Chapter 484

The setting sun is slowly falling down the mountain, and the sky is full of red clouds, like the red silk spread by a goddess.

Suddenly, a big hole was opened in the red silk, and blazing white light shot out from the hole, and a person stepped on a flying sword and came through the air.

"True Lord Fuguang?"

Seeing who came, Zheng Rui was startled. There is no doubt that he is the one sent by the sect to intercept the killer of Canye Pavilion. The problem is time.

It's only been seven days since they sent the message, and logically it will take at least three days to arrive.

"Why are you here?"

Before landing, True Monarch Fuguang began to ask questions. Under the current situation, Canye Pavilion took great pains to send out killers, and the target could only be Zhongzhou!

There is no room for loss in the panacea. As soon as the battle situation in Qinghe Valley stabilized, he set off immediately.

True Monarch Fuguang glanced around, his expression changed slightly, and he asked repeatedly: "Has the Canye Pavilion killer come?"

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, Bal Lake shimmered, and the evening wind picked up, and the fine waves jumped, stirring up the broken gold in the lake, but the remaining traces of the formation along the coast could not be blown away.


Zheng Rui suppressed the doubts in his heart, and hurriedly explained their coping process in detail. He was shocked by the fact that an alchemist, Fu Yu, beheaded a practitioner of the same level.

True Monarch Fu Guang didn't want to be surprised, but murmured softly: "It seems that her injury is almost healed."

Zheng Rui's expression cracked for a moment, the point is his injury, the point is that the alchemist beheaded the same level of cultivation!
There are not a few monks who have the same idea as him, but Zheng Rui, an elite disciple of the Taiyi Sect, dare not remind Zhenjun Fuguang that he has made a mistake, especially the monks of Xuanyumen and Zhuojiabao.

Of all the people present, only An Ran and Mu Yan knew why Fu Guang was not surprised. Seeing that Zheng Rui hadn't reacted, An Ran sighed softly and said, "It was almost better. Repeated signs and many new injuries."

She paused, and continued: "The matter is of great importance, Master ordered me to stay here, and when someone from the sect comes, he has already gone to heal his injuries."

True Monarch Fuguang immediately understood what she said, and set up a formation with a calm face to isolate Xuanyumen and Zhuojiabao monks, and then began to inquire about the Panacea in detail.

With the test product, Ning Wujue wanted to be excited, and didn't want to wait for a moment. He quickly gathered several people from the Taiyi Sect, discussed a few words, and fled away on the grounds that his injury could not last, leaving the matter of identifying the panacea to An Ran and other three alchemists.

The matter of the panacea was planned by them alone. An Ran had already thought up a speech. Hearing the words, his brows were filled with joy, and then he frowned slightly: "The formula of the pill is complete. Judging from the formula of Lingzhi, most of the poisons can be cured." Solution, as for Gu poison, I'm afraid I can't."

Gu poison is a unique skill of witches and Gu sect, how can it be solved so easily, Zhenjun Fuguang had expected this kind of situation, but he was not particularly disappointed.After a moment of silence, he asked again: "Where Can Ye Pavilion controls the killer's Devil May Cry? Can you solve it?"

"This..." An Ran showed hesitation, "From the point of view of the pill formula, the panacea can cure a wide range of poisons. The disciples of Devil May Cry have never seen it before, so I'm not sure if it can cure it."

True Monarch Fuguang was silent, and then thought that Qianjiu had brought out this pill, since he dared to betray Canye Pavilion, the poison must be cured, and he felt confident again.

Thinking of Qianjiu, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't seen him at this moment, his heart tightened, and he hurriedly asked naturally, "Where is Nephew Yun?"

An Ran replied: "The head of the Ye Family, Junior Brother Mo Huai and others entered Zhongzhou City one after another, but there was no news after that. Junior Sister Yun and Fellow Daoist Feng Jue went to check."

Fu Guang raised his eyebrows: "The price of Dan Fang has not been negotiated, so he is relieved."

Zheng Rui said carelessly: "He has nothing to worry about, our Taiyi sect will shorten his spirit stone."

Looking at the pill in An Ran's hand, he clicked his tongue twice, and couldn't help feeling: "Fellow Daoist is really short of spirit stones, he sells all good things!"

If such a good detoxification pill can wait until the disaster of witchcraft is over, it will be auctioned in Jinye Pavilion, and the safekeeping will earn a lot of money.

True Monarch Fuguang's heart moved, "What else did he sell?"

"That Zhaoying sword." Zheng Rui looked at An Ran sourly. He already had a spiritual heaven-level magic sword. If he knew that Daoist Feng was short of spirit stones, he would have asked for the price immediately.

"Is there a lack of spirit stones..." Zhenjun Fuguang murmured softly, thinking of the 1000 yuan high-grade spirit stones that Qian Jiu had the audacity to take seriously, and the [-] yuan high-grade spirit stones that were about to leave from the sect, he secretly sneered in his heart, this is ready for casual cultivation Prepare.

