Chapter 485

"What did you say?"

Zheng Rui was shocked. He stepped in front of her, stared into her eyes, and confirmed in disbelief: "Do you know where their puppetry comes from?"

Not only him, but even An Ran was surprised. She had never heard Mu Yan mention this before.

Mu Yan took a step back, facing everyone's expectant eyes, she said with a guilty conscience: "I mean it's possible, but as for whether it's true or not, I'm not sure."

"Tell me." Zheng Rui hurriedly urged. It has always been a mystery where the maiden's puppet substitute technique came from. Even if it's just a guess, it's always good to have a direction.

"Jiuli Yuan."

Hearing this answer, Zheng Rui was stunned. He was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he had to admit that it was probably true.

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm down the turbulent mood, he said cautiously: "Nephew Mu, this matter is very important, why do you have such a guess, please explain in detail."

Mu Yan pursed her lips, not knowing what to say, when the purple-clothed female soul committed suicide and broke into her body, during the process of purification, she saw the female soul's life.

Puppetry is a secret method she obtained by accident, it has many uses, and others include taking damage for the master.

But if all of this is revealed, she will not be able to hide the fact that she has the Qingxin Liulihuo. People's hearts are changeable, and she dare not take this risk.

After thinking for a moment, Mu Yan said: "After the alien grass, Ali and I have been to a lava field..."

She will go into detail about meeting the mecha puppet presiding over the assessment and the evil weapon spirit, omitting all the information about Yunli going to the lava center to get the fire crystal and the master of the weapon spirit.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, because they had never seen the substitute puppet of the Wugu Sect, and they didn't know whether the two were related, but they had a faint bias in their hearts, and there should be a relationship.

After thinking about it, Mu Yan simply took a pen and drew the general shape of the puppet, "We haven't seen the substitute puppets of the Wugu sect, so it's hard to judge, so I'll leave it to the teacher."

They have never seen it before, but the Nascent Soul monks such as the head teacher personally destroyed it back then. They can always know whether the two are related to the same origin.

Zheng Rui nodded, took the blueprint, and was about to leave when his eyes swept over the crowd, he stopped suddenly.

It is imperative to guard against others. Now that Junior Sister Yun has not returned, if he leaves, only Senior Sister An and Nephew Mu are left in the Taiyi Sect, two alchemists.

It's just that these people have no malicious intentions. If something happens, do they expect the monks from Xuanyumen and Zhuojiabao to protect them?

These thoughts turned in his mind, and he hurriedly changed his words: "We will discuss and discuss after Junior Sister Yun comes back. Didn't she dismantle the mecha puppets, maybe there are new clues."

Mu Yan was slightly stunned, and soon realized that he was worried about them, and couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, and said, "After the Qijue formation, the people in the Remnant Night Pavilion parted ways with our main force, and they didn't see them again until the secret realm was opened. You say, Could they be looking for puppetry?"

Zheng Rui was taken aback in horror. From this point of view, it is possible that Wugu Sect's substitute puppetry has a connection with Jiuliyuan.

He asked nervously, "Is there only one evil cultivator, Qi Ling, in that place, or are there other prisoners being imprisoned?"

Mu Yan shook her head, "Probably not."

She also hoped that there would be other evil cultivators there to stop the disciples of the Canye Pavilion, but Ah Li took away all the fire crystals and no one came out, so it can be seen that only Qi Ling master and servant were imprisoned there.

Zheng Rui's throat tightened, and he said without hope for a while: "Junior Sister Yun dismantled all the puppets, so why didn't she find a way to make puppets?"

Mu Yan rubbed the tip of her nose, Ah Li made a lot of money along the way, and got all the fire crystals, she was so happy that she couldn't find Bei, how could she even think about the puppet's art, especially the puppet was not resistant at all under her hands beat.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say anymore, the obstacles were cleared away by Yunli, if the disciples of Canye Pavilion were really looking for puppets, wouldn't it be effortless?
On the other side, Yunli, who was missed by them, was in a daze at this moment. After climbing over mountain ranges and traveling thousands of miles, Zhongzhou City had already appeared within the range of their consciousness. .

Not only that, on the way from where they were to Zhongzhou City, there was not a single ghost.

If it wasn't for the fact that they had just been killed from the army of witchcraft, and if it wasn't for the vigorous and simple words "Zhongzhou City" on the city gate rising from the end of their spiritual consciousness, they would have suspected that they had gone the wrong way.

"What's the situation?" Yunli tilted her head, "Could it be that Zhongzhou City has been recovered by the Ye Xiao family?"

Wei Lin frowned, his face was very heavy, "It shouldn't be like this after recovering."

There are foundation-building guards outside the large city squares, which symbolize order. If the city squares are recovered, there will be no one outside the city gates.

