all the way to fairy

Chapter 496 Rescue

Chapter 496 Rescue (2)

Dangerous peaks stand upright, waterfalls rush down, and thunder and lightning flash in the air, the momentum is majestic and majestic.

Looking at the hanging waterfall, Yunli was in a complicated mood for a moment, they had passed through this waterfall at the beginning, and entered the Remnant Night Pavilion from the shadow area.

Unexpectedly, after many years, they would pass through the waterfall again to save Yingyi's lover.

Qinghe Valley is surrounded, and other entrances are within the scope of the battle. Only Xiaodong Village and Liulin Bay on the opposite side are only used when recruiting newcomers, and they are not directly adjacent to Qinghe Valley, so they are not within the range of the guard formation. Let the four factions ignore the past.

As for whether they really don't know, or pretend to be deaf and dumb, only they themselves know.

Anyway, the previous Shen Yi and others left the valley from here, according to Shen Yi, it was very smooth, and only need to be careful when passing by the area of ​​Fenshui City.

Even though it has not been discovered, Canye Pavilion is still very cautious. Apart from sending a few mysterious killers to guard the exit, it also specially set up formations, so long as someone forcefully breaks in, the formations will give a warning.

Only special hand formulas can be opened, and the hand formulas will be updated from time to time to prevent people who fall into the hands of the four major sects from leaking secrets.

"Ahem." Dispelling the concealment means, Yunli walked out from the darkness, coughed twice, and attracted the attention of all the guards.

"Master Bai Lu!"

Looking at the person walking out of the dark stone steps, he was dressed in white clothes as clear as morning dew, his brows were light and expressionless, the guards were so shocked that their eyeballs would pop out, when did Lord Bai Lu go outside?
As soon as this thought flashed across their minds, those indifferent eyes suddenly rippled, and the ripples soon formed a huge vortex, which firmly attracted their hearts.

Seeing that their eyes were dull, Yunli was slightly relieved, she hadn't used Huo Xin for a long time, and she was not sure how long it would last if she used it on so many people at the same time.

Time was running out, so she immediately ordered the guards to open the formation in Bailu's indifferent tone. After passing through, she said, "Remember, nothing happened today."

The guards repeated blankly: "Nothing happened today."

The two hid quickly, avoiding the hurried killers all the way, and headed for Ying Si's residence.

Inside Fenshui City.

After listening to Ye Zheyan's narration, Fu Yue's expression was almost unstoppable, and his tone was a little bit gnashed: "So, where is my apprentice now?"

He clenched his back molars tightly, and tried his best to hold back the swearing, little bastard, are you short-sighted, can you talk about the Panacea!

Ye Zheyan was in a good mood, the old fox had a good plan to use Can Yege's power to weaken them.

Pity them, they were impatient for Dong Lu, they fell into his tricks carelessly, they were so misfortune by Can Yege, the blood feud is over, and now even if they want to stop, they can't.

These old foxes pretended to send a few elite disciples who had just formed alchemy to disgust them. Fortunately, the younger generation of Yunli were really extraordinary. How heartbroken.

Now Fuyue, the old fox, was heartbroken, he wished he could clap his hands and laugh, he deserved to have such a righteous and heartless apprentice, retribution!
Although he was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't show it on his face. He frowned and thought for a while, Ye Zheyan said: "Calculate the time, if it goes well, Lingtu is now in Qinghe Valley."

He glanced at the two Nascent Soul cultivators of the Ye family who were following him, and sighed: "The purpose of rescuing King Gu is to save my two families, Ye Xiao. It stands to reason that we should do it to distract the killer."

"It's just that we should be in Central Continent at this time, and make a rash move. Ruo Can Yege guessed something because of this, and I'm afraid Ling Tu will lose his life."

Speaking of this, he was full of guilt, got up and saluted Fuyue and Suxi, "I will leave the important task of distracting the killer to all fellow Taoists of the four sects. Home is unforgettable!"

Being able to save the clansmen without spending money and efforts from the two of them finally made them vent their anger.

After finishing speaking, Fuyue's expression cracked briefly as expected, but Suxi kept his eyes down, unable to see his expression clearly.

However, you don’t need to look at Ye Zheyan to know that he is also in a bad mood. Taiyizong’s grasp of panacea is not a good thing for the other three sects. With the shortcoming of alchemy, Taiyizong can still surpass the other three sects Above all, if the shortcomings are made up, will the other three factions still have a bright future?

After all, Fu Yue is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, he quickly suppressed the turbulent emotions in his heart, and said seriously: "Where is Patriarch Ye, now the whole mainland is united to fight against the remnants of the witches and Gu sect.

Even if your Yexiao family is not in trouble today, and we know the whereabouts of the Gu king, we will rescue the host, eradicate the Gu trouble completely, and seek the well-being of the common people in the world. "

The matter has come to this point, the profit has been lost, and the reputation cannot be abandoned!
The old fox reacted quickly, cursed secretly, Ye Zheyan shook his face, and his face was moved: "A famous teacher produces a high-level apprentice, and there is a master like Fuyue Daoist who cares about the common people. No wonder Yun Xiaoyou is so chivalrous at such a young age!"

This blatant sarcasm, Fu Yue almost didn't hold back, he pulled the corners of his mouth, "Don't worry about the Gu king, fellow Daoist Ye, we should do our best. An Ran is the beloved disciple of Fu Yu's junior disciple, such a blatant calculation, put us too together. Where is Zong?"

Ye Zheyan's good mood was clouded, the motive for this matter was too obvious, most likely it was some clansman of the two clans who acted too radically, the Taiyi clan would definitely hold on to it, and would inevitably lose some money.

He said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist, we will definitely investigate this matter and give you an explanation."

Fu Yue snorted coldly and said, "Brother Suxi, let's go!"

Although the cheap apprentice is short-sighted, if he can save the body of the Gu king and exterminate all the Gu insects, the strength of the Canye Pavilion will be greatly reduced, and the Ye Xiao family will also be able to return to the Qinghe Valley battlefield, and their pressure will be much less.

Master Suxi, who had been silent since he heard about Wanling Pill, raised his head at this time and looked at Fuyue meaningfully: "A newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, your disciple is a bit younger than you." The courage of the time."

After finishing speaking, he got up and left with Fuyue, making Ye Zheyan regret not being able to see a good show.

In Qinghegu, Yunli and Yunli, who were missed by them, arrived at Yingsi's courtyard with ease.

Opening the restriction, but found that there was no one outside, Ying Si was in a daze, and felt a gust of wind blowing around him, his heart tightened, "Who?"

"It's me, Qianjiu." Wei Lin sent a voice transmission.

Ying Si's heart was pounding, almost jumping out of his chest, he hurriedly closed the isolation restraint, thought about it for a while, and added another set of defensive restraints, only to feel a little more at ease.

Turning around, one can see two figures standing behind the door in the wide open door at a glance, but the figure in white next to him looks familiar.

Wei Lin turned around slowly, raised his eyebrows and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Senior Brother Ying Si is here all right."

"Master Baibaibailu?" Ying Si seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyeballs were almost protruding from their sockets, and cold sweat rolled over his forehead.

 Thanks to book friends 160531133349116 and Xichuang Jianzhu for their rewards;
  Thank you Cai Lihua for the cute monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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