all the way to fairy

Chapter 499 The Woman on the Lake

Chapter 499 The Woman on the Lake

The low and hoarse groans were intermittent, and after listening intently, one could hear a bit of Yingmei's unique voice.

It was inside, Yunli exhaled, along the way, others took the initiative to open the formation for them, and they had to do the last one by themselves.

They guessed it early and made preparations. Yunli took out a blue and white quaint Yuanchu formation disk funded by the Ye family, which can help quickly find the formation eye and re-engrave part of the formation in the process.

In most cases, people only value its first function, and after finding the formation hole, they just destroy it, but in their current situation, they must not break the formation.

When the formation was broken, Xing Ye could sense it immediately, such a short distance, he would be able to reach it in a short while.

What they have to do is not only to find the eyes of the formation, but also to deduce the hand formula to open the formation. In this case, it is especially important to be able to reproduce the formation arrangement of the Yuan Dynasty.

"How about it, do you know how to open it?" Seeing that Wei Lin, who was playing the art, stopped, Yunli asked quickly.

Wei Lin smiled slightly, "I would also like to thank Ning Wujue for the 'inheritance', yes!"

As he said that, he put away the formation plate at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and his slender fingers flew up again, one after another, mysterious formulas flowed from his fingertips and landed on the stone wall in front of him.

Yunli's hanging heart was at ease, Ning Wujue reluctantly sealed part of his formation experience in a pawn of Yi Xing Zhishi in order to make everyone believe that he was dead.

Although his soul left the chess piece and took away Fuyu's body, the chess piece was still in her hands. Over the years, when he was free, his senior would occasionally take out the chess piece to learn, and the formation method has improved a lot.

After a few breaths, when the last magic formula fell, the smooth stone door in front of it retracted into the door opening, revealing a narrow arched door opening.

The intermittent groans stopped when Wei Lin started to perform the formula, and in the silence, the rapid and chaotic heartbeat was exceptionally clear.

Wei Lin cautiously stepped one foot into the room, and after nothing happened, he turned his head and nodded slightly to Yunli, then entered the room, holding up the Ye Mingzhu in his hand to shine in the direction of the sound of heartbeat.

Looking at the person curled up in the corner, he was stunned, and couldn't help but ask for confirmation: "Yingmei?"

Yunli, who came in behind, was also stunned. In the past few years, they have dealt with witches almost every day, and they have seen countless witches, but this is the first time they have seen such a skinny person.

Even the lowest-level witch and Gu who have been devoured by Gu worms are not like this.

Shadow Phantom?

How long has it been since someone called her that?
Ying Mei was in a daze, she had only seen four people after being imprisoned in this ghostly place for nearly ten years, needless to say, Xing Ye would come here to get news from time to time, and occasionally Bai Lu would accompany her.

Both Jingzhe and Xingluo have only been here once, one was here to protect the dharma when she was first enchanted, and the other was a year ago.

Although the voice was somewhat familiar, it was not any of these four people. She was a little curious and looked up.

Living in the dark for a long time, even the soft light of the Ye Mingzhu made her feel dazzling. She raised her hand to block it, and after a moment of relaxation, she finally got used to it. The person who spoke clearly was a completely unfamiliar face.

She doesn't care either, she has been tortured for many years, she has taken a lot of light, and now there are very few things that can arouse her emotions.

His eyes swept over to 'Bai Lu' next to her, but strange ripples appeared in her calm heart. This 'Bai Lu' in front of her was really weird. Her face was always as calm as still water, her star pupils were round and round, and her eyebrows were high. Raised high, her thin lips parted slightly, looking very shocked.

Before she had time to think about the strangeness, she saw the thin lips opening and closing, and a clear female voice sounded in her ears, "Didn't the mature Gu worms no longer devour the flesh and blood of the host? How could the host of the Gu king be such an addiction?" Looks like a gentleman?"

The voice was also somewhat familiar, and Ying Mei's gaze shifted from 'Bai Lu' to the face of the male cultivator next to him, and hesitantly asked, "Qianjiu, Qianshi?"

Yunli nodded, and said, "Hurry up and leave, we'll talk about everything after we get out."

"Are you here to save me?" Wanwan Yingmei asked in a daze while standing still.

"Don't save you to go on vacation." Yunli replied angrily. Isn't this obvious? The experience of TV dramas told her that if you go on and on at this kind of time, you will face the end of being caught.

She untied Yingmei's sealed spirit veins, took out an invisibility talisman, crushed it and patted it on her body, and at the same time turned her head to Wei Lin and said, "You have to carry her on your back for a while."

Yingmei's weak appearance, not to mention whether she would fall while walking, the sound of two people's footsteps is different from that of three people.

"Why did you save me?" Yingmei continued to ask, although she had a deal with the two, but now that the two had clearly betrayed Canye Pavilion, she had also fallen to this point, and could no longer provide them with any information.

