all the way to fairy

Chapter 480 Candidates

Chapter 480 Candidates

Wei Lin used his spiritual power to outline a portrait of a seductive man in a gray-blue robe with loose black hair in the air, and confirmed, "Is it him?"

Dodo nodded in fear, "It's him, those eyes are so scary."

Xing Luo's eyes were long and narrow, and she was charming yet sharp, and paired with the two vermilion spots on her brows, she added an evil spirit.Not to mention that the simple and ignorant young butterfly like Duo Duo is afraid, many monks in Canye Pavilion are also afraid.

But what is completely inconsistent with his seductive appearance is that he is very low-key. As the deputy cabinet master, his status should be below Xingye and above the four great killers.

However, in the minds of the killers in the Canye Pavilion, under the pavilion master are the four famous lore killers. When mentioning him, the first thing people think of is Lan Shu's father. Follow him.

At this time, he appeared at the junction of the Nanshan and Zhongshan systems. There is no doubt that he came to Central Continent. Regardless of whether his ultimate goal was them or not, he would take care of the two traitors along the way.

Remnant Ye Pavilion's strength is the most important, and Xing Luo's combat power should be very average among the monks in the Yuan Dynasty. This can be seen from his medicine stove.

Yu Sheng had a good saying, only trash needs a medicine stove to assist in cultivation, the more geniuses, the more he pays attention to his foundation, not to mention plundering other people's cultivation, even the pills that increase spiritual power are rarely taken.

However, in general, they were real monks of the Empress Yuan. Before the Bailu people arrived, the two moves to protect Yue Yi almost wiped out everyone, let alone a monk of the Empress Yuan came in person.

Yunli couldn't help complaining: "Nimma, teach them what they are doing, gather all the great talents from various sects and factions, and they can't even surround a small Qinghe Valley. First, the three of Wen Ming, but now it's good, just release a queen Yuan." Cultivator, come! Why don't you just release all Xingye Jingzhe!"

In this situation, she couldn't help but maliciously guess that the four major sects were deliberately delaying and consuming the power of other sects.

"If Jing Zhe makes a move, it's normal that they can't stop them." Wei Lin's eyes were heavy. On the surface, it seemed that the situation was good when Zhengdao hit the door of Can Yege's house, but in fact it was not.

The victory or defeat between low-level monks is nothing at all, high-level monks are the key to victory, if Xingye Jingzhe and others cannot be wiped out, it will not help even if Qinghe Valley is razed to the ground.

However, the power of the upper echelon of Canye Pavilion is far superior to the righteous way. Jingzhe Xingyejun, like Ling Su, is a strong man who came out of Jiuliyuan. According to Ling Su, both of them were stronger than him back then.

Leaving aside the fact that Ling Su is now running around in the Western Mountains to rescue Lin Chen, Fu Yue and the others will never be able to stop Jing Zhe.

Even if he is there, it won't change much.

After Jiu Liyuan, he was admired and pampered, and the gap with Xingye Jingzhe would only grow wider.

Thinking about it, the four factions knew it well, and didn't dare to push them too hard.

After getting angry, Yunli tried her best to calm herself down, and analyzed: "For the late Yuanying stage, we must not rely on people like Yuanhou, and we must get the help of Yuanhou monks. With Xingluo's cultivation base, from the border to here, at most In just two days, where can I find Zhenjun Yuanying in such a short period of time?"

Wei Lin frowned: "The nearest ones are of course the Yexiao family in Zhongzhou City, but the situation in Zhongzhou is serious, and the two families wish more people could go in. It's difficult for them to get monks to help after they are separated!"

Yunli struggled to sit up, "Then I can only write a letter to the head teacher and ask him to send someone over."

There are some small sect families nearby, there are few Nascent Soul cultivators sitting in the town, but there are some, and they are also recruited to Qinghe Valley at this time.

Not to mention the Tianxin Pavilion in the west and the Taiyi Sect in the east, as the leaders, almost all the Nascent Soul Golden Pills of the four major sects are in Qinghe Valley.

Wei Lin frowned, took the pillow and stuffed it behind her, and said slowly: "There is one more person, Ning Wujue."

Ning Wujue? !

Yunli's eyes lit up, this is a good candidate, a great power in the upper realm, naturally it is no problem to deal with Xing Luo who relies on piling up resources to improve his cultivation.

Most importantly, Xing Luo is also a post-Yuan monk who is facing ascension, which fully meets the standards of Ning Wujue's test product.

If it was true as he guessed, the Canglan Continent was sealed off by the heavens and the earth, and the Yuan Empress cultivators who were unable to ascend could re-enter reincarnation after death, so he could die early and reincarnate with peace of mind.

In this way, not only the immediate predicament is solved, but also his indeterminate time bomb, killing two birds with one stone!
The more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and she patted the edge of the couch to make a final decision, "It's him!"

