all the way to fairy

Chapter 493 Rough

Chapter 493 Rough
The witch killers are all in Zhongzhou City, and there are only some incomplete experimental products left here, and a dozen technicians are in charge of guarding them.

The technicians are all Yuanying monks, but the highest is no more than the middle stage of Yuanying, so it is no wonder that they lost so quickly.

They were sealed by the true kings, and they were thrown on the wooden bridge, looking at the walking witches, their eyes were full of fear, fearing that one of them would be accidentally knocked into the poison pool by the witches.

Seeing these people, Yunli couldn't help but rejoice. At the beginning, they only entered the edge and then hurriedly evacuated. If they entered the core area, with their cultivation level at the time of Qi training, it would not be more difficult for researchers to crush them to death than to crush two ants. .

Later, Mo You attracted Xingye's attention, and they were able to fade out of Xingye's sight.

She exhaled, flew up, and came to the small room carved out of the stone wall. The room was so quiet that you could hear the drop of a needle.

The complexions of the true masters of the Xiao family were so gloomy that they could drip water, while the true masters of the Ye family flirted with each other, as if they were communicating with each other;
Mo Huai's expression was delicate, and his eyes slid past the Xiao family from time to time; Chu Nan's complexion was complicated, with pity and other things hidden in his eyes, only Wei Lin was the most calm, calmly taking in everyone's expressions.

The stagnant atmosphere made Yunli tense up unconsciously, she fell to Wei Lin's side, and asked in a low voice, "What did you find?"

Wei Lin casually picked up a letter from the desk next to her and handed it to her, "Read it yourself."

The content of the letter is very simple, and can be scanned at a glance, but Yunli's eyes are fixed. This is an order for the research progress of the witches, signed by Xiao Zhen, the head of the Xiao family.

It’s no wonder that the real lords of the Xiao family looked ugly for this blatant accusation. She looked through the letters on the case one by one. Including the whole process of witchcraft making.

Yunli took a deep breath, and looked at the true lords of the Xiao family from sympathy to suspicion. From the time of the letter, the degree of renovation of the mine, and the traces on the letter paper, it can be seen that although the time of the secret stronghold does not exceed Hundreds of years are so exaggerated, but they are by no means short, at least a few decades.

For such a long time, among the tens of thousands of members of the Xiao family, no one has discovered it?
If she hadn't seen the witches and Gu people in Qinghe Valley with her own eyes, she couldn't help but suspect that the Xiao family was also a remnant of witches and Gu.

But the traces of setting the blame on are also obvious. Generally speaking, such confidential letters should be destroyed after reading them.

They have seen the poison pool in Qinghe Valley, so they don't doubt Xiao's family, but others are not. Yunli sighed softly, and said: "A few days ago, we set up an array in Bal Lake and killed a Canye Pavilion." Higher-ups, according to the identification I sent Zhenjun Fuguang, he is the son of the head of the Wugu sect."

Yunli is very fortunate that Canye Pavilion has exposed more and more cheating feet, otherwise the Xiao family would really not be able to tell.

The enemy has not been taken down yet, so what if there is chaos within the alliance.

Her reminder loosened the stagnant atmosphere in the room, Ye Zheyan turned his head, looked at Xiao Zhen and said, "I remember you were the one who went to fetch the Gu King."

Xiao Zhen's expression was extremely ugly, when he first learned where the Gu King was stored, he was ordered to fetch it, he didn't want to be caught first, and he didn't leave any traces.

At that time, it was unknown that someone had escaped, and the four major factions suspected that someone in the alliance had secretly hidden the Gu King. He, the person who was ordered to retrieve it, was the primary suspect, but suffered from lack of evidence.

In addition, the ancestor of the Xiao family was still alive at that time, and the Xiao family also made great contributions in suppressing the witches and Gu sect, so the four major factions did not take action.

If it hadn't been known in advance that Remnant Yege was the remnant of the Wu Gu sect, forcing them to release the Wu Gu people in the Nanshan Department first, with previous suspicions, no matter how bad the blame was, it would be difficult for the Xiao family to clear up the suspicion, and the whole world would be enemies at that time Even if the Xiao family wants to fall into a cult.

Ye Zheyan let out a heavy breath, and patted his old friend on the shoulder, "You have to thank Ji Ruochen, if it wasn't for his news, it would be your Xiao family that was besieged by Canglan monks today."

Xiao Zhen had lingering fears, and things related to witchcraft were happening in his mind one after another, so he had to thank Ji Ruochen!
He turned his head and glared fiercely at the big man beside him, "When Xiao Liang disappeared, why didn't he investigate?"

