Chapter 501

As soon as he entered the barracks, Wei Lin immediately formed a spiritual hood to envelop the two of them, and then hurriedly checked her physical condition, he was stunned when he checked.

The entire back was torn apart, without a single piece of good flesh, the vest was completely pierced by the sword light, and there was even a finger-wide wound on the edge of the lung to the front chest. , the heart was pierced, and all other internal organs were damaged.

This injury is fatal to ordinary people, but to monks, it can only be regarded as a serious skin trauma, and it will be fine after a period of cultivation.

At this moment, Yunli also finished looking inside, and was also shocked by her rough skin and thick flesh. She raised her head and smiled brightly at him: "I'll just say it's okay."

Wei Lin was worried, and checked again to make sure that there was no sword qi, sword will, law, power, space, etc., and then exhaled, and after treating her wound, he said: "You heal the wound first, I'll go out and have a look."

What they have to worry about now is not the injury, but how to explain to Fu Yue and others that the injury is so light.

Just as he put away the spiritual power cover, Yingmei's sharp voice came from outside, "No way!"

Both of them were startled. Seeing that Yunli wanted to go out, he quickly held her down and said in a deep voice, "You heal, I'll go."

It was only then that Yunli realized that she should be a seriously wounded person. After Chong Weilin nodded, she quickly placed restraints on herself and began to heal her injuries.

Wei Lin stepped out, Ji Ruochen stood aside with the others, Ying Mei held Ying Si in her arms, tears glistened in her eyes.

With this look, it was obvious that Ying Si was seriously injured. Before that, his mind was all on A Li, and he didn't pay attention to the two people beside him.

Only now did he realize that Ying Si only had a foundation building cultivation base, and even if he was only swept away by the aftermath, it would be a catastrophe for him.

With a heavy heart, he came to Ji Ruochen's side and asked in a deep voice, "His injury?"

Ji Ruochen looked compassionate, "Swept away by the aftermath of the attack, all internal organs have been reduced to ashes, and there is no way to save them."

After speaking, he saw the interrogator clearly, and said again: "Where is that real person, how is it?"

Despite his heavy heart, Wei Lin's mind was still spinning fast, and he said: "She is a golden core, and she has worn a protective robe inside in advance, her injury is fine, and she is currently recovering."

Hearing this, the disciples of Taiyi Sect who knew about it breathed a sigh of relief, and everyone's eyes once again focused on Yingmei and Yingmei.

At this time, Ying Si already exhaled more air and less air, he watched Ying Mei's lips move, as if he wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he only spat out a big mouthful of blood.

The blood was bright red, like indestructible red silk, dyeing Ying Mei's eyes red, she shouted in a low voice: "Ying Si, you are not allowed to die!"

Every word and every word is powerful, revealing the despair that goes deep into the bone marrow. Even this group of monks who are accustomed to life and death can feel their eyes sore and their throats dry.

"We have escaped from the Remnant Night Pavilion, and we can practice like a normal monk. You are not allowed to die, do you hear me!"

Ying Mei's eyes were crystal clear, and what responded to her was the bright blood gushing from Ying Si's mouth.

Ji Ruochen sighed lowly, knelt down and stabbed Yingsi's body, Yingsi's face flushed abnormally, and then spit out a big mouthful of deep red blood.

After spitting out the blood, he finally stopped vomiting blood, moved his lips and made a weak voice, "Auntie, take care."

After speaking, the half-opened eyelids closed, and there was no sound.

"Shadow Four—"

The shrill screams echoed in the camp for a long time.

"Quick! Where's Ji Ruochen? Where's the spiritual doctor?" An eager cry came from far outside the camp, pulling everyone out of their grief.

"It's the seat!"

The Taiyi sect monks quickly reacted and jumped into the air to look, only to see Fushu Zhenjun flying towards the camp with a bloody man in his arms.

Those who participated in this battle were all the elite Nascent Soul monks of the sect, and those who could be brought back by Zhenjun Fushu in person must have a high status.

Everyone was secretly startled, the quick-responsive cultivator turned around and pushed the female cultivator beside him, and hurriedly said: "Go and call all the spiritual doctors."

Before he finished speaking, he grabbed Ji Ruochen and ran towards a small empty courtyard next to him.

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, he knew that monk, A Li personally sent it to Fenshui City back then, the name of the appointment was Zhen Yuchen, and the nun he recommended seemed to be called Wang Zhenzhen.

This thought flashed through his mind, and he no longer cared about it. He lowered his eyes to Ying Mei with scarlet eyes and said, "My condolences."

The wounded Fuguang Zhenjun was sent back, and the camp immediately jumped up and down. Not far away from the battlefield outside the Qinghe Valley, the Remnant Ye Pavilion launched a frenzied attack.

