all the way to fairy

Chapter 503 Lan Yi

Chapter 503 Lan Yi
Ying's face turned pale, "How come, get rid of the witches, we are just two insignificant monks, the four major sects will let us go.

There is another piece of good news, about half a year ago, my realm was loose, and there were already signs of alchemy, but I was in prison, and I didn't dare to act rashly, I kept pressing it, and when I also formed alchemy, we..."

Yingmei drooped her eyelashes slightly, interrupting his words: "I hate him, but I cannot deny that he accompanied me through these hundreds of years."

The light and faint voice was like a small hammer, hitting Ying Yi's heart, and the pain spread in the heart.

Soon, he put away the stiffness on his face, and continued: "We can go back to Mian Town, that is, hundreds of years ago, I don't know if there are any old friends. Or go to other places, as big as the Canglan, Thousands of landscapes are different, and you can always find a place that suits your heart."

Ying Mei stood up, walked slowly to the window, looked at the receding white clouds outside, her voice was so ethereal that it seemed to come from the end of time, "Time is really a terrible thing, it changed our love and hate silently, Those loves and hates that were once unforgettable will fade in the face of time.

In the beginning, I traded with him, coerced and was coerced, I used my body to grab power from him, and he plundered my cultivation.But I don't know when everything changed.

I raised Lan Shu, and we would be like ordinary Taoist couples, we would have disagreements over children’s affairs, and we would gossip about family matters; I killed Lan Shu, but he still chose to betray his own brother, leaving me a way out. "

Her voice was extremely hoarse, and her eyes were blurred, the clouds lost their shape, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness.

"Now, I can't even tell what kind of feelings I have for him. Hate? Hate, if it wasn't for his meddling, the lives of the three of us wouldn't be so fragmented. But besides hate, there are other feelings Doping, I will never forget him in my life."

She turned around, looked into Yingyi's eyes, and said slowly: "It's the same between us, what happened happened just happened, we can't pretend that there is no grudge. Ah Jiang, we really can't go back .”

Standing there, Ying Yi's face was almost bright, his eyes lost focus, like a wooden stake, one breath, two breaths...

After a cup of tea, his eyes regained their brilliance, and his voice trembled, "Yingying, how do you kill the Gu worms?"

Outside the door, Wei Lin rolled his eyes, pulled away Yun Li who was stuck to the door, and said with his forehead: "This is a restriction, no matter how close you are, you won't be able to hear it."

Yunli bit her lip, and said in a deep voice, "Their state is not right, I'm really worried."

Wei Lin rolled his eyes to the sky, isn't it just gossip, "Don't worry about his emotional problems, go back to sleep."

After finishing speaking, she lifted her collar and was about to take her back to the room forcibly. At this moment, Ying Mei's room door opened suddenly, and she glanced at the two of them strangely, "Who are you?"

"Cough, cough, cough," Yunli hurriedly freed her collar, and said seriously, "Let's learn."

After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes at Wei Lin, and said via voice transmission: "How old am I, and you still grab my collar, do I want to lose face?"

Wei Lin ignored her accusation, looked past Ying Mei, and glanced at the figure behind her, "Did we talk?"

"Yeah." Ying Mei nodded lightly, "Let's put him down outside Qingyao City ahead."

The bright moon, which is not yet full, rises above the clouds to a higher night sky, and a group of transparent gray clouds floats in, faintly covering the moonlight. The sea of ​​clouds seems to be covered with a layer of veil, and the strands fall off like a dream.

After Yunli turned over for the 120th time, she patted her forehead and sat up. After finishing, she couldn't fall asleep.

Originally, she was very curious about the matter between Yingmei and Xingluo, but she was too embarrassed to expose the scars, so she kept silent and didn't ask.

At dusk, the conversation between Yingmei and Yingyi must have something to do with this, but she didn't hear it. When she sent Yingyi away in the evening, his heartbroken back was lingering in her mind, and her curiosity was aroused. Not satisfied yet, like a cat's paw in my heart!
Besides, she still has business to do. Only Yingmei knows about the little witch, but when mentioning the little witch, Xingluo must be mentioned, the scar that cannot be avoided.

She got up, intending to go to the outer deck to bask in the moon and get some air, to clear her mind, who would have thought that, as soon as she got out of the cabin, she would see Ying Mei in a red dress leaning on the ship's side at the right corner, dazed.

In the night wind, that slender figure was so thin, as if it would disappear in the wind at any moment, but the desolation and desolation around him was so heavy, even the arc of the hair seemed powerless.

Yunli froze in place, facing such Yingmei, she was full of curiosity, but she didn't know how to speak, and she didn't even want to go forward.

