all the way to fairy

Chapter 500 Escape

Chapter 500 Escape
Yunli tugged at Wei Lin, motioned him to look over there, and at the same time transmitted the sound to Yingmei: "Why is there someone else! Who is she?"

Ying Si on the side also quickly noticed the woman, and couldn't help but exclaimed, "Who is she?"

Being able to appear in this enchantment is obviously not an ordinary disciple, but he has never seen this woman in Qinghe Valley for hundreds of years!
"Little witch?" Wei Lin's eyes flickered slightly, as he guessed.

Yunli suddenly realized, and nodded in agreement, "It's really possible that it's her!"

This place is extremely secretive, presumably it is a forbidden area in the forbidden area of ​​Canye Pavilion, according to what they know, the only person who is qualified to stay here is the little witch who escaped from her life back then.

"What little witch?" Ying Si's eyes were blank, she stared blankly at Yunli Weilin, but the two of them looked at Ying Mei together, waiting for her answer.

They were just guessing that Ying Mei, the former head of Tianji Hall who knew this way, could obviously be a woman.

Looking at the sleeping woman, Ying Mei's expression was extremely complicated, and it took a long time to let out a deep breath, saying: "Xing Luo's wife, Lan Shu's mother, Lan Yi. As for whether she is the little witch you are talking about, I don't know." .”

There was a trace of sadness in her eyes, and she said sullenly: "I'm fine, let's go quickly."

The sudden depression caused the fire of gossip in Yunli's heart to blaze. When the little witch and Xingluo escaped together, there were only two people left in the Wugu sect. They had been friends for many years, and it was only natural that they became Taoist couples.

This woman is probably a little witch!
The ability to lay out this road leading to the outside world next to the little witch's barrier can only be high-level in the cabinet, and Yingmei's skillful fighting skills show that she didn't know it by accident, and the person who left this road is It can only be Xing Luo, or Xing Luo told her!
No matter what method Yingmei used to get the news from Xingluo, it showed that he had other thoughts about her, not just a simple stove.

Leaving an escape route on the edge of his wife's training place, and telling himself about that kind of relationship, Lu Ding deserves to be the famous swinger back then, scum!

She really wanted to confirm the relationship between the two of them with Yingmei, but she was concerned about the current situation, so she could only hold down the question on her lips, and said, "Let's go."

Xingye must value the place where the little witch cultivated. There should be protective measures around her. If she acts rashly, it may alarm Xingye and expose their location. Yunli can only press in and kill her.

Outside the Qinghe Valley, inside the upside-down jade bottle, Xingye turned his wrist slightly, and a long sword appeared in his hand. The long sword was covered with black ink. The moment it appeared, the surrounding light was somewhat dim.

He held up the long sword in front of his chest, and the true spirit in his body flowed, and in an instant, star patterns appeared on Xuanmo's sword body, and the silver flower flowed, mysterious and vast.

The sky darkened at some point, and the sky where the scorching sun was hanging high a moment ago was already a deep night, dotted with sparse stars, adding a bit of intoxicating charm to the night.

In the endless night sky, Xingye, who is surrounded by silver spiritual power, is the only bright color, just like the brightest star in the night sky, only his brilliance can illuminate the night sky.

At this moment, no matter it was the people in the battle, the left-behind personnel in Qinghe Valley, or the monks in the Righteous Dao camp outside, they couldn't help looking at him, and the terrifying and mighty power made everyone's scalps tingle.

Under the silver light, the light of the jade bottle was dim and gradually blurred. The corner of the mouth of its owner, Zhenjun Fuguang, had a smear of blood, against the paper-white face, it was even more shocking.

Obviously, he couldn't hold it anymore.

"Junior Brother, retreat quickly!" Fu Yue shouted at him, while quickly sacrificing the strongest defense equipment and looting towards the distance, Fu Shu and other true kings also used their strongest defenses to escape.

They have reached the limit, they have tried their best to keep the Master of Canye Pavilion trapped until now, and the next step is to depend on their fate.

Those who besieged Xingye were all retreating, even the monks who were fighting nearby also stayed away one after another, but Fuguang did not. His forehead was bulging with veins, cold sweat was pouring out layer by layer, his knees were already bent uncontrollably, and spiritual power radiated all over his body. Flickering rapidly, collapse only in an instant.


Suddenly, he yelled violently, and once again a mass of rich spiritual power poured out of his exhausted body into the jade bottle, and the jade bottle that had been emptied became solid again.

After this blow, Fu Guang's aura became even more sluggish, his body was already on the verge of collapse, and he could hardly keep floating in the air.

"Senior brother!"

Fu Yue was shocked, and hurried back, and when he was halfway there, he heard Xingye sneer, "Break!"

With a soft drink, Xingye's body was swept up with silver wind gusts, the long sword in his hand suddenly pointed to the sky, the spiritual power of space pushed all around horizontally, and the sword energy spread across the sky!

