Chapter 506
Yunli took a deep breath, and said seriously: "There is no doubt about the employment, since we have reached a cooperation, we must have basic trust, and please Senior Ye restrain the clansmen in the city, so as not to disturb her self-cultivation."

Since Yingmei personally promised to destroy all Gu worms in front of the leaders of the righteous way, there must be her way.

Ye Tiancheng was a little surprised, the words had come to this point, looking at her expression, she understood the truth, but she was still willing to believe it, while he sighed for her innocence, he couldn't help feeling a little envious.

Acting with principles and a clear conscience, it is no wonder that young people of this generation have advanced so quickly.It's not like them, who underestimate cause and effect in the collapse of order, act without taboos, and don't know what kind of punishment they will receive after the world is unsealed in the future.

After a moment of silence, Ye Tianchang sighed and said, "Forget it, just trust her once!"

Right now they really have nothing to do with the mature Gu worms, they can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor, they have no choice but to trust her.

"Senior Lao Ye, don't worry." After a few polite words, Yunli returned to the courtyard where they lived.

Wei Lin Mo Huai was walking out of the room, seeing her angry expression, Wei Lin raised his eyebrows and said, "Did you hear the rumors?"

"No, it's still chattering outside Yingmei's courtyard." Yunli's face was sullen, "It's a family that has been passed down for thousands of years, and there is no basic respect. There is nothing to doubt about this, Yingmei is not good at fighting. Golden Core cultivators, dare to lie to them?"

She really didn't understand that if Yingmei lied, let alone the dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators here, she could tear her apart; if the trouble continued, the entire Canglan cultivator would be against her. , Dare to make people angry.

Hearing the sound, An Ran and Mu Yan from the east room also came out. Hearing the words, An Ran sneered: "The weak eat the strong. Respect is something that only those with matching status and strength are eligible to get. In their eyes, the weak are not as good as ants."

"Okay, if you get angry over these petty things, you'll lose your liver." Wei Lin didn't take it seriously, not to mention the monks Cang Lan, even among ordinary people, there are so many injustices.

They encountered quite a few back then, and after forming alchemy, the world saw their potential, and such things disappeared for the time being.

Yunli was not annoyed, "Yingmei is someone who wants to save their relatives, how can she treat them as the same, don't expect them to repay their kindness, the most basic respect must be there;

What's even more exasperating is that it was the two Foundation Establishment cultivators who piled up the resources who were the gossips. In terms of strength, they were far different from Yingmei. "

Wei Lin shook his head helplessly, straightened his clothes, and said softly, "Let's go first. If there is anything you need, ask the person in charge of the two companies, or the two Clan people, don’t care about the people below.”

Speaking of business, Yunli immediately let go of the anger in her heart, and said, "Then be careful, and remember not to show your head."

The few of them represent the four major sects, and the matter of dispelling Gu has been put on hold for the time being, so they have to continue to fight. Considering that a few of them only have Jindan cultivation base, the four of them are divided into two groups for rotation.

Both she and Wei Lin were able to deter and restrain the witch killer, so they were separated, she and Chu Nan were in one group, Wei Lin and Mo Huai were in another group.

At this moment, a sound transmission talisman flew over, and after it was crushed, Ye Tiancheng's complicated voice sounded, "Fellow Daoist Yingmei wants to discuss the matter of dispelling the Gu, all fellow daoists are invited to come to the meeting hall."

Yunli was stunned, she had just reprimanded the two female cultivators for dispelling the Gu, at this moment, Yingmei was going to discuss the matter of dispelling the Gu, she must have heard it, right?

She looked at Wei Lin, who understood what she was thinking at a glance, raised his eyebrows and said: "Go and see, you will know."

"That's right." Yunli nodded, and said to An Ran Mu Yan: "You two go back to the house first, I'll come find you later."

After finishing speaking, he strode out, and as soon as he went out, he found Xu Yueqing and Chu Jingshu standing beside the gate of the courtyard.

Seeing her, Chu Jingshu's eyes lit up, and she asked expectantly, "Master, where is my master?"

"There is a tricky guy in the north he is in charge of, and he will come back later."

The light in the little girl's eyes went out immediately, and she became visibly disappointed, "That's it."

After the riots, these non-central Africans moved to adjacent courtyards, so that if there was an accident, they would be able to take care of each other.

After Xu Linghui and others from Xuanyu Sect left, Xu Yueqing moved to the courtyard of Tianxin Pavilion. Chu Nan is not here now, and only she and Chu Jingshu live next door.

The two of them were in the foundation building period and the other was just starting to practice qi. Yunli was a little worried. After all, Chu Jingshu was the only disciple of Chu Nan. It was good that senior brother Mo Huai lived next door. accident...

She said softly: "Your master will be back soon, go and play with your Uncle An and Uncle Mu."

After finishing speaking, he said to Xu Yueqing, "Take her in."

"Okay." Xu Yueqing agreed.

