Chapter 507 Resolving Gu (1)

Glancing at everyone's expressions, Yunli said: "She is like this, it just shows that she can eliminate Gu insects, if you don't need to prepare anything, it will be more suspicious if you promise.

Now we can only trust her. The preparation conditions are a bit harsh, but there are more ways than difficulties, and we can always think of ways. Now the most important thing is to keep it secret. "

The real traitor has not been found yet, and there are so many monks who have been infected by the Gu in Dayan City, the other party can easily leak the news.

She glanced at Xiao Pei and the others. With Ye Zheyan's caution, the three probably didn't know that there was another traitor who leaked the news.

Pursing her lips, she said: "This matter is of great importance, and the scope of confidentiality is still decided by the two patriarchs."

Ye Tiancheng's eyes flashed, and he said again and again: "Yes, yes, I will send someone to invite the patriarch."

When the words fell, he himself felt that something was wrong, and quickly changed his words, "No, no, calling the patriarch back at this time is too eye-catching."

Yunli looked at him appreciatively, as expected of the manager, she reacted very quickly, she smiled, and pouted at Chao Weilin, "Isn't this a ready-made candidate for the message?"

Suddenly, Xiao Pei murmured: "She didn't let the patriarch and the others be notified before, because she didn't want to attract attention."

Yunli no longer has any hope for the IQ of the Xiao family, and she doesn't know whether it is a problem with their cultivation skills or a problem with their family tradition. From the point of view of the Xiao family she has come into contact with, except for Xiao Heng's normal IQ, everyone else's brain circuits are very simple .

She shook her head, and directly said to Ye Tiancheng: "I still have to trouble Senior Ye to rationalize her coming out today."

"Should be."

After the meeting was adjourned, Ye Tiancheng and Xiao Han were furious and summoned a group of small stewards. Within half an hour, the raging rumors in the city disappeared completely, and no one dared to talk about it anymore, at least not on the surface.

Although the rumors have stopped, the expressions of the people in the city are even more worried. The host of the front foot gu king walked out of the meeting hall with an unhappy expression. In less than a moment, the two stewards took action to suppress the rumors forcibly. The reason is self-evident.

On the other side, Wei Linmohuai rushed to the battlefield of Zhongzhou City, and immediately found an excuse to meet the two patriarchs.

After hearing what they said, Xiao Zhen blew out his beard angrily, "This Yingmei is very stingy, what are you fussing over with the juniors, and we didn't say we didn't believe her."


The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and the Xiao family protected their shortcomings. He had already seen this, but he didn't expect that the head of the Xiao family, who is dignified, would lose face when he was partial.

In Dayan City, less than [-]% of the monks who built foundations and practiced Qi training, more of them were Jindan monks, and they were all older than Yingmei, thanks to him being able to speak out.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Zheyan looked at Xiao Zhen: "I remember that your Xiao family has a silver net binding, a high-grade treasure, which is made of silver silk with blood pupils. entangled."

Hearing this familiar expression, Xiao Zhen immediately became alert, and blurted out: "What are you trying to lie to me?"

Wei Lin Mo Huai's expression suddenly became subtle, and his gaze passed across the faces of the two of them calmly. This conditioned reflex can only be tempered after a lot of experience.

Facing the sizing eyes of the two juniors, Ye Zheyan didn't realize it, and gave Xiao Zhen a blank look, "Use it yourself."

Xiao Zhen looked at him suspiciously, it wasn't that he was careless, this old fox has been very smart since he was a child, the pits he dug for him were not reasonable, the most hateful thing is that some of them knew they were pits, but he still had to jump!

After pondering for a while, he said: "The bondage of the silver net is flawed. With so many people, I'm afraid it can only be trapped for a while. Don't you have a golden bell cover to trap the enemy? It's a Taoist weapon, and the effect is better."

Although the Silver Net Binding is just a treasure, it is a family heirloom secret treasure. It was obtained by the ancestors from the ancient battlefield. It is said that its material is also excellent in the upper realm. It is not impossible to advance to a higher level.

If you use it to trap dozens of Nascent Soul monks, it will be destroyed.

Ye Zheyan looked like an idiot, "The golden bell cover is a defensive device, who do you want me to use it to cover, to trap witches and Gu killers, or to protect Yingmei?"

Xiao Zhen choked, the bondage of the silver net is made of silk, on which the toxin of the blood-eyed silver silkworm is retained, after being wrapped, the toxin enters the prey, and the paralysis will spread all over the body in an instant.

From this point of view, the bondage of the silver net is the best choice to trap the enemy, but it is something from the upper world, with immeasurable potential, so I can't bear it.

After many years of friendship, Ye Zheyan can tell at a glance with his expression that it is loose, and he only needs to push one last time.

He frowned slightly, meditating, and Xuan Er said earnestly: "Well, prepare some paralyzing poison in advance and smear it on the silver net to strengthen the medicine. In addition, prepare some medicine for oral administration. After you are trapped, give it to them immediately." .”

