all the way to fairy

Chapter 476 Siege

Chapter 476 Siege

With an order, about a mile outside Tanzhou City, four incandescent lights suddenly lit up in four directions, east, west, north, south, and in the blink of an eye, the beam of light was already higher than Tanzhou City, and then the beam of light no longer rose straight up. , but converged towards Tanzhou City.

When the beam of light converged to a point above Tanzhou City, the milky white light curtain poured down, covering the entire Tanzhou City in an instant.

The complexions of the witch killers in the city changed suddenly, and the bald man in the late stage of foundation establishment looked at Yue Yi, and said tentatively: "Young master, they are trying to catch a turtle in the urn!"

Tanzhou City is located on the edge of Fengyin Plain, surrounded by only a few small hills, and there is no danger to defend. He does not agree with forming an formation to defend to the death.

Now that the situation between the enemy and the enemy is reversed, besides the real Zhuojiabao Golden Core who is in charge of the defense here, there is also Tai Yizong Yunli who is eyeing him, but there is only Yue Yi on his side who is Golden Core, and the high-level power does not match.

In addition, the manpower sent by Zhuojiabao was obviously carefully selected. There were quite a few formation masters and spirit talisman masters, and the cooperation was quite tacit. It created time for the formation master to find the formation eye.

Looking at the current posture, the eye of the formation must have been found, and the method to break the formation is also clear to the opponent.

But the lore master insisted that there was nothing he could do, and he could only hope that the young master Yue Yi had special arrangements.

Yue Yi sneered, "That depends on whether their urns are hard enough!"

This is the arrangement.

The bald man immediately felt relieved. The lore's direct disciples were not comparable to ordinary monks. Master Bai Lu could give him anything, not to mention two Jindan real people, even hundreds of Jindanqi.

While the two were talking, the outer formation had been fully formed, trapping Tanzhou City in the center.

Immediately afterwards, a series of spiritual attacks landed on different positions in Tanzhou City in an orderly manner. After a while, a pentagram appeared centered on Tanzhou City.

The defensive formation of Tanzhou City was activated, but the aura flowed to the pentagram along the formation pattern. The aura was insufficient, and the formation became dimmer. Under the continuous attack, it finally smashed to pieces.

The bald man clenched the giant hammer in his hand and shouted loudly, "Follow me!"

He took the lead and jumped down from the city gate with a sledgehammer in his hand. The sledgehammer in his hand emitted a dazzling red light, illuminating the dark night.

He was a little helpless. As the defending side, it was the best choice for them to defend the city. However, the killers' bodies had been modified, and their giant hands and legs could only exert their strongest combat power in close combat.

These cunning fellows from Zhuojiabao sent a large number of talisman masters, making up their minds not to fight with them. The musicians used music to control Gu and interfered with their behavior.

Sure enough, when the killers flew out of Tanzhou City, familiar tunes sounded from all directions, and the sounds of zither, flute, flute, and zither intertwined beautifully. Big compliments to this ensemble.

In the beautiful melody of "Forgetting Love", someone didn't react in time, and immediately fell from the air, followed by various fierce spells.

It is simply not the first time they have experienced such a situation, and they responded quickly to avoid the tragedy of being killed as soon as they met.

After surviving the first wave of attacks, the killers became more and more adept at dealing with them. Several killers whose natal weapons were long-range attacks like bows and arrows had already aimed at the position of the musicians.

As long as the other party's Gu-controlling musicians are abolished, their combat power can be fully displayed. At that time, these ordinary foundation-building monks will not be their opponents who have been walking blade killers all year round.

Even if it cannot be abolished in one fell swoop, it is also a good choice to approach interference, disrupt the rhythm of the musicians, and create opportunities for other companions.

Suddenly, bright peach pink lighted up behind the Zhuojiabao monk, and the darkness receded, making one instantly in the peach forest burning with peach blossoms in March.

Under the warm and soft peach powder, there is a snow-bright silver glow, piercing the night sky like a horse, and approaching the city gate.

Looking at Yunli who was approaching menacingly with the Mengzhan Saber in hand, Yue Yi who was in an invisible state slightly raised the corners of her lips, and sent a voice transmission order to the messenger killer beside her: "Earth Wall Technique."

The messenger killer spread his order through the Gu insects, and the khaki-yellow spiritual light flowed, covering all the city walls in an instant.

It was also at this time that the peach powder knife light came through the air and landed on the earth wall art condensed with spiritual power, piercing the earth wall art and the city gate like cutting tofu without stopping at all.

The hearts of the people who were fighting fiercely jumped, and they stopped their movements unconsciously, and an unrivaled momentum enveloped the audience.

Looking up, the girl in willow-yellow clothes was quietly floating in the air, the peach-pink scimitar in her hand dimmed little by little, and all the sharpness disappeared.

The city gate suddenly shook and collapsed with a roar. Everyone couldn't help but gasp. The smoke and dust in the sky could not block their sight. The street in the middle behind the city gate and the houses on both sides were all reduced to dust under the knife.

More importantly, the ruins spread from this end to the city gate on the other side before barely stopping.

Forget about the streets, the shops on both sides are protected by formations, and the construction materials are not ordinary bricks, stones and trees.

The power of a single knife first broke through the earth wall technique of several killers, and then split the entire Tanzhou City in half, destroying all the buildings nearby!
This power is as powerful as Nascent Soul cultivator.

Puff puff!
The faces of the killers who performed the spell turned pale, and after spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood, they fell down without a sound.

Yue Yi, who was in the invisible state, also turned serious, this Qianshi is stronger than he imagined!

He lowered his eyes to look at the ground, unconsciously rubbed Zhaoying's sword ear with his fingers, and tried his best to perceive the movement on the field. Master said that the most important thing to be a killer is to keep calm.

In the state of invisibility, the most taboo is to use the eyes. Cultivators have keen five senses. At close range, they will definitely notice when their eyes fall on the body. Some people who are particularly keen can even find out the location of the hidden person from their eyes.

In perception, Yunli moved, very fast, a dodge landed in the city, and several people fell down in the city immediately.

As soon as she moved, the stagnant battle situation outside also started again, the music played again, the spiritual power surged, and the clashes of magic weapons happened one after another.

Yue Yi opened and closed her five fingers silently, resisting the urge to strike, and continued to hold her breath, hiding in the corner of the road like a sculpture.

However, he didn't wait until other people came in, so he knew that he had been exposed, and the other party guessed that he was in the city.

He secretly regretted that it seemed that he could not expand the results of the battle, but his main purpose was to kill Qianshi, so it would be fine if she came in.

With a slight twist of the wrist, the light of the sword was like snow, directly approaching Yunli's back.

Sensing the movement behind her, Yunli flipped the Mengzhan Dao, jumped up slightly, and moved to the front left like lightning. The blade slashed against the neck of the killer who was desperately fleeing in front, and a head flew into the sky.

After landing, she turned around slowly, looked at Yue Yi who had appeared, and raised her eyebrows: "Finally I'm willing to come out."

 Thanks to nanalyqa for the big monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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