Chapter 483
Thinking that they gave her the photo without any hesitation, An Ran felt warm in her heart, so what if there is no master to take care of her, the road is long, there are sincere, sincere sisters and friends who accompany each other, and they can overcome all difficulties and dangers. Pass.

Facing Zheng Rui's question, Wei Lin was silent, and said, "I'm short of spirit stones."

Zheng Rui was stunned, he couldn't sell a heaven-rank magic weapon without spirit stones!
But he remembered how powerful this sword was in the hands of that elite disciple of Remnant Ye Pavilion. His own cultivation base was almost the same as his, but he was no match for him at all, largely because of this sword.

Zheng Rui's heart was moved as his eyes fell on the blade of the sword that was dimly illuminated, and he said regretfully: "I knew you would sell it, sell it to me, I would be willing to have as many spirit stones as you want!
Such a good sword, but the owner is an alchemist, and it has been reduced to a decoration in vain. It is painful to think about it.

"Senior Sister An, how much Lingshi did you buy for this sword? Junior brother is willing to pay double, or you can resell it to me!" Although he had little hope, he decided to ask.

An Ran rolled her eyes, "Not for sale."

"three times!"

Gritting his teeth, Zheng Rui raised the price again, and tried his best to persuade, "Senior sister, you are an alchemist. It is too wasteful to equip such a sword. With that spirit stone, wouldn't it be better to buy some excellent defensive equipment?"

The speaker has no intention of listening, and the listener has intentions. These words were especially harsh to An Ran's ears. She immediately said in a bad mood: "I have a lot of spirit stones, do you have any opinions?"

Zheng Rui was speechless, touched the tip of his nose, and said embarrassingly, "I'm just asking."

The grievances among the disciples of the Taiyi Sect, the monks of Xuanyu Sect and Zhuojiabao were unwilling to intervene, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while.

Yunli sighed lightly, and explained: "Brother Zheng, don't mind, Senior Sister An has not found a suitable natal magic weapon, and she wants to use this Zhaoying sword as a natal magic sword."

With the words she handed over, the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

"Fairy An hasn't sacrificed the natal magic weapon yet?" Xu Da of Xuanyumen was taken aback, and everyone else looked at An Ran in unison. Most monks sacrificed the natal magic weapon during the foundation building period, and there were only a few casual cultivators with scarce resources. It was too late to find the right one.

And An Ran, as the closed disciple of Taiyi Sect's Taiqing Peak, is also a famous alchemist herself. The lack of resources is not true for her.
Not to mention them, even Zheng Rui, a disciple of the Taiyi Sect, was also stunned. Most of the alchemists' natal instruments are alchemy tripods, which are rarely used except for the alchemy furnace. People who are not familiar with it don't know at all, and he has never paid attention to An Ran. Is there any magic weapon.

"The magic weapon of natal life will accompany us for the rest of our lives, so naturally we have to find someone we like, how can we just let it go." Yunli said with a smile, her cousin was different from Ah Yan, she had no choice but to embark on the alchemy path, not because she liked it.

If there were no accidents at the beginning, with her single fire root, attacking spells must be the first choice.

Now that Yu Sheng is dead, Ning Wujue's worries are about to be resolved. After thinking about it, the cousin has decided to switch to Dharma cultivation. Of course, alchemy cannot be let go in a short time.

Now that a decision has been made, let's reveal some intentions at this time, so that learning attack techniques in the future will not be abrupt.

As soon as she finished speaking, Xu Da nodded in agreement: "What Fairy Yun said is right, the magic weapon of natal life will accompany you for a lifetime, so naturally you have to be cautious."

He heaved a long sigh, "If the poor Daoist had Fairy An's insistence, he would not hastily choose this Wuyan as his natal sword."

He came from an ordinary world, and his spiritual root aptitude is also very ordinary. Back then, he was just an ordinary outer disciple of Xuanyu Sect, and he didn't have enough spiritual stones for cultivation, let alone buying things.

After building the foundation, I spent all my money to get the materials together, and asked the master of the sect to help me refine it, and then I hurriedly sacrificed it to recognize the master.If he could have waited a while back then, with his later financial status, he would be able to use a heavenly magic weapon.

His words resonated with other people. Most of the people present had no special background. They lived a tight life when they were low-level monks. At that time, their main goal was to improve their cultivation.

However, the sooner the natal magic weapon is sacrificed, the better, and you can only have one. Not only is it very troublesome to change it later, the new natal magic weapon is also separated from the owner, so unless you get a particularly good one, the monk will not easily change the natal magic device.

Now that the Zhaoying Sword is An Ran's natal magic weapon, Zheng Rui can only rest his thoughts. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Mu Yan who was diagonally opposite, and he said casually, "Where is Nephew Mu? What is the natal magic weapon?"

"I haven't found a suitable one yet, I'll learn from Uncle An, and I'd rather be queer than indiscriminate."