Obtaining the spirit stone from the enemy who wanted to kill him, I am afraid that he is secretly proud in his heart at this time.

Thinking of this, he said loudly: "I, Taiyi, is a giant in the sea, how can I be petty, since I lack spirit stones, so what if I give him thousands of spirit stones?"

"Ten million?" Zheng Rui couldn't believe it, and asked in a daze, "Is it top grade?"

True Monarch Fuguang turned around and looked at the round sunset slowly sinking into the horizon, and proudly nodded: "Naturally."



There were two gasps in the room, and Zheng Rui and Su Shao's faces were full of disbelief. After a long while, Zheng Rui said, "If fellow Daoist Feng Jue knows, I'm afraid he will be very happy."

Whether it was the casual contempt in Fu Guang's words or Zheng Rui's words, An Ran was extremely uncomfortable.

In order to help wipe out Canye Pavilion, they took out the Panacea Pill, which fell into the name of a money lover in the eyes of outsiders, and immediately said: "If this Panacea Pill can really cure the poison of Devil May Cry, it will shake Canye Pavilion. The foundation of Ye Pavilion, no matter what it is used for, is a great merit."

"That's a good statement." Fu Guang turned around and looked at An Ran, "Your second senior brother is in Tianxin Pavilion, it's so inconvenient, the three of you hurried back to the sect with Dan Fang, and Ying Lingzhi can be used without a quota, and you can use it as soon as possible." Some refine the panacea."

An Ran was stunned, how could she forget this!
After finally having the opportunity to learn attacking techniques logically, it is absolutely impossible for her to go back to being a canary at this time.

Besides, after Ning Wujue's experiment is successful, he will find a reason to die. If she is in the sect, how can she get rid of the relationship?

No, never go back at this time!
After pondering for a moment, she hesitated, "Ayan and I are here to support Zhongzhou. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to go back at this time?"

As she said that, she glanced at the monks at Xuanyumen and Zhuojiabao outside the formation, "Besides, they should have guessed that the master came here for something important, and we three alchemists are leaving at this time..."

Since Zongmen doesn't want Tianxin Pavilion to notice the panacea, it should be no problem to follow this direction.

These words hit Fuguang's vital point, he thought over and over again, and said, "In that case, you two stay here, and Su Shao returns to the sect to send Lingzhi over."

After a pause, he asked again and again: "Don't delay the panacea, refine it as soon as possible."

The matter is of great importance, so Su Shao immediately set off to rush back to the Zongmen.

After the matter of the panacea was resolved, Master Fuguang began to ask about the killer, "Where is the killer's body, have you checked it?"

Zheng Rui hurriedly presented Xingluo's relics, "This is his holding ring, storage bag and some belongings. We have checked the things and found nothing special for the time being. The body is in the formation by the lake, and we have also checked it. Found signs of taking Devil May Cry."


Fu Guang was stunned, it's not that they didn't kill the killers with Nascent Soul cultivation level, those people still took Devil May Cry.

In the killer organization established by the remnants of the Witch Gu Sect, no control poison was taken, which means self-evidently!

However, in these years of contact, the high-level executives of the Canye Pavilion are all killers with outstanding strength. How could they be easily killed by the injured Yu Sheng?

Taking a deep breath, he said in a deep voice, "Go, go and have a look."

The moment he opened the formation and saw the corpse, Zhenjun Fuguang suddenly realized: "It turned out to be him."

Zheng Rui: "Do you know each other?"

"The son of the master of the Wugu sect, a famous swinger back then, he also has a bit of talent, but he didn't learn well at a young age, and he is a frequent visitor of the Qinlou Chu Pavilion."

Fuguang Zhenjun's face was full of disgust and disdain, as if saying anything would dirty his mouth.

"I didn't expect that so many geniuses of the Wugu Sect would perish. He is alive and well, and even gave birth to a baby."

"No, he's still alive, that little witch from the Wugu sect..." Just as he was speaking, he suddenly remembered something, and his complexion changed drastically.

"Here to you."

After leaving this sentence, Fu Guang rolled up the corpse on the ground and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye, leaving everyone who had heard half of the words in panic.

Someone murmured in confusion: "Little witch from the Wugu sect?"

After thousands of years, the fierce and bloody battle gradually faded away. Except for the monks who experienced it personally, the descendants know little about that battle. The two of them, An Ran, also came to Dan Yin to find out about the battle because they cared about Yunli Weilin. Things.

Hearing this, she sighed softly: "The two great arts of the Witch and Gu Sect, one is Gu poison and the other is witchcraft. Before the sect was destroyed, the Witch and Gu sect has been passed down for thousands of years. thing.

Until a thousand years ago, the witches of the Wugu sect were born out of nowhere, and the good and the evil put aside their suspicions for a while. After three years, they finally joined forces to wipe out the Wugu sect. "

"Ah? Why is that?"

