all the way to fairy

Chapter 478 The Madman

Chapter 478 The Madman
It's just that she is a Jindan cultivator, and the power she can exert is limited. The full blow of the twelfth-level monster is so powerful. It has not yet fully exploded, and the jade bracelet defense was cut through just the prelude to the offensive, leaving deep holes in her body. Bone wounds are visible.

The burning pain in her body heightened her pain all the time, these flesh wounds had no effect on her, all she had to do was protect her vitals.

She was about to rush out when Yue Yi, who had already reached the door, made a backhand trick, and the formation in the room was activated, locking her and Bai Lu's attacks inside.

Seeing that the defensive formation was about to close, Yunli immediately flew over, but the closed formation was opposite her, and when she passed through against the offensive, the formation had already been closed.

"Your uncle's!"

With a curse, she urged her whole body's spiritual power to pour into the Dream Slayer Knife, and instead held the knife with both hands, she slashed out like a thunderbolt, and the light of the knife gushed out, slashing fiercely on the defensive formation.

In order to lure Yue Yi to use the means given by Bai Lu, she had to step on it even though she knew she was cheating. Although Yue Yi was arrogant, she was quite flexible in her mind. The defensive formation that came with the house was used in this situation. It will double Bailu's attack.

Even with the protection of the jade bracelet, Yunli didn't dare to push her too hard. A full-strength attack by the twelfth-level metamorphosis monster would cause hemiplegia if she didn't pay attention, and she had to get out of the attack range as soon as possible.

This knife of hers is not exquisite, but only for power, which is enough to cut mountains and mountains. In addition, Bai Lu's attacks are constantly impacting the defensive formation.

Under the double attack, the formation was like summer ice and snow, which melted in an instant, Yunli swept out of the house like lightning, and suddenly rose into the sky.

After the loud rumbling noise, the entire city of Tanzhou was like a large nuclear bomb, reduced to dust in the sound of the explosion.

High in the sky, Yunli patted her chest with lingering fear. The attack of the twelfth-level demon cultivator was really terrifying. Fortunately, no Tuo Da stayed inside to resist.

She didn't chase Yue Yi impatiently. She wanted to urge the jade bracelet to protect her vitals, but also forced to break out in the shortest possible time. There was no spiritual power left in her body. If she hadn't recovered her phoenix body, Afraid to fall directly from the air.

She poured out a bottle of nourishing elixir and stuffed it into her mouth, and hurriedly dissipated it. As for Yue Yi, he couldn't escape for a while.

Yue Yi quickly flew to the outside of the city, with the shadow sword in his hand whistling softly, the light of the sword was like a white fan suddenly opened, and it swiped across the entire area, beheading several Zhuojiabao monks who were fighting fiercely with the witch killer, shouting loudly With a sound of "retreat", he stepped on the flying sword and wanted to escape, when a snow-like sword light suddenly blocked his way.

He was startled, this is not the natal magic weapon of that Jindan Qi of Zhuojiabao.

In the next moment, Lingling's sharp arrow came through the air, and the arrow came first, pointing directly at the center of his brow.

He guessed that Zhuo Jinyu would intercept him outside, and he had already prepared for it, so these attacks were naturally nothing to worry about.

After resolving the crisis, looking at Zheng Rui flying from the rear camp holding a sword, Yue Yi secretly thought, is it because of him that Qian Shi delayed the time?

Zheng Rui's arrival was indeed beyond his expectation, but that was all.

Although Zheng Rui is an elite disciple of the Taiyi Sect, he is just like him. He has just formed an alchemy, and the threat to him is not as good as Zhuo Jinyu in the later stage of the alchemy.

But why has there been a faint sense of crisis in my heart since just now?
Could it be that Zheng Rui also obtained some treasure in Jiuliyuan?

The sense of crisis in my heart became stronger and stronger. Tanzhou City behind me had been razed to the ground, and the smoke and dust in the sky seemed to be dissipating. Stopping Zheng Ruizhuo Jinyu's pursuit, he flew away without looking back.