There was no relationship between them, and she really couldn't figure out why the two wanted to save her.

"It will be useful to save you, let's talk about it after we go out."

Saying that, Yunli looked outside, took a deep breath, resumed Bai Lu's expression, and said to Wei Lin: "Let's go."

As long as it's still useful, Ying Mei Weibucha let out a sigh of relief, walked to Wei Lin's side, and said softly, "I'm sorry."

As she spoke, she wrapped her arms around his neck and climbed on his back, holding her breath.

"Lord Bai Lu." Seeing the two coming out, the guard hurriedly greeted them.

Yunli nodded slightly, and ordered quietly: "Look out, no one is allowed to enter without permission."

After finishing speaking, he led Wei Lin out, the lingering prestige of the previous glance was still there, no one dared to step forward to inquire, and soon passed through the heavy defenses and came to the gate of Xingyao Mountain.

Jindan Nascent Soul couldn't even see that the formation was broken, and the guards in the foundation building period were naturally not that capable. The three of them walked out of Xingyao Mountain smoothly, not wanting any accidents to happen suddenly.


The mountains around Qinghe Valley moved, enclosing the deep valley into a basin, the ground shook violently, and then beams of light shot up from the ground, and within a short while, another formation appeared inside Qinghe Valley's protective formation, which was a trapping formation!
Yunli was stunned, was it a coincidence or were they discovered?
She looked at Xingyao Mountain, some of the guards were still in a daze, some had already recovered, and the Nascent Soul Stage guard at the entrance of the secret room rushed towards this side in a hurry.

She dragged out the stunned foundation-building guards around her, took out their guard formation cards, and quickly closed Xingyao Mountain's defensive formation.

At the same time, Wei Lin knocked all the guards unconscious with two or three strikes, and the two of them tapped the invisibility talisman tacitly, and Yu Jian flew towards the exit.

"What's the matter?" The young disciples who stayed behind in Qinghe Valley were obviously taken aback by the sudden appearance, and panicked.

"Could it be that someone from the righteous way has sneaked in and set up a trap in our defensive formation?"

I don't know who guessed such a sentence. In a flash, this sentence seemed to have grown wings. It was widely spread among the disciples in the valley, and everyone was in danger for a while.

Some people were looking for a place to hide, and some people Yujian went to the Deacon Hall, Tianji Hall and other acquaintances to inquire about news.

The whole Qinghe Valley was in chaos, people flew over from time to time in the air, and the air currents were churning, but there was no sign of Yunli and the other three.

Outside the Qinghe Valley, floating in the air, Xing Ye, who commanded the battle, suddenly changed his face. The Gu King had nothing to do with it. Just in case, he placed a restriction in the Gu King's body. As long as the Gu King leaves Xingyao Mountain, the hidden Shuiyue Qianzhong in the valley The trap will start, and now that the trap appears, someone must have stolen the Gu King!
His body flickered and he wanted to rush back to the valley, but he didn't want to see the jade bottle under the hood, his eyes fixed, and he saw Fu Guang, who was fighting Ruoqi, flashing to his side, fingertips The tactic is flying, and the illusory shape of the jade bottle is slowly solidified with a little bit of inspiration.

"Space confinement!"

An ominous premonition floated in his heart, and he turned his head to look, only to see figures flying up behind him, they were the Righteous Dao Nascent Soul cultivators who had just withdrawn from the battle not long ago, and three people who should never have appeared here also appeared The head of the Ye family, Ye Zheyan, and the two most powerful monks of the Nascent Soul stage were dead.

Some of these people rushed towards him, and some of them went to replace the Zhengdao Yuanyingqi who was fighting with the celestial killer. In the blink of an eye, Fuguang, Fuyue, and Fushu, the three Supreme Masters of the Taiyi Sect, gathered around him.

Bai Lu had been entangled with Ling Su before, but now his opponent was not only Ling Su, but also Ye Zheyan, an old fox, Mang Zhong was also surrounded by masters from the four factions, and the opponents of other sky-level killers in the cabinet also increased.

He took a deep breath and said with a sneer, "It seems that you came prepared!"

Ling Su's eyes swept across the audience sharply, but he didn't find the figure of the sword cultivator in white. He became more vigilant in his heart, but said coldly: "Today, you don't want to go back!"

Xing Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly analyzed the current situation. Naturally, the sudden eruption of the high-level officials of the Righteous Way could not last long, but this short period of time was enough for the thieves who sneaked into the valley to do many things.

These subordinates are not Jing Zhe, the difference in strength is not big, and they don't have the explosive power of a sword cultivator, so they can't be expected to get out of trouble.

Right now, I just hope that the guards staying in the valley will be smarter and block all the entrances until they break through the space confinement.

He looked at Fuguang, his eyes were as cold as a knife: "Among the pile of trash in the Taiyi Sect, I finally found one that can be seen clearly. It doesn't have the attribute of space, but it can also drive some power of space."