"Why haven't you cultivated?" When she was struggling, Ying Mei suddenly asked, without waiting for her answer, "Curious about me and Xing Luo?"

"Is it so obvious?" Yunli touched the tip of her nose and stepped forward with a guilty conscience.

Ying Mei smiled lightly, "Every time I make eye contact, I always seem hesitant to speak, and it's hard for you to hold back."

"I just think he's very nice to you, not an ordinary relationship." Yunli smiled mischievously, so embarrassed that she could pick out three rooms and one living room.

At the end of the sentence, I felt that I was gossiping, and hurried to remedy: "There is also the matter of the little witch, which is of great importance..."

Under Yingmei's half-smile eyes, she couldn't continue, she spread her hands: "Well, I'm just curious, your relationship is quite messy."

"It's quite chaotic." Yingmei turned her head and looked at the vast sea of ​​clouds in front of her, "Let's start with the little witch you care about the most. After decades of becoming Xingluo's cauldron, I didn't know that he had a Taoist companion." .

Her name is Lan Yi, her health is not very good, she has been recuperating all year round, not many people in the valley know her..."

Yunli, who had listened to the whole story, was stunned, the plot was a little bit over the top!

Yunli stroked her fingers, Lan Yi, as the little witch of the Wugu sect, was well-deserved as the proud daughter of heaven, with top-notch appearance, talent, and status, and Xing Luo had admired her since she was a child.

Of course, with his character of a swinger, Lan Yi naturally despises him, not to mention that he has an elder brother who is better than him in everything.

If his rival in love is someone else, he can use his identity as the son of the master of the Wugu sect to rob him.

It's a pity that the rival in love is his elder brother, or his direct brother who is more talented than him and is more valued by his father than him.The marriage between the young sect master and the little witch, the Wugu sect is happy to see it come to fruition. If there is no accident later, his secret love will naturally end without a problem.

Later, when Zhengdao encircled and suppressed the witches and Gu sects, a proud man like his brother was naturally the focus of the righteous people, and he, a dude, was much despised by the righteous way.

He escaped the siege of the righteous way because he was having fun outside, and when he found out that something happened to the sect, he immediately found a place to poke and hide.

Until he saw his brother and Lan Yi rushing out of the encirclement, unable to let go of their lover, he followed Fu Yue and the others secretly, and rescued Lan Yi when she fell into the sky, and arrested a man and a woman, and put on their clothes, Throw it from the sky.

Lan Yi was seriously injured before. She was displaced on the way to escape, and without the previous resources, she was critically ill several times. Fortunately, Xing Luo took good care of her and found good medicine through hardships and obstacles, and finally saved her life.

Lan Yi was very moved, and since the sect was destroyed and all relatives died, only the two of them remained dependent on each other, so they became Taoist couples with Xing Luo.

Maybe Xing Luo was destined to have a conflict with his elder brother, and not long after his childhood, Xing Ye came to find him.

What Xing Luo told Ying Mei was that Xing Ye was his second elder brother who had been missing for many years, and his family thought he was dead, and no one thought that he was still alive.

However, based on the impressions of the four major factions, there were only two masters of the Wugu sect from the beginning to the end. It can be concluded that Xing Ye should be the son of the master of the Wugu sect to prevent being taken over by others.

Xingye, the second brother, is more outstanding than the eldest brother, with extremely rare space attributes. His spiritual pet is the twelfth-order fog spirit queen bee, and his servant is a late-stage Nascent Soul sword cultivator with outstanding combat power. Xing Luo was immediately turned into a dusty potato. .

Lan Yi has a high spirit, and since she was a child, she believes that only the most powerful man in the Canglan Continent can match her.

The combination with Xingluo is a helpless move at the end of the road. Seeing Xingye who is as mysterious and powerful as a star, she is immediately attracted.

Cultivators have a long lifespan, and they don't pay attention to consistency like mortals. Moreover, mortals don't get along with their husbands and wives.

Lan Yi wanted to end the relationship with her Taoist couple, but Xing Luo disagreed. Because of the grace of saving her life, she couldn't force it to end.

The previous serious injury finally hurt Lan Yi's root. After the establishment of the Remnant Ye Pavilion, she practiced in seclusion almost all year round, and she can be regarded as blind to Xing Luo.

Her change of heart made Xingluo very painful, and he desperately wanted to become stronger, so he set his sights on the Yaoluding, and later accidentally discovered that Yingmei was a pure yin body.

In order to get revenge on Xingye, he knew that the pavilion was looking for a body of pure yin, but he didn't say anything, and even planned to make Yingmei his furnace.

Later, for some reason, the relationship between him and Lan Yi eased, and he was lucky to win the lottery, and he had Lan Shu, an old lady.

