all the way to fairy

Chapter 494 Riot

Chapter 494 Riot
Yunli's heart is tightly clenched, logically speaking, if there is a problem here, Ayan will immediately send Duoduo to notify them, and because of Duoduo's teleportation, the distance between Xiya Mountain and Dayan City is not close. Only when she was far away did she dare to leave the two of them in Dayan City.

But now, Dayan City was rioted by the Gu-turned people, but Duo Duo didn't tell them that something must have happened to them.

Scanning with her consciousness, she didn't find Mu Yananran's figure. She grabbed a hurried monk next to her with her backhand, "Where is my senior sister?"

Ye Shu was rushing to deal with the next riot, when she was suddenly stopped by someone, she immediately became angry, "What kind of senior sister and junior sister, now... Master Yun? You are back! That's great!"

Huge surprise flashed across Ye Shu's face, and she stretched her neck to look at the city gate behind her.

Yunli increased her strength, clasped his wrist tightly, and said almost word by word: "Where is my senior sister?"

Being stared at by her, Ye Shu flinched unconsciously, and said in a daze, "I didn't see it, I should be still in the house."

Yunli let out a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself down. There are magic circles in the house, maybe the riot happened suddenly, and they haven't noticed it yet in the house.

After asking where the two of them were arranged, she let go of Yeshu, her figure flickered, and disappeared from the male cultivator's sight within a moment.

Ye Shu bared her teeth and raised her wrist, the five red fingerprints lingered for a long time, and the wrist swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It seems that the relationship between the teachers and sisters of Tai Yizong is really good.

He secretly sighed, and when he looked up, he saw that everyone had returned. Without saying a word, all the true kings immediately shot to help stop the mad witches and Gu people in the city.

He rushed forward and shouted: "Patriarch, you are back!"

Chu Feng glanced quickly, bid farewell to the two patriarchs, and hurried to find Chu Jingshu, and Wei Linmo Huai also hurried to An Ran Mu Yan.

Ye Zheyan frowned, and asked sharply: "What's going on? It's all right, why are there so many bewitched people rioting?"

"I don't know the reason yet. An hour ago, we were patrolling and cultivating as usual, and someone rushed out of Muxi Garden. This kind of thing happens every once in a while. The Great Elder immediately led people to restrain the crazy clansman. Before they could be stopped, many more rushed out of the Muxi Garden."

The situation was urgent, and Ye Shu quickly explained what happened. Although Ye Zheyan had doubts, it was not the time to find out, so he joined the tribe whose uniforms were exposed.

As soon as Yunli arrived at the two residences arranged for Anran Muyan, she saw the door was wide open, the furniture was broken all over the floor, and there was a huge hole in the center of the room and the wall on the left, which was obviously the transformed Witch Gu smashed out.

Her palms were icy cold, the Gu-turned person rushed into the room, and the two alchemists...

She didn't dare to think about it anymore, her voice trembled uncontrollably, "Ayan! Senior Sister An!"

There was a surge of spiritual power in the inner room, and she quickly dodged in, only to see Mu Yan's figure appear in the field of vision after the forbidden white light passed.

"Ayan!" She swept over, grabbed her hand, and hurriedly checked her status, "Are you okay?"

"Senior Sister An, Duoduo..." As soon as she opened her mouth, Mu Yan's tears rolled down unconsciously.

After the examination, it was confirmed that she was just a little frightened, Yunli's heartstrings relaxed a little, and she said, "Don't worry, just speak slowly."

Mu Yan sniffed and stopped crying, "Uncle An and I were discussing whether we could refine the elixir that would make Gu worms sleep, when suddenly the restraint sounded and the defensive magic circle was activated.

Soon, a frenzied cultivator at the early stage of the Yejia Jindan broke through the formation and rushed in. Uncle An, Douduo, and Ayou and I teamed up to subdue him, but somehow, he died suddenly, and the Gu insects flew away. When I got out, Dodo stood in front of me, but she, Senior Sister An and Ayou were all bewitched by the Gu insects. "

As she spoke, she put away the restraints with a formula, revealing her purple-gold flying phoenix stove beside her, "I was worried that there would be mad witches rushing in, and I was also afraid that they would go crazy, so I locked them in the purple-gold flying phoenix stove, but Duo Duo escaped into the void, and I couldn't contact her."

As she spoke, her tears fell again.

At this time, Wei Lin Mo Huai also arrived, seeing the mess in the house, Mu Yan's tears were streaming down, Yun Li's face was pale, and his heart skipped a beat.

Hearing Yunli's voice trembling: "It's okay, isn't it just being bewitched, it can be solved, as long as there is no fear of life."

