all the way to fairy

Chapter 488 Verification

Chapter 488 Verification
Mo Huai's eyes darkened, and a faint astringency flashed across her lips. She was so unwilling to talk to herself.

He lowered his eyes, and Xiao Yan's inquiry sounded in his ears, with imperceptible tension in his voice: "Could it be, do you know that hidden world power?"

"You want to lure the Witch Gu killer to Qu Country to exterminate them." This question, she used a declarative tone, obviously very sure of the intentions of the two families, "It won't work."

In the last few sentences, her voice was flat, with a kind of indifference, and a little bit of displeasure.

Mo Huai clenched his fists, suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, devoted his mind to this discussion, raised his eyes and asked, "Why is this?"

Yunli glanced at the crowd, expressionless: "There is no hidden power, it is the will of the mundane heaven, or the patron saint of the mundane."

"What?" Xiao Yan yelled, unable to believe his ears. As monks, they had heard of the word "Heavenly Dao", but such illusory things would never be felt by monks above the ninth floor. The presence.

Over time, although he said the way of heaven, he didn't take it seriously. The way of heaven is in charge of hundreds of millions of creatures in the world, not to mention the monks after the Yuan Dynasty, even the Canglan Continent. In its eyes, it is just a drop in the ocean. Solo.

The Canglan Continent's ascension channel was blocked, and there was no way to control it, which can be seen.

Now someone told him clearly that what they encountered was Tiandao, and the witch killer in Canye Pavilion was killed by Tiandao. No matter how you think about it, this is untrue.

"Ha," he laughed dryly, "Little friend Yun likes to make jokes, so what he says is true."

Having said that, his face turned pale, apparently he believed in it, and he was just struggling to die.

Yunli is also a little uncertain about this matter. Logically speaking, the Dao of Heaven would not protect a place so clearly, unless he changed his fate against the sky like Mo You and provoked the will of the Dao of Heaven, he would directly kill it;

When a monk commits evil, the punishment of heaven is mostly to take away luck, close the promotion or upgrade the demon test, and ascend to the thunder tribulation. It is indeed abnormal to be so merciless.

However, senior brother has the experience of being targeted by Tiandao, and Xiao Yan's description is clearly Tiandao's will.

In addition, no matter whether it was the will of the Heavenly Dao or not, she did not want to involve the mortal world, and set this matter as the obliteration of the Heavenly Dao, so as to prevent them from moving these thoughts.

The thought turned in her mind, and she had a serious face: "The matter of monks is only for monks, how can it involve ordinary people, Canye Pavilion used ordinary people to test witches and Gu people, and it has attracted the attention of heaven..."

Speaking of this, she paused, and Wei Lin said via voice transmission, "Aside from Qu Country, are there other mortal countries near Zhongzhou?"

Whether it is the way of heaven, you can find a common country to find out, if not, the two families will definitely not let go of the opportunity to completely wipe out the Gu worms, she is only a golden core cultivation base, and she is soft-spoken, how to stop it?

Wei Lin knew her intentions at a glance, and replied: "The Canglan Continent is not just an ordinary country like the Qu Kingdom, I have the heart to verify that distance is not a problem."

Yunli pursed her lips and was racking her brains to think about the countermeasures when Ye Chuchu's eyes lit up, "Let's find another mortal country to verify."

Yunli put on a blank face, really afraid of something.

Ye Chuchu's words made everyone hopeful, Xiao Yan immediately said: "Dayan City is not far away!"

Ye Chuchu held his chin, and said 'uh', "I need to find someone far away from Qu Country, so that we can clearly distinguish whether it is the hidden power or the way of heaven."

Seeing that their discussion was already in full swing, Yunli was speechless for a while, opened her mouth, and wanted to persuade a few more words, but gave up after thinking about it, let's take one step at a time, if she just stops her, it will be inconvenient to show her intentions.

Soon, everyone discussed the result. The large and small cities of the Zhongshan Department, whether ordinary or monks, have all been wiped out. The Qu Kingdom is located in the Dongshan Department, and now it is going to the Xishan Department. , even if it is perceived, it is impossible to cross the Central Continent and rush to the West Mountain so quickly.

The speed of the spirit ship was very fast, but within two days, it had already arrived at the destination of the trip, which was Chu State in the Western Mountains.

Put away the spirit boat, pass through the enchantment, and see a greenery, quiet mountains, and deep emerald marks. This is a series of rolling mountains. Behind the two peaks, there is a middle-aged woodcutter who is having sex and chopping firewood .

Yunli felt it for a while, except for the lack of spiritual energy, everything was normal, and she didn't feel any pressure of will. It seemed that she had guessed wrong, and there was no way to kill it.

