all the way to fairy

Chapter 481 Disputes

Chapter 481 Disputes
Fuyue's face showed embarrassment, he really couldn't think of anyone who could do it except Danyang.

While struggling, I heard Su Ci say happily: "Our head's injury is almost healed, so it's no problem to go to Central Continent! It seems that the way of heaven still favors our righteous way."

Fu Yue frowned, how could he forget about this, looking at the overjoyed Su Ci, he secretly sighed, "That's fine too."

After a pause, he said again: "His injury is just right, Su Shao should go with him."

Su Ci was stunned, Seventh Cousin is also an alchemist, if he is in danger, he has to rely on the protection of the seat, what use is he going to do?

After being puzzled for less than a second, she was relieved that the matter of the panacea was of great importance, and it was more at ease to have one more alchemist go, so she respectfully responded, and went back happily to pass Fuyue's order back to the sect.

After she left, the room fell into silence. After a while, Zhenjun Fuguang, who was silent when he mentioned Fuyu, said: "Over the years, Anran's contribution to the sect is obvious to all. The foundation is not solid, and Yu Dandao can still get a lot of money. With such an achievement, the talent and comprehension can be seen. If it is cultivated well, given time, our alchemy will be able to make up for the shortcomings."

"Isn't there Mu Yan? Her alchemy talent is not inferior to that of An Ran, but her cultivation base is now a little lower. Besides, she is the only alchemist who has come out of Jiuliyuan alive for tens of thousands of years. stained."

True Lord Fuguang was furious: "Do you really want me to make it so clear, such a good seedling, just give her, give her..."

The last rationality made him swallow those few words, and spit out a turbid breath. He was heartbroken: "I disagreed back then. The purity of a single fire spirit root is not bad. After cultivation, it will be another Lin Chen!"

Fu Yue helplessly raised his forehead, "This is something that can't be helped, the ban on heaven and earth will be lifted, and the will of heaven will be strengthened at that time, with her current situation, how can she handle it?"

True Monarch Fuguang fell silent, feeling powerless from the bottom of his heart. The former Lin Yusheng was also a dazzling genius, and he was full of expectations to ascend to the upper realm.

Once something happened, and now it is the end of the road, in order to survive, they will do whatever they can to survive. They, the seniors, persuaded her to be patient back then, but now they have no position to question what she did to the Su family.

However, Taiyi Sect is a sect after all, so it has to be considered for the long term. With a long sigh, he said: "What happened back then was indeed Fu Yu's fault. He has already lost his life, and the Su family has also paid the price, so why bother innocent people? It's time to let go."

Fu Yue frowned slightly, showing displeasure on his face, and said lightly: "Don't persuade others to be kind without others suffering. We are not her, so we can let it go lightly. It is her life that was destroyed. What will happen to her, we It doesn't count."

True Monarch Fuguang stood up, blushing with anger, "You really want to do this? For one person, dragging the entire Taiyi sect to be buried with you?"

"Junior brother, I don't understand." Fu Yue's face also turned cold, and he looked at him expressionlessly.

"Dan Yin has been in the late stage of alchemy for many years, why can't he conceive a baby? Over the years, the talented children of the Su family have had accidents one after another, so that there is no monk in the Yuanying stage in the family. Senior brother will not say that these are all coincidences ?”

Thinking of this, True Monarch Fuguang couldn't help feeling sorry, if so many talented and intelligent children grow up, the Taiyi Sect alchemy won't fall to this point.

They belong to the same four sects, although the Four Seasons Valley and Phantom Palace alchemy path are not obvious, but they are not controlled by others. Unlike them, high-level elixir is completely dependent on Tianxin Pavilion, and many things have to be compromised.

Back then, if it was a challenge, it would have solved the Su family directly, and it would have been nothing more than supporting alchemists from the same line. However, the ancestor of the Su family was still there at that time, and the two families were fighting, and no one could please, and the Taiyi sect would also decline.

After concealing it, although peace has been obtained temporarily, the purpose of repaying the Su family has been achieved after years of slow cutting, but to maintain the superficial harmony, other families cannot get involved in the core affairs of the Su family.

With the decline of the Su family, the alchemy of the Taiyi Sect also declined, and everything was damaged.

Fu Yue squinted his eyes, "Back then we promised not to interfere in the grievances between her and the Su family, if we violated the promise, I'm sorry that I can't do it, my brother wants to persuade her, so I can talk to her."


Fu Guang was so angry that he couldn't speak, he turned around and walked out, and stopped suddenly at the door, "It's really only the Su family that she wants to take revenge on? Brother, don't forget, she didn't want to back then, it was Master Ling Su Uncle and you try to persuade her to become a Taoist couple with Fuyu."

When he said these words, he didn't look back, and after he finished speaking, he disappeared outside the door, leaving the room in silence.

