all the way to fairy

Chapter 497 Rescue

Chapter 497 Rescue (3)

Yunli stuck out her tongue and said, "Sorry, I scared you."

The crisp female voice, with the unique greenness of a girl, Ying Si was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the Lord 'Bailu' in front of him did not have any spiritual power fluctuations around him, just like a mortal.

It turned out to be a fake.

He wiped the cold sweat from his brow, "You guys are so bold, Master Bai Lu dares to pretend."

It is true that he hadn't seen it before, if she hadn't spoken, even if his cultivation level was wrong, he wouldn't be sure if the person in front of him was real or not. force fluctuations.

But this is Qinghe Valley, Bailu is still there, pretending to be him so ostentatiously, how good it is to bump into him!
Yunli spread her hands helplessly, "Is there no other way?"

The place where Yingmei is imprisoned must be heavily defended. With their strength, it is impossible to break through it in a short time. The only way to do it is to pretend.

Although the senior brother is more familiar with Jingzhe, considering that Bailu is Xingye's true confidant, after careful consideration, they still chose Bailu.

"What are you doing back here?" Ying Si frowned, with disapproval all over his face, "Now the Pavilion Master and others wish they could swallow you alive, but you are so lucky to come here yourself."

Thinking of Chun Shiqi's gnashing of teeth every time after reporting something, one can imagine how angry the pavilion master is.

"Come back and save Yingmei." Yunli was also very helpless, they didn't want to come back now in this horrible place, according to their opinion, it's best to wait until the baby is born before coming back to do a big job.

It's not like now, hiding like a little mouse, how embarrassing it is.

"Aunt Yingmei!" Ying Si exclaimed, breathing heavily unconsciously, staring at them, said: "You mean that Aunt Yingmei is in the valley?"

Seeing that the two were silent, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, "How is it possible, I've been paying attention to it all these years, and there has never been her breath in the valley."

Wei Lin frowned: "When was the last time you saw her?"

They deduced from Shen Yi's words and the importance of the Gu King that Ying Mei should be in Qinghe Valley. After so many years, Ying Si, a confidant, did not find any clues, it was hidden enough.

"When the pavilion master found out that you had entered Jiuliyuan, he was furious..."

Ying Si closed his eyes, suddenly, he returned to that afternoon more than ten years ago, the autumn sun was as dazzling as ever, when she came back from Qinghe Valley, she kept leaning on the beauty couch in the inner room, her eyebrows dyed lightly. worry.

He didn't understand, since the pavilion master had entrusted them with the investigation of Young Master Qianjiu, there was nothing to worry about, just pretend to investigate, since there were so many strange things about Young Master Qianjiu, it was normal that they couldn't find out.

Not long after, the aunt seemed to have figured it out, she called herself in, and ordered herself to bring the daughter of the head of the Danxia School to the Xishan Division, wait a year and a half before disposing of it quietly, in case outsiders find out that Young Master Qianjiu is He entered with the help of a disciple of the Danxia sect.

On the bright side, he naturally had a serious mission, and he didn't show any flaws without anyone noticing.

Who would have thought that that would be the last time he saw her. A few years later, when he returned to Qinghe Valley after completing his mission, he found that the head of Tianji Hall had been replaced by Chun Shiqi, and her aunt was nowhere to be found.

After listening to his narration, Yunli frowned. The matter was a bit complicated. Xing Lili's matter was actually irrelevant. Even if it was revealed that senior brother entered Jiuliyuan under Lu Li's identity, the fact had already been accomplished, so what if he knew it? They couldn't chase Jiuliyuan.

Besides, with Yingmei's methods, there should be more ways to destroy the corpse and wipe out the traces without letting her be noticed. There is really no need for Yingsi to take her all the way to the Western Mountains.

It seems that she deliberately used this to distract Ying Si, or that the Drunken Dream Building in Tianyun City was no longer under her control at that time, and she asked Ying Si to take Xing Lili away because she was afraid that the Pavilion Master and others would find out about her and her senior brother through Xing Lili. Collusion?

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows: "Spring Seventeen? I remember he is the deputy head of Tianji Hall."

"Exactly." Ying Si nodded, "Because of this, everyone didn't think it was unusual for him to be in charge at the beginning. It was only inconvenient for him to be my aunt. Afterwards, I didn't see my aunt, so I reported it to the deputy pavilion master..."

