all the way to fairy

Chapter 479 Beheading

Chapter 479 Beheading
Yue Yi who was scolded by her also secretly said at this time: "Pervert."

She escaped from one blow from her master, and still has the strength to deal with the second blow. How heaven-defying is that jade bracelet!

If artifacts of this level are common in the upper realm, how many artifacts like this are there in the treasure house?
While thinking about it, my heart beat wildly, as if my heart was being lightly ignited by a needle, and my whole body was clamoring for danger.

The few scattered stars had all disappeared into the clouds at this time, and there was darkness ahead, and the feeling of danger was caused by the darkness.

Someone was hiding in the darkness, and the attack was directed at his heart.

Without thinking about it, Yue Yi moved to the right for tens of meters, but the feeling of being pointed by someone's blade still did not disappear, and during his movement, he did not deviate even half an inch, as if he had never moved.

His consciousness swept across, and behind the dark clouds, hundreds of meters away, a person was holding a blue long sword, coming through the air, the blade was covered with a flickering blueness, it was the remnant drawn by the green leaf swordsmanship at high speed. film.

It's Qianjiu!
It turned out that Qianshi was delaying time because of him, Yueyi's forehead was dripping with fine and dense cold sweat, although he hadn't come into contact with Qianjiu's Green Leaf Sword Intent, he had heard of its power. To avoid its edge.

And how sharp the azure blue long sword was, he had seen it with his own eyes in the Yanming Pagoda.

What makes people even more desperate is that this place is at an altitude of [-] meters, and the earth escape talisman cannot be used. It is not feasible to rely on defense until the earth escape talisman takes effect.

Thoughts were spinning in his mind, his body swayed slightly at an extremely irregular frequency, and at the same time flashed to the right quickly and slowly, trying to avoid the vital point of his heart.

Qian Jiu's strength was much stronger than his, so he couldn't dodge this blow no matter what, so he could only do his best to avoid the vital points of his heart.

However, although the feeling pointed by the blade deviated slightly, it never left his heart, but it shifted from the center to the edge.

Yue Yi was completely desperate, she could only compress her spirit gang with all her strength, and used it all to protect her heart, but she knew in her heart that she couldn't stop it.

If it is still possible to disperse the sword intent, what he is facing is Qianjiu's condensed sword intent. All the sword intent is compressed and condensed into a green leaf. From its high-speed movement, one can guess how powerful the offensive hidden inside is.

Suddenly, the sharp blade was stretched, and Yue Yi's heart felt even more chilly. There seemed to be a hole in his body, and all his spiritual power and strength poured out. His feet seemed to be extremely heavy, and his body fell down involuntarily.

Everything happened too fast, until he met Wei Lin's cold gaze above his head, something exploded in his mind, and he suddenly realized that Qian Jiu had already made a move, not because the blade was stretched, but because of the high-speed wandering blade. The green leaf sword intent suddenly faded and flew out from the blade.

The sword intent was too sharp, so he didn't feel any pain, only the slight coolness when the sword intent sank into his body, the chill locked by the previous energy mechanism, this slight coolness was insignificant.

After an earth-shattering scream, a big hole suddenly appeared in Yue Yi's heart, through the bloody hole, one could even see the clouds floating below.

Outside the city of Tanzhou.

While injecting spiritual power into the jade bracelet, Yunli slammed the tonic pill into her mouth. The red dust skills in her body were running wildly, trying her best to sort out the overflowing spiritual energy in the meridians, turning it into spiritual power, and injecting it into the jade bracelet.

Zheng Rui and Zhuo Jinyu next to her were the same as her, and they were also feeding spiritual power while drinking the elixir.A large amount of spiritual energy entered the body, and the two of them felt that their bodies were being torn apart, as if they were about to explode and die in the next second.

Zheng Rui gritted his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped out, his face was purple and red, and he shouted hoarsely: "How long is it?"

The exercises in his body had been functioning to the extreme, but too much spiritual energy poured in, almost bursting through the meridians, but the spiritual power in the dantian was empty, and the transformed spiritual power was immediately injected into the jade bracelet by him.

He has reached the limit, and if he continues like this, he is afraid that he will go crazy.

"Hurry up, there is only the last aftermath left, you all retreat first, and I will deal with it."

Yunli's clear words came from his ears, he relaxed and stopped outputting spiritual power, finally there was some spiritual power stored in his dantian, and the feeling of collapse finally eased a little.

With a leap, he quickly left Bai Lu's attack range and retreated into the defensive formation temporarily set up by everyone thousands of meters away. He suddenly felt that something was wrong. Articulate clearly like Yunli.

