all the way to fairy

Chapter 502 Don't go

Chapter 502 Can't Go Back

"Xing Luo told me this personally, and I've heard him call Xing Ye's second brother more than once." Ying Mei raised her eyes to look at the window, the green leaves were shining brightly under the sunlight, as if sprinkled with gold.

Since she raised Lan Shu, their relationship has gradually eased. Xing Luo has indulged her a lot, and no longer avoids her in some things.

Second brother?Does the master of the Wugu sect have three sons?

Yunli tried hard to recall, Xingye had a handsome face, his temples were cut like knives, his facial features were distinct, and his brows were full of fierce majesty; More feminine.

From appearance to temperament, the two have little similarities, so even though their dao names both start with the word star, everyone always subconsciously thinks that they are brothers from the same sect.

After being silent for a while, Fu Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "It seems that Song Jian still has a hand."

Everyone was stunned, and after a little thought, they had to admit that this was the most likely guess.

Yunli glanced at the crowd, her eyes flickered. Thousands of years ago, Fu Yue and the others had conceived babies, not to mention Xingye Jingzhe who entered Jiuliyuan in the same class as Ling Su, and when the Wugu sect was wiped out, they were already There are countless masters in the Canglan Continent.

Shuangjiang and Mangzhong may not have followed Xingye at that time, but Jingzhe, who was born as a servant, and Bailu, the spiritual pet, will definitely follow him unconditionally.

With the strength of the three of them, they must not be underestimated, and they may not be able to change the situation of the battle. Why don't they help?

In addition, the head of the Wugu Sect has only two sons from the beginning to the end, and Xing Ye was concealed from birth. At that time, the Wugu Sect was still in good order, and there was no sign of extinction.

She secretly sighed, the master of the Witch Gu Sect has a strong sense of being prepared for danger in times of peace, so he made arrangements so early.

When everyone was in complicated moods, a monk dressed in the uniform of an inner disciple of the Taiyi Sect brought Ying Yi over.

Looking at the familiar figure from far and near, Ying Mei's eyes sparkled, and Yun Li was secretly feeling that this pair of fateful mandarin ducks felt sorry for each other, one was imprisoned in Qinghe Valley for more than ten years, and the other was imprisoned in Fenshui City not far from Qinghe Valley. more than a year.

He then heard Fu Yue say to the three true monarchs of the Ye family: "Wait a moment, my little fellow is stubborn, let me explain a few words."

After finishing speaking, he glared at Yunli, and said with a wooden face, "Come with me."

Nima, this is the rhythm of private reprimand, Yunli bitterly followed him.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the house, Fu Yue's expression immediately turned cloudy: "Why did you act without authorization?"

The tone was still neither high nor low, but there was a hint of gnashing of teeth, Yunli secretly rolled her eyes, she acted on her own a year ago, and I didn't see you say anything.

He kept slandering in his heart, but on his face he answered seriously: "Gu worms can pass messages to each other, I'm afraid that the news will be leaked if we delay, and if the Canye Pavilion has taken precautions, we won't be able to save anyone."

Fu Yue was about to vomit blood, was he asking why he didn't report to him?

He doesn't mind helping the Ye Xiao family solve the Gu worms, but he can't let Tai Yizong bear the consequences. Moreover, if this matter is done properly, the sect will benefit from it, and its power will be even stronger than before.

Glancing at Yunli who had an innocent face in front of him, completely unaware of what he had done wrong, Fuyue's mood became even worse.He was lucky, and told himself silently, forget it, compare with the careless fool, the price will drop!
Taking a deep breath, he said, "The Panacea is a secret of the sect, how can it be easily leaked?"

Yunli continued to explain seriously: "Isn't this to persuade the Gu king's body to help us eliminate the Gu insects? After thinking about it, only the panacea that can relieve Devil May Cry can persuade her to take action.

Furthermore, this is also a very good opportunity. Many people in Canye Pavilion are also afraid of witchcraft. If the panacea is spread, the hearts of Canye Pavilion will be shaken. In this way, we will be able to defeat Canye Pavilion as soon as possible.

The sect can also be admired by monks all over the world, and its prestige will be raised to a higher level. Why not do it?Just thinking that she valued that killer so much, we agreed without asking any conditions. "

It was also my fault that Fu Yue and the others came back so quickly, they were dragged to a meeting before they could tell Yingmei about the panacea.

Yingmei is the same, I don't know if she has been locked up for more than ten years and she is stupid. A person who used to be so ruthless suddenly started to play straight balls, and the negotiation started to expose her own weakness.

Moreover, from the beginning to the end, she never asked what their initial bargaining chips were, and she didn't even have a reason to pass the words.

Fuyue's forehead twitched, and she actually wanted to make the matter of the Panacea known to everyone!
He suddenly stopped, staring straight at Yunli, "You didn't spread the panacea in Qinghe Valley, did you?"