Just as the two were wondering, the city gate opened, and an early Yuanying monk in a strange costume walked out of it. He was tall and thin, with no two fleshy bodies, but he showed his upper body like a muscular man;

There is a black belt around his waist, and the left side of the belt hangs down in a circle. It looks like it should be hung on his shoulders, but because he is too thin and wide, the belt does not hang; Cover somewhere, beggars dress better than him.

As the man walked, a golden ornament was exposed on the belt hanging from his waist, Yunli's eyes suddenly opened wide, and a stream of cold air fell from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, a heavenly killer, a member of Canye Pavilion!
"Let's go!" Wei Lin was the first to react, and dragged her to turn around and run away like a meteor lightning.

Ming Er at the gate of the city was stunned, was discovered?
It shouldn't be, this range is not within the range of their spiritual consciousness, right?
Seeing that the two of them were about to fly out of the range of his consciousness, he pressed surprise, took out a light gray flying sword, and chased them like lightning.

Feeling the opponent's speed, Yunli's tongue was so startled, "This is so fast!"

But in a short time, the opponent has narrowed the distance by one-third. If this continues, it will not take long to catch up with them.

Attention fell on the gray sword under his feet, she was dumbfounded, treasure!It's still heavenly!

Yunli wanted to cry, it was too bullying, the Nascent Soul cultivator was already faster than them, and the flying machine was still a heaven-level treasure, and it would not let people live.

Seeing that the distance has been shortened by half again, she decisively abandons the plantain fan and sacrifices the Huanshiling, which is better than the flying machine, Huanshiling is not afraid!

Wei Lin next to him understood it, and immediately put away the flying sword, jumped onto the silk, and used Feng Xing with all his strength.With the joint efforts of the two, the speed surpassed Nascent Soul Killer in an instant, and the distance was opened again.

Now Ming Er was dumbfounded, isn't her orange silk a weapon?How did it become an aircraft?
Being surpassed in terms of the speed that he is proud of, or being surpassed by two small golden cores, Ming Er's eyes flashed a trace of suspicion, something is wrong with Ling.

The killer pays more attention to attack power, but he pays more attention to escape. In his view, completing the mission is of course important, but escaping with life is also the most important thing, so he spent a lot of money to prepare a heavenly treasure as a flying magic weapon.

With this sick flying sword, even the monks of the Empress Yuan Dynasty could not catch up with him, but now the two little Golden Core Stage monks have surpassed him!
What does this mean?
Na Ling's rank is definitely above his flying sword!

No, it should be far more than that!
The other party is only at the early stage of Jindan, and the quantity and quality of spiritual power are far inferior to him, but he can surpass his speed with Naling. The rank of Orange Ling is conservatively estimated to be a high-grade treasure of heaven, and it is not impossible for a Taoist weapon!
Exhaling, he urged the flying sword with all his strength, and the distance was shortened. In just one breath, Cheng Ling in front of him sped up again, and the distance was widened again.

It hasn't reached the limit yet!
A scorching frenzy flashed across Ming Er's eyes. With her early Golden Core cultivation, she probably couldn't display the full power of Orange Ling. If it was in his hands...

Yunli almost exerted all her strength to speed up, but she couldn't get rid of her opponent. Every time she wanted to fly out of the opponent's range of consciousness, the opponent would make an emergency speed-up.

She was suffocating in her heart, and her back was burning hot, as if something was about to burst out.

Seeing that the opponent was getting closer, Wei Lin stopped Yunli from speeding up, and said, "Let's go down to the woods ahead, let's use the ground escape talisman."

The opponent's cultivation base is a big realm higher than theirs, and the flying machine is a heavenly treasure, so if it flies down, it will only fall into the opponent's trap.

When their spiritual power is exhausted, they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. It is better to rely on the defensive magic weapon to last until the earth escape talisman takes effect.

Yunli clenched her fists, and landed in the deep and dense forest as she said.

It was midnight, the silver moon was hidden in the sky, and the forest was pitch black.

There were tens of meters away from the ground, and they hurriedly crushed the ground escape talisman, before they could sacrifice their defensive magic weapon, they felt the wind blowing from the back of their heads, and a purple-red deep light came through the air.

not good!

Yunli hurriedly directed Huan Shiling to spread out behind her, and at the same time, Wei Lin threw out a defensive magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, Zimang passed through the magic weapon and the fantasy silk without hindrance, and landed on the two of them.

"Cough cough cough..."

The pungent and pungent smell choked Yunli to tears. Looking again, the killer was still a thousand meters away, and the deep purple awn just now was an unknown powder.

Is this paprika?

While coughing, she sacrificed her defensive magic weapon, turned her head and looked nervously at Wei Lin: "Is it not poisonous?"

