Chapter 482
The sky is clear and the clouds are clear, the light blue sky is elegant and comfortable, and the soft and fluffy clouds spread on the sky, adding a bit of leisure.

A man came from the clouds, his gray-blue clothes melted into the sky, and the light blue sky seemed to be an extension of his clothes.

The visitor's expression was not as comfortable as the sky, he stood with his hands behind his back, his brows were tightly frowned, like a little monster, with a seventh-level cultivation base, he had already transformed into a form, and disappeared without a trace under the nose of him, a monk of the Yuan Dynasty.

In the past few days, he has turned the nearby mountains upside down. The breath left between the flowers, fruits and grass leaves is from before. After seeing him, the little butterfly disappeared completely, and there was no breath left along the way. It is certain that her Leaving is not a matter of speed.

A term immediately appeared in Xing Luo's mind, space teleportation.

There is an elder brother with a spatial spiritual root, he knows more about this aspect of magic than ordinary people, and he is also more aware of the sky-defying attributes of space.

At that time, that little butterfly spirit didn't use any talismans or magic weapons, not even kneading formulas.

There is only one explanation for this. Like her elder brother, she has an extremely rare space attribute.

Xing Luo's heart was slightly hot, and she was able to escape into the void so skillfully and quickly with a seventh-level cultivation base. Her attainments in space were much better than his second brother!

The void is boundless and dangerous, and the ubiquitous and irregular turbulence of the void alone is enough to tear the monks of the Yuan Dynasty to pieces.

Xingye only dared to escape directly into the void after he conceived a baby. Before that, he mainly relied on space attribute talismans and formations to teleport. Wait for a quarter of an hour or two.

But that little butterfly spirit escaped directly into the void without any protection. This spatial attainment is simply horrifying.

He was just thinking about it, when a strong force struck from behind, this force was full of coquettishness, Xing Luo was defenseless, and he fell straight down.

He was startled, he hurriedly raised his breath to stop his fall, stabilized his body, looked up, and saw a stunned little girl in purple clothes standing under the light cloud veil above his head, it was the little butterfly spirit he had been thinking about.

Wei Lin, who was hidden in the clouds below, was also dumbfounded. Is this the little crying boy who can cry in fright if his voice is louder?
Also, she is a delicate and weak little butterfly, how can she get so much strength?
After thinking about it, he was relieved again, Duoduo is a monster from the upper realm, she is too weak to look at the reference object, for the monks in the Canglan Continent, she is not weak.

Facing Shang Xingluo's gaze, Dodo put away her shock, a flash of excitement flashed in her eyes, and she disappeared from the spot.

The Xingluo alarm rang loudly, and immediately condensed out the spirit shield, and sure enough, a small foot kicked his waist in the next second.

Duo Duo kicked out, as if kicking on hard granite, the opponent didn't move at all, but her little feet were stiff and sore.

Just when the pain brought tears to her eyes, she saw Xing Luo grabbing her little feet like lightning, and she screamed in shock.

"Brother Wei, help! Bad guys!"

The sharp sound was like a steel needle, which made Xing Luo frown, but the movement of his hand was even faster, but he still missed.

Xingluo was shocked, especially the terrified face of Little Butterfly next to him, how could he miss it?

Looking away from the corner of the eye, the little foot that kicked on his waist broke off from the knee, no, it wasn't broken, it escaped into the void.

Xing Luo was horrified. As a monk of the Yuan Dynasty, his eyesight was naturally extraordinary. From the perspective of others, things happened at the same time, but with the clear vision of the monk of the Yuan Dynasty, he could tell the sequence.

She didn't escape into the void with her whole body, but stepped in like a normal space, one in front of the other, isn't she afraid of being torn apart by the void?
Until Dodo disappeared in front of his eyes, Xing Luo still couldn't recover. At this moment, a fierce attack from below was approaching in front of him. He hurriedly raised his hand to block it, looked down, and murmured: "So there is a master."

While speaking, dense sword lights attacked from below. Looking at the menacing attack, they couldn't escape Xing Luo's eyes at all. Looking at the trajectory of his attack, the opponent clearly intended to retreat. The menacing sword lights were just a bluff. time.

He snorted coldly, spiritual energy surged all over his body, he landed suddenly against the blazing sword light, and slapped out with a palm, the huge palm print slammed into the dense net woven by the sword light, and the dense net broke inch by inch, and then a muffled groan came from the front left .

In the face of absolute strength, all means are useless, Xing Luo sneered, a hint of sarcasm bloomed on his lips, and was about to step forward when another strong force hit his back, followed by intermittent sobbing sounds in his ears.