"Don't move around, the wound is open!" Wei Lin frowned, and after thinking for a while, he made a trick to hold Yunli in place, "Just move your mouth."

Speaking of being fixed suddenly at the excited part, Yunli leaned forward, her left hand was still raised after being slapped, her right hand was slightly bent, and her elbow was supporting the pillow. She rolled her eyes and said, "Uh, don't do this Strict, right?"

An Ran burst out laughing, Mu Yan also covered her mouth and laughed, Duo Duo even giggled unscrupulously, and the dignified atmosphere in the room was swept away.

Yunli's face flushed slightly, she had agreed on the relationship between girlfriends, she squinted at the three of them, and she forcibly pulled the topic back: "Let's get down to business, continue."

After finishing speaking, he blinked at Wei Lin again, "Change your posture, your hands are sore."

Now it's not just the three of An Ran, Wei Lin is also dumbfounded, put her hands flat on both sides of her body, leaning her back against the pillow, and said seriously: "The problem is, how to persuade him to come here."

Yunli answered seriously, "This is indeed a problem."

There are so many empress Yuan monks trapped in Canglan, Ning Wujue doesn't have to choose the deputy pavilion master, and he doesn't trust them at all, if he writes directly to ask him to come over, most of them will be rejected.

Mu Yan added softly: "After killing Xingluo, he still needs to live as Fuyu for a while. Fuyu was able to stay in the sect because he was seriously injured. Being able to come here to kill Xingluo means that his injury has recovered. There is no reason to stay in the sect."

Yunli had a headache, and Ning Wujue went to Qinghe Valley, so he would not be able to hide it from the head teacher and the others, not to mention he was definitely not willing, and they were not willing to see such a situation.

"But, this is really a very good opportunity." She sighed. Is it rare that this opportunity should be lost in vain?
No one wanted to miss such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If Ning Wujue's matter was resolved, An Ran would not be suspected, and there would be no worries from now on.

After pondering for a moment, Wei Lin said slowly: "If Fu Yue gives the order, he has to come? Or maybe it is the lesser of two evils, such as intercepting Xingluo in Zhongshan Department and participating in the encirclement and suppression in Qinghe Valley to choose one."

Yunli sighed secretly, going to Qinghe Valley is to die, and Ning Wujue must come to the Zhongshan Department if he chooses one of the two. The problem is that he doesn't have to go to Qinghe Valley; as for the head teacher's order, it is not feasible.

In the eyes of the head teacher, Yu Sheng was inside that body, and her combat power was good, but she is still injured, and Fuyu is an alchemist to the outside world, so it would be controversial to send her to deal with the enemy.

Wait, alchemist...

Yunli rolled her eyeballs and smiled, "I have a solution. Duo Duo, you take my sound transmission talisman to Fenshui City and quietly put it outside Su Ci's courtyard."

Su Ci is a person in charge of the Su family in Fenshui City. She has a Jindan early stage cultivation and is a direct descendant of the Su family. After passing the sound transmission talisman in her hands, Fu Yue had to send 'Fu Yu' over even if Fu Yue didn't want it. .

"Su Ci?" Dodo tilted her head slightly, blinked her eyes and thought about it, then shook her head, "I don't know."

"Which one of you will draw a portrait of her?" Yunli quickly rolled her eyes, glanced at the three of them from left to right, her cheeks were glowing red, and she was very excited. If she hadn't been fixed, she would have jumped up to draw a portrait for Duoduo by herself .

After finishing speaking, she hurriedly said to Dodo: "Do you still remember the courtyard where the two of us lived at that time? Her courtyard is in Block No. 15 to the east of us."

"The yard on the east side." Dodo repeated it slowly, nodding seriously, "I remember."

"I don't worry about your work."

Yunli is very relieved, this child Duoduo is a little naive, but she is obedient, and the tasks given to her are completed without compromise, without so many ghosts, she is a good seedling, worth cultivating!

She coughed twice and encouraged: "Work hard, this task is very important, only you can complete it, you are the best!"


Duoduo smiled happily, nodded her head heavily, and proudly puffed out her small chest. With that expression and appearance, she looked like a proud little rooster. When Yunli gave an order, she boldly carried it out.

The corners of Mu Yan's mouth twitched, she looked at Duo Duo, and asked quietly: "Do you know which side is Dong?"

The blossoming amethyst-like clear eyes showed a trace of bewilderment, and she shook her head under Yunli's expectant gaze, "I don't know."

Yunli: "..."

The sky is like washing, just dew white.

Under the blue-gray sky, the rows of houses outside the Qinghe Valley were brightly lit. For the past few years, they had been attacking and patrolling day and night, and everyone looked tired.

The continuous attack, tense nerves all the time, even if they are monks, they can't bear it.

