all the way to fairy

Chapter 486 The correct way to open

Chapter 486 The correct way to open
Ming Er, the client who was scolded by his grandson, was so angry that he almost couldn't breathe. It was the first time he had been pointed at his nose and scolded by a junior at such a young age.

Seeing the approaching Cheng Ling, he suppressed his anger, not daring to be careless, this thing is very likely to be a Taoist weapon!
With a sullen face, he waved his hand, the sharp weapon in his palm was so close that he couldn't see the shape clearly, he saw a cold light going straight to Yunli's chest, and he himself ran tens of meters sideways to avoid the flying orange yarn.

The eyes of the elders of the Xiao family flashed, and they slapped the gun with their palms horizontally. The spear was like a rolling red dragon, sliding out of the palm with a terrifying red light, and shot towards the killer. The thick clouds cleared away, and the sky seemed to be on fire.


Alarm bells rang in Ming Er's mind. This Xiao Yan was a well-known militant in the Xiao family, and his offensive was extremely domineering. If he was hit by him, it would be very bad.

He immediately withdrew the long saber and swung it airtightly in front of him to block Xiao Yan's attack. At this moment, his heart shrank suddenly, his back felt like a light on his back, and his consciousness swept away that it was the male cultivator.

But isn't he a flute in his hand?How could there be such a sharp sword intent?
After the initial shock, Ming Er quickly came to his senses, without saying a word, he made a vertical leap, narrowly avoiding the shocking purple flute that stabbed him suddenly.

Yunli turned over in the air, letting the hexagonal hidden weapon shoot out, and saw this scene as soon as it landed, and was overjoyed, what a chance!

Huanshi Ling flew out, passed over Wei Lin's head, wrapped around the ankle of Ming Er who was climbing up, and yanked fiercely, Ming Er's rising figure froze, fluttered a few times like a duck, finally couldn't resist, and fell straight down .

Xiao Yan is also good at seizing the opportunity, with a flick of the spear, the surrounding spiritual power surged, and several mysterious lights rushed towards Ming Er.

"The Domain of the Wind God!"

At a critical moment, Ming Er yelled violently, and a whirlwind of spiritual power surged around his body. With him as the center, within a short while, they gathered into a huge tornado, and a strong suction came out from it, pulling the three Yunli and the others around him inward. Suck.

At the same time, he sank into his dantian, entangled Ling's right foot and pushed back a big step. Under the double superimposition of the suction force of the domain and the pull of Huanshi Ling, Yunli fell straight towards the killer like a kite with a broken string. .

Surprised, Wei Lin gave up struggling immediately, rushed towards the suction force of the domain, grabbed her wrist, and then used the flute as a sword to stir the airflow in front of him.

But it was only reduced, not completely blocked, they still flew towards the killer's domain uncontrollably.

Yunli was about to let go of the killer's ankle, when out of the corner of her eye she glanced at Xiao Yan who was beside her, and with a thought, Huan Shiling flew towards him.

Xiao Yan opened the domain, resisted the pull of the Fengshen domain, raised his eyes and was about to check the situation of the two juniors, when a piece of orange yarn was wrapped around his wrist suddenly, and the huge force made him stagger.

He sank his dantian in a hurry, stabilized his figure, and looked along the orange silk, only to see two juniors, one yellow and one blue, running in a row, barely stopping before they were about to be involved in the killer's domain, and then quickly darted towards him along the orange silk come over.

The two of them are fine, he felt relieved, and said with a tiger face: "You little girl, you didn't even know about it, and I was almost pulled over."

Yunli smiled brightly at him, let go of his wrist, put his hands on his hips, and cursed fiercely at the killer: "With your broken domain, you dare to call it the domain of Fengshen, and you're not afraid to flash your tongue."

Changing her face nimbly, Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then her continuous sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Senior, come on, let's restrain him."

Xiao Yan gathered himself together, only to find that the other end of Cheng Ling was still wrapped around the killer's ankle, he couldn't help but be speechless, this little girl is also very bold, she dared to venture into the realm of the Nascent Soul cultivator, and she was not afraid of ruining her magic weapon.

I don't want to, the thin veil is like an iron wall, even if pulled by the domain, it is still unbreakable.

He shook his head and stepped forward with a gun.

Looking at Xiao Yan who was attacking, Ming Er's eyes darkened, Cheng Ling was beyond his expectation again, the domain couldn't hurt at all.

What's worse is that I don't know what the female cultivator named Yunli did. The gauze wrapped around her ankle is like a sharp soft sword, cutting her ankle continuously. If he hadn't mobilized his spiritual power to stop her, his right foot might have been cut Lost.

There is also that boy in blue, who is also very weird. A flute actually used sword intent, sharp and powerful.