Lan Yi's health is not good, and she retreats after giving birth to Lan Shu, and then Xing Luo entrusts Lan Shu to her Fuding Yingmei to raise her.

What's even more bloody is that this "family of three" has been living for a long time, and Xing Luo's feelings for Ying Mei have also changed, especially seeing that even if she is the hall master of the Tianji Hall, even if her cultivation level is one level higher, she is still still in love with her. He never forgets Ying Yi, his lover, and he is tempted.

Speaking of this, Ying Mei drew a sarcastic arc on her lips and asked: "Is it funny that he fell in love with me because of my devotion to my fiancé?"

Yunli pursed her lips, it was a bit ironic, but thinking about it, I can understand that people always like what they lack, and Lan Yi's different thinking makes Ying Mei's special feelings especially valuable, which is a feeling that Xing Luo never got. It's normal for him to be tempted.

After thinking about it, Yunli asked, "Why did you do something to Lan Shu yourself, you are her adoptive mother."

Hearing that Lan Shu was raised by her, Yunli's jaw almost dropped in shock, but Ying Mei killed Lan Shu with her own hands, and she did it on a whim from time to time, but it was carefully planned!

"Adoptive mother? What adoptive mother? I am nothing more than a furnace, not even a concubine or a maid. How can I be qualified to be the adoptive mother of the Young Master of the Canye Pavilion?"

A look of pain flashed in Ying Mei's eyes, she used to really love Lan Shu as her own child, caring about food, clothing, housing and transportation in every possible way.

They were also close, but unfortunately, when she learned of her biological mother after she became a teacher, everything changed, and all kinds of ridicule, abuse, and curses overflowed from her mouth.

She never knew that the girl she raised with her own hands could spit out such vicious words.

Yingmei took a deep breath, suppressed the surging emotions in her heart, and said coldly: "Naturally, it's revenge. Yingsan was sent by Xingluo to Hengyue City, and he died to defend him. I want revenge, and I want him to It’s more painful than me! What’s more painful than someone you like killing your own daughter?”

She firmly grasped the side of the boat, her veins protruding from the back of her hand, but she giggled on her face, her shoulders trembling: "My mother once said that when you like someone, it means that you have handed over the blade that hurt you to the other party. Now If the words are true and not false, the knife will see blood!"

Yunli swallowed secretly, who said that women are naturally soft-hearted, and when they become ruthless, they are not polite to themselves, obviously they are also in great pain, when they did it back then, they didn't shake their hands at all.

She glanced at the glitter in the charming eyes of the eye shadow, and said: "Don't laugh, cry if you want to cry, those are the past, after crying, seal them in the depths of memory."

"How could I cry? It's because the night wind was too strong and I lost my eyesight." After she finished speaking, she turned and walked back, "Going back to practice."

Lost?Who would believe it.

Yunli watched her leave, secretly lamenting that fate made people foolish.

After thinking about it, she went to look for Wei Lin, and as soon as she arrived at his room, Wei Lin opened it, and Yun Li was surprised: "Aren't you practicing?"

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, "You two are chatting so happily, who can calm down and practice?"

"You heard it all."

When she went in, Wei Lin closed the restraint, "It's not just me, but also the three True Monarchs of the Ye Family."

Yunli shrugged, "Okay, anyway, there's nothing to hide. Everyone is very curious about her relationship with Xingluo. Let me tell you now, so that these people won't talk about it openly and secretly."

After a pause, she said, "I'm here to discuss business with you."

"You're talking about the little witch."

"Yeah," Yunli nodded vigorously, "Lan Shu didn't know that Lan Yi was her mother until she worshiped Xingye as her teacher. Does this mean that Lan Yi has been in seclusion after giving birth? It's been more than 1000 years Is it that bad?"

If a mortal gave birth, it would be extremely difficult, and it would make sense for her to be severely injured, but Lan Yi is a monk at the Nascent Soul Stage, with spiritual power to protect her body, so the pain of giving birth is greatly reduced.

It's just that the hard work of pregnancy hurts her vitality, and with the wealth of Canye Pavilion, there are no natural talents and earthly treasures, so she has been brought back early.But the Lan Yi they saw was in a deep sleep, rather than using kung fu to heal his injuries. This was not like an ordinary injury.

Wei Lin was silent, hesitantly said: "Maybe she performed witchcraft."

"That's what worries me." It doesn't matter whether the witchcraft is performed before or after childbirth.

Wei Lin raised his hand to smooth her frowning brows, "Let Fu Yue and the others worry about the little witch, let's solve the Gu problem first."

"That's all it takes."

(End of this chapter)

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