The re-condensed jade bottle was reduced to dust in an instant, and Fu Guang spewed out a mouthful of bright red blood, and was immediately surrounded by terrifying ethereal spiritual power, blood poured out of his body like injections.

"Junior Brother!" Fu Yue exclaimed, hurriedly threw his defensive magic weapon at him, at the same time, he was also surrounded by the force of the blasted space.

After breaking the space confinement, Xing Ye didn't care about making up the knife, and flew towards the valley without stopping.

Seeing him appear, the person in charge of Gu Nei flew towards him and said, "To Pavilion Master, Gu Nei..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Xing Ye's complexion suddenly changed, and he was actually laughed angrily, and left behind the sentence "It's really my good brother, more than enough to succeed than to fail", and then disappeared from the spot, unexpectedly using space teleport .

The person in charge was stunned, is it related to the Deputy Pavilion Master?Didn't he die a year ago?At that time, the pavilion master was furious, and together with Bailu and Mangzhong, two lore killers, they killed five Yuanying monks of the righteous way in succession, and the anger was barely subsided.

Yunli and the others in the barrier were swimming wildly for their lives. They naturally saw Xingye's move to change the world, and they couldn't help but turn pale. They could turn the day and night upside down. How could such a method be used by the two little golden pills? period can be dealt with.

hurry up!Hurry up!

Yunli was very anxious, like an arrow leaving the string, piercing the waves of water.

Ouch, why is it an enchantment again!

She really wanted to drag Xing Luo out of the coffin to question her, what did she think, so many barriers were set up on the escape route, was it because she was afraid that the enemy would not be able to catch up?
At this time, in her panic, she completely ignored that Xing Luo's escape route must be guarded against a righteous person, not Xing Ye.

After passing through many barriers, they finally came to the exit, where the escape passage left by Xingluo merged with the cultivation realm of the little witch, and the exit went directly through the trap formation and the Qinghe Valley defense formation, leading to the outside.

As soon as Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, he felt the spatial fluctuations. Duo Duo, who went in and out of the void like going home, was very familiar with spatial fluctuations.

It's Xingye!
Without thinking about why he could locate it so accurately, she swept towards the barrier like lightning, and at the same time wrapped a jade buckle given by Patriarch Ye with a stack of burst charms, and threw it at the Sleeping Beauty sleeping in the center of the lake. Wei Lin Then he quickly took out the escape talisman and photographed it for several people.

As soon as he came out of the void, Xingye saw a mass of blue things flying straight towards the center of the lake. His eyebrows twitched, and he looked at the four people who disappeared at the barrier, and turned towards the center of the lake without hesitation. swept away.

At the same time, he waved the long sword in his hand, and sword shadows flew out, and finally stopped when the blue light landed in front of the lotus bed.

Boom boom boom!
The violent explosion made waves on the water surface, and all you could see were spray, water waves, and water vapor.

Xingye's rapid figure stopped suddenly, his face was ashen, and he squeezed out from between his teeth with a ferocious expression: "Zhuzi is arrogant, dare to tease me!"

After the words fell, he turned around and chased towards the exit of the enchantment.

In the jade buckle that stored the skills of a monk from the Ye family, it was not an attack move at all, but a defense!

The explosion was caused by the Explosion Talisman wrapped around the jade buckle, and the mere Explosion Talisman naturally couldn't break through the defense he had placed around Ah Yi's body.

Although Yunli and Yunli were eager to save people, they didn't want to risk their own lives, so they asked Ye Zheyan for the strongest defensive moves of a Yuanhou Zhenjun from the Ye family who was good at defense.

In this way, even if they are exposed in the Qinghe Valley, facing the siege of the Nascent Souls in the Remnant Ye Pavilion, it will buy them time for the Earth Escape Talisman to take effect.

Who would have thought that Xing Luo would arrange an escape route for Ying Mei, and luckily she was right next to the little witch. If she had known this, she would have used the means of attack. Unexpectedly, she would be able to kill the sleeping little witch. .

It's a pity that the four of them had already passed through the barrier due to the delay for a moment, and he couldn't use space teleportation again for a short time. When he chased out, he saw four yellow lights flickering in the distance, and the earth escape talisman had already started to teleport .

A cold light flashed across Xing Luo's eyes, and he swung the long sword in his hand. The silver sword shadow swirled like a falling waterfall, flying towards the four of them with the terrifying power of swallowing the sky and destroying the world.

The sharp attack from behind made Yunli's scalp tingle, it was dangerous!Danger!

In an instant, she remembered that outside the Winter Mie Peak, the master of the Ye family's weapon refiner interrupted their teleportation with a palm.

This time the distance is far enough, and they have already formed alchemy. They are no longer the little monks who established the foundation at the beginning of the year, but Xingye is a monk after the Yuan Dynasty, the top powerhouse in the Canglan Continent. Although this sword cannot interrupt their transmission, it can Can be seriously injured.