When Fu Yue and other big faction leaders retreated from the battlefield, they finally had time to see the Gu King's body, it was the morning of the next day.

After a whole night, Yingmei finally got away from the grief of Yingsi's departure, she glanced at the righteous leaders in the room, took a deep breath, and said, "Tell me, save me at such a high price, what do you want me to do?" .”

The impatient True Monarch of the Ye family couldn't hold back any longer. Hearing this, he hurriedly asked: "Can you get mature Gu worms out of the host's body?"

Yunli rolled her eyes, and said, "Nowadays, Gu worms are rampant, and people are dying. I heard that the Gu king can completely wipe out the Gu worms."

A flash of embarrassment flashed across that Zhenjun's face, and he made amends: "Yes, we hope you can destroy all Gu insects and save the world's living beings."

Yingmei runs the Fengyue place all the year round, and was once the head of Tianji Hall, with more eyes than a sieve, and immediately understood that the Yexiao family or everyone in the house wanted to save, mainly the Yexiao family and Qianshi wanted to save , is all the people who have been harmed by Gu insects.

She looked at Yunli: "Is Xingluo really dead?"

Yunli blinked her eyes. Normally, Yingmei's deal with them was to kill Xingluo, but she hesitated when she thought of Xingluo's survival for Yingmei. What if Yingmei regretted killing Xingluo after she got angry?
No matter how much she struggled in her heart, she could only bite the bullet and say: "I sent Zhenjun Fuyu to die, and we saw it with our own eyes."

Yingmei closed her eyes, crystal liquid flowed out from the corners of her eyes, the corners of Xuan Er's mouth were slightly drawn, but the slight upward curve revealed strong sadness.

Yunli bit her lip, trying to analyze whether she regretted it, when she heard a soft murmur, "That's good."

When she looked over, Yingmei had already opened her eyes, glanced at everyone in the room, and said, "I can indeed destroy all Gu worms."

"That's great!" The impatient cultivator of the Ye family who had been staring at her almost didn't applaud, but was squinted by Ye Zheyan, so he calmed down and straightened his body.

Both Ye Zheyan and the other True Lord of the Ye Family relaxed their bodies, not only them, everyone in the room relaxed their tense heartstrings, paying such a high price, if the rescued Gu King's body cannot destroy the Gu insects, wouldn't it be a waste of effort .

Wei Lin's eyes were deep, "Can you?"

"I can." Yingmei confirmed loudly.

Yunli looked at Wei Lin, pondered for a moment, and suddenly realized that what Ying Mei said was her ability, not Gu Wang Neng.

She glanced at the bony Yingmei, can she control the Gu King?

Feeling puzzled in her heart, Yingmei said flatly, "However, I have one condition."

All the true kings regained their sanity in an instant as if they had been poured with a basin of cold water. Only the Ye family showed anxious expressions, and Fu Yue said indifferently: "What conditions?"

"In the night attack on Fenshui City, there was a man named Ying Yi who let him go." Her eyes darkened, and she glanced at the gradually relaxed expressions of the people in the room, and said word by word: "And I swear by my heart demon that I will not chase after you." Kill him, if you break the oath, you will not be allowed to ascend!"

All the true kings froze, the killer was just an insignificant pawn, it didn't matter if he let go, but it would be a bit embarrassing for them to swear to the devil.

Leaving aside such things as heart demon vows, they should not be easily promised. Even if a small Golden Core Stage is pregnant with a Gu King, it is nothing more than fish and meat. Swearing an oath for her will make people laugh out loud.

Ying Mei seemed to have expected this kind of situation long ago, and she was not surprised by everyone's reaction, she said bluntly: "I have never met you all, and you swear, I am relieved."

Fushu Zhenjun was so angry that he shot the table, and the table made of high-grade Tianyu sand was turned into powder under his palm, he pointed at Yingmei's nose, and said angrily: "Your words are ungrateful, in order to save you, I am Tai Yi. The master of Zongtai Afeng is not out of danger yet."

Yunli drooped her eyes, feeling a little heavy in her heart. They succeeded in rescuing Yingmei in this operation, but they also paid a huge price. Not only was Yingsi killed by the aftermath of Xingye's sword light;

In order to buy them more time, True Lord Fuguang was seriously injured by the force of space. The exact extent of the injury is not clear, they only know that Ji Ruochen has not been able to come out since yesterday, and True Lord Fushu only stepped out of the room on the eve of the meeting. courtyard.

In addition, many Nascent Soul cultivators were injured on the battlefield outside the Qinghe Valley. As for how many people will be injured in the follow-up revenge of Canye Pavilion, it is unpredictable.

Yingmei was not afraid, raised her eyes to look directly into Fushu's eyes, and said in a cold voice: "True Monarch, you need to know that you are the ones who asked me for help, and I didn't ask you to save them. As for the price you paid, it is all your own." thing!"

