all the way to fairy

Chapter 487 Will

Chapter 487 Will
Xiao Yan panted heavily, and seized the time to explain their doubts: "The Gu worms have matured and no longer devour the host's flesh and blood. When the host is injured, they can help the wounds heal. Normally, if you don't activate them, the Gu worms will fall into a deep sleep. The host is no different from ordinary people."

The Yunli people are already numb. This not only overcomes all the shortcomings of the previous two versions of the Wugu people, but also makes a major breakthrough.

Ming Er's eyes flickered, with Xiao Yan here, these two little bugs are not slippery, it is difficult to catch them, and it will be easy for them to deal with Xiao Yan.

Thinking of this, the Fengshen Domain reappeared beside him, he rushed towards Xiao Yan, and the two fought together again.

Casting the Fengshen Domain on the ground, flying sand and rocks for a while, covering the sky and the sun.The trees and turf were uprooted, whistling and drawn into the hurricane, and in an instant, the thick trunks hugged by one person were smashed to pieces, not to mention the other small trees and turf, they were reduced to dust the moment they were involved.

In the dark sky, a few red lights appear and disappear from time to time, it is Xiao Yan struggling to support.

Yunli's face sank like water, and sound transmission Weilin said, "Brother, you cover me, I'll go and tie him up."

Now, Xiao Yan is no longer an opponent of the Witch Gu Killer, and the further they go, the more unfavorable the battle situation will be for them.

Wei Lin's gaze was fixed, and he resolutely objected: "No, the domain dispute in the Nascent Soul Stage, with our current cultivation level, will be affected if it is affected, either death or injury."

Disturbance from a distance is fine, but once Yuan Yingqi gets close to him, under the limitation of the domain, it is difficult to fly with wings, and it is too late to hide from him, so there is no reason to take the initiative to send him forward.

"It's okay, a little aftermath can't hurt me, besides, I can break free from the realm of Nascent Soul cultivator in the mid-stage of foundation establishment, not to mention that I have already formed a pill now."

Yunli curled her lips, although she didn't want to admit it, her rough skin and thick flesh did increase day by day after the transformation, which would be a catastrophe for others, but for her, it was not so terrifying.

Wei Lin was still worried, the time outside Tianyun City was no way to break free, he was only able to move, "We are only in the early stage of Jindan, the gap is too big, we can't be brave."

"But he killed the seniors of the Xiao family, and he won't let us go. While there are people attracting firepower, there is still a chance of winning if we fight."

Wei Lin was silent, and he swallowed the sentence before he ran away. According to him, the Canye Pavilion was fighting with the four major factions. It is never too late to avenge grievances and revenge.

Even though he didn't mention it, he also knew that Ali would not agree, and he didn't know what her identity was before, so she had a strong sense of responsibility.

Rubbing between her brows helplessly, since she is determined to take care of witchcraft, he can only accompany her.

"Let's be smarter, things cannot be violated, and withdraw immediately."

"I know."

Yunli's eyes were bright, she stared at the battle situation in the distance, opened a magic weapon for protection, clutched the Huanshi Ling tightly, and was caught in the storm like lightning at the right time.

Ming Er, who was pressing Xiao Yan to retreat steadily, suddenly felt that the domain had been invaded, and it hadn't been detected yet. Lingsha's familiar touch ran across his back, and then he caught a glimpse of a figure in yellow on the other side. In a blink of an eye, the silk yarn, which had finally broken free, caught his arm again, circling around a few times, and the yellow clothes flashed past him!
Ming Er was furious, the little bug simply ignored him, even dared to enter his domain at the early stage of Jindan, and was still dangling under his nose.

Wait, she can move freely in the Fengshen Domain!
After taking a closer look, she found that she was moving in the direction of the wind. In this way, the Fengshen Domain not only failed to restrict her, but provided her with leverage.

In addition, she wore a simple finger ring on the hand holding the satin, exuding a warm aura to protect her whole body.

It turned out that he came here after being well prepared. Ming Er's eyes were red with jealousy. It seems that during the trip to Jiuliyuan, the four major sects got a lot of treasures, and the defensive equipment they took out at random can block the destructive power of the Nascent Soul Stage .

The moment his brain turned sharply, Cheng Ling had switched to the other hand and wrapped it around several times. Looking at that posture, the next target was his leg.

Ming Er laughed back angrily, and let out a low growl. The natural coercion of the Nascent Soul stage spread out in circles as if it had substance, and the ground sank a little. Before she could retreat, a giant hand reached out like thunder, clamping her wrist and breaking it, trying to break her hand.

Yunli's wrist sank and turned, and she quickly broke free from his grip, grabbed his hand with her backhand, turned around with a wrong step, raised her elbow, and stabbed fiercely into the killer's ribs. elbow.