She was downcast, and suddenly felt the gasping around her getting heavier, turned her head to see, Xiao Yan was sweating profusely, as if facing a formidable enemy, she didn't dare to move.

"Senior Xiao, are you alright?"

Really have the will of heaven!

She was overjoyed, her eyes glanced at the others, all of them were stained with fear, obviously feeling the will of Heaven, she hurriedly went to see Wei Lin, the senior was on the blacklist of Heaven, she didn't want Wei Lin to look normal.

She was still worried, and asked through voice transmission: "Brother, are you alright?"

"It's nothing." Wei Lin was also very puzzled. As the target of Tiandao, he was well prepared, but he didn't want to feel uncomfortable.

Yunli felt relieved, turned her head and continued to pretend to care about Xiao Yan: "Senior Xiao, are you okay?"

Xiao Yan was sweating like rain, and finally couldn't hold on anymore. He turned around abruptly, entered the barrier like lightning, and returned to the world of monks.

The feeling of having Rumang on his back was uncomfortable, seeing this, Mo Huai and the others hurriedly withdrew, Yun Li raised his eyebrows, and returned calmly with Wei Lin.

After about a stick of incense, Xiao Yan regained his composure, looked at the enchantment with lingering fear, his voice trembling uncontrollably: "What you said is true, it is indeed the will of heaven."

He no longer wanted to experience that feeling. In front of that will, he was as small as a speck of dust, and the other party could easily kill him with just one thought. There was never a moment when he felt his own insignificance so clearly.

Yunli had already confirmed in her heart that this was the work of the Dao of Heaven, and in order to further dispel their thoughts, she said, "Since we have already arrived here, we must go in and check it out. Senior Xiao, you rest here, let's go in and ask someone if there is any common customs. What happened."

Xiao Yan showed hesitation, obviously still not giving up, he looked at Mo Huai and the others for a while: "How do you feel, can you hold on?"

"Our cultivation base is low, but it's not as strong as our predecessors." After speaking, Mo Huai paused slightly, and looked at the two of Yunli, "Don't you feel it?"

Shrouded by the terrifying will, everyone was restless and didn't notice it. After he reminded them, they found that the expressions of Yunli and Li were as usual, as if they were not affected at all, and they couldn't help being shocked.

They stayed in Qu's foreign country for a long time, and gradually figured out some rules. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the creepy feeling. These two are both at the Golden Core stage, and the foundation-building monks at the beginning of the night feel it. They should feel it. Obviously right.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen pairs of eyes, Yunli nodded calmly, without blushing and heartbeat: "It may be that I am always kind and helpful, and the law of heaven is not against me."

The corners of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched. All the way here, everyone's thoughts were on verifying the mysterious will, but she didn't forget about the spoils. She bluntly said that they had worked hard to take down the killer, and they also got a share of the spoils. What a benevolent person.

Seeing her flicking the broken hair on her forehead again, she continued to speak boldly: "It is also possible that I am the daughter of Tiandao."

Everyone petrified again.

The two jokes eased the fear in everyone's hearts, Yunli collected her expression, and said seriously: "This should be related to the witches. The Canye Pavilion used mortals to test the witches, which caused the dissatisfaction of the heavens. Therefore, the Nascent Soul Stage witch As soon as Killer Gu broke in, he died immediately, but Senior Xiao, you only got a warning when you went in."

She glanced at Wei Lin, "As for the two of us, we don't feel anything, because we have been exterminating witches and protecting the weak, and we have made great achievements."

These words, everyone thinks nonsense, if the way of heaven is so humane, there will not be so many good people who suffer and suffer in the world.But I couldn't find any other explanation for a while, so I could only accept it temporarily.

After the agreement was made, Yunli took the lead and led everyone through the barrier again. As soon as they went out, they met a pair of black and clear eyes.

"Sister, are you also immortals?"

A four or five-year-old girl wrung her fingers and looked at them timidly. She was wearing a light pink dress and a snow-white gown outside. The clothes and accessories were all luxurious and new, but her small face was sallow and skinny.

Yunli was stunned, where did the little girl come from in this barren mountain?

Moreover, she checked just now, except for the woodcutter, there was no living person in a radius of tens of miles. How long has it been, less than 10 minutes.

"Also?" Wei Lin quickly grasped the point, and asked softly: "Have you seen other immortals?"

Here, the immortal enchantment is set on a big rock, and it is normal for the little girl to see them jumping out of the rock out of thin air, and think they are immortals.

Seeing that they were immortals by default, the little girl was obviously relieved, and her tone became lighter: "My master is an immortal. He is about to take me to the immortal world."