Bewitched?Wei Lin's heart tightened, Mu Yan was fine, and An Ran was the only one who could make Ah Li show such an expression.

Yunli took a deep breath, suppressed the panic in her heart, and tried her best to comfort herself, it was just a Gu poisoning, just rescue Yingmei and get rid of the Gu poison.

After some psychological training, she finally calmed down a bit, turned around and said to Wei Lin Mohuai, "You two go out first."

Wei Lin knew it, and turned around without hesitation to go out. An Ran was the most arrogant and valued face very much, and she definitely didn't want others to see her ferocious appearance after her transformation.

Mo Huai hesitated and said, "Senior Sister An..."

"go out!"

After a moment of silence, Mo Huai left with a complicated expression.

After the two went out, Yunli set up the formation again, and Fang said to Mu Yan: "You open the pill furnace, and I'll take a look at her."

The alchemy furnace was opened, and two figures, one large and one small, rushed out howling, and Yunli quickly wrapped one person and one tiger with the Huanshi Ling.

Seeing An Ran's figure suddenly swelled, tearing her exquisite dress, and screaming non-stop, Yunli burst into tears. Her cousin, born as the most honorable first princess, is When the prince saw her before he got the seal, he had to be courteous.

How did the princess who was raised and raised enter the Canglan Continent? There are so many disasters and disasters. Not long after she left her care, she encountered such a thing again.

She is the most respectable, such a thing is a great humiliation to her.

At this time, the melody of "Wang Qing" rang out outside the house, repeating a gentle part of it non-stop. Under the comfort of the flute sound, An Ran and Xuanshuang Yanhu gradually calmed down, and their figures slowly recovered.

Without the driving force of Gu, An Ran was so soft on the ground, exhausted, Yunli and the two quickly stepped forward to help her up.

An Ran glanced at the two of them, and said softly, "Why are you crying, I'm not dead yet."

"Biao," she had just uttered a word, and suddenly thought of the Gu worm in An Ran's body, she immediately changed her words, "Senior Sister An, you..."

Her choking words were quickly interrupted by An Ran, her eyes were bright, she stared at Yunli, gently but firmly: "The four of us subdued the Wugu who was in the early stage of Jindan, and I severely injured him with the Nether Needle .”

Yunli was stunned, she never expected her to react like this, she wasn't bewitched by fear, nor was she as disgraceful as being transformed into anger.

She blinked suspiciously, and saw An Ran's eyes bursting out with a blazing brilliance, "If I didn't care about the Gu worm in his body, I could sneak attack his heart, and it would be fatal!"

As she said that, she smiled brightly, "Look, I can also deal with the enemy!"

When it came to the crucial point, she paused and changed to voice transmission: "Now, I am a real monk, not a canary to be raised."

The tip of Yunli's nose felt inexplicably sour. It turned out that Fuyu's feeding had hurt her so much. When encountering such a thing, her first reaction was joy.

She turned her head slightly, blinked her eyes, and waited until the dimness in her eyes faded away. Fang looked at An Ran, and pretended to reply naturally: "Yes, yes, you are a genius with a single fire root, one of the strongest attacking roots. , Cultivate well, and you will be the Light of the One in the future."

Hearing this, An Ran smiled like a flower, squinted at her, and said via voice transmission: "With you little pervert, how could the Light of the One be me."

"I'm not a disciple of Taiyi Sect."

An Ran smiled, looked down at the tiger cub on the ground, and said, "Ayan, help it treat its wound."

Yunli knelt down and rubbed Xuanshuang Yanhu's head, "Our little tiger cub has grown up too."

The little tiger cub from back then is now at the sixth level of cultivation, with blood flowing from various wounds on his body. It is conceivable how brutal the previous battle was.

An Ran smiled slightly, looked at Xuanshuang Yanhu with a gentle expression, "This time we were able to subdue the gullied golden elixir, thanks to Ayou's contribution. If it hadn't been in front of us, attracting the crazy golden elixir Dan's attention, our sneak attack will not be so smooth."

Yunli can more or less guess their fighting style. It is impossible for the two alchemists to be tough. Although Duo Duo has a high cultivation base and strong combat power, she is naive and ignorant and does not have much fighting skills.

It should be Ah You standing in front, holding back the madman, Ah Yan interfering with the entanglement technique, and Cousin and Douduo sneak attacking.Three long-distance attacks, the frontal damage is all carried by Ah You, it is only the sixth level, which is equivalent to the late stage of human foundation building, and the transformed Wugu man is equivalent to the mid-stage Golden Core.

With a soft voice, Yunli praised: "You did a good job. But you have to protect yourself in the future, you know?"

As she said that, she looked at Mu Yan who was treating Ah You's injury, and said via voice transmission: "Try again and see if you can get in touch with Duo Duo, what is she doing in the void after being poisoned?"

