all the way to fairy

Chapter 490 Go Kick Him

Chapter 490 Go Kick Him

Ye Zheyan shook his head, "We also had this guess before, but the Gu King has self-awareness and can boost other Gu insects. With it, the strength of the Witch Gu killer will not be what it is now, it is the lowest level of Witch Gu People, with Gu King's boost, you have to be careful during the foundation building period."

Now, Yunli was even more sure that Yingmei was in Qinghe Valley. She glanced at the two sad-faced patriarchs, how could she convince them that Can Yege had found a pure Yin female body?

"Just make up false information and let them find out." Just at this moment, Wei Lin's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Yunli was overjoyed, and turned his head to look. Wei Lin was standing against the wind in a blue and white robe.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his body, casting a layer of soft golden color, and those pair of clear phoenix eyes seemed to shatter all the sunlight, floating with a bright luster.

Yunli was slightly stunned, "What did you suddenly realize? The whole person exudes vitality from the inside out."

Wei Lin raised his brows lightly, and said leisurely, "Guess."

"Since it is an epiphany, there is no reason to say it lightly to others, junior sister, don't be rude."

Mo Huai stopped Yun Li's words, and almost forgot that they were just comrades-in-arms who wiped out witches and Gu people together, and such private matters related to cultivation were not for comrades-in-arms to ask.

Wei Lin's eyes paused for a moment, and he said with a half-smile, "You fellow Daoist Mo, this senior brother is very strict, but it's just an unintentional remark, and Feng is not so stingy."

I don't know if it's Yunli's illusion, but he seems to bite the word "senior brother" a bit hard.

Mo Huai looked him straight in the eyes, without backing down: "There is no gentleman in the eyes of villains. In our eyes, it is unintentional words. In the eyes of some villains, it is spying and coveting. If you don't pay attention to the misfortunes coming out of your mouth, how can you say that?" It is regrettable that the sun falls in the hands of villains."

A group of villains made Yunli dizzy, and hurriedly interrupted the two of them: "Okay, I know how to measure, and the important thing is right now. The matter of the Gu king cannot be solved overnight. First, clean up the surrounding witch and Gu army. Go back and bring people to sweep them all the way."

No, Ye Zheyan said: "Young friend Feng, please stay. He can enter the music with his spiritual sense and interfere with mature Gu worms. This will be of great help to us."

Yunli was stunned, most of the Nascent Soul cultivators of the Yexiao family were in Dayan City, and the rest were in Zhongzhou City. Fang Tiandao was still eyeing him, and it was terrifying to let his senior brother stay here alone.

She was about to change her words when Wei Lin said, "That's fine."

Then, Wei Lin's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Changing your words hastily arouses suspicion. We are both in the Zhongshan Department, so it's not a big problem."

Yunli pursed her lips. Now the Nascent Soul Witch Gu killers are all in Zhongzhou City, Qinghe Valley has no time to send people over in a short time, and there are not many Witch Gu troops left. The many foundation building periods should be able to quickly push the front line over, so they replied: "I'll go and come back quickly."

Chu Nan also said: "Since Junior Sister Yun is in charge of the south, Brother Mo and I will go to the north. What do you think?"

Mo Huai nodded slightly: "Yes."

This day, the autumn rain came suddenly, pattering, Yunli looked at it like a curtain of water, until Zheng Rui's figure disappeared at the end of the rain curtain, she still couldn't recover.

"Xing Luo is the son of the head of the Witch Gu Sect back then? But he is just the deputy head of the pavilion."

An Ran raised her eyebrows: "Deputy Pavilion Master?"

"Yeah." Yunli nodded emphatically, "And he has a high position in the pavilion but has no power. He lives like an invisible man, and the four major killers are above him."

Logically speaking, since the Remnant Ye Pavilion was established by the remnants of the Witch and Gu Sect, it is naturally respected by the son of the Sect Master and the little witch.During the years they stayed in the Canye Pavilion, they had never heard of any witches, and Xing Luo was just a deputy pavilion master with no real power.

After thinking about it, she asked, "Is it possible that the young sect master is still alive?"

"Impossible." An Ran denied it, "I asked the senior brother, the head teacher personally led people to hunt him down, and the young master of the Wugu sect died under the sword of the head teacher.

Afterwards, all the members of the Witch Gu Sect checked against the roster one by one, especially the high-level and elite disciples of the Witch Gu Sect. They checked again and again. Except for the little witch and the youngest son of the sect master who were smashed into flesh, the corpses of the others were all undisputed. . "

"That's weird." Yunli frowned, if there were only two escaped from the Wugu Sect back then, what would Xingye have to do with the Wugu Sect?
Could it be that Xingluo's strength is not good enough, so he had to give up the unique knowledge of the Wugu sect that he brought out, and change to the position of honorary deputy pavilion master of Canye Pavilion?