Mu Yan is also troubled by this matter. The Zijin Feifeng Furnace is of a high grade, but with her current cultivation, it is difficult to activate it, let alone use it for alchemy.

In addition, Shaohao Luo once said that this was used by his sister when she first learned alchemy, which means that in his world, this is just an ordinary alchemy furnace.

I'm afraid I won't be able to use it later in Ascension to the Immortal Realm, and it's not worthwhile to take up the place of the natal magic weapon.

And other pill furnaces are not as good as Zijin Feifeng furnace.

Recently, watching An Ran sacrifice to practice the Shadow Sword, she had a vague idea in her mind, is it okay to have a pure heart Liulihuo?

As a magic weapon of natal life, it is best to grow together with its master. Qingxin Liulihuo can grow several bodies by devouring different fires.

More importantly, no matter alchemy or magic, it can be used, and it can be used as one's life, so as to fundamentally improve one's strength.

It's just that the different fire is one's life, and I have never heard of it, and I don't know if it can be done?
Since there was no movement in the formation for a long time, everyone chatted more and more enthusiastically, and one after another talked about the difficulty of finding the talisman.

Just at this time, the formation card stopped spinning again, but fortunately Yunli's mind was always tied to it, and he immediately blocked the connection.

Next, every once in a while, Xing Luo would make a bubble, and there was no regularity at all, Yunli could only drive the plantain fan, guarding beside the formation card.

The injury has not healed, and she still has to tense her nerves all the time, which makes Yunli very angry, thinking to herself: Is Ning Wujue a tortoise? It's been so long and he hasn't arrived yet!

A few days later, Ning Wujue, who was missed by her, appeared outside the city of Tanzhou with Su Shao. After scanning with his spiritual sense, he didn't find any trace of Yunli Weilin. He couldn't help frowning, and asked, "Where's Yunli?"

Seeing him, the Taiyi Sect disciples who stayed here were overjoyed, they came so fast!

"I've met Zhenjun Fuyu and Martial Uncle Su! If you come back to Zhenjun, Uncle Yun and others have gathered all the Golden Core cultivators and set up an array at Bal Lake to trap the killer of the Remnant Night Pavilion."

As he said that, he looked at Fuyu with some doubts. The Canye Pavilion sent a killer with a late Yuanying cultivation base. How could the head teacher let Zhenjun Fuyu come?

Although Zhenjun is also in the late stage of Yuanying, he is an alchemist. It is not a problem to deal with a Jindan or early stage of Yuanying, but facing the killer of the same rank in Remnant Yege who is licking blood at the knife edge, this is not a rush. Do people send heads?

Ning Wujue was confused by his reply, "What Canye Pavilion killer?"

The disciple was astonished, "Didn't you come to intercept him?"

Ning Wujue looked at him coldly, but didn't answer, the disciple immediately realized that he had made a mistake, so he just said, why would the teacher send an alchemist to deal with the killer of the Empress Yuan.

He quickly explained: "Seven days ago, Uncle Zheng and others discovered that a killer of the Queen of the Canye Pavilion was coming this way. After sending a letter to the head teacher, the uncles immediately summoned all the Golden Core monks and set up an assassin in Bal Lake. Array..."

After finishing speaking, he secretly rejoiced that although he didn't know why Zhenjun Fuyu and Zhenjun came here, he had to say that they came very well. As an alchemist, it was very difficult for him to kill the assassin of Empress Yuan. The formation was trapped on him, but it was too easy!

The post-Yuan killer?
Ning Wujue's heart moved, it would be a good opportunity for him to face the soaring Yuanhou monk.

Thinking of this, he said to Su Shao, "Let's go."

It will take about ten days to send a letter from here to Fenshui City, and then send people from Fenshui City. If the monk sent there is from the Taiyi sect or someone who is familiar with the owner of this body, he will give birth again. Somethin'.

He threw out a spirit boat, and took Su Shao to gallop in the air, and within an hour, he had arrived at Bal Lake.

"True Lord Fuyu? You're here?" Seeing him, Zheng Rui's jaw almost dropped. Calculating the time, the news they sent to Fenshui City should have arrived two days ago. It took two days to get here from Fenshui City. Totally impossible.

Moreover, shouldn't Zhenjun Fuyu recuperate in the sect?
Ning Wujue ignored him, and he recognized at a glance that this was the formation he had refined. He specially modified it so that he could use it after his rebirth. A piece of Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi can be activated, and the momentum will be completed in the later stage. , but also can sit back and relax.

I didn't expect that these ants were cheap in the end, and the fabric was so rough, blinding his formation in vain. In Ning Wujue's heart, that was called hatred!

At this time, Yunli put away the surprise on her face, flew from the center of the lake to the shore, and saluted gracefully.