Recently, the white-clothed sword cultivator of Remnant Ye Pavilion made another attack. The head of Danxia faction and an elder of the Xue family in Nanling City died one after another. Everyone had to admit that the gap between them and that person was like a natural moat.

Is it really possible to encircle and suppress Canye Pavilion?

Everyone involuntarily became suspicious.

At this time, the atmosphere in the largest house in the center was also calm. After a while, Zhenjun Fuguang's exhausted voice broke the silence in the house, "When will Master Ling Su come back?"

According to past experience, Canye Pavilion must send someone out when this Yuan Empress Sword Cultivator makes a move. What's annoying is that they know that the other party's move is to restrain him, but there is nothing they can do.

The sword cultivator in white made a move, and they had to deal with it with all their strength. Even a monk after the Yuan Dynasty would lose his life if he was not careful.

Under everyone's eyes, they were sent out one after another by Canye Pavilion, and the prestige of the four major sects was wiped out.

Fu Yue's face was so gloomy that water dripped out, "Fenyin Temple has no way to break the power of the law. Now Master Uncle is looking for the Xu family, and he won't be able to come for a while."

More importantly, if Baiyi Jianxiu couldn't be stopped when he came, the four major sects would have no prestige.

It's not that Fu Guang doesn't understand this truth, but since the campaign to suppress the Qing River, more than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators have died, and all sects and sects have already withdrawn.

Fu Yue rubbed the center of his brows, and asked: "Where are those captives, did anyone speak?"

"They are just in the foundation building period, how much can they know even if they open their mouths."

Fu Yue's headache was even more serious. For more than ten years, they have worked hard at every step, and just now they found out the location of Canye Pavilion and launched a siege, but now they can't advance or retreat.

With the background of the four factions lasting thousands of years, it is not difficult to break the formation, but after breaking the formation, who will deal with the white-clothed sword cultivator?Who will deal with the master of the Canye Pavilion?

At this time, Songyin pushed the door open and entered, saying: "Su Ci is here."

"Let her in."

The discussion between the two True Monarchs could not go on, so they simply listened to the business report and changed their minds.

After seeing the ceremony, Su Ci happily presented a sound transmission symbol: "Master, good news!"

Fuyue's spirit lifted, finally something good happened, a spiritual power popped out, and Yunli's suppressed excited voice came to mind in the room, "Report to the teacher, Fellow Daoist Feng Jue got an ancient alchemy prescription Wan Ling near the Weeping Valley of Immortals Dan, it is said that it can cure hundreds of poisons..."

Her words were long-winded, first she described the miraculous effect of the panacea, and the scroll that recorded the pill was made of a special material, and it didn't look like something from the sea.

And Daofeng is definitely not an alchemist, and the alchemy is a waste in his hands, and he is willing to take it out to see if he can cure the poison of witchcraft.

But she also doesn't know anything about the alchemy formula, so she can't tell the value of the alchemy formula, so please send someone from Fuyue to identify the real and fake, and estimate a suitable price.

In the end, I also expressed my own conjecture. Most of the alchemy formulas obtained in mysterious places like the Weeping Immortal Valley are true. It is because young monks like them have little knowledge and need experienced alchemists.

Although her little composition is not very literary, and the logic of the writing is one hammer and one mallet, Fu Yue is happy to hear that, if this panacea is true, no matter whether it is used as a bargaining chip to negotiate with Tianxin Pavilion , or self-refining, Tai Yizong can reduce the dependence on Tianxin Pavilion in terms of pills.

As soon as her report was over, Su Ci happily answered, "If this elixir is really a elixir that can cure all kinds of poisons, not only the poison of witchcraft, but also the Devil May Cry that controls killers in Canye Pavilion can be cured. Take the bottom line, and the victory in destroying Canye Pavilion is within sight!"

Su Ci's words reminded Fu Yue and Fu Guang that since Qian Jiu dared to blatantly kill a witch and betrayed Canye Pavilion, the Devil May Cry that controlled him must have been relieved, and this elixir would most likely be able to relieve Devil May Cry.

Fu Yue turned his head and asked: "Over there at Danyang..."

Halfway through the question, he realized by himself, no.

Now that Danyang is working with a group of alchemists in Tianxin Pavilion to develop a method to break the Gu poison, if he is called away rashly, Tianxin Pavilion will definitely become suspicious, and the two factions will compete at that time, which will only benefit Qianjiu that demon.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Has An Ran Mu Yan arrived in the Zhongshan Department?"

Su Ci replied: "According to the time, we should have met Junior Sister Yun." After a pause, she chuckled, "It's also a coincidence, if Junior Sister Yun sent out the sound transmission a few days later, she wouldn't be so vague resign."

She laughed and joked, which made Zhenjun Fuguang feel a little relieved. After pondering for a moment, he said seriously: "The two of them are young, and I'm afraid they can't see anything. We have to find someone who is safe."

(End of this chapter)

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