all the way to fairy

Chapter 489 Epiphany

Chapter 489 Epiphany
After introducing everyone to the little girl, Chu Nan handed her a pack of red bean cakes and told her story.

The little girl was originally a beggar in a small town nearby. Chu Nan once asked her for information. After leaving, he found an old man who disliked her for not asking for money from Chu Nan, and beat and kicked her.

Chu Nan immediately went back to rescue her. Seeing her pitiful, he wanted to help, but as a monk, he had no money in the world. Later, he learned that the little girl was actually six years old, but she was chronically malnourished and looked small.

As soon as he thought about it, he tested her spiritual roots and made up his mind that as long as the little girl had spiritual roots, he would bring her back to the sect. He didn't want the little girl to have gold and earth dual spiritual roots. Personally, because the little girl has been a beggar since she could remember, and she has no name and surname, so he named her Chu Jingshu.

For a while, everyone lamented his shit luck, and they could find a double spiritual root apprentice if they asked anyone for a question.

Since Chu Nan had checked, they had nothing to investigate, so they immediately returned to inform Xiao Yan, and took the spirit boat to Dayan City.

With the deterrence of heaven, from now on, monks will never dare to torture and kill mortals easily. Yunli was in a good mood, glanced at the red bean cake in Chu Jingshu's hand, raised an eyebrow at Chu Nan, and joked: "It's a good idea to have an apprentice." It’s different, I don’t want to leave wild things in the mountains, but I went all the way to buy red bean cakes.”

Chu Nan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he asked with a smile, "What? You want to eat too?"

"My skin is made of donkey-hide gelatin, and I don't have the face to compete with the younger generation."

Xiao Yan blurted out: "So you know you have a thick skin."

Yunli had a bitter face: "Senior Xiao, I'm already an uncle, so I should save some face."


Everyone couldn't help laughing, and the solemn atmosphere on the spirit boat was swept away.

A few days later, the spirit ship landed outside Dayan City, Xiao Yan played a series of complicated hand formulas, and after opening the formation, everyone entered Dayan City.

As soon as they entered, two huge figures rushed towards them, Yunli's heart skipped a beat, was Dayan City also captured by the witches?

Due to the sudden appearance of many mature Nascent Soul stage witches and Gu people, the monks from the Ye Xiao family who came back to aid could not break through the line of defense for a long time and regained Zhongzhou City, so they chose the neighboring Dayan City. Today's Dayan City is home to the Ye Xiao two monks Temporary command center.

There are witches and Gu people here, and the situation is not good.

These thoughts flashed through her mind quickly, she hurriedly stepped forward to stop the Witch Gu, and slapped a Witch Gu with a leg whip.

This kick was as fast as thunder and lightning, and there was a slight crackling sound in the air. Xiao Yan, who stopped another witch, saw his complexion changed drastically, and hurriedly shouted: "Little friend, be merciful!"

The attack was complete, and it was impossible to stop it. Yunli turned sharply and slammed on the door of the shop next to the street. After a slight click, the house collapsed.

Chu Jingshu behind Chu Nan trembled, and hid her small body behind Chu Nan. Uncle Yun was so scary.

These two witches were just building their foundations, Xiao Yan restrained them in two or three moves, Yunli turned around, looked at the witchcraft whose face was oozing blood from the wind of her legs, and frowned. Wrinkled.

These two foundation-building stages are actually new versions of Wu Gu people. It is not easy for Gu insects to evolve and mature. How could Canye Pavilion be used on the foundation-building stage killer?
At this moment, a group of people from behind gathered around, and after paying respects to Xiao Yan, they took the two witches away, and Yunli realized something unusual, the clothes and accessories of the two witches all wore the family crest of the Xiao family.

Are these two Xiao family children?

Looking at Xiao Yan's face as bitter as Huang Lian, Yunli swallowed, could it be what she thought?
Everyone else reacted quickly, especially the Ye Xiao family. Ye Chuchen called out nervously: "Grandpa Xiao."

"It seems that you have already guessed it." Xiao Yan's eyes were scarlet and his voice was difficult, "That's right, the Canye Pavilion turned my two children into witches and controlled them to guard the city and face their relatives. How can we do it. "

The sound of weeping blood, the words pierced the heart, and Yunli's throat was blocked when he heard it, "So, it is because of this that Zhongzhou City has not been able to recover for a long time."

She somewhat understood why Xiao Yan still had illusions when the result was clear, hoping that it wasn't the way of heaven, he was eager to get rid of the Gu worms.

Xiao Yan nodded with difficulty, "Besides, there are dozens of Nascent Soul Stage Witch Gu killers in Zhongzhou. If they attack hard, the aftermath of the battle will destroy Zhongzhou City. Those clansmen in the city..."