Mu Yan looked worried, and replied: "I have been contacting her, but there is still no news."

Yunli felt as if a boulder was pressing on her heart, but she still did not forget to comfort her: "Gu worms are not creatures of the void, maybe they enter the void and are captured by the environment, so they calm down, Duoduo will be fine."

I don't know if her mouth is open, but after a few breaths, a familiar spatial fluctuation appeared in the room, and then saw Duo Duo's small head popped out, felt it carefully, and made sure that the Gu worm in her body was not mad, and then walked out of the void , crying and rushing towards Mu Yan.

After she vented, Yunli slipped her over, and asked via voice transmission, "What are you doing in the void?"

Dodo felt aggrieved, but she did not forget to answer with voice transmission: "Didn't you say that people can't find out that I have a space attribute?"

She stretched out her white and tender fingers and poked her body, "This little bug is running around, and I want to run around too. If there is a spatial fluctuation, you will hit me."

After speaking, she threw herself into Mu Yan's arms again, sobbing and crying.

Yunli's face was dark, and she said this, as if she beat her often, in good conscience, she had never beaten her once, and it was just the first time they met and tore her clothes.

The night wind howled, making the trees rustle outside the window, and the atmosphere in the meeting hall was stagnant.

After a while, a sneer broke the silence.

"Almost all the bewitched people rioted and went berserk. It must not be a coincidence." Yunli raised her eyes and looked at the two patriarchs. "What do the two patriarchs think?"

Ye Zheyan sighed softly: "Gu worms can send messages within a certain distance, it should be because our whereabouts in Mount West Asia were leaked."

It is indeed possible, but Dayan City is also within the scope of the Gu worm's transmission of information.

Yunli said lightly: "At that time, my senior sister and junior sister had subdued that crazy Jindan, but he died suddenly and inexplicably."

If not, they wouldn't be awed either.

Yunli gritted her teeth, this matter was obviously abnormal, not to mention that the guest room arranged for the two of them was far away from the Osmanthus Garden, and the defensive formation was easily breached by the Jindan cultivator. If you are rational, you will not be able to break through.

Besides, the guest rooms of Chu Jingshu, Xu Linghui, Xu Yueqing and others are all in that area, and the defensive formations are the same, so it doesn't make sense that something happened to their two alchemists of the Taiyi Sect.

It was obvious that someone was coming for them, or in other words, for Tai Yizong.

Ye Zheyan smiled wryly, "You guys mean that there are spies in Dayan City?"

"Patriarch Ye, it's not that we are messing around. This matter is obviously aimed at us. Especially the final death of the Wugu people, this is someone deliberately trying to make my Taiyi sect be poisoned."

After finishing speaking, Yunli took a deep breath, "Don't worry about this matter, investigate slowly, and always find out the truth. The most important thing now is to rescue the host of the Gu King."

She looked at everyone, "We plan to contact our allies and go to Qinghe Valley to save people."

She discussed it with Wei Lin, although so far, mature Gu worms have shown no harm to the host's body, but it is always inappropriate to put a bomb in the body.

Moreover, that Jindan died inexplicably, so it is not known whether it was controlled by a higher-level Gu insect, or it should be solved early.

The two patriarchs wished to rescue the host of the Gu King earlier and solve the Gu worms on the clansmen. Xuan Er also understood why Taiyi and the others were so sure that Dayan City had spies.

Only when the injury happened to him would he know to be anxious, and the genius disciples of the Taiyi Sect would be more active in trying to solve the Gu.

Otherwise, it would take a long time just for Fuyue old man.

The two patriarchs couldn't help beating their hearts, maybe some of the two families were paranoid.

After the decision was made, several people began to discuss the details of entering Qinghe Valley.

"Senior Brother Mo, Senior Sister An and the others, I will leave it to you. The matter of the spies must be investigated as soon as possible." Now An Ran is a walking monitor, and Yunli can't take her with her no matter how worried she is.

Besides, if Mo Huai was here, she would have no reason to abandon her senior brother and enter Qinghe Valley with others.

Although Mo Huai was worried, he also knew that Yunli used to be from the Canye Pavilion, and it was most appropriate for her to save the host.Once she leaves, he must stay to protect An Ran and the two of them. Now they are related to panacea. What happened today must not happen again.

After making up her mind, Yunli immediately went back to Mu Yan and asked for two panacea pills. She didn't intend to tell Fuyue first, but who knows how long it will be delayed.

It's better to kill first and play later, pulling the flag of righteousness, no matter how dissatisfied Fu Yue is, he can't say anything on the surface, at most he doesn't want to see her.

However, she didn't care about his waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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