There is no doubt that Xiao Liang, who has been missing for many years, should have been trapped here and became a witch. If the investigation continued, he might have found this place early in the morning, and the Zhongshan Department would not have faced such a catastrophe.

It has been too long since this matter happened, and it was a small member of the Foundation Establishment period, who was also a side branch, the big man thought about it for a while, and then remembered how he dealt with it at that time, and couldn't help crying out: "I gave this matter to that girl Xiao Xuan back then. , she dispatched her capable generals, the internal steward who died in Xili Mansion more than ten years ago, after several years of investigation, there was no news, so she gave up."

"Xili Mansion? You mean Xiao Jin?" Yunli was a little taken aback when she suddenly heard these two familiar names.

"What? Little friend knows him too?" The big man's thick black eyebrows met between his eyebrows like two black caterpillars.

Yunli is in a delicate mood, you leave it to the spies of the Canye Pavilion to investigate, if you can find out, there will be ghosts.

She twitched her lips, "Back then, I was in Xili Mansion with a few senior brothers and sisters, and it was Manager Xiao who entertained us. When I heard it suddenly, I was a little embarrassed."

The big man nodded heavily, and agreed: "Isn't it embarrassing? If you want to say that this Xiao Jin is a good hand in scouting information, he is highly valued by Xuan girl, and he is given the surname Xiao. He plans to wait for him to form a pill, and he will be promoted As a guest elder, who ever wanted to die..."

Yunli was startled, on the surface she kept listening, but in fact she chatted secretly with Wei Lin: "How come Xiao Jin is not only a spy? He is also responsible for whitewashing the stronghold here?"

Back then, she felt that this colleague was so courageous that he dared to pretend that the Intelligence Department of Canye Pavilion belonged to the Xiao family, and the Xiao family still trusted him a lot!

Now it seems that his role is not only a spy who inquires about news, the most important thing is to make the Xiao family blind, so that the stronghold can grow under the Xiao family's nose.

Speaking of this matter, Wei Lin couldn't help thinking of the days when he was hunted down, the sound of Lei Ji Falcon flapping its wings seemed to be in his ears, and his eyes were cold, "I underestimated him back then."

Everyone turned the entire Western Asia mountain inside out, and after confirming that there was nothing missing, several true monarchs took action to destroy the poison pool.

As for the failed experiments of the Witch Gu people, there is no possibility of saving them, even though there are still some Xiao family children among them, they can only be solved on the spot.

Although Xiao Zhen didn't know some clansmen himself, it was not a good feeling to solve his own clansman by himself. He glared fiercely at the Witch Gu developers, and almost gritted his teeth and told the Xiao family: "Take them back! Greet them well!"


The rest of the Xiao family also hated these people so much that their teeth were itchy. The red-faced man let out a sinister grin, and stepped forward first, about to take them away with some humiliating means. The neck of the developer of the power, in an instant, a dozen heads fell to the ground in a parabola.

This sudden knife made everyone stunned in place, unable to recover for a long time.

It wasn't until the head stopped rolling, blood and mud all over the face, and it was hard to tell who was who, that everyone turned their heads in disbelief.

Xiao Zhen was so angry that his blood surged up, he asked in a strict voice: "What are you doing?"

Yunli put away the Mengzhan Saber as if nothing had happened, and said in a low voice, "Take it home for what to do, this is the best way, and it will be settled once and for all."

Xiao Zhen was furious, and came to Yunli in two or three steps. Wei Lin next to him put away his surprise, stepped forward to block in front of her, and said bravely, "Patriarch Xiao, calm down!"

This protective appearance made Xiao Zhen even more furious, he raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "Little friend Feng, get out of the way, if you don't give an explanation today, don't blame the old man for being rude!"

The real lords of the Xiao family also stepped forward, faintly surrounding Yunli, Chu Nan and Mo Huai hurriedly pressed the shock button, and also helped to dissuade him.

The true kings of the Ye family looked at Ye Zheyan, waiting for his order.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zheyan also took two steps forward, his eyes were like arrows, and he said in a cold voice, "What are you doing, little friend Yun?"

Yunli was expressionless, and said bluntly: "Don't you know who they are? Take them back, and if the things in their minds are leaked, who will be responsible?"

Everyone was stunned, Yunli's gaze was like a sword, and she swept across the two Nascent Soul cultivators, and finally landed on Ye Zheyan, "Are you two planning to take them back to search for souls? The method of refining witches, can the two patriarchs know?" Not tempted? Can you guarantee that everyone in the two families will not be tempted?"

The continuous questioning left the two patriarchs speechless. Before they could speak, she sneered and said, "Of course, I won't believe you if you can guarantee it."