At this time, Tanzhou City, which had just experienced a tragic battle, returned to calm. Except for the two monks in charge of security, everyone else was healing in the barracks or taking the time to practice.

Inside Bai Yulinglong's house, however, there is a leisurely atmosphere.

"Here's a piece of wing." Yunli leaned against the leading pillow and half-lyed, but her eyes were glued to the spiritual meal on the small table.

"This is not good." Mu Yan held the chopsticks, hesitating, "Don't be spicy and greasy, the wound will heal quickly."

"We are monks, so it's okay." Yunli didn't care, seeing that Duoduo had finished eating one piece, and had already started on the second piece, she hurriedly said: "The wound will heal quickly if you eat happily, in fact, I'm already very well now It's almost there, how about I lie down in the other direction so I can eat with my left hand!"

"This can't be done!" Mu Yan, who was hesitant at first, vetoed it, "Now you don't feel sensitive to pain, and if you pull the wound, you won't know it."

Not wanting to be immobilized again, Yunli did not dare to persist, and continued to emphasize that physical and mental pleasure is conducive to wound healing.

An Ran next to her burst out laughing, she put away the shadow sword, and jokingly said: "Ayan, you don't know, this is the uniqueness of our little princess, especially when he is sick, he has a good appetite..."

Hearing this, Yunli immediately knew what she wanted to say, and hurriedly said: "Don't say it, don't say it!"

It's fun only if the other party responds to a joke. An Ran is more interested in talking about her like this, and Mu Yan is also curious, and even Duo Duo, who is eating happily, pricks up her ears.

An Ran covered her lips with a smile and said: "Sick people will inevitably have a bad appetite and can't eat anything, especially children. It is more difficult to get them to eat than to go to heaven. Once the wives talked about this topic, an old lady Casually said to my aunt, it's better for your little princess to not worry, she's as strong as a calf."

"My cousin was not happy to hear that. How can she be described as a calf like a delicate and weak girl, but she really seldom gets sick. Later, she finally got sick, but she didn't have a bad appetite."

"A person who is almost never sick gets sick. My aunt greets her as if she is facing an enemy. She is worried that she has no appetite, so she specially orders the kitchen to make a lot of food that she likes. Although my cousin really wants to eat, I think of the old lady half a year ago. She forcibly held back her words, pretending to be sleepy, and my aunt coaxed her softly, and finally told the kitchen to keep the stove, and bring it over as soon as she wanted to eat."

"Who knows, before my aunt and the others finished their meal, my cousin couldn't hold it anymore, and then ate up the whole table of food delivered by the kitchen, leaving Cousin Feng dumbfounded, hahahaha..."

Mu Yan held back, but couldn't hold back, and then laughed, Yunli covered her face, her image!
"Later, she was still plausible. She would only gain strength when she was full and sick, hahaha..." After speaking, An Ran laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten up again.

Yunli blushed, and tried to defend herself: "I'm right, look at you, every time you get sick for a few days, and then look at me, I'm alive and kicking after I sleep, that's it. It’s because you don’t eat well.”

As he spoke, he caught a glimpse of the only Duo Duo who was not smiling, and hurriedly asked her to agree with his point of view, "Duo Duo, am I right?"

For a snack foodie, eating is naturally right. Duo Duo nodded without hesitation, and looked at Mu Yan with a puzzled face, "Sister, what are you laughing at? Sister Yun is right. I usually eat when I am hungry. I don’t want to do anything, and when I’m sick, I have to eat enough to get better.”

An Ran and Mu Yan looked at each other with a smile, and both said that they don't understand the world of foodies.

Amidst the laughter, the ban sounded outside the house. An Ran glanced at it, put away her smile, and said seriously: "They should be back."

The three of them immediately looked at Dodo. She groaned dissatisfiedly, and quickly stuffed a piece of meat into her mouth, reluctantly hiding in the void.

An Ran opened the restriction, Xu Yueqing stood outside the door, and said in a respectful voice: "Master Feng, Master Zheng is back, please go and discuss the matter with the three fairies."

Yunli rubbed her throat, and said in surprise, "I'm going too?"


With the expected answer, An Ran and Mu Yan supported Yunli one by one, and flew to the tent for discussion.

When they arrived, Zhuo Jinyu had already arrived, her face was pale, and her injury seemed to have worsened.

Zheng Rui got a defensive soft armor in Ning Wujue's treasure house, and his injury was not serious, and he recovered after a day of excessive use of spiritual power, but Zhuo Jinyu, although he was in the late stage of Jindan, was very seriously injured.

"Is Junior Sister Yun's injury better?" Zheng Rui asked with concern as soon as he entered the discussion tent.

"It's nothing serious, you can go north after raising it."