"No." Yunli touched the tip of her nose. She really thought about the feasibility of doing so. If she accidentally leaked her whereabouts and was surrounded by the Nascent Soul Qi of the Remnant Ye Pavilion, she planned to release the news of the panacea to disrupt the situation. Enemy.

Fu Yue heaved a sigh of relief, and sternly warned: "When you go to Central Continent, you must never act on your own again. No matter how big or small, you have to discuss with Huai'er before making a decision!"

After finishing speaking, he was still worried, and said sharply: "Do you know how much we have lost because of your unauthorized action this time? Your Uncle Fuguang was seriously injured, and you are still being treated. Zhenjun Xu Wei of Phantom Palace, Zhenjun Mengxiang of Qingyang City When the emperor dies, more people will die in the Golden Core Stage and Foundation Establishment Stage, and we don’t know what retaliation methods Canye Pavilion will have in the future..."

Yunli lowered her head, feeling unavoidably heavy. She was not familiar with the others, but Zhenjun Fuguang had met several times. Back then, Zhanmengdao had just recognized the master, and the fake Fuyu was staring at him, and he even helped drive away the fake Fuyu.

She felt guilty for hurting him, but she didn't regret it. If she did it again, she would still make such a choice.

She raised her head, fixedly looked into Fuyue's eyes, and said softly: "Except for the Daye and Xiao families of the Zhongshan family and several large aristocratic sects, almost all of them were killed or injured. In the past year or so, those witches and gu people we have eliminated , none other than a former resident of the Zhongshan system.

If the Wugu people cannot be completely eliminated, today is the Zhongshan faction, how can we know that it will not be our Dongshan faction in the future? "

Fu Yue was dumb, opened his mouth, but couldn't find any words to refute, Gu insects and cholera, they high-ranking monks are naturally not afraid, but Taiyizong and Lin's family are also low-ranking monks, at that time, except for close people, they can't protect them at all. Not too many people.

He sighed softly, and was about to end the lecture with a few more words of admonition, not wanting Yunli to give him another big shot.

"We saw a sleeping woman in a forbidden area of ​​Canye Pavilion, she should be the little witch from back then."

"What!" Fuyue suddenly stood up, the turbulent air around his body knocked the objects in the room to the ground, he stared at Yunli, "What did you say?"

Yunli silently picked up the scattered pen and ink, and quickly outlined the woman's face, "It probably looks like this."

Fu Yue gasped. When they saw through Xing Luo's identity, they also speculated that the little witch might still be alive, but they just took a chance. Back then, she was so badly injured and fell from the sky again, so her chances of survival were slim; besides In these years, the Canye Pavilion only had Gu, without witchcraft, so they were not sure whether the little witch was still alive.

Now that I have the exact news, how can I not be surprised!

"Remember, when you go to Central Continent, don't act on your own." After telling them, he hurried out with Yunli, ready to have a meeting after seeing them off!
When they came outside, the exciting scene where Yingmei and Yingyi met had ended, and the two of them seemed very calm at this moment.

Seeing Yunli coming out, Ye Zheyan hurriedly sacrificed the spirit boat and rushed to Zhongzhou with everyone.

After getting on the spirit boat, Yunli yawned and said, "I want to sleep well, senior brother, help me put the restraining cloth on when you go out."

From Zhongzhou to Fenshui City, and then into Qinghe Valley, these days, I have been tense and haven't had a good rest.

After arriving in Central Continent, I have to be busy with witches and Gu people again, so I have to take a good sleep now to recharge my batteries.

Wei Lin nodded, and was about to go out, when the restraint sounded, he opened it, and it turned out to be Yingmei.

"What are you doing here at this hour?"

Yunli blinked her eyes, very puzzled, separated for more than ten years, and was forced to alienate each other before, now that the crisis is resolved, the misunderstanding is cleared up, shouldn't they talk to each other and imagine the future?

Ying Mei walked straight in, smiled at her, and stopped talking.

This is an important matter to discuss, Yunli understood, and immediately closed the restraint, thinking about it, she took out her formation and put it on, saying: "Okay, now we can talk about it, what's the matter, you have to do it now Say."

Yingmei is now related to the life and death of thousands of members of the Yexiao family. The three true monarchs pay close attention to her. As soon as she got on the spirit boat, she came to chat with them. Was it because she was afraid that others would not suspect that they had an unusual relationship?

Ying Mei glanced at the two of them, took a step back, and suddenly knelt on the ground, forcing Yunli into a daze, and it took her a long time to realize, "What are you doing, just talk about it if you have something to say."

After finishing speaking, she went to help her, but was pushed away by Ying Mei, she looked at the two of them, "Since you dare to betray Canye Pavilion, if you want to come to Devil May Cry, can you release..."

