all the way to fairy

Chapter 495 Rescue

Chapter 495 Rescue (1)

The sky was covered with dense clouds, there was clearly no sunlight, and the air was so stuffy that people couldn't breathe.

In Fenshui City, a young monk looked at the sky, wiped the sweat from his brow, and complained: "This damn weather, it's only June, and it's so hot, it's better for us to be in Dongshan."

The old man next to him glanced at him casually, "If you don't cultivate well, the normal heat will have no effect after foundation establishment."

The young man looked at him with a happy expression, not even a drop of sweat, as if he was in a warm spring day, he couldn't help but envy him, he sighed, "I'm not talented, I'm afraid I won't have the chance to build a foundation in this life."

Just as he was talking, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the glow behind the billowing clouds. In the next moment, a little rainbow light broke through the clouds like a shell and flew towards Fenshui City.

Seeing the person coming, the two hurriedly stepped forward, "I have seen Fairy Yun, Fairy, why are you here?"

Yunli hummed lightly, threw the identity token over, and asked, "Where is our head teacher?"

The old man checked quickly, then handed the token to her with both hands, and the young man quickly replied: "The battle is tight now, and all the true monarchs are at Qinghe Valley."

Yunli nodded, and with a flash of her figure, she rushed towards the city.

The young man smacked his lips: "Fairy Yun is so anxious, is there another big thing happening?"

The old man sat back, clasped his hands, and half-closed his eyes, "Keep an eye on our door, we don't need to worry about the rest."

After entering the city, Yunli went straight to the courtyard where the Canye Pavilion killer was imprisoned.

The guard's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost, "Uncle Yun? Are you..."

"I want to talk to the killer." Before he could finish speaking, Yunli interrupted.

"But the headmaster has an order, anyone..."

"If the headmaster pursues it, I will take it personally." Yunli interrupted forcefully again.

Speaking of this, after thinking for a while, the guard stopped stopping him and said sideways, "Uncle Yun, please."

With a cold face all the way, not allowing half a refute, she quickly passed through layers of guards and came to Yingyi's detention place.

"Is the person who told you about witchcraft the fourth pair of shadows? Where is he?"

A stern female voice suddenly sounded in the silent room, making Ying jump. He looked outside to make sure there was no third person there, and Fang asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

Yunli thought to herself, "The last time Shen Yi saw Yingmei was nine years ago when she went back to the cabinet to report the matter."

"You mean Yingying is in Qinghe Valley?"

Ying Yi was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to realize that when he contacted Yunli at the beginning, his dim eyes lit up, with cautious expectation, "Are you going to save her?"

After finishing speaking, I felt unbelievable. Where Qinghe Valley is, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. Especially now that the valley is full of soldiers, even the post-Yuan monks of the four major sects dare not venture into it.

Yunli nodded, and urged again: "Shadow Four."

"Yes, Ying Si told me about the witchcraft. He is in Qinghe Valley. But how did you guess it was his?" Seeing that she was in a hurry, Ying Yi hurriedly picked up the most important answer, but he was really curious and couldn't bear it. asked.

Yunli raised her eyebrows, Canye Pavilion has strict rules and regulations, and the affairs of witches and Gu people are extremely confidential, how could his friends leak it to him so easily.

The only explanation is that that so-called friend is the backhand left behind by Yingmei. After all, she has been the hall master of Tianji Hall for hundreds of years, in charge of all espionage affairs in Canye Pavilion, and with such an embarrassing identity, how could she not cultivate herself? confidant.

Yingmei has been allied with them for many years, Geli has not known it yet, so it can be seen that these confidantes are reliable, and among these people, Yingmei values ​​the most is Ying Si, the all-round and exquisite steward of Zuimenglou in Tianyun City.

These thoughts turned around in her heart, she smiled, and said, "If someone asks you later what I am here for, don't hide it."

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left without stopping for a moment. After leaving the city, she immediately fled incognito.

Almost as soon as she left, Fuyue and other True Monarchs appeared at the gate of the city. The young man rolled his eyes and stepped forward attentively, "True Monarch Fuyue, your sect..."

Before he finished his report, a deep and dignified voice sounded, "Fellow Daoist Fuyue, Fellow Daoist Suxi."

"Why are you here? The Gu problem in Zhongzhou has been solved?" Seeing Ye Zheyan, Fu Yue's jaw almost dropped in shock. This old fox has never had a pattern, and the crisis of the Ye family has not yet been resolved. How could he leave Zhongzhou?He also brought the two most powerful members of the Nascent Soul clan from the Ye family.

"Something has happened!" Ye Zheyan's face was heavy and guilty, "I'm sorry for you!"

"What's the matter?" Fu Yue didn't move on his face, but he became vigilant in his heart. With the old fox's tone, what is he planning?
Ye Zheyan opened his mouth, glanced at the two guards next to him, stopped talking, and said, "Go in and talk."

Fu Yue glanced at the two guards standing with their hands hanging down, no matter what, the old fox must have a big plan if he wants to plan, maybe he will reveal some confidential information and let these outsiders know, it's troublesome.

Watching the True Monarchs leave, the young male cultivator murmured thoughtfully: "It seems that something really big has happened."

The old man wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and rolled his eyes when he heard this. The young man still had too little experience, and he didn't even know he had walked through the gate of hell.

On the other side, as soon as he arrived at the conference hall, Fu Yue immediately swung back and left, looked at Ye Zheyan, "Now we can talk."

He wanted to see what the hell this old fox was doing!

Ye Zheyan let out a long sigh, and immediately passed by when Yunli and the others returned, and killed two Nascent Soul monks in an outburst, and started talking.

After hearing the beginning, Fuyue and Suxi already understood that Ye Zheyan was delaying time, but what he said was really shocking, that the Jindan early stage could kill the Yuanying early stage, which broke a whole realm!

Ye Zheyan doesn't know, but they do know that Fengjue is most likely Qianjiu!
The two looked at each other, and both saw heaviness in each other's eyes. A thought appeared in their minds almost at the same time, and they couldn't let him grow any longer.

Fu Yue was about to interrupt him, but when he heard Ye Zheyan talk about Yunli relying on a different fire to suppress the Nascent Soul Killer who also had a different fire, he was shocked again.

It seems that this cheap apprentice of his has a good chance. After sighing, he was about to speak again. Ye Zheyan turned his lips up and down, and broke out another shocking news.

When Ye Zheyan finally talked about An Ran's being infected by a Gu, the two true monarchs had been stunned by the successive incidents for a long time.

Fu Yue took a deep look at Ye Zheyan, he had indeed achieved the goal of delaying time.

His mind was in a mess, he immediately changed his strategy, and went straight to the point: "Friend Ye, we have known each other for thousands of years, and we know each other's temperament very well. What is your purpose today?"

Ye Zheyan sighed, "What purpose does Ye Mo have? Zhongzhou City is still in the hands of Canye Pavilion. The disciples of my two families, Ye Xiao, were hit by the Gu, and those who were trapped were trapped. What we want is to save the tribe. "

Fu Yue had a headache, what Xiao Zhen said was right, the little boy was indeed the most annoying, he was putting on airs and slippery!
At this time, Yunli had already rushed to join Wei Lin, and said, "That's right, it was Ying Si who told him the news."

Yingmei was imprisoned, but he was still able to send news to Yingyi, presumably it was not exposed, not only that, but he also got the confidential information of witches, which showed that he was not marginalized because of Yingmei's relationship.

In this way, when they enter Qinghe Valley, there are many places where he can help.

Wei Lin looked at the dark sky, exhaled, and said, "Let's go."

 Thank you Cai Lihua for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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