Ning Wujue's gaze shifted from her to Wei Lin, and finally glanced at Mu Yan. It was even worse. If it wasn't for them, he would have been completely invisible during the Jiuliyuan incident, and he would have come to the Canglan Continent without anyone noticing. , will not expose his lair, nor will the treasure house be exposed.

Out of sight, out of mind, took a deep breath, and said, "I'll go meet him."

Zheng Rui was shocked, and hurriedly reminded: "True Monarch, he is the Empress Yuan, and he is also a killer..."

It was only then that Ning Wujue remembered that the owner of this body was obviously an alchemist, and he was still seriously injured. He froze there, unable to think of a suitable reason for a while.

He couldn't help but feel annoyed, he got stuck when he was struggling, and what he added to gain momentum, now he has cheated himself.

If he didn't have the momentum, he could still use a little trick to make the formation go wrong, and it would be logical to make a move.

In this situation, Yunli and the others didn't expect it, they tried their best to make Ning Wujue appear here in a reasonable way, without letting him realize that it was their scheme.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, because the trap was too strong, it got stuck.

After thinking for a while, Yunli said: "This place is already very close to Zhongzhou City. If the Canye Pavilion has a special contact method, there may be Nascent Soul Stage Witch Gu killers coming at this time. If you drag it down, there may be accidents. Please Zhenjun take action Give it a try, we will fight for you."

Ning Wujue looked at her suspiciously, and said via voice transmission: "Are you so kind?"

Yunli raised her eyebrows, and replied in a clear tone: "You want to use him as an experimental product, we just happen to be in a hurry, if we delay for one more day, thousands of Gu worms will be born, it would be better to kill him sooner." OK."

She paused, and then said: "Besides, it is our wish that 'Fuyu' die as soon as possible."

That's the reason...

Ning Wujue no longer struggled, reached out and nodded Yunli Weilin, "You two come in with me."

After killing the test subject, it is necessary to confirm that he has been reincarnated. However, time waits for no one. If the guess is correct, the leak of Canglan's reincarnation and reincarnation is due to the ban of heaven and earth.

Once the ban is lifted, this loophole can't be exploited.

Zheng Rui was still very worried, and was about to persuade him again, when Zhenjun 'Fuyu' waved his hand, and a white light rolled up the two Yunli and Yunli next to him, and fell into the formation.

The three of them descended from the sky, startled Xing Luo, who had dived into the bottom of the lake and was looking for a way out, and was about to fly ashore, when a palm print flew in the air, hit his heart, and slammed him back to the bottom of the water, causing the huge silver-white waves to instantly stain him. A few touches of rouge.

Then before he could react, several palm prints flew out, slapping him to the bottom of the lake, unable to move.

Yunli Weilin glanced at each other, and both saw fear in each other's eyes. Both were monks of the Yuan Dynasty, Fuyu's body was severely damaged, and his spirit and soul were not fully integrated. Facing Shang Xingluo, he was crushed. Ning Wujue's real Strength, how strong is it?
Soon, Xing Luo breathed out more air, breathed in less, and no longer had any strength to resist, Ning Wujue then withdrew his hand, moved his fingertips slightly, and grabbed him ashore.

At the moment of life and death, Xing Luo's expression was very strange.

There was no panic, no fear, no sorrow, anger, and annoyance. He looked past the three of them and looked into the distance. His eyes were full of sadness, and a murmur as light as willow catkins overflowed from his blood-stained lips and teeth, "I knew it, I can't go back..."

Yunli was startled, what does this mean?Did he already know he was going to die?
After sighing, Xing Luo's eyes darkened, and she looked at them complicatedly, "Who are you guys?"

After speaking, he tilted his head and fell silent.

Yunli didn't understand why the word 'we' was added. He may have never seen Fuyu, or he sensed that Fuyu's body contained other people's souls. It made sense that he didn't know him.

But he should know him. Although the senior brother changed his face, he sacrificed Li Lijian after he came in, so he shouldn't fail to recognize him.

After thinking about it for a while, she put the doubts behind her and shut him up, since he was already dead anyway.

Moreover, she was more interested in Ning Wujue's next actions than thinking about the dead man's casual words. He took out a stick of light green incense, lit it, and muttered something to the incense.

Amidst the lingering green smoke, Xing Luo's soul flew out of his body, and flew towards the green smoke involuntarily, an elegant and long-lasting warm fragrance pierced into his nostrils, Yunli felt that his soul became heavy, and his mind was a mess.

She shook her head, took a few steps back holding her nose, and asked in surprise, "What is this? You made it?"

Ning Wujue hid his remnant soul in a chess piece and was brought into the Canglan Continent. The family wealth he had accumulated before was also divided up by everyone. This incense stick must not be brought by him.

"The fragrance of the soul can penetrate every strand of the soul, and it will not dissipate even after reincarnation."

"So powerful?" Yunli was stunned, once the Rebirth Pond was over, the memory would disappear, what kind of soul fragrance could stay behind!
(End of this chapter)

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