Feeling the coercion of the Nascent Soul Stage, Yunli, who was trying to dissolve the effect of the Buling Pill, changed her expression drastically, and hurriedly shouted: "Scatter—"

That position was exactly where the Witch Gu Killer and Zhuojiabao Taiyi Sect monks fought, An Rancaiwei and other musicians were outside the newly set formation behind them.

Bai Lu's attack, she experienced very deeply just now, not to mention that the formation they set up is a siege, which has no defensive effect, even if the defensive formation does not have enough spiritual power, it cannot resist the twelfth-order metamorphosis Demon's blow.

At that time, not to mention their musicians who are not good at fighting, even Mu Yan in the rear camp is very likely to be affected.

Under the overwhelming coercion, An Ran's whole body was stiff, like falling into a cellar of ice, her mind was blank, and her ears were buzzing.

At this time, an anxious and hazy call came, she rolled her eyes blankly, and figures in yellow clothes flew down the air, and the orange gauze dragging in her hand traced a gorgeous trajectory, like a sunset glow illuminating the night sky.

In an instant, the yellow shadow merged into one place, and the face of that person gradually became clear, it was my cousin Yunli!
Layers of orange gauze covered the field of vision, the pressure on his body suddenly lightened, the pressure of the big monster disappeared, An Ran recovered, rushed over to pat the magic circle, and shouted hurriedly: "Biao—"

As soon as he yelled a word, Yunli interrupted: "Let's go!"

After yelling at her, Yunli immediately threw out the jade bracelet, and shouted at the injured Zheng Rui and Zhuo Jinyu: "Senior Brother Zheng, Fellow Daoist Zhuo, hurry up and move this jade bracelet with me!"

She has just recovered a little spiritual power, after maintaining the magic silk, there is not much spiritual power left, and it is difficult to exert the defensive effect of the jade bracelet.

Although Zheng Rui and Zhuo Jinyu were seriously injured, they were still at the Golden Core Stage. With the combined efforts of the three of them, they might be able to hold on for a while, buying time for others to escape.

After shouting, without waiting for their response, she shouted to Tai Yizong and Brother Zhuojiabao who were lying on the ground: "Go!"

Without further ado, Zheng Rui poured his spiritual power into the jade bracelet, while Zhuo Jinyu pursed his lips, glanced at the Foundation Establishment monks who were scrambling up, feeling hesitant.

The coercion of the twelfth-order monster, how can the foundation-building monks resist, some people who were close to him died immediately, and now there are only a dozen or so alive.

If they couldn't resist, they would exchange the lives of their three Golden Core Stage cultivators for the lives of more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators. Neither Zhuojiabao nor Tai Yizong would agree to such a choice.

"Friend Daoist Yun..."

She was about to speak persuasion, but she raised her eyes to meet Shang Yunli's cold eyes, and when the words of persuasion reached her lips, she could not utter them again.

"Shoot." Yunli ordered in a cold voice with no expression on her face.

Zhuo Jinyu subconsciously took a few steps forward, and she didn't realize until the spiritual power poured out from her palm. She was actually captured by Yunli's power, and carried out her order unknowingly.

Under the urging of the three people's spiritual power, the light of the jade bracelet gradually turned milky white, and the pressure below it became lighter. At this time, it would be unreasonable to let go of it, so Zhuo Jinyu had no choice but to bite the bullet and hold on.

With the help of the jade bracelet, a defensive artifact from the upper realm, and the joint efforts of the three of them, they finally temporarily blocked Bai Lu's attack.

Yunli exhaled secretly, glanced at the scattered corpses on the ground, and couldn't help cursing: "Crazy!"

There are not only Zhuojiabao Taiyi sect disciples here, but almost all the remaining witches and Gu killers are in this position. If Bai Lu's blow fell, their people would not be able to escape either.

 Thanks to the book friends 161219180356007, Huanxi 202082545, and Yangyang Dehui for the three cute monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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