He suddenly remembered the matter of Hengyue City back then, and his eyes were even colder than ice: "I have looked down on you. I think you can find Qinghe Valley. It was Hengyue City back then, looking for Mo You's teleportation circle." of."

True Monarch Fuguang ignored him, and continued to use all his strength to restrain space. He didn't have a space spirit root, and he got a space-attribute secret treasure occasionally, and slowly comprehended it, before he realized some of the power of space.

His use of the power of space is far inferior to the owner of the Canye Pavilion in front of him. Even relying on surprise, he can only trap him for a short time. I only hope that Yun girl can be smarter and escape earlier.

In the Qinghe Valley, Yunli and the others who were missed by him rushed to the exit at this time, but before they arrived, they saw Ying Si Yujian flying from there in a hurry.

She hurriedly called him by voice transmission, "What's wrong with the exit?"

After receiving the sound transmission, Yingsi panicked, "The exits are blocked, and there are a large number of people guarding each one."

The chaos in the valley only lasted less than a cup of tea. The Nascent Soul guard who rushed out of Xingyao Mountain found the relevant high-level left behind and reported the matter. A series of orders continued, and a large number of people rushed to each exit.

Yunli quickly glanced at Qinghe Valley, which was gradually returning to order, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and sound transmission Weilin said, "It seems that we forced our way!"

Wei Lin nodded, time waits for no one, every minute of delay will reduce the hope of escaping, his brain turned sharply, quickly analyzing which exit to break out from.

At this time, Yingmei's sound transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Go to Xingluo Mountain, there is still a way there."

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, and immediately told Yun Liying four, and they hurried to Xingluo Mountain.

Xingluo Mountain is the place for competitions in the valley. It is located on the outer edge of Qinghe Valley, next to Luoshan Wild Forest. Usually, few people come here. After the small competition of Qi training disciples, Canye Pavilion gradually competed with the four major parties, and the disciples in the pavilion competed naturally. also fell.

It has not been activated for a long time, and there are only a few people waiting on Xingluoshan at this time, and the large army is still on the way.

According to what Yingmei said, they dived from the clear water at the bottom of Xingluo Mountain, and after a while, they encountered an invisible barrier. Yingmei forced herself to play a few strange moves, and the barrier opened.

After a few people passed through the barrier, after a while, the barrier closed automatically again, Yunli looked at Ying Mei in surprise, "Is this the escape route you left for yourself?"

Well, an embroidered pillow of the golden core stage can lay a way out under the noses of Xingye's already several killers.

Ying Mei twitched the corner of her mouth, her expression was very complicated, "I didn't do it."

After finishing speaking, she swam out in a muffled voice, obviously not wanting to talk more.

Yunli was suspicious, it wasn't her who wrote this skillful hand formula?

Swimming through the narrow river and coming to the wide lake, their path became even narrower, because another barrier appeared next to it.

Ying Mei has been tortured for many years, and her body has long since been hollowed out. Previously, she supported herself with one breath. Now that the crisis is over, she can no longer hold on, and she falls straight to the bottom of the lake.

Yunli hurriedly grabbed her, checked her pulse, and said to Wei Lin: "Her body is too weak, worse than ordinary people, she needs to recover some spiritual power to protect her body."

Wei Lin nodded, pointed upwards, and said via voice transmission: "Go up first."

This area has not been swept by the spiritual sense, no one will come here for the time being, Yingmei must wake up, they are still in the Qinghe Valley, and they have to go through the trapped formation and the valley protection formation, without her to perform the hand formula, this Such a large formation, they can't break it for a while.

After surfacing in the water, Yunli immediately smashed the nourishing pill into pieces and fed it to Yingmei bit by bit. Fortunately, she did not completely lose consciousness. When the nourishing pill entered her body, she instinctively used kung fu to absorb it.

With spiritual energy in her body, her face was finally no longer pale, her eyebrows moved slightly, and she slowly woke up.

"Auntie, you're awake!" Ying Si almost cried with joy.

When she woke up, Yunli quickly took out the tonic pill and took it for her. Once she became conscious, she didn't have to worry about the influx of spiritual energy rushing around.

While waiting for Yingmei to recover her spiritual power, she looked around. She had lived in Canye Pavilion for many years, but she never knew that there was such a vast lake in Qinghe Valley.

A small black spot appeared in the vast mist in the distance, resembling a water stag in the center of a lake. She frowned slightly, and subconsciously released her consciousness, only to find that the small black spot was a huge lotus leaf-shaped spiritual plant, lying on the lotus leaf. Sleeping Beauty.

Her face is more radiant than snow, her face is full of sorrow, the white gauze on her body is blown up by the lake wind, her beautiful face is faintly visible under the white gauze, like a white lotus fairy on the blue waves.

 Thank you Xichuang Jianzhu cutie for your reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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