Damn little butterfly!

Xing Luo was furious, "After I get rid of your master, I will get rid of you!"

As he spoke, he raised his energy and reached for the position where the muffled hum came from before, but he missed nothing.

Has he changed his position? He is an experienced person. He secretly sighed, thought for a moment, and decided to release the domain.

Although this little bug is not to be feared, with his command, it is even more difficult to catch the little butterfly with space attributes.

Little Butterfly is still young, if she catches her master, she will most likely send it to her door, saving time.

Within the domain, everything is invisible, Xing Luo is confident that there will be no accidents, but who knows, before his domain is released, an astonishing sword intent pours down from the top of his head, Ling Ran's aura seems to be able to pierce the sky and the earth.

The hairs on the back of Xing Luo's neck stood on end, it turned out to be a sword cultivator!
A sword cultivator known for his attack power has never been able to be deduced by common sense, let alone a sword cultivator who has comprehended the meaning of the sword!

He threw his body up, like a huge boulder, and fell straight down. While quickly opening the distance, he sacrificed his natal weapon.

At this moment, a small foot wearing pink and purple short boots protruded from the void and stepped heavily on his abdomen.

Xing Luo fell straight again, and something strange appeared in her heart, something was wrong, the sword intent of the Butterfly Master was above, but she stepped on him.

In a blink of an eye, Xing Luo suddenly realized that under the opponent's attack, he was constantly falling, what's below?
As soon as this thought crossed my mind, there was a huge suction force from below, my body fell down uncontrollably, and my eyes also became gray.

A few breaths later, when Xing Luo climbed up from the bottom of the lake, the trap had already started, and water curtains rose from the lake, spraying towards the center of the lake like a fountain, and a steady stream of water sprayed into the sky from the surrounding water curtains, creating The heart meets above and falls back to the bottom of the lake again.

Xingluo's complexion is extremely ugly, he hunts geese all day long, but today he was pecked by geese, and fell into the trap of the younger generation.

The sword intent that the opponent erupted at the end was extremely fierce, but it also revealed his cultivation level, which was only at the early stage of Golden Core.

Dare to fight with the monk after the Yuan Dynasty, he thought that the other party was at least someone who had cultivated at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, but he never thought that he was only a small golden core early stage.

Wait, Jindan early stage, sword cultivator, north of the Immortal Weeping Valley, Qianjiu!It's Qianjiu!
Shocked for a moment, Xing Luo half-closed his eyes and murmured, "I forgot about them."

Because he had never heard that Qianjiuqianshi had spiritual pets, he didn't think about them for the first time. Moreover, considering the cultivation base and rarity of the little butterfly spirit, it is normal to see that its owner is a monk of Nascent Soul .

Taking a deep breath, Xing Luo began to investigate the formation. Since the opponent tried his best to lure him into the formation, it would be impossible to break it by force.

After probing, Xing Luo's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot again. He had never seen this trap before, and it would take some time to find the eye of the trap.

The trouble is, this is a circular trap with its own momentum, as time goes by, the formation will only become stronger, and when the momentum is completed, even if he finds out the hole of the formation, he still can't break it.

He immediately attacked and attacked the place where the water curtains gathered above the center of the lake. This is the key position for the cycle of gaining momentum. If this place is destroyed, the formation will not be able to gain momentum and continue to strengthen.

Outside, Yunli and other twelve Jindan cultivators stood in a circle around Balhu Lake, each supporting a formation eye with their palms full of energy.

Bal Lake has become a huge water polo, above the water polo is a small array card spinning continuously. With the rotation of the array card, the silver-like jade-like water column falls from the top of the lake. Soaring into the sky, like throwing pearls and jade.

Suddenly the array of cards shook, and the water waves flowing from the top stagnated for a short time. Yunli hurriedly increased the output of spiritual power, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Dear friends, don't begrudge your spiritual power. This difficult array has its own momentum. As long as we persist in front Stop it, it will only get easier in the future, besides, we still have alchemists, and the spirit pills are enough!"

Zheng Rui took over the conversation: "Don't worry, everyone, I got this formation from the secret realm of Jiuliyuan, and it came from the hands of the great powers of the upper realm. A ten-digit Empress True Monarch will not be able to defeat him!"

While speaking, Wei Lin fell from the sky and stepped forward to take Yunli's place, and Yunli immediately came to An Ran's side to help her maintain the position.