After a long time, he suppressed the churning emotions in his heart, "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the two patriarchs."

After meeting, without waiting for the juniors to greet, the two patriarchs looked at Xiao Yan together, and Xiao Zhen, the head of the Xiao family, asked anxiously: "How is it? Did you find out?"

Xiao Zhen was impatient at first glance, seeing Xiao Yan nodding and shaking his head first, he couldn't help being impatient: "You said it, what does this nodding and shaking his head mean?"

"The few Nascent Souls who died are indeed witch killers..."

After listening to their inspection process, the two patriarchs fell into a daze, and it took a long time to accept the statement that Tiandao made a move.

After a long silence, Ye Zheyan, the head of the Ye Clan, let out a long sigh, his eyes full of despair, "God is going to kill my family."

In an instant, his face showed a sense of gray and defeated, and he was no longer hale and hearty before, and his long gray hair was hanging down weakly.

I do not know when, the wind picked up.

The cold wind flew through the window, rattling his clothes, but it couldn't blow away the heavy sadness around him.

Seeing this situation, Yunli's eyes were sore, she pursed her lips, lowered her eyelids slightly, and only heard Ye Chuchu's choked voice complaining: "Why does Heaven only protect mortals? To it, killing Gu insects is just a single thought." In between, why not kill all the Gu worms in Canglan?"

"Chu Chu! Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Zheyan sternly stopped, and Ye Chuchen hurriedly covered her mouth, for fear that she would say something rebellious.

They also have these complaints, but it is the way of heaven, the way of heaven that is omnipotent and ubiquitous, it can know even a single thought in their mind, don't even dare to think about such disobedient words.

But Yunli had a thought, and asked Wei Lin through voice transmission: "Senior brother, is the law of heaven still targeting you?"


All the way to Dayan City, Wei Lin was thinking about this problem. When he entered Chu Kingdom, he clearly felt that the malice that had been staring at him disappeared without a trace. The feeling reappeared.

What exactly is the way of heaven?
At one time, he thought that the way of heaven was the rule governing the operation of all things in the world, an irreversible will, and an aloof and indifferent god.

But now, although it is still powerful, its bias is too obvious, like an omnipotent person.

Since he is a human being, one day, he will also be able to reach that level. At this moment, the boulder that weighed on his heart suddenly lightened.

Even if it is the way of heaven, it is not invincible!

There was a surge in his chest, something seemed to break out of the ground, in the dantian, Mo Lijian trembled slightly, as if it was about to break out, he suppressed it tightly.

After getting Wei Lin's reply, Yunli was even more surprised that she had two completely different attitudes towards the same person in different places, the way of heaven can't tell the difference, right?

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she accidentally murmured: "Could it be that there are two ways of heaven?"

As soon as the words fell, she suddenly felt a surge of spiritual energy beside her. She turned her head and saw that the surrounding spiritual energy rushed like Wei Lin like Wei Lin, scrambling to get into his body. After a while, they formed a spiritual energy centered on him. swirl……

Cheng Cheng Cheng...

The swords of Mo Huai, Ye Chuchen and others, including Ye Zheyan, the head of the Ye family, flew out of the dantian and the storage bag uncontrollably, with the tip of the sword facing down, buzzing around Wei Lin.

Yunli looked dull, "This is... what's going on?"

"Epiphany!" Ye Zheyan's eyes widened, and he cried out in disbelief.

"Epiphany?" Yunli was even more confused, staring blankly at Wei Lin, "It's just for no reason, how did you get an epiphany?"

Shouldn't something like an epiphany be triggered by something mysterious, and then feel it?

Also, what happened to these swords?
Everyone also looked confused, Ye Zheyan looked at her, uncertain: "You just said, two ways of heaven?"

Yunli nodded, and blurted out: "I just guessed it casually."

She paused, and slowly raised her eyes to meet Ye Zheyan's, "You mean, he got an epiphany because of this sentence?"

No, what's so good about this sentence?
Ye Chuchu pointed to a sword that kept humming, and asked, "Then what are these swords?"

Yunli also looked over, she was also very curious.

"This epiphany wants to resonate with the swords of life. These swords are a tribute to his sword of life."

Hearing this, everyone was envious. If he could attract all the swords to submit, his sword of fate must have a lot of origins.

Xiao Zhen frowned and interjected: "What is his Fate Sword, why hasn't it appeared yet?"

Does Mo Lijian still need to come out?But don't!

Maybe Mo Lijian heard her prayer, although the clanging sword sound became clearer, so loud that they could hear it from outside, it still stayed obediently in Weilin's dantian.

Waiting left and right, the sword didn't show up for a long time, Xiao Zhen frowned, muttered strangely, and asked them again: "Have you seen his sword?"

