Chapter 504
Hurrying all the way, Yunli and his party finally returned to Dayan City a few days later.

"How is it? Have you rescued Gu King?"

Before the spirit ship came to a complete stop, there was a sound as loud as a bell when it was released, and the tail sound rose, with undisguised tension.

Yunli stepped out of the boat, good guy, Xiao Zhen took the lead, and almost all the Yexiao family members in Dayan City were there, all watching eagerly.

Ye Zheyan, who came out from behind, couldn't see it. After all, he was a big family that lasted for thousands of years. Although there was a reason for the incident, his anxious appearance was really embarrassing.

He nodded, turned around and said to Ying Mei who walked out of the cabin: "It's been a tough journey, little friend, take a good rest first."

A steward next to him reacted quickly, "Fairy, please follow me."

"No hurry," Ying Mei waved her hand, "First deal with the mutant witches and Gu people in the city. As for the mature Gu insects, given my current situation, it's quite difficult, so I have to wait for a while."

Ye Xiao's family, who were excited by Yingmei's appearance, calmed down. The mutated witch and Gu were only restricted to a certain part of the body by special restrictions.

It's just that Can Ye Pavilion's restraint is exquisite, and they haven't found a way to lift it so far. Some strong men cut off their wrists and simply cut off the entire mutated part.

Never thought that the ban would be triggered, the Gu worm would rush to other parts, swallowing up the flesh and blood in its body in an instant, changing from a conscious mutant witch to a walking dead ordinary witch.

After that, they didn't dare to act rashly when dealing with this kind of Gu-infested clansmen.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Zheyan nodded, "Alright."

Soon, all the mutated witches and Gu people in the city were brought in, there were only about a dozen of them, and they were all Xiao family's children, most of them were at the stage of Qi training and foundation building.

Concocting mutated witches is a technical job, only those Xiao family members who were arrested and sent to the West Asia Mountain Spirit Mine can become mutant witches.

Ying Mei took two steps forward, slowly closed her eyes, and after a while, a ball of green light appeared in her dantian, it was very blurry at first, but gradually, the green light became clearer, it was a bug the size of a little finger knuckle, The whole body is green and shiny, like a bright emerald under the sun, transparent and clean.

At the same time, a strange breath emerged from her body, and the moment the green light appeared, those mutated parts filled with Gu worms were immediately rubbed by invisible hands like balloons, sometimes bulging and sometimes deflated.

Yunli suddenly heard an extremely slight 'poof' sound, she looked over immediately, and saw a thin crack appeared in the middle of the calf of the huge stone pillar-like leg diagonally opposite, and a little black glow flashed, it was a Gu worm. the chelicerae!

Sure enough, in about a short time, a thin chelicerus protruded from the crack, the chelicerus bent, pulled one side of the skin in, a bigger opening was torn open, and a black worm the size of a grain of rice flew out of it. , followed by the second and third...

Yunli quickly made a move, burning the Gu worms that appeared, and the others reacted quickly and made moves one after another.

A quarter of an hour later, the Gu King in Ying Mei's body fell silent, she swayed and fell straight forward.


Yunli hurriedly supported her, her palms were moist, and when she looked again, Yingmei was sweating profusely, her face was almost transparent, and the blue blood vessels under the skin were barely visible; her lips had lost color, and her pupils had no focus.

The whole figure is like a porcelain doll, which will shatter at the slightest touch.

Yunli's heart tightened, and she hurriedly called out, "Yingmei!"

Soon, her pupils became focused again, and her eyes rolled slightly, meeting Shang Yunli's gaze, she smiled weakly, "I'm fine."

"Is this all right?" Seeing that she regained consciousness, Xiao Zhen asked hastily.

Ying Mei nodded, and said: "I have ordered the Gu King to call out all the Gu worms in their bodies. As for the swallowed flesh and blood, there is nothing I can do."

"But they look like this..." Xiao Zhen frowned. Although the Gu worms were eliminated, the dozen or so people were also crippled. Now only a layer of skin is left on the bones that have been transformed into Gu. creepy.

"I have already told Patriarch Ye and the others about this point. There is nothing I can do about the devoured flesh and blood."

Xiao Zhen wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yunli: "Okay, let her go to rest. She has been imprisoned for more than ten years, and her body is already weak. When she first arrived here, she didn't even take a sip of water. What should I do if I am tired?
It would be nice to be able to keep your life and not be controlled by others, and the lost flesh and blood will grow back when the baby is conceived! "

Yunli, the person who rescued Yingmei, opened his mouth, Xiao Zhen had no choice but to agree, anyway, these are just members of the Xiao family who made mistakes, and their cultivation base is low, so the loss is lost, the key is mature Gu insects.