He couldn't help admiring him, the person recognized by the Dream Sword is really extraordinary!
"Junior Brother Zheng." An Ran was in a state of confusion, helped Zheng Rui up, stuffed him with a rejuvenation pill, and looked anxiously at Yunli's direction, and asked, "How is Junior Sister Yun?"

Zheng Rui opened his mouth to answer, but he spit out bright red blood. With his appearance, An Ran was even more anxious, but his cousin had suffered two attacks from the twelfth-order monster.

Mu Yan's face was pale, and she murmured tremblingly: "She will be fine."

As soon as the words fell, the jade bracelet in the air shook violently, bursting out with blazing light, illuminating the night sky as bright as day, making everyone almost unable to open their eyes.

After the earth trembled and the mountains shook for a whole cup of tea, the white light dissipated, and when the surrounding fields returned to darkness, the terrifying attack of the big monster was finally exhausted.

Those who still had the strength to move hurried over to check. The flat land that was originally covered with green grass was now full of ravines, and all they could see was yellow and black soil.

Among them, the three side-by-side circular pits are the most eye-catching, reaching tens of meters deep, where Yunli, Zheng Rui, and Zhuo Jinyu stood before.

Looking towards the round pit in the middle, I saw Yunli propping her left hand on the ground, kneeling on one knee at the bottom of the pit, the orange gold silk has been dyed orange red covering her body, the colors are deep and light, criss-crossing, on it There is still a lot of silt mixed with blood, as if rolling through the mud.


Mu Yan exclaimed, and flew down beside her, and was about to squat down to check her injuries, Yunli shook her head, stood up, and smiled at her: "It's all right."

Seeing that although she was disheveled and out of breath, she uttered words very clearly and was not in great pain. Mu Yan'an felt a little relieved, while the others showed admiration. The headmaster of the Taiyi Sect is really perverted. Demon attack.

Mu Yan supported her and said, "I'll heal your injuries first."

After absorbing the heart of grass and trees, her spiritual power is more vigorous than ordinary people, which is perfect for assisting in healing.

The touch from her palm made her stunned, and she lifted Yunli's sleeves, everyone gasped, the whole right arm seemed to have been soaked in blood, and what was even more frightening was that without the restraint of the sleeves, Half of the flesh on one side of the forearm fell off, and if it wasn't for a layer of skin, it would have fallen directly to the ground.

Thinking of her nonchalant appearance before, as if she had exhausted her spiritual power, everyone was even more admirable.

Seeing the injury, Yunli was also stunned. Previously, all her mind was focused on how to deal with it. For example, whether it was controlling the defensive jade bracelet, or running exercises to sort out spiritual power, she couldn't be distracted. In addition, there was always burning pain in her body. , she really didn't find out.

She quickly regained her senses, raised her hand to close the fallen flesh, and hurriedly said to Mu Yan: "Quick, quick, give me two stitches!"

Cultivators only have a chance to reshape their soul and transform their body when they are babies. If such a large piece of flesh is missing, it will be ugly if it doesn't grow back.

The Golden Sudden Pill can regenerate flesh and blood, but that thing is priceless, so it is better to sew it back while the cells are not dead, and with her healing ability in the Golden Core stage, it should be able to grow well.

The respectful people were stunned by her sudden anxiety, and even An Ran Mu Yan was inexplicably amused.

In this way, it seems that life is worry-free.

A quarter of an hour later, Yunli was lying on the low couch in Anran Linglong House, wrapped up like a mummy.

I didn't know if I didn't check, but I was shocked when I checked. In addition to the right forearm, a piece of meat on the left waist was about to fall off, and there were countless other kinds of eversion wounds. There was a deep depression on the bone of the right arm.

Yunli looked at Mu Yan who was using the dust removal technique to clean her whole body, with a look of rejoicing, "It's lucky to have you, otherwise I wouldn't have become a bone spirit."

The dignified Mu Yan Anran suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, An Ran said angrily: "Heal your injury, don't talk."

Thinking about it now, she was terrified, it was the attack of the twelfth-level monster, not to mention the monks at the early stage of Jindan, even the monks at the middle stage of Yuanying couldn't bear it.

"Tell me about you, what are you capable of? Just protect yourself at this time, and don't care what others do. You really regard yourself as a living Bodhisattva!"

Yunli pursed her lips, remained silent for a moment, and said in a low voice: "If the temporary defensive formation can't withstand it, I can escape. What should you two do?"

An Ran opened her mouth, but felt her throat was sore, she didn't know how to answer the words, she dropped her hand weakly for a while, and sat beside her sullenly.

At this moment, she was extremely eager for strength. If it weren't for the two of them being a pushover, the cousin wouldn't have to risk her life to resist.

Seeing the guilty expressions of the two, Yunli wished she could bite off her tongue, and hurriedly made amends: "I was injured a little, but I was able to save so many people, what a bargain."