Although he had already guessed about her strength, Ming Er finally realized how terrifying her strength was after receiving a solid elbow. That blow made his chest go numb, and the scene in front of him shook, as if It hit an ancient giant beast.

A look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, he raised his other unrestrained hand, and the same elbow fell hard on Yunli's back.

Yunli swung out her elbow, and was about to make persistent efforts when she threw him over the shoulder. The skin on her back faintly felt the stabbing pain from the wind penetrating the elbow. She had no choice but to give up the knife. I don't want the killer to be experienced, so he pushed his knee up to block her movement.

This dangerous scene made Wei Lin's heart stop suddenly, and "Forgetfulness" sounded on the lips of the flute. This time, the melodious sound was even better than before, and an invisible force spread around him along with the sound waves. In the meantime, everyone seemed to be in the bamboo forest in the middle of the autumn night, and even the depths of their souls were cold and lonely.

The killer's ferocious expression and movements all paused, and the hesitant brick-like muscles on his arms swelled and shrunk, as if the air inside the balloon was uneven, and other parts of the body were also shrinking.

Wei Lin secretly heaved a sigh of relief, mature Gu worms also evolved from ordinary Gu worms, and logically speaking, they should also be controlled by the music of "Wang Qing", it's just a matter of the degree of control.

Combined with the characteristics of the host's skin and bones devouring spiritual power, it can be speculated that the failure of "Forgetfulness" may also be related to this.

Since the melody fused with spiritual power can't be controlled, what about the one fused with spiritual consciousness?
Ming Er turned his head to look at the young man playing the flute, feeling horrified in his heart, what is his origin that he can enter the music with his spiritual sense!
This not only requires precise control of the spiritual consciousness, but also extremely tests the degree of concentration of the spiritual consciousness. How can a young junior who has just formed an alchemy have such a strong spiritual consciousness?

The killer's movements were sluggish, and his strength was not as good as before. Yunli immediately launched a counterattack, slamming his elbow into the killer's chest and abdomen quickly and violently, and at the same time shouted at Xiao Yan: "Senior Xiao, do it, why are you standing still!"

Xiao Yan woke up as if he had just woken up from a dream, and hurried forward. All this happened in a very short period of time. First, the little girl rushed in desperately. He shot at the little girl and was about to step forward, but this shocking scene appeared.

Didn't it mean that "Wang Qing" is ineffective against mature Gu insects?

Yunli's voice not only woke up Xiao Yan, but Ming Er also reacted, the Gu worms in his body became more and more restless, and the advantage has turned into a shackle that restricts him, he has to escape!
He pushed the Fengshen Domain with all his strength, and Yunli was engulfed in it, flung to a high place, turned dizzy, and let go of his hands.

Ming Er heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly pulled the orange silk on both arms, this smelly girl is just a clingy slug, she can only escape if she gets rid of her.

Yunli was dizzy from being thrown, but she could still feel that he had already untied it twice, and hurriedly tightened Huanshiling.

At this time, the high-speed rotating tornado suddenly slowed down, it was Xiao Yan, who used his own domain to forcefully penetrate into the domain of Fengshen.

On the other hand, Wei Lin became more and more adept at entering the music with his spiritual sense. The melody was faint and pervasive, and the killer's movements became sluggish.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, seized the opportunity to fly down, flew around the killer a few times, entangled his limbs, and then pulled them to the back to tie a knot. With a flash of peachy fingertips, she wanted to give him a transparent Feeling cold.

Not wanting to, a long spear flew out from the side, and picked up her Meng Zhan Dao.

"what are you doing?"

Yunli asked unhappily. She was still in the Nascent Soul stage, and she couldn't grasp the timing. I didn't see that she had already bundled the enemy into buns. If she didn't know how to make up the knife, it would be fine. If she stopped her, wouldn't it be an undercover agent?
She looked at Xiao Yan suspiciously, and became more vigilant in her heart, secretly clenched the Meng Zhan Dao, and stared at it firmly.

At this time, Wei Lin also walked over while blowing Shu Yuming, and his suspicious eyes were also undisguised.

Xiao Yan smiled wryly, stretched out his hand to seal the acupoint of Killing's spiritual vein, and took away his natal long knife and all the other items on his body. After making sure that he had no strength to resist, he explained: "The two little friends don't know something. Evolved Gu worms must be flesh and blood, must die, and have some spatial attributes.

Once the host dies, the Gu worms will split into thousands, start self-protection, and transmit to the nearest living creature, making it impossible to guard against. "

It's the space attribute again, Yunli is silent, this perverted attribute really makes people helpless, after thinking about it, she asked: "Isn't there a way to kill them completely?"