After people sent Yingmei to rest, Yunli looked at Xiao Zhen seriously, "Patriarch Xiao, did you find out who leaked the riot?"

"I found out." Xiao Zhen looked strange, first he glanced at Ye Zheyan, then at Mo Huai, and finally at Yunli.

"Who is it?" Yunli became even more curious.

Mo Huai sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Xu Linghui."

"Huh?" Yunli suspected that she had heard it wrong, "Why did she do this?"

Xiao Zhen gloated: "Why else, it is natural to help the Ye family get out of the crisis as soon as possible. This thing didn't happen to someone close to me, so would you go to rescue the host of the Gu King so quickly?"

After finishing speaking, he patted Ye Zheyan on the shoulder, tut-tsk said: "Old Ye, the important thing about marriage is to be well-matched. Look at your Ye family's selection of this daughter-in-law for Xiao Jiu. Such insight, ouch, I can't see it!"

Yun Li's eyes were heavy, and she asked Mo Huai, "How can you be sure it's her?"

If this matter is successful, the Ye family will not be grateful, but will offend Tai Yizong. Xu Linghui is a shrewd person, and he is engaged to Ye Chuchen, so Fan can't help but do such thankless things.

Mo Huai stroked his thoughts, "Before we went to Xishan Mountain, the two patriarchs and many powerful people were there. The leaker would never dare to go to Osmanthus Garden at that time. Therefore, we will target those who have been to Osmanthus Garden after we left .”

He glanced at Yunli, "Because you killed that voodoo killer, the two families were very excited. During that time, many people visited their relatives and told them that there is hope to eliminate the mature voodoo."

Yunli was speechless, so she also increased the difficulty of investigating the case.

Xiao Zhen took over the conversation: "After several inquiries, these people are fine, only a woman from your seventh house died in the riot.

"Mute?" Ye Zheyan raised his eyebrows.

"It's just silence." Xiao Zhen smacked his lips, "You don't know, this girl is used to acting. During riots, she pretended to hold the qin and played "Forgetfulness" in the air, saying that the woman was also bewitched and attacked her. Only the Golden Core from Xuanyu Sect will kill him. "

After finishing speaking, he continued to gloat and talk about Luoye Zheyan, "Tell me, how good it was to have us Mei girl in the first place!"

Seeing that he turned to private matters while he was talking, Mo Huai hurriedly changed the subject: "We checked the corpse, and there was no sign of being infected by a Gu. Later, after the Gu man who lived opposite her son woke up, he said that he had seen her son go to cover his body. Her mouth should be disapproving of her actions; someone else saw Xu Linghui appearing outside the Muxi Garden that day."

Yunli murmured: "Several clues corroborate each other, and it seems that it is undoubtedly Xu Linghui."

But who is Xu Linghui, top-notch green tea, with eyes all over her body, who is the most able to weigh the pros and cons, and rushing to help Zhongzhou is to clear the low-level Gu worms with them after confirming that "Wang Qing" completely suppressed the witches.

Although she valued the Ye family's marriage, she valued her own interests even more. It's not like she would do such a stupid thing.

Could it be that she must take revenge because she hated them because of their petty grievances back then, so she acted?

Not so much, right?

Ye Zheyan ignored Xiao Zhen's schadenfreude, got up and said, "Little friend Yun, why don't we go and see her together?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yunli to reply, he said to Mo Huai: "Little friend Mo lead the way."

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, and she understood instantly, and only ordered her and Mo Huai, two representatives of the suffering masters of the Taiyi Sect, which meant that he did not believe that Xu Linghui did it, so he wanted to ask privately.

Soon, the three of them came to the heavily guarded courtyard, and Ye Zheyan coldly ordered the guards: "Look out, no one can come near."

Seeing the three of them, Xu Linghui was stunned for a moment before realizing that she came over quickly and greeted the three of them one by one: "I have met the patriarch, Master Yun, and Master Mo."

The skirt is swaying, the hem is flowing, every move is smooth and flowing, without any embarrassment at all.

Ye Zheyan nodded and sat down at the main seat. Xu Linghui moved lightly and poured tea for him gracefully.

Yunli sighed, no wonder the Ye family agreed to the marriage between Ye Chuchen and Xu Linghui. Xu Linghui and the head of the Ye family's behavior style were almost carved out of the same mold.

After taking a few sips of tea, Ye Zheyan put down the cup and said slowly, "Why did you go to the Osmanthus Garden?"

Xu Linghui bit her lips, her pretty face showing a trace of shyness, "I had a conversation with the Ninth Young Master by the lotus pond, and I passed by the northwest corner of the Osmanthus Garden on my way back."

"How did she die?" Ye Zheyan's voice was as calm as ever, without any doubts.