"So that's what happened." Yunli rolled her eyes angrily, and interrupted her, "We originally planned to use the panacea to negotiate terms with you, but it's better for you to expose your weaknesses yourself, and it will be cheaper to help you." Yue them."

She knew that Yingmei would look for them about Devil May Cry,
When refining the panacea, Ayan and the others held back a few of them on the grounds that the success rate of the first alchemy was low. Before they came out, they thought they had to save Yingyi, so Yunli brought one out on purpose.

She took out the panacea and handed it to her, "This one is for Ying Yi, you and Ying Si, we are going to let Fuyue out, but you are not good at negotiating, even though we didn't have time to tell you about the panacea Things, but you should also ask, since you want to eliminate the Gu worms, you must have a bargaining chip in your hand."

After she finished disliking her, she said again: "Don't worry, Ayan still has a few more, and I'll give them to you when I arrive in Zhongzhou."

Ying Mei was startled, tears welled up in her charming eyes, and her voice was hoarse: "Thank you."

"Why are you still crying?"

Yunli was a little flustered. In her memory, Yingmei had always been the enchanting Yujie. When had she ever seen her teary, even if she had repeated it with Ying before, the tears were just spinning in her eyes. The appearance is really unaccustomed.

After a long while, Yingmei restrained her tears and smiled at them, "After so many years in Canye Pavilion, almost everything I got was malice, and I had to pay a big price for everything I wanted. Suddenly meeting someone like you Good guy, a little uncomfortable."

Yunli felt a little sad. The pure yin body was originally a gift from the heavens, but because of the covetousness of the greedy people, her life was rough.

After sending Yingmei away, Yunli was finally able to sleep, but she was doomed to sleep unsteadily this time, and at dusk of the next day, not long after passing over Nanling City, Wei Lin woke her up.

"What are you doing?" Yunli was a little confused, it's still early in Zhongzhou.

Wei Lin sighed softly, "Yingmei wants Yingyi to get off the spirit boat near Qingyao City."

Yunli was so sleepy, her mind was a mess, and it took her a long time to realize, "She's afraid we won't be able to protect Yingyi?"

But she is the body of the Gu King, who can eliminate Gu insects, even if Ying Yi is hit by a Gu, she can also save it.

"Could it be possible that there will be after-effects from being infected by the Gu?" Yunli's drowsiness disappeared immediately, and her cousin has also been infected by the Gu!

She jumped up from the bed, "Let's go! Go and ask!"

As soon as she entered Ye Zheyan's living room, she hurriedly asked: "I forgot to ask, how do you kill Gu insects, and will there be any sequelae after curing?"

As soon as the words fell, the eyes of the three True Monarchs of the Ye family became tense. There are many Gu people in the Ye family, even the Golden Core stage is also quite a few. If there are sequelae, the consequences are unimaginable.

Ying Mei was stunned for a moment, and said: "If it is a normal Gu worm, the flesh and blood will be swallowed, it will naturally have an impact, but the mature Gu worm will not be affected, it is no different from before it has been infected by the Gu."

"That's good, that's good!" Yunli felt relieved, and the three members of the Ye family were also greatly relieved. The two high-ranking monks who had been turned into Gu were mostly full of mature Gu worms.

Yunli pointed to Yingyi who had red eyes beside him, "Then why are you in such a hurry to send him away?"

"My matter is not a secret among the high-level officials of Canye Pavilion. Among the witch killers in Zhongzhou City, there are probably people who know about our affairs. If they catch him and threaten me..."

Before she could finish speaking, Ye Zheyan hurriedly assured that the Ye family would guarantee Yingyi's safety.

However, Ying Mei said who could guarantee 100% safety. In desperation, the three true monarchs had no choice but to compromise and let Ying Yi go in Qingyao City. Anyway, he was just an insignificant pawn.

No, the three True Monarchs agree, but Ying Yi disagrees, he said with red eyes: "I won't be caught, Yingying, let's go home together after solving the matter of the Gu worms."

This short sentence is full of complex emotions such as annoyance, guilt, powerlessness, and humbleness, which makes people's nose sour.

Yingmei lowered her eyelids to hide the emotion in her eyes, only the fast trembling eyelashes showed the unrest in her heart.

After a while, she raised her eyes and said to everyone, "I'll persuade him."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked to his room, Ying Yi had a weak wry smile on his lips, a sad and helpless atmosphere filled his body, he let out a deep breath, and followed.

Yunli watched him leave, the wind was so strong high in the sky, the wind blowing into the corridor made his robes slam, but it couldn't take away the heaviness around him.

In Yingmei's room.

"A Jiang, we can't go back."

 Thanks to the busy leftovers and book friend 20180213132228954, two cute monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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