Everyone was astonished. The reason for the extermination of the Wugu sect was widely spread in the mainland. The witchcraft technique harmed the peace of heaven. Even the magic sects such as Hehuan Valley couldn't stand it.

Unexpectedly, it was because of one person, one woman!
Zheng Rui's expression was complicated. Before coming to Central Continent, the elders in the family repeatedly told him not to be careless. Witches are nothing, and it is witchcraft that needs to be extra careful.

Considering that he, as an elite disciple of the sect, would participate in the siege and suppression of Canye Pavilion throughout the whole process, after careful consideration, his father told him what happened back then, and thinking about it until now, he is still terrified.

Glancing at the crowd, Zheng Rui said in a deep voice: "Although the art of witchcraft is mysterious and unpredictable, it is hard to guard against, but the price is extremely high, ranging from damage to one's own life and fortune, to harming the descendants of the family, and even being exposed to witchcraft." The danger of backlash, so the wizards are extremely cautious and will not easily use it.

Later, the witches of the witchcraft sect got a kind of puppet technique from nowhere, and used mecha puppets as substitutes to help the wizards share the cost.

In this way, there are no restrictions on witchcraft, some small witchcraft can even be performed without cost, and the cost of some taboo techniques is also greatly reduced.

The former owner of Mirage Palace was practicing in closed-door training in his own cave. One day, his disciples found that his soul lamp was off. After checking, they found that he had been dead for more than three months.

There were no wounds all over his body, and there was no sign of madness. There was a hideous curse pattern on Weixin's mouth, which obviously died of a witchcraft curse. "

Everyone's hairs stood on end when they heard it, and they could be tricked even in their own caves. This witchcraft is too heaven-defying.

"Later, several great masters who had enmity with the Wugu sect died one after another due to witchcraft. Everyone in the Canglan Continent was in danger. Under the leadership of our four major factions, we launched a vigorous campaign to encircle and suppress the Wugu sect. .

More than a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators died in that catastrophe, and the Jindan Foundation Establishment cultivators suffered extremely heavy casualties. They paid an extremely tragic price, and finally destroyed all the mech puppets, and surrounded the high-level Wugu sect masters and witches. In the forbidden area of ​​witchcraft.

At the end of the road, the witch launched a curse at the cost of the lives of the high-level people. Our former Taishang elder of the Taiyi Sect, the ancestor of the Nangong family of Tianxin Pavilion, and the old owner of the Four Seasons Valley were all recruited. "

Zheng Rui pursed his lips, lowered his head slightly, feeling sour in his heart. His grandparents were all killed in that siege, leaving behind his young father at that time. Fortunately, the Zheng family was harmonious and united as one, and their lineage was successfully passed down .

Everyone only felt the coolness rushing from the ankles to the top of the head. At dusk, the journey was poor, and they could still be buried with the three people with the highest cultivation in the mainland at that time. This witch and Gu sect witch is too scary!

An Ran sighed quietly: "When the water is full, it will overflow, and when the moon is full, it will lose money. It overcomes the limitations of witchcraft, but instead brings disaster to the Wugu sect. I don't know how the witch will feel if she knows the ending?"

Everyone deeply believed that if there was no substitute puppet technique, the Wugu sect would not have been wiped out.

Thinking of the little witch mentioned by Zhenjun Fuguang, everyone's hearts trembled and their legs became weaker. A man with high cheekbones asked with a pale face and trembling lips: "What's the matter with the little witch? The disciples who practice witchcraft are not the most important ones." Clear the object?"

An Ran raised her eyebrows, "Why do you think the witch sacrificed her high-level lives? Revenge is only one aspect, and more importantly, it is to create a chance for her daughter and the young sect master to escape.

Fortunately, our head teacher reacted quickly and led people to chase them out in time. We stopped the two people in the first line of sky and killed the young sect master. The little witch was seriously injured and rolled down the first line of sky. "

Yixiantian is located at the junction of the Weeping Valley of Immortals and the desert of the Western Mountains, affected by the forbidden air of the Weeping Immortals Valley, the spiritual power needed to fly there is more than ten times that of other places.

When Fu Yue was about to go down to investigate, he learned that the former Supreme Elder had been cursed, so he had no choice but to go back and hand over the matter of finding the little witch to his subordinates.

At an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, when the alliance monks found her body, it had turned into a mass of fleshy paste. Later, a corpse was found under the cliff. Judging from the relics, it was the youngest son of the master of the Wugu sect.

There is no doubt that the killer this time is the young son of the master of the Witch Gu Sect. His body is concealed, and the little witch is most likely not dead.

Everyone couldn't help feeling anxious, now that a witchcraft man has turned Central Continent upside down, witchcraft will only be more unpredictable than Gu, can they eradicate Remnant Ye Pavilion?

In the silence, Mu Yan, who hadn't spoken for a long time, suddenly said, "I may know where their substitute puppetry came from."

(End of this chapter)

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