Looking away from the corner of the eye, she almost exploded with anger, and couldn't help but explode, "Damn!"

What Jian Guang was referring to was his senior brother!
Their disguises have not yet been lifted, Xing Ye presumably did not know their identities, so he chose his senior brother casually, without thinking, it must be the damn Tian Dao who made the move.

Without even thinking about it, she fitted herself and threw herself on Wei Lin's back. Immediately afterwards, she felt a vast and fierce attack falling on her back. The surging attack pushed them a certain distance, and the spiritual wave transmitted by the earth escape talisman twisted for a moment...

After one blow, Xing Ye's figure flickered, and he had already arrived at the position where they started the teleportation. He quickly caught the wave of spiritual power from the teleportation, and chased after him.

A gray-white branch blocked his way with a warm white light, Xing Ye swung his sword and flew the branch.

A man in moon white clothes flew up in the sky, took the fallen gray and white branch and held it in his hand, blocking Xing Ye's way.

Xingye frowned slightly, and was about to make a move, when another person came through the air, and said coldly: "When we get here, if you still want to chase it back, we orthodox monks just wipe their necks and forget about it."

Xingye's eyes were half-closed, and in his consciousness, the four of them had already arrived near Zhengdao's camp outside Qinghe Valley, and Ling Su had already rushed over, it would be difficult to chase them now!
He suppressed the anger surging in his chest, and smiled: "That's right, after fighting for so long, I finally have something to look forward to."

Ling Su's complexion changed slightly, but he recovered quickly, and said with a sneer, "The tone is not small."

Xia Feng blew past, raising the broken hair on Xingye's forehead, the anger all over him disappeared in an instant, and a little smile appeared in his eyes: "Next, we will be serious, I hope you will not regret today's decision !"

After saying that, Ling Su's complexion was ugly to the naked eye.

There was a coquettish smile on Xingye's lips, and he turned his eyes to look at the man in white clothes next to him, "I heard that you and Fuyue signed a blood contract, I hope he can live longer."

"If you do it again, I will still stop you." Song Yin's expression was light, and Xing Ye would target him. First, he is Fu Yue's spirit beast, and this battle was led by Fu Yue. Second, if he hadn't blocked the way just now , Xingye will be able to stop the four of them before the Supreme Elder.

Xing Ye's face was slightly stiff, and he smiled meaningfully: "Really? I didn't expect that Baisong Taolu, who is known for being gentle, would have such blood. If so, I will give you a high opinion."

As he spoke, he glanced at Ling Su, implying something: "A person who follows the wind, bullies the weak and fears the hard will be contemptible no matter how high his cultivation is."

On the other side, feeling the soft and delicate body behind him, and the warm breath gushing in his ears, Wei Lin's mind buzzed, his mind went blank, and his face turned pale instantly.


His voice trembled uncontrollably, and he didn't even dare to turn his head to look. It was a blow from Xingye's fury. Even a monk in the early stage of Yuanying would be either killed or injured if he was hit.

Locked by Jianguang, he felt it.

However, in that case, he only had time to call out the body protection spirit gang, and had no time to sacrifice defensive equipment. He had no other choice but to resist hard.

But he never expected that at a critical moment, she would pounce on her. Wei Lin's heart trembled violently. That was the person he wanted to protect with all his life. He would rather be the one who got hurt, and he didn't want her to get even the slightest bit of harm.

"Ahem, ahem, I'm fine." After the ground escape talisman failed, Yunli rolled off Wei Lin's back, looked around, they were still outside the camp, and hurriedly said: "Go in quickly."

After saying that, she cheered up and ran towards the camp. She didn't want to just take a step, her feet went limp, and she fell straight forward.

When he was about to land, a hand reached out to catch her, Wei Lin suppressed the panic in his heart, picked her up and flew towards the camp, and Ying Phantom Four hurriedly followed.

At this moment, in the void, the pretty little servant girl was beating her chest and stamping her feet: "Why are you so slow!"

She patted her forehead in frustration, she was planning to make a move at that critical moment, but she never expected Yue Dian to pounce on herself, "One world!"

Those left behind in the camp had already seen what happened just now. The Taiyi Sect's rising star was injured, and the disciples of the Taiyi Sect were very concerned. Before they could enter, someone had already called Ji Ruochen.

When the four of them rushed into the camp, Ji Ruochen had already come out, and a monk called Tai Yi hurriedly pulled him, "Quickly, show Junior Sister Yun."

Wei Lin paused while holding Yunli, glanced at the people around him, pointed to Ying Si, and said to Ji Ruochen, "Show him first, I'll take her in and wait for you."

Ji Ruochen's medical skills are excellent, if he can see that Ah Li is not a human cultivator, it will be tricky but okay, but if he can see the true body of Phoenix, then the risk will be great.

(End of this chapter)

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