Yunli showed a blank face, and answered first: "He has always used the flute, and the sword intent is also through the purple flute, could it be the sword in the flute?"

"Flute?" Xiao Zhen almost frowned.

"A purple flute, you can't see the grade." Xiao Yan told with a complicated expression how the two of them helped him take down the witch killer. , really not.

Xiao Zhen murmured: "From this point of view, it may really be the sword in the flute."

After a while, Chu Nan came to his senses and hurriedly said, "Shu'er, hurry up, sit down and feel the spiritual energy."

On the spirit boat that came to Dayan City, he had already passed on the exercises to his young disciples, and he also tried to feel the spiritual energy, but he only had a vague feeling that it was far from the level of the unity of man and nature.

Now the aura in the house is so thick that it almost condenses into a liquid, which is just suitable for feeling the aura and drawing it into the body.

Yunli glanced at the two masters and apprentices, and did not stop them. With the vast spiritual power of his senior brother Jin Danqi, the meager spiritual energy induced by a child into the body has no effect on him, and the others will not.

"Let's get out."

She stared fixedly at the crowd, because everyone was very sensible, without saying much, she lightly walked outside the house, and when everyone had retreated, Yunli glanced back, tapped her toes, and floated out of the house silently, standing there Be vigilant at the gate.

The two spiritual roots of gold and earth, and such a rich aura environment, within half a day, Chu Jingshu successfully attracted the aura into her body, becoming a small monk of the first level of Qi training.

The little girl's eyes are bright, and she sees everything very novel, presumably because she feels the difference in the world after entraining qi into her body.

Chu Nan's eyebrows and eyes were full of smiles, and he said with a smile: "It seems that this girl is also destined to be with Feng Daoyou."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, "Our little Jingshu is a lucky one."

Wei Lin was the only one left in the room, so don't worry about the little girl being ignorant and disturbing his epiphany. Yunli's tense heartstrings loosened, and she turned to Chu Nan and said, "I haven't asked you all this time, what happened recently? Seeing you this time, my temperament is quite calm."

Not only the temperament, but also the indelible heaviness between the eyebrows and eyes, the whole person seems to be bent by something, and the previous high-spirited spirit is no longer there.

Chu Nan's eyes paused slightly, "After experiencing such a thing, how could it be as black and white as before."

He exhaled heavily, looked out the window into the distance, and sighed softly, "It's time to mature."

Mo Huai nodded in agreement, "Right now, the plague of witchcraft is rampant, and the mainland is full of smog. Everywhere you pass is ten rooms and nine empty. I wish I could grow superhuman and wipe out all witchcraft."

After a moment of silence, Yunli said: "Didn't it mean that the Gu king can destroy mature Gu insects, we can find a way to find the Gu king."

"I'm afraid that there is no Gu King in Canye Pavilion." Ye Zheyan turned his back and looked towards the direction of Zhongzhou City with his hands behind his back, his whole body was full of deep sorrow that couldn't be resolved.

Yunli was stunned, "Didn't it mean that the Gu King of the Wugu Sect disappeared back then, it should be in the hands of Can Yege, how could it not?"

"This Gu king, not all hosts recognize it, only a pure yin female body can wake up the Gu king."

"Pure yin female body?" Yunli was startled, suddenly thinking of Yingmei's disappearance, could it be that she was taken to raise the Gu King?

"That's right, a pure yin female body." Xiao Zhen also had a sad expression on his face, "This pure yin female body is extremely rare, there are many people coveting it, and the owners are very cautious, wishing to silence all those who know it. Even if we get Gu worms, we can get them in a short time. Where can I find a woman with a pure yin body?"

Yunli's eyes darkened. If the pure yin body still had this function, then the matter of the shadow charm back then might not be that simple. At least Xing Luo was not the only one behind the scenes.

After deliberating for a moment, she said slowly: "After so many years, Canye Pavilion may have found a woman with a pure yin body."

Mo Huai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the two Empress Yuan monks calmly, and asked via voice transmission: "Can Ye Pavilion really found a woman with a pure yin body?"

Yunli nodded imperceptibly, Gu King's matter is very important, presumably Yingmei must be imprisoned in Qinghe Valley.

It is difficult to break into Qinghe Valley and rescue people!

After receiving an affirmative answer, Mo Huai's heart tightened, and he followed Yunli's words: "It has been a thousand years since the Wugu sect was exterminated. Since the remnants took away the Gu king, they must have been looking for a woman with a pure yin body. Menglou is privately engaged in the furnace business, there are Zuimenglou in large and medium-sized cities and squares, and the pure yin female body should have been found."

 Thank you for the cute monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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