Zheng?"

"More than a dozen of them, Fairy An Ran and Fairy Mu Yan from your sect are also here." Qu Liangle replied happily, but he knew that Fairy Mu Yan and Master Yun had always been friends, and I heard that she, an alchemist, can live Walking out of Jiuliyuan, Master Yun contributed a lot.

Yunli stopped, and said in disbelief, "Who did you say was here? Senior Sister An?"

Although my cousin has already started to learn attacking techniques, in the eyes of others, she is still the hothouse rose who doesn't know any attacking techniques. Why would people from the Zongmen let her come here?
"That's right." Qu Liang swallowed his saliva, with this expression, do they not get along?

Yunli called out the plantain fan and quickly flew to the temporary camp, and saw two familiar figures outside the main tent from a distance.

After landing, she gave the two of them a bear hug, and greeted Zheng Rui with a smile, then looked at An Ran, blinked, and asked, "Uncle Fuyu is willing to let you out?"

An Ran curled her lips into a smile, and joked half-truthfully: "Master is reluctant to part with me, isn't this missing Junior Sister Yun?"

From the corner of the eye, she glanced at Zheng Rui, who was smiling at their jokes, and Yunli also smiled. After exchanging pleasantries, she signaled Qu Liang to settle the others, and led the three of them into the main tent.

An Ran said: "We have been confronted with Canye Pavilion for six or seven years, and progress in Qinghe Valley has been slow. The master master means to help the Yexiao family retake Zhongzhou City as soon as possible, and revive the reputation of our four major factions. Calculate the time , the monks of Tianxin Pavilion and Phantom Palace are about to arrive at the Zhongshan Department."

Yunli was overjoyed, she was worrying that she would not be able to form a siege and wipe out all the Wugu people in Zhongzhou City. If these two factions take the lead in taking charge of the west and north defense lines, the Taiyi Sect will call the east sect, and the four parties will join forces to destroy the Wugu people. The people besieged on the outskirts of Zhongzhou City, and then flanked inside and outside with the Ye Xiao two monks, eradicating the witches is just around the corner!

However, Zheng Ruilai is good for these things, what are the two alchemists, cousin Ayan, doing here?
She blinked, expressing her confusion.

Zheng Rui coughed lightly, and said: "Senior Sister An has a high status, if we hadn't been in the same spirit as the Ye Xiao family, the head teacher would not have let her come here."

After speaking, he turned his face away unnaturally.

Yunli immediately understood that the head teacher didn't want the Yexiao family to be exterminated by the Canye Pavilion, but at the same time, he hoped that they could use the power of the Canye Pavilion to weaken the two families. After all, the ultimate goal was Donglu.

After the demise of the Canye Pavilion, the issue of the Eastern Continent is about to be put on the agenda. The four factions do not want other forces to get involved in the affairs of the Eastern Continent. It was one of the original goals of the four factions to weaken their power by suppressing the Canye Pavilion .

In this case, An Ran, who had a valuable status but no military value, was the best candidate for assistance. It not only showed that he valued the two families, but actually did not help much.

She shook her head secretly, the headmaster's plan was going to fail.

To deal with witchcraft, monks who can control Gu with sound are much more effective than other monks, and my cousin's piano skills are very good.

This is also an opportunity to learn attacking techniques in an upright manner!

Unfolding the map, she briefly explained the current war to everyone. She took out the score of "Forgetfulness" that she had transcribed, "People in Zhuojiabao are cooperating more and more tacitly. You don't need to help for now. You should learn "Forgetfulness" first."

Raising her voice to call for people to bring Caiwei to point them out, she immediately went back to the front line to patrol.

The next day, when she was free, she hurried to An Ran's Linglong House, "How are you doing?"

An Ran smiled brightly, and plucked the strings casually. Spiritual power flowed out, the sound of the piano was melodious, and a sense of quiet and loneliness hit her face.

"Awesome! Awesome!" Yunli applauded sincerely, "Congratulations, with this opening, it will be a matter of course to learn sound attack in the future, and then switch to other attack techniques!"

Then she turned her head and asked Mu Yan: "Ayan, how about you?"

Mu Yan blushed, "I don't have any talent in rhythm, and I haven't touched it before. I can barely play a piece through stumbling."

An Ran glanced at Yunli, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her: "Compared to someone, your talent is already very good."

Yun Limu put on a face: "Hey, hey, say this in front of me, do I want to lose face?"

"Ali, are you not good at rhythm?" Mu Yan was surprised. She thought that the daughter of a noble family is all about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and she is proficient in everything.

"It's not just that I'm not good at it, you don't know how tortured she is to learn a piece of music, tsk tsk, she made me cry when she played the piano..."

Yunli rushed over and covered An Ran's mouth, "Shut up, shut up, shut up, it's not that exaggerated, okay?"

After laughing for a while, the three of them sat down at the table, An Ran took a sip of tea, and the warm tea entered her stomach, feeling refreshed in her body, "It's been a long time since I felt so relaxed."

Yunli smiled and said, "It will be better in the future."

Mu Yan also said: "It will definitely get better and better."

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and after a while, An Ran propped her chin and asked Yun Li: "I really didn't understand you at that time. Calligraphy, painting and poetry, tea art ladies, cooking with spices, no matter how bad it is, flutes and flutes are also fine. Try it, why do you have to compete with Qin?"

It took several months to learn a piece of music before it took shape. As for proficiency, it took a lot of time to practice. With this skill, wouldn't it be good to learn something you are good at?
Yunli pursed her lips, put her hands on her cheeks, her eyes were half-downcast, and said in disbelief, "You don't understand, I just want to prove that my hands can also be used to play the piano."

There was a bit of grievance in her tone that she didn't realize.

(End of this chapter)

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