Ming Er's eyes deepened. He and Xiao Yan were originally evenly matched, but now there are two more bugs interfering beside him. The annoying thing is that they all have ways to hurt the Nascent Soul stage. It is impossible to rely on their own strength. Won.

He raised his head to the sky and screamed, the sound wave shook the clouds, the air wave rolled, and then turned into a meteorite, plopping down to the ground.

Because Huanshiling was still wrapped around his ankle, Yunli was caught off guard and pulled down, Wei Lin who was beside him hurriedly caught her with his sword, raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you going to take Ling?"

Yunli urged Huanshiling to lengthen, stabilized her figure, shook her head and said, "No, I can still bear it now, he has experienced a lot, and it will be difficult to entangle him again."

"Hurry up!"

Xiao Yan's horrified roar came from above her head, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, and she knew that the sudden fall was tricky.

Down below, the killer had already hit the ground like a cannonball, with grass clippings and mud dust flying around. Mo Huai and the others obviously knew what the killer was going to do, and they had already scattered in all directions before Xiao Yan reminded them.

"Huh?" Yunli exclaimed, and quickly controlled Huan Shiling to tighten.

Wei Lin asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

"Huanshiling was stretched open and almost made him break free!"

A thought vaguely flashed through my mind, before I could catch it, the twilight sky suddenly went dark, and with a roar that shook the sky, a tall figure jumped out of the deep pit, shaking the ground again .


Yunli stared dumbfounded at the killer who reappeared in sight, no, it should be the witch killer.

The small body without any difference from before swelled up like an inflated ball, like a hill, and there was no shadow of the thin bamboo pole that ran away in the wind.

He stretched out his hand and pulled the belt hanging from his left waist to his right shoulder, barely covering the two protruding red fruits. On the golden decoration representing the killer level, there was a small word 'Ming' engraved on it.

It turns out that this is the correct way to open this set of clothes!

Yunli suddenly realized, and secretly transmitted the voice to Wei Lin: "Could it be what Ying Yi said, the new version of Wugu people?"

Wei Lin's expression was serious, "It should be."

Before they landed, he played the flute, and the sad tune of "Forgetting Love" sounded. He didn't want to wait until they landed, but it didn't work. The witch killer sneered again and again, but he was not affected at all.


Xiao Yan landed in front of them, looking vigilantly at the Witch Gu killer with a gun, and quickly explained: "The Gu worms in the body of these Yuanying stage killers have undergone many evolutions and have matured, and now only higher-level mother Gu worms can control."

Thinking of Yingyi's words, Yunli asked in a deep voice, "Other than that, what's the difference?"

If it is just not controlled by "Wangqing", it can't be regarded as overcoming all the shortcomings. Besides, the Canye Pavilion will turn the rare Nascent Soul monks into witches, which is not enough.

Without waiting for Xiao Yan to answer, Ming Er picked up the orange gauze connecting his ankles and yanked: "What's the difference? You'll know if you try it!"

The previous two experiences had already made Yunli worry, and the strength of the shaman was far superior to that of ordinary monks, so she had long been on guard against him.

Almost as soon as his hand touched Huan Shiling, she exhaled loudly, stomped on the ground, and grabbed Huan Shiling with all her strength, thinking about it, she used her spiritual power again.

Wei Lin also grabbed Huan Shiling immediately to prevent her from being pulled over by the killer, and at the same time hurriedly said: "Let him go."

At this time, it was not the time to be willful. I didn't see Xiao Yan, who was also a Nascent Soul cultivator, with a serious face. It was conceivable that after the transformation, the Witch Gu killer's combat power had not improved by a little bit.

He didn't want to, but he never felt the opponent's strength. Wei Lin was stunned. The gray face of the killer opposite was flushed, and the veins on his forehead were even more violent, and he was sliding towards them.

He turned his head in a daze, and saw Yunli looking at the opposite side with a puzzled expression, and blurted out: "Why don't you use force?"

Hearing this, Ming Er's blushing face turned black and purple, and he almost didn't come up, Nima, what kind of strange thing is this, it is even stronger than his strength after transformation.

Xiao Yan next to him and the children of the Ye Xiao family who were watching from a distance were so shocked that their eyeballs almost fell out.

After several months of fighting with the witch killers, they are all too clear about their terrifying power after transformation, and they are no problem moving mountains and seas.

But what's the situation now, such a delicate little girl easily pulls the transformed Nascent Soul Stage Witch Gu Killer!
"Little girl, which family is it from? Do you have a teacher? Do you want to join my Xiao family?"

After the astonishment passed, Xiao Yan's eyes lit up, and he immediately invited her. Such a girl who is born with supernatural power is suitable for their Xiao family to open up and reunite!
The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, the enemy was in front of him, and he still wanted to recruit people, this senior of the Xiao family was also unreliable.

