all the way to fairy

Chapter 498 Rescue

Chapter 498 Rescue (4)

"If Lord Qi said, aunt is likely to be locked in a secret room deep in Xingyao Mountain." Ying Si was very efficient in handling affairs, and brought back the news in a short time.

Yunli's heart trembled slightly, Xingyao Mountain was Xingye's residence, heavily guarded, if their identities were found out, let alone saving people, they might be trapped inside.

Moreover, in order to help Mo You resist the thunder calamity, Xingyao Mountain's formation was strengthened, and the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation can be stopped. Their meager skills may be hard to escape.

Thinking of this, she asked: "She won't be locked up in the place where Mo You lived before?"

Ying Si clenched his fist and said hesitantly: "Zhenjun said it is very possible."

After finishing the sentence, he glanced at the dignified expressions of the two, and immediately made amends, "It's just possible, or maybe not."

Yunli rolled her eyes, "Don't worry, we've come to this point, even if it's a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, we have to go there!"

The little thought was broken, Ying Si smiled sarcastically, and said dryly: "It's my heart of a villain."

The next step is to wait, wait for Ye Zheyan to report to Ming Fuyue, and they will increase their attack power to attract Xingye Jingzhe and others to attack.

No matter how bad it was, we had to wait for Xingye to walk out of Xingyao Mountain.

No, it took seven days to wait until Xing Ye sent Bai Lu and Mang Zhong to fight, but he and Jing Zhe still didn't show up.

Both Yunli and Yunli were dying of anxiety, and at the same time, they also deeply realized the strength of the senior management of Canye Pavilion.

What's even more ominous is that Canye Pavilion will use the same method when sending people out. When the alliance's siege intensifies, the valley will immediately strengthen its guard, and all kinds of formations and restrictions will be activated. If you are not familiar with Qinghe Valley, rush into it. If you come in, it will be difficult to move an inch.

They have stayed in the valley for several years, and they have Ying Si to help them, the restraining formation can't help them, the problem is that Xing Ye, Jingzhe Bailu and other masters don't make a move, and they dare not move.

Yunli walked back and forth anxiously, "These Nascent Soul True Monarchs are usually so awesome, why can't even Xingye get out!"

After finishing speaking, he caught a glimpse of Wei Lin next to him, resting his mind with his eyes closed, and his heart became even more anxious. The previous epiphany greatly increased his brother's cultivation base, and he was only one step away from advancing. If he delays further, if he advances in Qinghe Valley...

She shook her head, not daring to think about it, "No, no, I have to find a way to get Xingye out of Xingyao Mountain, or let them go to a meeting..."

Wei Lin opened his eyes helplessly, "What nonsense, you are in the enemy camp, you must not act rashly."

If people are aware of Ying Si's abnormality based on clues, they will be punished if they are tracked down.

Yunli pouted, sat down on the teacher's chair, and said anxiously: "I'm just talking, brainstorming, don't care if it makes sense, list out all kinds of ideas, in case there is any inspiration."

If she was the only one trapped in Qinghe Valley, she would not be in a hurry, even if she was besieged by Xing Ye and others, she could still let Duo Duo take her away from the void, the key is that she can withstand the turbulent flow of the void, senior brother can't.

Just when he was restless, Ying Si came back, "Good news, Tai Yizong Ling Su has arrived, and the pavilion master has gone to fight outside the valley."

"What about Lin Chen? Are you awake?" Yunli's heart tightened suddenly, she hadn't moved for several years, and almost forgot that there was such a ticking time bomb.

"I don't know, there is no news about him."

She looked at Wei Lin, who also had waves in his eyes, and after a long time sent her voice: "Let's talk about Lin Chen after we get out."

Yunli pursed her lips and nodded invisibly. Even if Lin Chen woke up and revealed her identity, Yingmei would be saved. She is currently the only way to completely solve the problem of witchcraft.

She stood up from the chair, "Then what are you waiting for, act quickly!" After finishing speaking, she paused again, "Where is Jingzhe? Have you gone too?"

Ying Si shook his head, "I didn't see Master Jing Zhe."

"Huh?" Yunli was puzzled, a powerful enemy came, and the pavilion master Xingye had already made a move. It makes no sense that Jingzhe, the killer, is still nesting in Mount Luoye.

Ying Si glanced at Wei Lin, his eyes flickered, "Actually, Master Jing Zhe doesn't seem to be in the valley."

Under the eyes of the two, he pursed the corners of his lips, thought for a moment, and said, "Master Jing Zhe hasn't shown up for a long time, and Master Bai Lu pretended to be him a year ago, so I guess he must have gone out on business."

Hearing this, Wei Lin let out a sigh of relief. After Xiaobi that year, he and Jing Zhe never saw each other in private, and every time they met in public, they were indifferent. The master-student relationship existed in name only.