Back then, the Continental Cultivator Alliance had exterminated witches, so it stands to reason that there should be a way to deal with them.

Xiao Yan shook his head, "There are thousands of divisions, and it is also a space attribute. It is really difficult to be foolproof. If you are not careful, a group of people will suffer. It is said that only the Gu King can wipe them all out."

Yunli is silent, Gu worms strictly abide by the order of strength, low-level obedience to high-level unconditionally, Gu King may really have a way to destroy them.

No, Xiao Yan changed his words. He looked at Mo Huai and the others who were walking towards him, and laughed, his whole body was relaxed from inside to outside, "But now, the Gu King is not needed."

"What method?" Yunli was curious.

Xiao Yan smiled mysteriously, looked at the killer who pricked up his ears, and said: "Let's go back to Dayan City, there are Gu worms in his body, and the other witches will know about it."

No, just as he finished speaking, the killer who regained the shape of a thin bamboo pole sneered, "Isn't it Qu Guo?"

Yunli looked dazed, and tugged at Wei Lin's sleeve uncertainly, "I remember it was a mortal country, right?"

How did killing Gu worms have anything to do with the mortal kingdom?

Wei Lin nodded lightly, there was nothing special about Buddha Shalizi's escape, he had also been to Qu State.

Xiao Yan's complexion changed, and he immediately said expressionlessly: "It seems that those two are also witch killers, so we don't need to go out of our way to prove it."

This conversation made Yunli feel like a cat scratching her heart, scratching her heart, "What is the solution?"

While talking, Mo Huai and the others had already approached, and she was stunned when she saw everyone clearly, "Why are you all here? Senior, are you taking them shopping?"

Most of these people are familiar faces. They are the monks who passed through Shanxin Town and went north with Mohuai Yechuchen.
Now that the Canye Pavilion already knew about it, there was nothing to hide, Xiao Yan signaled Ye Chuchen to take out the spirit boat, put it on everyone, and flew towards Dayan City, talking nonchalantly.

It turned out that Mo Huai, Ye Chuchen and others had just arrived here, and just like them, they were hunted down by witch killers in the Nascent Soul stage. Fortunately, Ye Chuchen, as the future big shopkeeper of Ye's Trading Company, was rich, so he took out the spirit ship , carrying them to flee wildly.

Later, they accidentally fled into a secular country, and panic surged in their hearts, and at the same time, a creepy feeling filled every corner of their bodies.

When they were panicking, the killer also chased after them. A group of people were desperate, but they saw that the killer who was chasing after him suddenly twitched all over, and he was completely dead within a moment.

Now, everyone was even more frightened, packed up immediately, left by boat, and continued to look for the elders of Ye Xiao's family.

Who would have thought that after flying not far away, they would encounter witchcraft killers again, escaped for more than ten days, seeing that the spirit stones were exhausted, and the spirit boat was about to strike, in desperation, they decided to return to the mortal country for a try.

When the Nascent Soul stage killer died again for no reason, everyone knew that the matter was not simple, so they stayed in a mountain forest not far from the mortal country, and sent more than N sound transmission talismans in succession before they could contact the two elders.

The elders of the two parents suspected that it was the witch-gu killer who was chasing them. The witch-gu killer was completely dead and hadn't caused any harm to the common people.

Immediately sent Xiao Yan to come, first to find out whether the two killers were witch killers, second to find out why they died, and third to take Ye Chuchen and others to Dayan City.

It took Yunli a long time to digest this mysterious and mysterious story, and guessed: "Could it be that Qu Guo has hidden powers? What did you find out, senior?"

Xiao Yan glanced at Ming Er who was in the isolation formation, and shook his head: "I don't know."

As soon as he arrived at the edge of Qu country, he felt a huge will rushing past him. He couldn't move at the moment. It was just a short moment, but it seemed as long as thousands of years. After family discussion, make a decision.

Wei Lin suddenly asked: "Is there an eye staring at you maliciously? It's cold, majestic, and there's no way to avoid it."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xiao Yan nodded sharply, and said in surprise, "How do you know? You have also been to Qu Country?"

Yunli's eyebrows twitched slightly, isn't this the feeling of being maliciously targeted by Tiandao?

After thinking about it, she turned her head, turned her eyes on Mo Huai and Ye Chuchen, and finally fell on Ye Chuchen, and asked, "Friend Ye, do you feel the same way in Qu Country?"

After many years of acquaintance, Ye Chuchen was finally not that afraid of her, and replied after hearing the words: "It's almost the same, but not so strong."

 Thanks to book friends 161219180356007 and book friends 20171102061022811 for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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