Another one who favored her strength, Yunli curled her lips, and said expressionlessly: "Younger Taiyi Zong Yunli."

Xiao Yan got stuck, and swallowed a bunch of rich promises that were already on his lips. He had heard of the name Yunli before, she was a rising star of the Taiyi sect, a newly promoted daughter of heaven.

No matter how generous the conditions offered by the Xiao family, they can't compare to the disciples of the Taiyi sect.

He secretly regretted that such a good seedling, his eyes flashed, and he asked again: "Little girl, do you have someone you like, what do you think of me, Xiao Jiaerlang?"

Yunli: ...

Wei Lin: ...

With a dry laugh, Yunli was about to refuse, but Minger exploded, slammed his feet on the ground, swung his big, muscular arms, and threw them at them.

"Nimma, don't talk about martial arts!"

After swearing, Yunli and Wei Lin hurriedly spread out to both sides, and shouted at the same time: "Senior Xiao, beat him up!"

Xiao Yan hurriedly stepped forward to intercept Ming Er's fist, only to hear a ding, as if the spear hit some hard metal, under the ear-piercing sound of the collision, sparks flew everywhere.

Yunli was stunned, "Is it so rough and thick?"

Xiao Yan lowered his waist and stepped forward, holding the opponent's fist tightly, panting heavily like a red-eyed bull, and almost roaring: "Young man, attack quickly."

Yunli was confused, "Senior, did you make a mistake?"

The battle between the two Nascent Soul monks, let Jin Danqi attack?

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and explained with difficulty: "Mature Gu worms can improve the strength of the host by a small level. At the same time, the skin and bones are armored, and they can also devour spiritual power."

"Huh?" Yunli was dumbfounded. In this way, wouldn't any attack based on spiritual power greatly discount the Wugu people?
No wonder Huanshi Ling couldn't cut it anymore!
The strength of the Witch Gu Killer is high, and his own attack is weakened. The gap is huge!

Xiao Yan turned his head to Wei Lin and said, "Boy, draw your sword quickly, your sword intent is so strong that it can hurt him."

Yunli pursed her lips and said in her heart: If he uses the sword, you will have to fight him too.Mo Lijian is well-known among the monks in the Canglan Continent. Whether it is the Nascent Soul Golden Elixir or the Foundation Building and Qi Training, they are very familiar with it.

Wei Lin remained expressionless, still using the flute as a sword to attack from a distance.The transformed killer has a huge body and has to deal with Xiao Yan. In front of the mighty sword intent, he has no way to hide and can only endure it forcefully.

Dao Dao Jian Yi fell, although part of the spiritual power was absorbed, it was still unstoppable, cut open the texture, and exploded bloody flowers, and within a short while, the huge Wu Gu had turned into a blood man.

Yunli's eyes widened. Is this also the special feature of the new version of Wu Gu, the Gu worms no longer devour his flesh and blood?Or, like the giant-legged and giant-handed witches before, Gu worms are restricted to a certain part.

But his transformation means that his whole body has changed?
The injury did not weaken the killer's attack on Xiao Yan. On the contrary, the bloody smell aroused his ferocity. He grabbed Xiao Yan's spear with one hand, and swung the other to hit his head.

Yunli didn't care about resolving the confusion, she threw the Huanshi Ling around his raised arm, and pulled it out desperately, buying time for Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan, who was still in shock, quickly made a formula, sacrificed a magic weapon for protection, then snatched back the spear with his hands, sent it forward, and pierced the killer's heart.

The vital point in the heart, Rao is in the body of a witch, Ming Er didn't dare to be careless, he made a wrong step to get out of the way, and punched Xiao Yan's wrist holding the gun with his free fist. If this punch fell, Xiao Yan's right hand would be useless. up.

Seeing that the fist was about to fall, a peach-pink machete flew towards Ming Er, slashed past Ming Er's eyes, and then slashed fiercely at Huan Shi Ling's entwined arm.

Ming Er felt a blur in front of his eyes, and his consciousness suddenly came to him for a moment, and then the sharp pain made him wake up instantly, the right arm was wrapped in orange silk, the crescent-shaped wound was deep enough to see the bone, and a red spear was stuck in the waist and abdomen. The back is also wet.

In the blink of an eye, he was hit by three people. Ming Er was startled and frightened. With a long roar, the spiritual power surged all over his body, shaking the spear deep in his abdomen, the purple flute on his back, and the three people rushing to him. open.

For a moment, holes were leaked in the front and back of the body, blood spurted out like injections, and the arms were also bright red.

Ming Er's eyes were stained with blood, and his voice was as cold as if he had climbed out of hell: "Looking for death!"

Yunli rubbed her eyes, and couldn't believe what she saw. With the washing of spiritual power, the wound on his arm was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye. Looking at his abdomen and back, it was also healing.

 Thank you book friend 20171102061022811 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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