Now, he has formally betrayed Remnant Ye Pavilion and clearly walked to the opposite side. For a while, he really didn't know how to face this master. After all, he had taught him with all his heart.

Yunli next to him nodded in agreement. This guess is quite possible. Surrounded by powerful enemies, no matter how arrogant Canye Pavilion is, there is absolutely no reason for Jingzhe to practice in seclusion. Besides, if he is only practicing in the valley, There's no point in letting Bai Lu pretend to be him.

Willing to do so can only show that he is not in the valley, and the things he is going to do are still very important, and cannot be known by the four major factions.

Even without Jingzhe, the Righteous Path Alliance would not be able to break through the Qinghe Valley, once again confirming the huge gap between the high-level power of the two sides.

She was a little worried, after the Gu problem was resolved, the vitality of the Canye Pavilion would be severely injured, and with their vengeful temperament, they would definitely hurt the four major factions, then, who would resist their revenge?

She patted her head and suppressed these worries. It is important to save Yingmei right now, and we will talk about the matter later. The boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge, and there is always a solution.

Right now, the absence of Jing Zhe is a great thing for them, and the risk factor is greatly reduced. She hurriedly urged: "Hurry up!"

"Let's go." Wei Lin quickly recovered his mood.

Looking at the two people who were all ready to go, Ying Si turned his head to look at the bright sunlight outside, and suggested: "How about going at night?"

He can understand that the two of them don't want to stay in Qinghe Valley, but to save people in broad daylight, his liver shudders when he thinks about it.

"Just during the day!"

Yunli immediately vetoed it. As the saying goes, the night is dark and the wind is high, and everyone knows this truth. The security in the valley will only be stricter at night, not as good as during the day!
What's more, under the dim light, people always use their spiritual consciousness subconsciously. Her pretended Bailu can't resist the coercion of her spiritual consciousness in the Nascent Soul stage.

The two were the main rescue force, Ying Si was powerless to refute, took a deep breath, suppressed the pounding heart in his chest, opened the restraint in the room, and walked out.

The powerful enemy attacked, and all the elite in the valley came out, leaving most of the killers during the Qi training period. At the boundary between the inner and outer valleys, the guard disciples looked at Yingsi who was walking in a hurry, and were stunned: "Master Yingsi?"

Ying Si stabilized his mind, hummed lightly, did not explain, and only signaled him to open the restriction with his eyes.Although his cultivation base is low and he can only live in Waigu, but he follows Aunt Yingmei all the year round and is one of the few well-known spies in the cabinet.

The espionage matter is very important, who dares to stop him!
Moreover, after Yingmei disappeared, he was still standing, which showed that there were big figures behind him to support him. These guards were very shrewd, and they had already guessed that his status in Tianji Hall was not low.

The guard quickly restrained his surprise, opened the restriction, and said respectfully: "My lord, please."

Ying Si's indifferent gaze moved from him to the side, looked around, and said: "The battle is tense right now, be careful, and don't let any suspicious personnel go."

The guard was startled suddenly, Ying Si is a member of Tianjitang, the most well-informed, would say that, could it be that he got some news?
At that moment, his heart rose, and his voice was even more respectful, "Thank you for the reminder, my lord. This subordinate will definitely put up 12 spirits and never let go of any suspicious things!"

While they were talking, the two of Yunli hurried through the restriction and waited for him at the next place.

Under Yingsi's leadership, they passed several checkpoints in a row and finally came to Xingyao Mountain. The guards at the gate of the mountain had been replaced with those of the Foundation Establishment Stage, not to mention the Nascent Soul Stage guards inside.

At this point, Ying Si's identity was no longer valid, Yunli and Yunli showed their figures, Ying Si bowed deeply to them, and said silently: "Please."

He is only in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he has been in charge of espionage matters all year round. He lacks fighting experience, so going with them will only drag them down.Besides, he and Bai Lu had nothing to do with each other. It was so strange for Bai Lu to take him with him.

Yunli nodded slightly, and raised her eyes to look at the majestic Xingyao Mountain in the distance. Under the sunlight, the fresh green forest reflected the fine light, shining brightly, worthy of the name of Xingyao.

She silently recalled the road map given by Ruoqi, exchanged a glance with Wei Lin, walked with her head held high, and led Wei Lin towards Xingyao Mountain.

As the residence of the pavilion master, the Xingyao Mountain is a top-notch, and the prohibition defense is excellent, and the means of invisibility talisman are no longer feasible.

Turning the intersection, you can see the gate of Xingyao Mountain from a distance, and the two teams of guards saw them almost immediately.

With just one glance, the two teams of monks knelt down, lowered their heads, and saluted in unison: "I have seen Lord Bailu!"

