all the way to fairy

Chapter 475 The First Battle

Chapter 475 The First Battle
"Sister, you are so noisy."

Dodo's childish voice sounded, and purple light flashed, she appeared in the room, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and softly said to Mu Yan: "Hungry."

"Dodo, have you gained weight?"

Seeing her, Yunli blurted out, the little Lolita in front of her has a round face, carved from jade, white and tender arms like lotus joints, fleshy, and there are a few clear small pits on the back of her hands.

Yunli stretched out her hand and pinched it, a lump of meat, smooth and soft, like tender tofu, it feels really good.

She clicked her tongue twice, and said: "You should be more restrained, if you get fatter, I'm afraid you won't be able to fly with your thin wings."

"Sister Yun is bad!"

Dodo stomped her feet in anger, turned around and hugged Mu Yan's arm, pouted and asked aggrievedly: "Sister, am I fat?"

"Eh," Mu Yan blinked, "The little girl just wants to be chubby, cute!"

"My sister said I'm cute." Duoduo beamed with joy, and smiled at Yunli triumphantly.

Yunli smiled and said, "Cutely fat."

"Humph! I'm ignoring you!"

After leaving these words, Duoduo teleported away angrily, Yunli's eyebrows jumped, and she turned to ask Mu Yan: "She didn't teleport in front of others, did she?"

This is one of their trump cards and cannot be easily exposed.

Mu Yan scolded her angrily, "She is still a child, what are you doing to tease her. Don't worry, besides us, only Ning Wujue and Lin Chen know about it."

Yunli shrugged, she was really fat, and it was rare for a butterfly to be so fat.

An Ran flipped her hand and took out a storage bag, "This is the spirit stone that Master Master asked you to hand over to Master Feng Jue. That Feng Jue is Wei Xiaosan, right?"

Yunli's eyes lit up, her spiritual sense penetrated into the storage bag, and she was stunned for a total of 1000 yuan of high-grade spirit stones: "The teacher is so generous!"

An Ran leaned against the back of the chair, "Tell me, what's going on, why did the master teacher give Wei Xiaosan the spirit stone?"

"Hey, I just tried it, but I didn't expect him to give it to me." Yun Li happily put away the storage bag and told the ins and outs.

An Ran Mu Yan was dumbfounded when she heard that, it's all right!

After a while, An Ran cupped her hands, "You can take polite words seriously, I admire you!"

Yunli raised her eyebrows proudly, patted Mu Yan's shoulder again, and said earnestly: "Ayan, you have to remember that you will not suffer if you are thick-skinned, and don't be polite to others because of face, face is not as important as Lingshi. "

Mu Yan: ...

An Ran was thoughtful: "The reasoning is a bit crooked, but it should be very effective against people like Xu Linghui."

Speaking of Xu Linghui, Yunli reminded: "She's here too, she's in the war zone next door, you may meet later."

Although Xu Linghui's identity and strength are not as good as theirs, no matter back then or now, what is terrible about her is not her status and strength, but her scheming, every word she speaks is a trap, so be careful.

After thinking about it, she asked An Ran again: "By the way, Xu Linghui and Ye Chuchen are engaged, do you know about this?"

Before An Ran could answer, Mu Yan interjected in surprise: "Have they made an agreement?"

"What do you mean, you know about them?" An Ran was stunned.

Mu Yan nodded, "Before we entered Jiuliyuan, there was a rumor that the two were discussing marriage. I thought it was just a rumor, but I didn't expect it to happen!"

Yunli was stunned, "Why haven't I heard of this?"

An Ran spread her hands, "I haven't heard of it either. If it wasn't for the announcement of the two, I wouldn't know that the two of them could be related."

When she heard this for the first time, she almost dropped her jaw in shock. Ye Chuchen is a direct descendant of the Ye family, with two spiritual roots of water and wood. Although he is not good at martial arts, he is very talented in business. No surprises, Ye's Firm will be in charge in the future.

Lin Xi is not good enough for talent, ability and ability. Xu Linghui, who comes from a medium-sized sect, has three spirit roots embroidered pillows, and Ye Chuchen can't compete with each other.

Mu Yan smiled, "One of you is Zhenjun Fuyu's closed disciple, high above you, and the other is only thinking about finding an antidote for Mr. Wei, so how can the gossip that has not yet been heard reach your ears."

"I don't know what will happen if Ji Ruochen knows about this?" Yunli sighed softly, treating Zhenjun Fujian is such a big deal, Xu Linghui can call him out with a letter, which is enough to see her status in Ji Ruochen's heart.

After going through all the darkness, going through all kinds of dangers, and finally looking forward to hope, but now telling him that the person he loves is about to marry someone else is too cruel to Ji Ruochen.

There was a moment of silence in the room, less inclination, no noise, someone came to report: "Really, the eye of the formation has been found, and the formation can be broken."

Yunli nodded, stood up and said to the two of them, "Then I'll go, be careful, don't go out during this time."

"I'll go too." An Ran got up and looked at her fixedly, with determination in her eyes, "I've already learned "Forgetfulness", and I just took advantage of this battle to test it out."

Yunli hesitated: "But..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted, "I heard that Caiwei is also a beginner, so I will go out with you to eliminate witches and gu people. She can practice Qi at the eighth level, so why should I be afraid of my dignified Golden Core cultivator. "

She has practiced Taoism for many years, but she is like a flower in a greenhouse. She has never experienced wind and frost. Even Lin Xi and Xu Linghui, weak female cultivators who rely on their families, occasionally go out to practice.

Now, she can finally practice fighting like a normal monk. She doesn't want to wait any longer, and she doesn't want any accidents to happen.

Yunli was silent, "Alright."

Since coming here, going to the battlefield is unavoidable, Tai Yizong and Zhuojiabao add up to a dozen Jindan real people, and it is safer to go to the east to practice now than to go to the east later.

After thinking about it, he sent someone to invite Zheng Rui and others. Although they were all elites, they had never been in contact with Wu Gu people, so they took this opportunity to get acquainted with Wu Gu people.

In addition, with their actions, one's side can also lose less personnel.

"You will be behind the crowd for a while, don't stand out, I suspect that Yue Yi or Wen Ming are in the city."

They hadn't encountered any decent resistance before. Tanzhou City was just a small city square, but the large formation protecting the city was quite tricky. It took several formation masters of Zhuojiabao a whole day to break it, or the mutant witches during the foundation building period There are masters of formation among the people, either Yue Yi or Wen Ming is in it.

An Ran nodded nervously and firmly, "I won't try to be brave."

As soon as they left the Linglong House, they met Zheng Rui and the others head-on. Seeing An Ran holding the Guqin in her arms and ready to go, everyone was a little surprised, but soon relieved, and looked at her with admiration.

Zheng Rui still told her to pay attention to her own safety.

An Ran was quite relieved, everyone thought it was reasonable, and those who knew Yu Sheng's real purpose, such as the head teacher, should not be suspicious.

A group of people drove the magic weapon to the outside of Tanzhou City, and the team leader from Zhuojiabao came up to meet him, and said to Yunli, "Master, you are ready."

Yunli nodded, "Let's begin."

 Thanks for the cute monthly pass in summer! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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