"I was playing the piano, and she rushed towards me suddenly. Xu Da thought she was being bewitched, so he wanted to subdue her. When he didn't want to do it, he lost consciousness for a moment. When he recovered, the Smokeless Sword had already been inserted into her heart. "

In a trance, Yunli fell silent, so did Xu Linghui take the blame for others?
Obviously, it was indeed the woman from the Ye family who leaked the secret, but she must have been bewitched. Now that the woman is dead, it is difficult to find out who is behind the scenes.

After a moment of silence, Ye Zheyan said: "This matter is indeed what you did, I will write a letter to Master Xu, and you will leave for Xuanyu Sect today."

"Yes." Xu Linghui responded respectfully, showing shame, "This matter is indeed Linghui's fault, and I will go back and think about it behind closed doors."

Ye Zheyan nodded, stood up and said to Yunli and the others, "Let's go."

Yunli glanced at Xu Linghui who was bending over to send him off respectfully, and then at Ye Zheyan's back, the little fox and the old fox, they both made confessions so implicitly, admiration!

After going out, Yunli hurriedly went to find An Ran and Mu Yan, and after making sure they were all right, she took Mu Yan to another room to avoid the Gu worms in An Ran and Duoduo's body, and said, "Give me a panacea pill." .”

Mu Yan was puzzled, "Didn't you take one away?"

"Forget it."

Yunli sighed lightly, and briefly mentioned Yingmei's thoughtless behavior. She was very embarrassed when she mentioned it, and couldn't help complaining: "It's a big loss."

For the rest of the Panacea, they are going to let the Ye family organize an auction after the Gu attack, and they are going to spread the news of the Panacea to everyone, and fundamentally dismantle the Remnant Ye Pavilion. Make a fortune.

Mu Yan was silent, took out the panacea to her, and persuaded: "Caring about it will cause chaos. She must be too worried about that Yingyi, that's why she is like this. Don't flirt with him, it's just a pill. Just refine it again."

"Don't worry, I still expect her to relieve my cousin's Gu. I know the seriousness. Besides, she can help eliminate all the Gu insects. It's too late for me to be grateful to her. How can I be unhappy with her because of a small pill. Isn't that , as soon as I'm free, I'll come and ask her for the antidote."

After speaking, she went to find Yingmei.

Dayan City gradually regained its calm, but the atmosphere in Zhongzhou City was stagnant. At the main entrance of the Ye family, in the temporary tent, a dozen or so principals sat silently.

For a long time, a middle-aged man with a mustache had a pale face, and his voice trembled: "The breath just now was..."

"Gu King." The gray-bearded old man said what he dared not say.

The mustache cultivator cried out: "It really made them rescue the host of the Gu King! Over there in the Qinghe Valley..."

"The matter over there is for the pavilion master to consider. What we need to do now is to take down the Yexiao family." The old man's voice was calm, but he couldn't comfort everyone.

Their task is to Gu transform the Ye Xiao family and share the pressure of Qinghe Valley, but right now, the host of the Gu King is under the control of the other party, can the task be completed?
That is the Gu king, who will completely suppress the Gu worms in their bodies.

The old man's turbid eyes moved, and he took a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and said in a low voice: "The Ye Xiao family's rescue of the host of the Gu King is more to save those clansmen who have been turned into Gu, but once the Gu insects mature, they are not flesh and blood. If it doesn't exist, it won't come out unless it dies, even if it is a Gu king, it is not so easy to call it out.

Moreover, the Gu King is the pavilion master's spiritual pet, and Ying Mei is just a container, and the extent of her control is limited. Once the Gu King decides that her actions are hurting his own group, not only will he not listen, but he will bite her back. "

These words finally gave everyone some confidence. For Gu King, mature Gu worms are carefully cultivated children, and they will not be easily harmed.

As for those defective products, Gu King himself despises them very much.

The mustache monk smiled, "How can we not let them know this news. I will go to the front and let you know."

After thinking for a while, the old man agreed, and the Ye family spirit ship turned around, not only they saw it, but also the two families on the battlefield outside Zhongzhou City.

Right now they are full of fighting spirit, go and pour a basin of cold water on them, it's good to go and get rid of their vigor.

After Bazihu ​​left, the old man continued: "Tell your subordinates to get ready, the battle ahead will not be easy."

Everyone naturally understood that although the host of the Gu King could not completely control the mature Gu worms, it would affect them after all, and that annoying man who played the flute, Taitian Jiaoyunli who could burn all the Gu worms to death, might also come back up.

With these three people around, you have to be careful all the time, and the battle is not easy.

 Thanks to JY Fanmei, Lei Siyan, book friend 20180822093211188, and the forest of quiet breathing for the monthly tickets! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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