These words were quite blunt, and the expressions of the true kings changed slightly, but Yunli was not afraid at all, and continued: "At the beginning we brought the mother Gu to Fenshui City, and it took only one afternoon. First, the killer from Canye Pavilion Come here, after repelling the killer, the Mother Gu still somehow disappeared."

After discussing with Shen Yi, she asked casually that the Mother Gu was not robbed by Canye Pavilion, and they also tended to be people from the Righteous Way Alliance in Fenshui City who had a twisted mind.

Xiao Zhen was discouraged, the anger on his face disappeared in the blink of an eye, and he said unwillingly: "They are the core personnel of Canye Pavilion, as long as they can pry one person's mouth open, they can get a lot of information."

Yunli took a deep breath, looked at him deeply, and said every word, sonorously, "People's hearts are the most unpredictable, and things related to the spirits of the world must never be missed!"

After a pause, she slowed down her voice, "The information of the Canye Pavilion can be obtained in other ways, and there is no need to take risks."

Everyone was speechless, although they were unwilling, but they didn't know where to refute.

After a long silence, Ye Zheyan said softly: "Can Yege knows that they are not the only ones who developed the method, and killing them can't guarantee that it will not be leaked."

Yunli rolled her eyes. If everyone thinks this way, the Gu problem will not be completely cleared up. "What I can do is to make sure that the insider who appears in my line of sight will not be leaked."

Compared with before, she has spoken very euphemistically, Ye Zheyan, the old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, can still hear the sarcasm in it, and can't help being dumbfounded.

A matter, if you do nothing because it is difficult to solve, it will never be solved.

After a long time, Ye Zheyan smiled lightly and said, "You girl, your actions are too simple and rude. With the efforts of all, you know that there is no way to get the best of both worlds."

Seeing her sharp eyes, Wei Lin knew that her tone was going to be aggressive again, so he hurriedly said, "Senior Ye's words are wrong, the so-called quick knife to cut the mess, this kind of big matter is only effective with simple and rough methods."

Yunli stared at Ye Zheyan in dissatisfaction, what a simple and rude way of speaking, it sounded like she was so stupid, this is obviously the best solution.

She squinted her eyes, snorted coldly, and murmured to herself in a strange way: "The Master of Canye Pavilion is smart, and the witches of the Witch Gu Sect are smart, and they are misunderstood by their cleverness."

Although these words were almost whispered, but the ears of the monks were far beyond ordinary people, and they could not hear these words very clearly.

This blatant sarcasm only pointed to their noses and said that she just didn't trust them, fearing that they would also refine witches.

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, and simply let her have a good time, anyway, these people dare not do anything to her on the surface.

Moreover, she was indeed right, it would be great if it was settled once and for all, and it would save mutual suspicion and troubles after taking them back.

After getting along with each other for a few times, all the true masters also felt a bit of Yunli's temperament. She is a passionate junior, and she doesn't even care about the interests of her own sect when it comes to matters of righteousness, let alone save face for them.

Everyone can only press this matter down, clean up and go back home.

On the spirit boat, Chu Nan turned his back to the two true monarchs, and cupped his fists at her: "I never thought that Junior Sister Yun is so righteous and decisive, and has a heart for the common people. She is a true gentleman. Senior brothers underestimated Junior Sisters before."

Yun Li put on a dull face, "Please call me Little Fairy, thank you."


She laughed, "I'm just kidding." After a pause, she said seriously, "It's fine to make small troubles in ordinary times, but you must not back down when it comes to matters of righteousness."

Chu Nan's eyes rippled, and a slight smile appeared on his lips, "The little fairy is right."

The title "little fairy" made Yunli very satisfied, and she happily blinked at Wei Lin, "I am recognized as a little fairy."

Under the beautiful sunshine in the morning, the girl smiled like a flower, softening the years.

Mo Huai looked at it in a daze. Before, he was angry that she said about the panacea so easily, but now he has a little understanding.

In her heart, solving the problem of witchcraft is the most important thing, no matter whether it is Ye Xiao's two aristocratic families or the little-known small family who suffer from witchcraft, it is the same for her of.

She is really sticking to her heart, has great righteousness in her heart, and has no school distinctions. Back then, she didn't care about Can Yege's interests to save herself, and now she will ignore her master's wishes for the sake of all beings in the Zhongshan family.

In fact, over the years, she has never changed.

Not long after, the spirit boat entered the vicinity of Dayan City, and everyone was startled. From a distance, they saw several huge bodies rampaging in Dayan City. It was the Ye Xiao family who had been bewitched to riot, and the number of people was quite large. Even the formation can't stop Dayan City from flying around.

"Ayan! Senior Sister An!" Yunli murmured softly as her palms felt cold, and flew out of the spirit ship at a speed as fast as a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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