"You told the deputy pavilion master!" Before he could finish speaking, Yunli's scalp exploded, and she interrupted with a raised voice.

She looked at Wei Lin, Ying Si could not be the deputy pavilion master's confidant, right?

Ying Si nodded, seeing her vigilance and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, although I was single-handedly promoted by the deputy pavilion master, my aunt is very kind to me, and I never slack off her orders. Didn't say anything to the outside world."

Yunli still didn't believe it, she finally understood why Yingmei stepped down, Yingsi was not affected at all, and continued to stay in Tianjitang peacefully, it turned out that he was Xingluo's confidant.

Yingsi had no choice but to tell the story of his relationship with Yingmei, "I was ordered to assassinate a family back then, only to find out after I went that the young lady's maid was my fiancée before joining the court.

I let her go.But the news was found out by a rival in the cabinet, so he went to find the deputy cabinet master Gao Mi.Unexpectedly, the deputy pavilion master was not there that day, and Aunt Yingmei was in the room, she executed the man and suppressed the matter.My aunt saved my life. "

Yunli and Weilin looked at each other. Yingmei and Yingyi, the fateful couple, were separated by the deputy pavilion master. Seeing that Yingsi's fiancée was merciful, she might really hide this matter.

At this time, Wei Lin sent her a voice transmission, "Our transactions with Yingmei are almost always through Yingsi. The matter has never been leaked. He should be fine."

Yunli was silent, "What happened next? How did the Deputy Pavilion Master react?"

Yingsi breathed a sigh of relief, right now he had to rely on them to save his aunt, if they became suspicious and refused to save others, where would he cry.

He quickly replied: "He was very anxious at the time, and hurriedly went to the pavilion master. Later, the deputy pavilion master announced that my aunt was practicing in seclusion, and all the affairs of the Tianji hall would be handed over to Chun Shiqi."

Having said that, he paused, "Although my aunt and the deputy cabinet master have such a relationship, the deputy cabinet master actually values ​​aunt very much. My aunt's cultivation is only at the Golden Core stage, but she can surpass the Yuanying stage such as Chun Shiqi. Sitting on the position of the master of the Tianji Hall depends entirely on the support of the deputy master.

So, I was relieved when I heard him say that, and within a few months, I went out to perform tasks again.It wasn't until Zhengdao came to encircle us and my aunt still disappeared, that I realized something was wrong. "

Yunli raised her eyebrows, noncommittal, she had never seen Xingluo and Yingmei getting along, she couldn't comment on whether it was good or not, but it was an indisputable fact that they ruined the lives of the three by any means.

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin said: "I remember that Yingmei was in charge of investigating the failed assassination of Jin Lan before, and then there was the matter of Lan Shu, why did she suddenly investigate me? The truth of the assassination and the truth of Lan Shu's death have been investigated clearly? "

Yingsi was stunned for a moment, and a strange look flashed across his face: "There are some clues. It is said that no clues can be found during the execution of the mission. The colleagues of Tianjitang turned to investigate who placed the reward. Later it was said that, It seems to be related to you. As for the cause of Miss Lan Shu's death, there is no rumor."

As he said that, he carefully watched Wei Lin's expression, seeing that he did not refute, he couldn't help exclaiming: "You really did it?"

The Shadow Four was shocked, these two are really daring, they were only in the foundation building period at that time, and they thought of digging a hole for the pavilion by offering a reward!
But where did they get the spirit stone to place a reward on?Also, did Qianshi really disclose the news to the four major sects?

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, "I have to trouble you to find True Monarch Ruoqi."

Ruoqi is the deputy head of the mission hall, and there are many people who pay attention to him, so they can't rush there.Furthermore, although they have cooperated with Shen Yi for many years, they have not reached an agreement with Ruo Qi. If he suddenly tricks them and Zhenjun Yuanying shoots at close range, they will not be able to escape.


Ying Si was startled, they still formed an alliance with Ruo Qi?
"Hey, I'll go right away!"

Dazed for a moment, Yingsi was overjoyed, if Qizhenjun was different from his aunt, he was a real high-ranking member of the Canye Pavilion, and he had been in the pavilion for many years, he must know where his aunt was!
 Thanks to Cai Lihua and Qing for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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