There was a flash of determination in her eyes: "If you don't agree, you can take this life!"

You Zhenjun are dumb, the reason is this, but it is always unpleasant to be forced by a small golden core.For a while, there was no reason to refute, and the room suddenly fell into silence.

The impatient Zhenjun of the Ye family couldn't sit still, and said: "It's just a small foundation building period, if you let it go, you will let it go, we are a decent family, and we will go back and forth, isn't it just a vow from the heart demon, just promise her! "

This time, Ye Zheyan didn't wink at him. He agreed with his words, and most of the people he wanted to save were members of the Yexiao family. Although the oath was harsh, for the sake of the family's development and the safety of the people, it was forbearance.

For the other True Monarchs, especially the Four Great Sects, it is very important to save them. First, they were half-forced to act, bleeding and injured for their two families, and now they have to make an oath for them. You will feel a sense of urgency.

Fu Yue's heart was in a panic, people had already been rescued, if they disagreed at this time, not only would the price be in vain, the Ye Xiao family would definitely withdraw from the alliance, and other sect families would also be chilled, now they have no choice!

He was so angry that his liver hurt, and he couldn't help but secretly glare at Yunli, if this evil person hadn't acted on his own initiative, how could they be so passive!

Upon receiving Fuyue's gaze, Yunli felt a little guilty, but she didn't show it at all, she looked at him indifferently for a few seconds, and then naturally looked away.

Her innocence made Fu Yue feel even more perplexed, and following the principle of seeing nothing out of sight, he turned his face away, and said to Ying Mei: "We monks do what we say, so it doesn't matter if we swear to make my little friend feel at ease. "

Fu Yue can figure out the truth, how can others not understand, the matter has come to this point, why not make an oath in pain, and buy Ye Xiao's family a face.

Yunli was startled, and hurriedly said, "I don't agree!"

Everyone looked at her in unison, and Fu Yue's eyes were as cold as ice. If eyes could kill, she would have been killed countless times by him.

He suppressed his anger, gritted his teeth and said, "Say!"

Ying Mei was also stunned, they had worked together for many years, and Ying Yi had no grievances with them, on the contrary, she had a close relationship with Ying San, so logically she should be more inclined to herself.

Facing Fu Yue's cannibalistic gaze, Yun Li hurriedly explained, "What I mean is, this demon's oath is not very strict."

After explaining, she looked at Ying Mei and said righteously: "We can only guarantee that we will not attack him because of what he did before. If one day he does something that hurts peace, we will hunt him down to the end .”

The impatient Zhenjun Ye family exhaled, and said, "Little friend Yun, next time you have something to say, finish it all at once, don't just say half of it."

The corners of Yunli's mouth twitched, if they didn't look at Ling Chi, how could she not finish talking at once.

After the meeting, Master Suxi, who had been watching silently, suddenly chuckled, "Little friend Yun is upright and awe-inspiring. He always remembers the common people in the world. He is indeed a good apprentice taught by Brother Fu Yue."

As he spoke, he clasped his fists at Fu Yue and said, "Congratulations Brother Fu Yue, there are successors."

Glancing at Fuyue's colorful face, Yunli secretly scolded Suxi, she used to be a gentle gentleman, but she didn't expect to be so dark-bellied, this irony made her worry that Fuyue would die of a heart attack.

She kept slandering in her heart, but she could only smile embarrassedly on her face, pretending that she didn't understand Suxi's irony.

Yingmei thought for a moment, and agreed to Yunli's proposal, and she couldn't do it if she didn't agree, but after Yunli reminded her, these righteous people can't ignore the common people in the world.

After everyone finished their oaths and took action for the Fangcan Yege, Fu Yue immediately sent people to make arrangements to send Yingmei and others to Zhongzhou.

After reaching a consensus, Ying Mei was about to go out to wait for Ying Yi, when Fu Yue stopped her again, "I have something to ask, from your words and deeds, you have a deep connection with that Xing Luo, we know that he has a close relationship with the Master of the Remnant Ye Pavilion. What's the relationship?"

The people who had already got up and walked to the door stopped one after another. They were also curious about where the Lord of the Canye Pavilion emerged from, and why he wanted to avenge the Wugu Sect.

Mentioning Xing Luo, Ying Mei's eyes darkened, and after a while, she pursed her lips and said softly, "Brother, dear brother."

Zhenjun Fushu exclaimed: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

Others were also shocked by the news, the master of the Wugu sect had only two sons, the eldest son died under Fu Yue's hands, his spirit and soul were completely wiped out, the body was also burned after repeated inspections.

Back then, only the sect master's son and the little witch's corpses were seriously damaged and could not be verified, and the rest had been repeatedly inspected.

 Thanks to nanalyqa, Youyou Yuluo, Huanxi 202082545, Qin Shu, and Cai Lihua for their monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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