Don't forget to open the restraint quickly, not to mention checking and interrogating Wei Lin behind her, in the current tense situation, they dare not interrogate such a weird thing as dignified lore walking leisurely.

Yunli regained her composure, maintained her previous speed, entered Xingyao Mountain without haste and went straight to her destination, it was nothing to fool the guards in the Foundation Establishment Period, the Jindan Nascent Soul inside was what they had to be careful about.

"Sir, are you?"

Sure enough, when she arrived at the first gate guarded by Jindanqi, she received a puzzled question from the other party.

There is a big hurdle between Golden Core and Foundation Establishment. During the Foundation Establishment period, resources can be piled up, but there must be some opportunities to understand the core, so the core formation monks are the backbone of every sect. Facing the Nascent Soul cultivator, especially It's the same door, even though they respect each other, they still dare to say a few words.

At the same time, she felt several gazes passing through the forested buildings and falling on her with a little inquiry.

There was no malice in these gazes, they were simply puzzled by the appearance of 'Bai Lu' here at this time.

But if one of them doesn't cope well and shows her feet, what awaits the two is the siege of the high-level officials of Canye Pavilion.

Yunli's footsteps paused slightly, her eyelids slightly raised, her gaze swept across his face, staring at the depths of the dense jungle for a moment, then continued to move forward.

The Jindanqi guard took a few steps back, knelt down on the ground, a drop of cold sweat fell along his slack forehead, the sound of water splashing on the bluestone matched his thunderous heartbeat, and made him tinnitus for a moment, and he couldn't hear it. next to the voice.

When he finally came back to his senses, his whole body was soaked from his underwear to his hair as if he had just been fished out of the water.

He sat down on the ground, panting heavily, Master Bai Lu's skills have improved again!


The moment they met their gazes, the guard only felt a round orange-red sun rising slowly in front of him, dragging a brilliant tail flame, overflowing from the whole world.

In front of that round of orange sun, he was as tiny as dust, as if he would be burnt to death by the brilliant tail flame once he relaxed his mind.

When Orange Sun's tail flame finally left his world, the spiritual power and blood in his body boiled instantly, and sweat overflowed from his body surface.

There are quite a few people who have the same idea as him. Those who looked at Shang Yunli from the depths of Xingyao Mountain all felt the same way. penalty.

Sensing the guard kneeling on the ground, even the Nascent Soul cultivator at the entrance of the secret path, Wei Lin was suspicious, what did Ah Li do just now?
Because all the guards knelt down to greet each other, saving a lot of time, the two quickly came to the entrance of the secret passage. The monk in charge of this place was still sweating coldly, but Gu King had a lot to do with it. Well, let it go without saying a word.

At that moment, he said bravely, "I have met Master Bai Lu."

'Master Bailu' nodded slightly, her voice was as calm as white water as always, her speech was neither fast nor slow, her pitch was neither high nor low, and she didn't reveal any emotion.

However, no matter it was the coercion just now or his previous behavior, the guards did not dare to underestimate him.

Yunli said vaguely: "The Gu king has a lot to do with it, and there is no room for loss."

With a simple explanation, the guard understood and immediately opened the restriction, "Don't worry, my lord, there is nothing abnormal."

As he spoke, he glanced at the disciple behind 'Bai Lu', his face was very angry, he wanted to say that this disciple stayed outside, but when he saw the faint gaze of 'Master Bai Lu', those words stuck in his throat, and he just silently The formation was activated.

Leaving his range of perception, Yunli let out a deep breath, Wei Lin also felt lingering fear, he frowned tightly, and said via voice transmission: "You are too risky, you don't have to say it so clearly."

"It's already vague enough. If it is simplified, if he becomes suspicious, he will have to test it again. If you come and go, more doubts will be revealed."

Yunli knew in his heart that he meant that the Ming Gu King should not be pointed out, if this place is not where Ying Mei is imprisoned, the Ming Gu King would be exposed.

After a pause, she then said via voice transmission: "The matter has come to this point, we can only gamble. If Ruoqi's guess is correct, pointing out the Gu King will also prove Bailu's identity from the side."

Suo Xing Ruo Qi's guess was right, Ying Mei was really locked up here, but Zhenjun Yuanying was dancing under his nose, it was really exciting.

Wei Lin was silent. What they were doing was tightrope walking on a cliff. Adventure was essential. Looking at the dark corridor, the moist air flowed from the ground, bringing a bit of coldness penetrating into the bone marrow. His fingers quickly opened and closed a few times. Next, said: "Let's go."

After confirming that there was no one inside, the two of them stepped on Jinghong's footwork, their figures were like lightning, and after about a quarter of an hour, they finally came to the end of the corridor.

 Thank you Xichuang Jianzhu for your reward, and thank you book friend 161219180356007 for your monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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