She shook her head, if Xing Luo was really so rich, the coffin of the old head of the Witch Gu Sect would probably not be able to hold it down.

Xingye, Xingluo, what is the relationship between the two, senior brother?Or a brother?
Her mind was in a mess, and she simply didn't want to think about it. After all, the head teacher and the others had personally participated in that battle, they might know something, and Ying Mei, who had been with Xing Luo for so many years, should have discovered some clues.

Without the obstruction of Yuanying and Jindan, the crowd was like a broken bamboo, and within a month, they wiped out all the witches in the south.Yunli led the troops to divide into two groups, bypassing Zhongzhou City far away, sweeping from east and west sides, and finally joined Chunan and Mohuai in a small town in the north.

Time passed in the long battle. During this period, Su Shao came with Ling Zhi, who was refining the panacea. Although An Ran Mu Yan was already good at refining, in order not to be seen, she kept delaying the progress until Not long ago, only three pills were handed over.

When everyone cleared the witches, it was already May of the next year, and white or bright yellow poplar flowers quietly bloomed, heralding the arrival of summer.

There are still thousands of miles away from Zhongzhou City, and from time to time, spiritual light rises into the sky, and the summer breeze is light and warm, carrying a strong bloody smell straight into the nostrils, making people sick.

Chu Nan looked disappointed, "I heard that at this time of year, the city of Zhongzhou is filled with the sweet fragrance of poplar flowers, but now..."

"Don't worry, we can always find a way." Although Yunli was also sighing inwardly, she didn't want to be sentimental at this moment.

In the battle at the Nascent Soul level, Jianji and Jindan couldn't help much, and when it was time to say goodbye, she looked at everyone, "Thank you for your help along the way, it's been hard work."

The spiritual pressure in the distance is pressing, and everyone has long wanted to slip away, and it is hard to speak. Now that they heard her words, they hurriedly and humbly said that they should. Everyone is from Canglan, and everyone is in trouble. Everyone supports, etc. .

Zhuojiabao and the sects that joined later went back to their houses after a few words of politeness, but there seemed to be a little dispute at the Xuanyu sect, a few Jin Dans set up formations and talked to Xu Linghui.

Yunli took a look, then looked away, and said to Xu Yueqing who was beside her, "Fellow Daoist Xu, you can go with the fellow daoist from Xuanyu Sect, there will be someone to take care of you on the way."

Although Yunli and the others are also at the Golden Core stage, as representatives of the four major sects supporting Central Continent, they cannot simply leave like other monks.

Xu Yueqing clenched her fists with a firm expression: "Fairy Yun, let me follow you. Now, revenge is my only thought, and I am not afraid of danger."

Yunli sighed secretly, "Why bother, you are still young, don't let hatred fill your life, presumably your father knows, and he doesn't want to see you filled with hatred."

Xu Yueqing's eyes were reddish, and her words were slightly choked, "I am weak in strength and cannot personally report the revenge of destroying the clan and the city. If I can't do my part to wipe out the Canye Pavilion, I, I..."

As she said that, Dou Da's tears rolled down, even if she raised her head, it was useless, and everyone was heartbroken watching it.

After a long time, An Ran said: "Let her go to Dayan City with us, there must be a shortage of people there."

After thinking about it, Yunli compromised, "That's fine. You two are not familiar with each other in Dayan City, so it's good to have another familiar person to accompany you."

At this time, Xuanyumen also came to a conclusion. Xu Linghui walked straight towards them and said, "I will go with you to Dayan City."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, passed her, and looked at Xu Da behind her.

Xu Da smiled wryly, "The marriage has already been decided. My Xuanyu Sect and the Ye family are related by marriage. If the relatives are in trouble, they should help them. We old fellows will go to Dayan City with the young lady. As for the others, their cultivation bases are low. Going there will add to the chaos, so Junior Brother Qiao will escort you back to the sect."

Yunli would not interfere with the affairs of the Xuanyu Sect, and the group immediately set off for Dayan City.

Dayan City is in the northeast of Zhongzhou, from their position to Dayan City, they have to fly around Zhongzhou City for a while, some of the places are close, and even entangled figures can be seen one by one.

Flying a certain distance, the faint sound of the flute was like weeping, Yunli subconsciously turned her head to look, and among the figures flying in the sky, she saw at a glance the person who was stepping on the flying sword and playing the flute.

In the light blue sky, Wei Lin was dressed in light white clothes, drifting slowly in the sky like a light cloud.