Mu Yan looked at the crowd and said, "I'm here to help too." As she said that, she also walked to a weak female cultivator in Zhuojiabao and offered to help.

Wei Lin glanced at the butterfly hairpin on her head, Yunli said through sound transmission, "You taught Duo Duo to kick people?"

Due to time constraints and the need to avoid the sight of Zheng Rui and the others, they could only rely on voice transmission to negotiate. They only made a rough plan.

First, Duo Duo stepped forward and led Xing Luo to a certain height, and then he made a move, so as to avoid being too far away, causing troubles caused by heaven, and also to ensure that Duo Duo's teleportation would not be exposed to Zheng Rui and others.

Before, he was worried that Xingluo would find out that Duoduo appeared and disappeared, and the purpose was too obvious.

Unexpectedly, she, who has always been soft and deceitful, actually made a move!

This violent approach does not seem to be taught by Mu Yan, and although the little girl Dodo is usually dissatisfied with A Li, she regards her formal orders as imperial decrees, and executes them strictly without any discount .

Yunli smiled brightly, "How is it? The effect is good, right? She just stayed in the Netherworld for too long, and there is a demon underneath that is ready to move, and Ning Wujue next to her is staring at her.

As long as she has a clear understanding of her own strength and the strength of Brother Cang Lan, and realizes that the other party is not a threat to her, she will naturally not be so timid. "

"The effect is good."

Recalling the situation just now, Wei Lin had to admit that her words were very reasonable. When Dodo kicked Xing Luo down with her first kick, she was shocked, and her eyes showed eagerness to try again.

It's a pity that she has little experience and doesn't know how to adapt to changing situations. She was almost caught by Xingluo with her second leg. Seeing her panicked look at that time, he thought she would not dare to make another move later. He didn't expect that Ah Li's order would be so powerful to her , Crying and kicking at the same time, it's funny to think about it now.

At this moment, the twirling formation stopped abruptly, and all the water jets and splashes on the surface of the giant water polo below stopped.

The evaporating water vapor suddenly disappeared, and the water ball became transparent. Star Luo was standing in the center of the lake where all the water columns converged. With his right hand raised high, he was holding a silver-white hairpin. The center of the petals was hollowed out, and the tender yellow beads gave off a soft aura.

Under the illumination of the spiritual light, the array above could no longer move an inch.

Yunli secretly thought that it was not good, so she dodged and flew over, and the magic formulas flew out of her fingers like spirit butterflies as thin as cicada's wings, blocking the interference of the hairpin's aura.

The array card trembled a few times, then spun again, the waterfall fell, and the misty water vapor made Bal Lake misty again, like a fairyland.

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat, and started digging out their wealth one after another, not daring to take any chances.

With concerted efforts, the trapped formation was stabilized again, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to ask the people around them: "What magic weapon is that that can interfere with the formation cards?"

After cultivating to the Golden Core stage, everyone is well-informed, and this is the first time they have seen a magic weapon that crosses the array and interferes with the array.

After asking around, no one knew. Unknown things are even more frightening, and everyone is even more flustered. With such a sharp weapon, any formation is no problem.

"If this kind of artifact can be used at will, he rushed out just now." Wei Lin's calm voice restored everyone's composure. The monks came out early and tore them apart.

In order to prevent the previous situation from recurring, Yunli simply stayed above Bal Lake, guarding the array.She was the only person who had felt the aura at close range, and she had some guesses in her heart, and said: "The bead is of a high grade, and it doesn't look like my Canglan thing. With his cultivation base, he wants to stimulate It’s not easy to be afraid.”

Hearing this, everyone felt a little more at ease, there were also people in Canye Pavilion who had been to Jiuliyuan, and that bead might also be something from the upper realm that flowed from Jiuliyuan.

For cultivators Canglan, things from the upper realm are very difficult to mobilize. For example, if this trap is set up with upper realm spirit stones, they don't need to use spiritual power to maintain it.

Feeling at ease, Zheng Rui was immediately attracted by the orange long sword in An Ran's hand, and he was astonished: "Isn't this the sword of the Canye Pavilion elite disciple?"

An Ran pursed her lips, and nuzzled at Wei Lin, "I bought it from fellow Taoist Feng Jue."

Hearing this, Zheng Rui was even more surprised, and looked at Wei Lin in puzzlement: "This sword looks extraordinary, but you don't use it yourself?"

An Ran's brows were filled with joy, not only was it extraordinary, but this Zhaoying sword already had spiritual consciousness, and it would be no problem to forge it with suitable materials in the future, and it would be no problem to be promoted to a treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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