If it wasn't for this place being the Immortal Barrier, Yunli would have felt that someone had abducted a child. This little girl looked only four or five years old, not even old enough to test her spiritual roots.

"What about your master? Why did you leave you here alone?"

The twilight is now thick, and it will be dark in a short time. In the dense woods, it is dark during the day, not to mention at night, the trees are full of shadows, and you can't see your fingers. It can be called a large-scale ghost movie scene.

What a big heart this master is, to leave a little girl who doesn't know much about the world alone here, and he is not afraid of being frightened.

The little girl bowed her head in shame, and said in a weak voice, "I'm hungry, and Master said to find me something to eat."

Yunli frowned, the little girl hadn't drawn the qi into her body yet, so she couldn't eat food with aura, but bigu pills were fine, so what to eat.

She released her consciousness, but she still didn't find the little girl's master. Just as she was wondering, a person appeared within the range of her consciousness. It turned out that the big-hearted master was Chu Nan.

She looked down at the little girl, and asked uncertainly: "Your master said that he wanted to take you as an apprentice? Is there a ceremony of apprenticeship?"

The little girl was puzzled, and nodded obediently, "Thank you."

Yunli's expression was complicated, Chu Nan had already accepted him as an apprentice, and he still remembered the first time we met, he was still a high-spirited young man, so many years had passed in a blink of an eye.

Soon, Chu Nan also spotted them, and flew over at a faster speed, wondering: "Junior Sister Yun, Brother Mo, why are you here?"

Yunli briefly mentioned their reason for coming, and then asked: "Are you from Chu State? What's so special about it?"

"It turns out that you have also discovered it." Chu Nan's words immediately lifted everyone's spirits, and it seemed that there was something abnormal in Chu State.

It turned out that Chu Nan was ordered to come to Central Continent for support. On the way, he met some monks talking, saying that there was a powerful man in Chu State who stopped the army of witches and Gu, and said that the powerful man had a strange temperament and expelled them monks from Chu State.

Out of curiosity, he came to Chu State to check. As soon as he entered the mortal world, he felt malicious, and enduring the chills on his back, he inquired all the way.

I learned from the common people that when a woodcutter was chopping firewood in this forest a month ago, he saw black insects flying from nowhere, and disappeared completely in the blink of an eye. Be suspicious of yourself.

According to the witnesses that day, those insects were indeed Gu insects.

Whether it is a low-level Gu worm or a Nascent Soul killer who is carrying a Gu worm, they are instantly wiped out once they enter the mortal world, all of which prove that the law of heaven does not allow monks to suffer from witches and Gu to harm the mortal world.

In the silence, Mo Huai asked: "Have you checked the state of Chu? Could it be a hidden power?"

"Probably not. There is a lack of spiritual energy here, so it is not suitable for monks to practice. Besides, Elder Ling Su of your sect is already a leader in Canglan cultivation. Can he kill the monk Nascent Soul in an instant?"

Mo Huai was silent, and everyone's mood became heavy. The way of heaven also rejected them, and even the Qi training monks were expelled. The meaning is already obvious. If they force the witches here, they will kill them mercilessly .

"Why did you accept an apprentice?" After finishing the business, Yunli looked at the little girl curiously, and joked: "It seems to be a good talent to be able to accept the most favored son of Tianxin Pavilion as an apprentice."

Chu Nan's eyes softened, and he said with a smile, "Shu'er, I've come to meet your Uncle Yun."

Before everyone discussed, the little girl had been quietly hiding behind Chu Nan. Seeing everyone looking at her now, she felt shy and blushed.

Under Chu Nan's encouraging eyes, she made a nondescript salute to Yunli: "I have seen Master Yun."

Yunli was silent, they are all serious uncles, so the greetings should not be less.She took out a silver-white bead flower from the storage bag and put it on the little girl's hair, nodded with satisfaction, and said: "This makes the little face even cuter, it suits you very well."

Chu Nan raised his eyebrows: "Junior Sister Yun is generous."

"Don't mock me, do you?"

"How could it be that she is low-level now, and a high-level magic weapon is given to her, but it will be useless in a short time. Instead, it will attract people's envy and may cause disaster. This high-grade defensive magic weapon can withstand the full blow of a golden core cultivator. , just right."

As he spoke, he motioned to the little girl: "Thank you, Uncle Yun, soon."

Next, Mo Huai and Ye Chuchen did not escape, and even Wei Lin, who had nothing to do with Chu Nan after his disguise, also gave a small gift.

Yunli looked very envious, why didn't she have a master who took gifts everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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