Yunli was naturally not the only one attracted by the sound of the flute. Chu Nan said in surprise, "It's Daoist Feng! I didn't expect him to be so skillful in the battle of the Nascent Soul Stage. It's really amazing!"

"This fellow Fengjue Daoist is really good." Xu Da and other members of the Xuanyu Sect had seen Wei Lin make a move at the beginning, and they were amazed at that time, but now they heard Chu Nan's words, and they couldn't help but smile in response.

Hearing this, Yunli smiled lightly, but for a moment, her smile froze on her face, and her heart trembled slightly.

Not far behind Wei Lin, the air suddenly distorted for a moment, and at that moment, she felt a little fluctuation of spiritual power.

She concentrated and sensed carefully, and with Wei Lin's movement, the air twisted again, and this time, she clearly felt that a Nascent Soul stage killer was hidden in the air, moving with Wei Lin's movement, like his Like a shadow, always behind him.

Yunli's expression was cold, Huan Shiling appeared on her wrist without a sound, and said via voice transmission: "Duo Duo, go over and kick him."

Ming Liu half-closed his eyelids, staring at his own toes. In a moment, he naturally moved three feet to the right, almost at the same time as Wei Lin, who was a foot ahead of him.

Although he has been with this person for a long time and has seen several opportunities to make a move, years of experience in ambush and killing stopped him.

He is different from other assassins in the pavilion, he pays attention to one-hit kills.

Mingliu has been weak since he was a child, and suffered a lot in close combat. After joining the Remnant Ye Pavilion, it became even more difficult. Fortunately, he occasionally learned a secret method of invisibility.

Although talismans can also achieve the effect of invisibility, there are invisible talismans as well as visible talismans. In addition, talisman seals also have a time limit, unlike spells, as long as he has spiritual power, he can hide forever.

He used to lurk for several days for a mission, just waiting for a chance to kill. After a long time, he developed extraordinary patience and the ability to kill with one blow.

Today's task is very important. After it is completed, the contribution points will be enough to be promoted to the rank of killer. But for some reason, a faint sense of crisis has been hovering in his heart, which is the reason why he has not made a move.

Ming Liu was full of thoughts, but his face was still calm, his body was motionless, and suddenly there was a creepy aura behind him, that aura was so terrifying that it made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Years of experience in ambushes and killings allowed him to quickly withdraw from his rigid state. Just as he was about to get out of the way, a strong force hit him from behind, and he flew out uncontrollably. ears.

Ming Liu was stunned, turned his head to look, and saw that his prey had turned around at some point, with his right hand resting on his heart, and as his wrist turned quickly, the small milky white flowers wrapped with silver branches on the blue hilt were faintly visible.

There seemed to be a big hole in the body, and the physical and spiritual energy was passing away quickly. Without looking inside, Ming Liu also knew that his heart had been crushed by the sword intent, and there was no possibility of surviving.

Ming Liu raised his head slowly: "How did you find me?"

At a distance of ten feet, he was pushed vigorously in less than a breath, and it was not enough for the opponent to react, unless the opponent discovered him in advance.

Wei Lin looked indifferent: "It's so close to me, keep out the wind."

"Impossible." At a distance of one foot, there was still wind blowing behind the prey, and it was absolutely impossible to block the wind.

"The wind speed is wrong." Wei Lin was extra patient today.

So it turned out that Mingliu suddenly realized that some people who are sensitive to wind can indeed feel the difference in wind speed.

But the dignified monk at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty died in the hands of a golden elixir. He was not reconciled, a ruthlessness rose in his heart, and he smiled, "You are very talented, but unfortunately you lack experience."

As he said that, a cold light appeared on his fingertips, and he stabbed fiercely at the opponent's heart. No sooner had he raised his hand, his heart felt cold again. Fall from mid-air.

His eyelids became heavier and lowered slowly in his unwillingness, and his consciousness gradually became blurred. He saw the sharp orange blade suddenly soften, turning into an orange veil and falling lightly on the hand of the prey who was pressing against his heart. The blue hilt revealed the whole picture. Some familiar, as if seen somewhere.

A soft whisper sounded in my ears, "Because there is no need to hide."

He finally remembered, that was Li Li's sword hilt, and the prey was Qian Jiu!
There was a trace of shock in his eyes, and he opened his mouth, but unfortunately the darkness took away all his consciousness.

An Ran stared dumbfounded at the taken-back Huanshi Ling: "Are you Ling or a bow and arrow?"

From such a long distance, stretching the string with two fingers, unexpectedly shot the silk as an arrow!
Yunli shrugged: "Of course it is Aya, but as long as it is needed, it can be any weapon."

Then, exhaled: "Let's go, go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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