Zheng Rui let out a long sigh, "I'm afraid the northward journey will have to be postponed."

"Huh? What's the matter?" An Ran interjected, knowingly asking.

"There's someone from the Canye Pavilion, and he's still a post-Bitter cultivator."

"What?! Hiss—" Yunli was startled, she sat up straight suddenly, but accidentally pulled the wound, and gasped in pain.

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, and he said via voice transmission: "It's too exaggerated, you are not sensitive to pain, why are you pumping?"

"He doesn't know." After sending back the message, she continued to panic, "What should I do? Yuanhou monk, even if Daoist Zhuo and I were not injured, we couldn't stop it. Now it's even more..."

After some discussion, they made the decision they expected, and sent a message to Fenshui City, asking Fuyue to send someone over, and they used formations to support the Zongmen.

Zhuo Jinyu was full of worry, "Can we last until that time? This time, it's not a one-shot or two-shot by the monks of the Empress Yuan, but the arrival of the real emperor of the Empress Yuan."

Yunli raised her eyebrows and raised her voice, "We must last!"

The afterglow of the setting sun fell on her face through the window, casting a soft orange color on her face. The girl's voice was sonorous, and her face was full of determination, which made people feel confident.

Zheng Rui nodded, "I got a set of traps in Jiuliyuan. With everyone's joint efforts, I should be able to survive until the sect comes."

Yunli's eyes lit up, Ning Wujue's product must be a masterpiece!

She smiled and said: "That's definitely possible. You know my situation, and I'll have to thank Senior Brother Zheng."

The two of them reminded Zhuo Jinyu that Yunli, Zheng Rui, and Mu Yan came out of Jiuliyuan, they could break through the dangerous and mysterious Jiuliyuan, and facing the monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, they should survive for a while. No problem, she suddenly became more confident.

I couldn't help complaining: "Speaking of which, Ye Xiao and the two families have been rushing back for a while, and there are many monks after the Yuan Dynasty, but there is no good news from Zhongzhou City. Could it be that there are still Nascent Soul Stage among the Witch Gu killers? Transforming Nascent Soul cultivator into a voodoo killer, are the senior management of Remnant Night Pavilion so short-sighted?"

Yunli suddenly thought that Yingyi once said that the current Wugu people are all defective products, and Can Yege has developed a new Wugu people.If the new type of voodoo people really completely overcome the current shortcomings, it is not impossible to turn the Nascent Soul cultivator into the voodoo person Remnant Night Pavilion.

After all, in Canye Pavilion, even a sky-level killer is under the control of Devil May Cry, and has no human rights at all.

She let out a heavy breath, hoping that the panacea would spread and give them some hope, and Ying Yi, for Ying Phantom III's sake, had to think of a way for him to get the panacea.

After the formation was established, everyone chose Bal'er Lake on Xingluo's forward road as the place to set up the formation, and hurriedly wrote to the Golden Core monks of Xuanyumen and the other defense lines of Zhuojiabao, calling everyone to join Bal'er Lake.

Here in Tanzhou City, Zhuo Jinyu, who was seriously injured, presided over the overall situation, and they immediately set off for Bal Lake.

Zheng Rui looked at Yun Li, who was supported by An Ran and Mu Yan, and frowned, "Junior Sister Yun, you should stay too, and so is Senior Sister An and Nephew Mu. This trip is dangerous, and we may not have the energy to take care of you at that time."

Yunli glanced at Wei Lin, and said silently: At this time, I, a koi, won't be able to pass, I'm afraid you won't be able to control his bad luck.

She smiled, "Thank you Brother Zheng for your kindness, I've been hurt for a day or two and it's almost gone, it's okay."

After pondering for a moment, Zheng Rui agreed. He knew her combat strength very well, even at the late Jindan stage.

"Senior Sister An, Nephew Mu..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Yunli said: "Senior Sister An is also at the golden core stage, so if you change it occasionally, everyone can relax a bit, and Ah Yan can help us heal our injuries."

They're all gone, and she doesn't feel relieved to leave them here.


Bal Lake, located in the mountains, is like a clear pearl inlaid in green emeralds. Looking up, the endless lake water is as bright as a mirror, and the breeze blows over the green satin-like lake surface, causing slight ripples.

Zheng Rui's trap is centered on Bal Lake, covering thousands of miles, but Xingluo is flying from the imperial weapon, at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.

Wei Lin said: "I'll go and lure him down."

At Jiuliyuan Remnant Night Pavilion, he wanted to catch him. If he showed up, Xing Luo would definitely follow.

Yunli's heart rose, "I'll go too."

"Are you hurt?"

Yunli was silent, and after a while she sent a voice transmission: "Let Duo Duo go, he has seen Duo Duo before, out of curiosity, he will definitely chase after her."

(End of this chapter)

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