As she said that, she reached out and touched some powder on her shoulders, twisted it, her heart tightened, her tentacles were slightly cool, extremely delicate, except that it tasted a bit like chili powder, the color and texture were nothing like it.

Wei Lin's face was as gloomy as water, "It's Zixin powder, it's for tracking."

It wasn't poison, Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought that with such a thing on her body, it would be even more difficult to escape if she installed a locator.

Soon, the killer chased after them, and a long knife slashed at them with a blue-black light. At the same time, the terrifying coercion of the Nascent Soul cultivator covered the hood.

Yunli regained her composure, this power was far behind Bai Lu's blow, and she could block it.

As she expected, the long knife slashed straight down, and the defensive magic weapon's aura shook, but she finally resisted.

Ming Er's eyes darkened, two small golden pills, there are quite a lot of treasures, it seems that there is no shortage of benefits in Jiuli Yuan.

One hit failed, he didn't make another move, but flew above the dense forest, flying with all his strength, the time was up, the ground escape talisman took effect, and it was too late to attack.

After the news came out, the two threw out another earth escape talisman, and just before the earth escape talisman took effect, the killer in strange clothes appeared within the range of consciousness.

Fleeing all the way, finally getting rid of the killer temporarily when the sky was dim.

Yunli hurriedly said: "Hurry up! Change clothes!"

During the escape, the powder stained on her body was almost gone, at least the naked eye was gone, and she took the time to cast a dedusting technique, but the speed of the opponent's tracking was hardly affected.

It seems that this clothes can only be thrown away, otherwise it will be useless to escape no matter how far away, and it cannot be invisible.

Yunli quickly took off her outer shirt, and was about to dodge behind the nearby rocks when Wei Lin grabbed her wrist: "No."

He sacrificed the flying sword, carried her forward and continued to fly, saying: "Purple pungent powder stains clothes and skin, and it will take three days to dissipate."

"What?" Yunli was dumbfounded, and pulled the storage bag, "But our escape talisman can't hold it!"

After coming out of Jiuliyuan, she first cultivated and advanced, and then started to deal with the affairs of Wugu people non-stop. She had to find time to practice, and she didn't have time to make talismans at all. These escape talismans were left over by Jiuliyuan.

When she was mad, the blue-gray sky was a little brighter. Looking back, she saw the familiar blue-black beam of light piercing the sky. The two were surprised. The position of the beam of light was still some distance away from them. Judging from previous experience, The other party hasn't found them yet.

In doubt, another red beam of light shot up into the sky, fighting against the blue and black light!

In today's Central Continent, apart from the killer of Canye Pavilion, only the Ye Xiao family's children, them, and Mo Huai dare to fight the Nascent Soul monks, and the Da Ye Xiao family's Nascent Soul monks don't think about it!
Yunli's eyes lit up, "Go, go back and have a look!"

After being chased all night, she has already been chased out of anger. At this moment, she must go to the trouble!
Far away, the two saw a strong man holding a fiery red spear, playing vigorously, fighting with a killer in a strange suit wielding a long knife, and there were a dozen or so monks standing on the ground, all of whom were at the golden core stage. , There is also the foundation building period, and there are two old acquaintances, Ye Chuchen and Mo Huai.

Since it was using a gun, it seemed to be the Yuanying cultivator of the Xiao family, Yunli shouted: "Senior Xiao family, I will help you!"

As he spoke, he rushed into the battle with the Huanshi Ling in his hand. Wei Lin hurriedly stretched out his hand, but he missed it. Seeing the orange glow pouring down, he let out a sigh of relief and raised his sword to catch up.

Just halfway through the flight, I heard a loud shout, "Your uncle, dare to chase after me! Your grandfather and I have never suffered from this kind of uselessness when I grew up. I can't teach you a lesson today. You don't know the word filial piety. Write!"

He staggered and almost fell off the flying sword. Who was speaking?Why does the voice sound like Ali?

Not only him, but the strong man of the Xiao family, who was fighting fiercely with Ming Er, was also stunned by this clear shout, this soft voice, these rough words of the king of the mountain, no matter what you think, it doesn't match.

Glancing away from the corner of the eye, I saw a girl in yellow clothes with a clear face, holding a radiant orange gauze, flying towards menacingly.

Looking at this appearance, she is a normal girl, how can she open her mouth like a king, and the girls of the Xiao family are not so manly.

"It's her!" Mo Huaiye Chuchen below said almost at the same time, seeing Yunli meddling in the battle of Yuanying cultivator, he was too shocked to speak.

Even though the two were only cultivated at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, they are not able to intervene now. Among other things, the aftermath of the fight alone is unbearable.

 Thank you book friend 20171102061022811 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

  Thank you Xichuang Jianzhu cutie for your reward! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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