all the way to fairy

Chapter 477 Siege

Chapter 477 Siege

Yunli glanced around and said regretfully: "It's a pity, if it's later, there will be no living people in this city."

After a pause, he said again: "But it's the same to deal with you first, and then go hunting."

Yue Yi's forehead protruded, and this Qianshi's speech was still annoying as always, he sneered again and again: "The dignified Jindan real person enjoys killing low-level monks, and he is not afraid of laughing his teeth out."

Yunli heheed twice, and retorted: "A dignified monk, who enjoys slaughtering mortals, you are not afraid of laughing your teeth out."

Yue's face froze, and then she became angry from embarrassment, and stabbed at Yunli's eyebrows like a frightened Hong Zhaoying, "Slick tongue, today my master will cut off your tongue!"

Yunli held Slashing Meng horizontally, and easily held the stabbing long sword. As the true spirit flowed, the peach powder on the blade became clearer and clearer, gradually removing the attack of Zhaoying Sword.

The collision of saber energy and sword energy caused whirlwinds, and for a moment, the two people's long hair fluttered and their clothes fluttered.

The sword attack was unloaded, and an incredible force came from the knife, and the Zhaoying sword almost fell out of his hand.

Yue Yi had a bad heart, just like Jinghong Zhaoying, one of his strongest sword moves, was so easily resolved by her, she was much stronger than he imagined.

She is very strong, Yue Yi is very clear about this, and secretly guessed in private that Su Xu Mohuai may not be her opponent either, but he has never compared her with himself.

Wu Linggen, born as a maid, comparing her with myself is a naked shame!

Not only her, ever since Wei Lin suppressed the geniuses of the Four Great Factions, he has been contemptuous of Su Xu, Mo Huai and other four great factions. Yun Li, who may be a little stronger than these people , although it is worthy of a high regard, it will not arouse his fear.

Now that they were officially fighting, he realized that things were unexpected. Yunli was not only stronger than him, but also a lot stronger, so strong that he could kill him easily.

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, Yue Yi exhaled and let out a loud shout, the spiritual power in his dantian poured into the Zhaoying Sword crazily, he pushed aside the Meng Zhan Dao, and flew back, and then he was tens of meters away after a rise and fall.

At the same time, he lifted up the Zhaoying sword in his hand, and a ray of the setting sun struck Yunli, not seeking to hurt anyone, but to hinder.

She didn't want Yunli to ignore him, tapped her toes, and chased him like lightning. On the way, she threw the Mengzhan Dao in her hand, defeating Zhaoying's sword light.

Yue Yi took a deep breath, and at the same time retreating rapidly, the Zhaoying Sword danced imperceptibly, not giving Yunli any chance.

The clear peach powder appeared again in the pupils, and Yunli had recalled Zhanmengdao, which had defeated the sword qi, and felt the stinging pain of the knife qi intruding into his skin.

There was a flash of panic on the side of the moon, and after pulling away from the distance, he called out the flying sword, turned around and flew towards the other city gate, as if he was about to run away.

A mocking understanding floated on Yunli's lips, and she also flew up, chasing after her without hesitation.

The distance was shortened, Yue Yi resolutely gave up flying, and went into one house after another, trying to hinder Yunli's pursuit by using the house's own array.

After going in and out of more than ten yards, Yunli lost his trace. She raised her eyes and glanced at the surrounding buildings. The courtyard walls were high and smooth like a mirror, with a faint khaki-yellow light, obviously adding thick yellow stones. The defense of the wall is astonishing, and only aristocratic families can afford it.

"I found out now, it's too late!"

With a sneer, Yue Yi walked out from the shadow of the corner on the right, with a happy expression on his face.

It's a pity that he was disappointed, Yunli didn't show the slightest panic, she flipped the orange yarn tied to the handle of Mengzhan knife, smiled, "On the hunting ground, the identities of the hunter and the prey are changing at any time, guess what? Are you a hunter or a prey?"

Yue Yimu was alert, but soon relaxed again, "That's right, why don't you guess, are you a hunter or a prey?"

Really heartbroken to see the Yellow River, Yunli chuckled, "What you rely on is just the means given to you by Bai Lu. Since I guessed that you were in the city, how could I not have expected Bai Lu's Nascent Soul to strike me?"

Yue Yiyi's expression changed, "Since I thought about it, why..."

Before he could finish speaking, Yunli interrupted: "How can I kill you if I don't force out Bai Lu's methods."

"Just relying on you alone, what a big tone!"

Yunli smiled, "Speaking of the later period of Jiuliyuan, where did you and Wen Ming go?"

She clicked her tongue twice, and raised her wrist, a warm and psychic jade bracelet was hung on her slender wrist as bright as frost and snow, the cool and elegant white, like a thin layer of smoke.

"Look, if you don't act with the big army, you will suffer a loss. Later we discovered the treasure house of a great power in the upper realm."

In her mind, spiritual power flowed and slowly poured into the jade bracelet, which emitted a soft light that spread to her whole body. In an instant, her whole body was covered with a layer of cool white light, like the surface of a river sparkling under the moonlight.

Yunli tugged at her sleeves, brushed her skirt again, and sighed: "The armor that Da Neng collected in the late stage of the tribulation is really extraordinary. By the way, do you know the late stage of the tribulation?"

She tilted her head, and sincerely explained to Yue Yi: "It is the highest state of the upper realm. In our Canglan, it is equivalent to the monks of the Yuan Dynasty who are about to ascend."

Yue Yi stared at the smoldering bracelet, his face was so gloomy that water dripped out, and a hint of greed flashed in the depths of his pupils.

Yunli was suddenly amused, and it was really rotten to the bone to be able to feel greedy at this time.

Eyes flickered several times, and Yue Yi said disdainfully: "The armor of the upper realm, with your meager cultivation, how much power can it exert, and how many blows can it withstand the monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty?"

Yunli blinked mischievously: "Well, give it a try!"

She raised her chin, stared at Yue Yi, and said every word: "Besides, you made a mistake, you are not a Nascent Soul cultivator."

Yue Yi was at a loss for words, he only had the attacks of two Empress Daoist monks, and he didn't know if he could break through the upper realm armor.

He showed hesitation, and heard Yunli smile and say: "Are you delaying time? What a coincidence, I am too!"

Looking at the smiling girl, Yue Yi's heart tightened. He was indeed delaying time. The equipment in the upper realm must require a lot of spiritual power. Let alone how many layers of power Qianshi can exert, with her The cultivation base will definitely not last long, as long as her spiritual power is exhausted and she strikes again, she will surely die!

But, why is Qianshi delaying time?

The air in the room seemed to be frozen, Yue Yi felt suffocated for a while, a drop of cold sweat slipped from the corner of his forehead, he gritted his teeth, crushed the jade pendant, and a powerful spiritual force came overwhelming.

Yunli's figure flickered, and she moved quickly in the space. If there was a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, you would find that every time she appeared, the position where the offensive was weakest at the same time.

While dodging, she made a formula in her hand, the jade bracelet on her wrist shone even brighter, and the light smoke turned into milky white, forming a milky white spiritual power shield around her.

(End of this chapter)

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