An Ran clenched her fists and was about to speak, when there was a commotion outside, she pushed the door and went out, it turned out that Wei Lin had arrived.

As soon as he entered the door and saw Yunli wrapped like a rice dumpling, Wei Lin's eyes were icy cold, exuding a faint killing intent, he strode forward to investigate, his eyes became colder and colder.

"I'm fine." Yunli smiled at him, and quickly changed the subject: "How is Yue Yi? Is he dead?"

Wei Lin hummed softly, his voice was so cold that it was icy cold, "He died so quickly, it's a good thing for him."

"I'm really fine, it's just a skin trauma, just take care of it." Yunli emphasized again, after thinking about it, she said again: "Brother, don't change, killing is nothing more than nodding your head. We want to kill him, of course he wants to kill him." Do everything you can to fight back, each according to his own ability."

The person she likes cares about herself, so Yunli is naturally happy, but she doesn't want him to go extreme because he values ​​herself too much, so that he can easily go crazy.

Wei Lin was startled, and was about to speak, when the space in the room fluctuated, Duo Duo came out from the pitch-black void, and threw herself into Mu Yan's arms with a wow.

"It's scary! Woohoo..."

Everyone was stunned, what happened?
Mu Yan quickly patted her on the back and comforted her softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are all here."

Yunli let out a sigh secretly, and finally let everyone put down their worries about her for the time being, but it's time for Duoduo to change her timid temper.

If you treat her a little bit harshly, she will cry in fright.

As a butterfly essence of space attribute, it is very difficult for monks in the late Yuanying period to catch her. In the entire Canglan Continent, only Xing Ye, a space spiritual root monk, is a bit of a threat to her.

Seeing her huddled in Mu Yan's arms crying out of breath, Yunli shook her head and said earnestly: "Duo Duo, your sister is an alchemist, you have to work hard to protect her, how can you just cry when something happens? What! You are a seventh-level monster, or a butterfly spirit of space attribute, what is so scary, if you can’t beat you, run away.”

When she said this, Dodo cried even more aggrieved, "But he wants to catch me."

With a strong crying voice, she was so choked up that she could barely hear what she was saying, Yunli was depressed, and she was clearly teaching seriously, but she looked so sad, making it look like she was bullying a child.

Mu Yan sighed, "Teach me slowly later." She then patiently guided Dodo, "Who wants to catch you."

"A strange man..."

Next, Dodo described her experience in the middle of the night sobbing.

Being driven away by Yunli's anger, she teleported thousands of miles away. After leaving the void, she realized that she hadn't eaten yet. If she turned back immediately, she would be ridiculed by Yunli. After thinking about it, she decided to support herself by looking for spiritual fruit filling Fill your belly.

After making up her mind, she teleported a few more times, and finally found it in a majestic and continuous mountain range.

She was full of joy, happily picking all kinds of spiritual fruits, eating them while picking them, when a man descended from the sky, looked at the flickering little wings behind her with a face full of surprise, and exclaimed: "Seventh stage? Shape demon cultivator?!"

As soon as the words fell, the man grabbed her. She was so frightened that the fruit fell to the ground, and she teleported back in a flash.

After listening, Yunli was even more speechless. According to this, the other party didn't even touch the corner of her clothes. What is there for her to cry? Maybe the other party is scared to death now, thinking that she has encountered a powerful monster. .

Smiling, she stopped suddenly, that's not right, most spirit fruits have guardian monsters, she was about to speak, when Wei Lin thought of it before her, he asked: "Did you encounter any monsters while picking the spirit fruit? "

Dodo shook her head, "No."

"Not one? How many spiritual fruits did you pick? Could it be just one or two?" Yunli kept asking, it was already half of the night, and at her speed, it shouldn't be.

"One, two, three..." After counting with her fingers for a while, Dodo shook her head and whispered, "I don't remember."

Yunli took a deep breath. The forest without guardian monsters should be at the junction of the Nanshan and Zhongshan systems.

After experiencing the ravages of Gu insects, all the monsters and living things have been reduced to the nourishment of Gu insects. The problem is that they were the first to clear that forest. Now the left-behind personnel in Shanxin Town should be active in the defense line near the Immortal Weeping Valley. Who? Will it appear in that place?

After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said, "What is his cultivation? What does he look like?"

Yunli's stern expression made Duoduo dare not cry anymore, thinking about it, she said: "Yuanying's late stage cultivation, I can't remember what he looks like."

She nodded her eyebrows, "There seem to be two red dots here."

Yunli Weilin was startled suddenly, and both saw the answer in the eyes of the other party, it was the deputy pavilion master!

 Thanks to the fool's genius little cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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