When Yunli and the others rushed to the conference hall, many people had already gathered in the hall, Ye Tiancheng and Xiao Han were the two principals, and Yuanying Zhenjun Xiao Pei who stayed behind in the city was also there.

She looked at Ying Mei, after a month of training, her complexion was finally no longer pale, and her figure was still as thin as before, and it would be difficult to regain it in a while.

Mo Huai raised his voice and asked, "Where are the two patriarchs?"

Ye Tiancheng glanced suspiciously at Ying Mei, "Fellow Daoist said that there are just some preparations to be informed, and there is no need for the two patriarchs to hurry back."

At this moment, Yunli was also at a loss, she hesitated to ask: "It's very important to solve the Gu, why don't we have to wait for the two patriarchs to come back?"

Yingmei shook her head, "It's the same if you relay it."

After a pause, she said seriously: "Mature Gu worms are fundamentally different from ordinary Gu worms, and most of them are Nascent Soul stage monks. When I force out the Gu worms, they have no resistance. That’s all for monks, as for the witch killers in Zhongzhou City, you have to find a way as soon as possible.”

"This..." Ye Tiancheng showed hesitation, "Does the Gu King have no means to restrict them? There are many witches and Gu killers in the city, and they are all experienced people, so it is very difficult to capture them alive."

Ying Mei said indifferently: "Of course the Gu King can restrict them, but it is Xing Ye's spiritual pet and will not disobey his orders."

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of everyone in the room changed drastically, especially Xiao Pei, Ye Tiancheng and Xiao Han's expressions suddenly became subtle.

Yunli soon understood that they were suspicious of Yingmei, and rumors about Gu King Nai Xingye's spiritual pet spread wildly, which was also the main reason why everyone suspected that Yingmei could not control Gu King.

Now that she actually admits it herself, isn't it a disguised admission that she can't control the Gu King.

This behavior seems to be frank, but in fact, there is a suspicion of deliberately admitting to clearing things up knowing that the matter cannot be concealed. If they hadn't worked with Yingmei for many years and knew her character, Yunli would not be able to help but doubt it.

Just having a headache, Wei Lin said, "Since it is Xingye's spiritual pet, can you control it?"

Yunli sighed lightly, it's okay to be explicit, if you don't give this group of people a reassurance, everyone will never want to be clean.

Yingmei glanced at the crowd, and said indifferently: "It has been in my body for more than ten years, feeding on my spiritual power. It can't be said that it can completely control it, but it will be fine in a short period of time."

While speaking, there was a hint of sarcasm in her long and narrow eyes, and her moist red lips were slightly parted, as if a sharp irony would overflow in the next moment.

Yunli said in a deep voice: "Although it is difficult to capture alive, it is not impossible. The previous response was to capture alive, but now it is just the same."

This group of people, what are they thinking, Yingmei is only a Golden Core cultivator, so they are still counting on her to show her supernatural powers and let all the witch killers be caught without a fight!

Xiao Pei pondered for a moment, and said: "That's the only way. There are quite a few Nascent Soul cultivators in our two families, and it would be much easier to have them join."

"No." As soon as he finished speaking, Yingmei objected, "The Gu worms must be dealt with in a very short period of time, and Xingye cannot be given time to react, so the Gu worms in the bodies of the witches and Gu killers in Zhongzhou City must be removed first." solve."

After a pause, she emphasized again: "From the time I expel the Gu worms in No.1's body, the time in between should not exceed three days."

"What?" Xiao Pei exclaimed. It is impossible to subdue all the witches in Zhongzhou City within three days and save time for his own people!

Yingmei ignored their exclamation, and continued to make demands: "The whole plan is strictly confidential, and nothing can be leaked. If Xingye guesses my approach based on clues, all previous efforts will be for naught!"

Xiao Pei frowned, "No..."

"No!" Before he could finish speaking, Ying Mei interrupted coldly, "This is the only way, the time is tentatively scheduled for a year later, please don't disturb me during this period."

After speaking, get up and go!
"This..." Xiao Pei was shocked by her behavior and was speechless, "Arrogant, too arrogant!"

Xiao Han had been scolded by Yunli before, and now, seizing the opportunity, he immediately shouted loudly: "That's right, is this a cooperative attitude! Ye Shiqi, you come to judge, you meet such a partner in business, Will you cooperate with him?"

Yunli raised her brows lightly, it seemed that Yingmei had really heard those rumors, her attitude towards the two families was not so cold when she first came here.

It deserves it, and no one would feel uncomfortable about it.

Wei Lin glanced lightly at Xiao Han who wanted to jump up, and said: "Since that's the case, it's better for Guanshi Xiao to find another way to relieve the Gu trouble."

Xiao Hanru was strangled by someone, his raised arms stopped in the air, and the rest of the words were stuck in his throat, and he could no longer spit them out.

After a long time, he said with a sneer: "Fellow Taoist really knows how to joke."

(End of this chapter)

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