Glancing at Xiao Zhen's expression, he continued to seduce slowly: "Old Xiao, the key lies in the beginning, as long as you can trap them for a breath, whether it is poisoning or casting spells later, we can always drag Yingmei to solve the Gu insect."

That's the reason, but Xiao Zhen couldn't stop his heartache when he thought that the bondage of the silver net would be damaged. It was the Ye Xiao family who solved the Gu problem, and the Xiao family couldn't be the only one to bear the loss, right?

He looked at Ye Zheyan, and was about to speak, but seeing those peach blossom eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, he easily understood all his thoughts, "Don't worry, your Xiao family will not bear the loss alone, my Ye family is not short of this Lingshi.

If the silver net binding is damaged, I will exchange that Taoist artifact with you.The other formations, spiritual plants, manpower, etc., are shared by our two families. What do you think? "

Xiao Zhen squinted his eyes, made a loud noise, and said mockingly: "Aren't your Ye family rich and powerful, why don't you take care of it?"

Ye Zheyan raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a loud voice: "One yard is worth one yard. No matter how rich our Ye family is, we will not throw money like a fool."

As he spoke, he urged impatiently: "Whether you agree or not, give me a promise, and there are still a lot of things to discuss later."

"Promise! This old man is not a fool in your money-losing eyes! This old man behaves upright, sits upright, and will give you what he deserves. When have you ever seen this old man taking advantage of others..."

Xiao Zhen was still bragging about how upright and upright he was, but Wei Lin couldn't bear to listen any longer, hey, the brain is a good thing.

Ye Zheyan frowned in disgust, as if impatient with his bragging, he raised his voice and interrupted: "The method of trapping the enemy has been solved, the problem now is that the bondage of the silver net is only effective within a certain range, so we have to choose a suitable trap, How to lure you into the urn is also a problem..."

Xiao Zhen frowned, "Isn't she going to leave the customs after a year, take your time, you must be safe."

Ye Zheyan nodded solemnly, and said again: "Although the suspects can basically be ruled out for those who went to Mount West Asia that day, there are too many people and the risk is high. Don't tell them for now. We will need to use it later."

Seeing that Ye Zheyan had taken the topic far away, and Xiao Zhen still hadn't noticed the slightest sign, Wei Lin didn't know what to say.

At this time, in Qinghe Valley, Mang Zhong was reminding Xing Ye of this matter, "Pavilion Master, really don't you want to send someone to chase Ying Mei back?"

The Gu king has a lot to do with it, so the pavilion master must have been blinded by Qianjiuqianqi, right?

Mangzhong was very skeptical, as Qian Shishi's voice revealed his identity that day, the pavilion master never let go of his frown.

It was later learned that the two of them turned into Lord Bailu and walked into the prison blatantly. The pavilion master was furious, and all the guards of Xingyao Mountain were thrown into the dark prison.

Thinking of this, Mang Zhong raised his eyes carefully, and saw that the standard Sichuan character was almost twisted between the eyebrows of his pavilion master, his voice was as cold as ice, but without the slightest hesitation, "No need, Lan Yi will wake up soon, everything Her safety is the priority."

"The witch is about to wake up?" Mang Zhong was surprised, and Xuan Er was overjoyed, "That's really great, the witch is awake at this time, it seems that God is also on our side, and wants to make my Wugu sect revenge!"

The depression of being broken into the valley by two little golden pills and saving Ying Mei was swept away, Mang Zhong wished he could set off firecrackers to celebrate.

During the trip to Jiuliyuan, Wen Ming and Yue Yi successfully found the lower part of the puppet substitute technique. After the witches wake up, they can wipe out the heads of the four major sects without leaving home!

"It's still the pavilion master who is considerate. That old man Ling Su is staring at the outside of the valley, and Jingzhe is not here, so you have to be careful." He smiled wrinkled his face, "Yingmei is just a container for raising Gu kings, and it can't be driven at all." Gu King, we just wait and see that the bamboo basket fetching water is an empty show!"

Xing Ye was not as optimistic as he was. He raised his eyes and said to Bai Lu who was silently standing beside him: "You go to the prison to interrogate Ming Shiliu, and the others are fine. He is a dignified Nascent Soul cultivator, how could he be easily bluffed by Qian Shi."

He rubbed the center of his brows, annoyed that he couldn't hold his breath, when he realized that it was the two scourges of Qianjiuqianshi who broke into the valley to save people, he immediately became angry, and felt his face was hot, as if he had been dumped Two slaps.

All his life, he has been looked up to by others. He has never been the only one who has defeated the strong with the weak, trampled the pride of a genius into the mud, and tore the face of a high-ranking monk. He never thought that one day, someone would beat him to death. his face!

Angry and humiliated, he lost his mind and threw all the guards into the dark prison.

These days, when his anger subsided, he realized that something was wrong. Qianjiu's disguise only changed his appearance. How could Qianshi pretend to be Bailu, who was cultivated after the Yuan Dynasty, at the early stage of Jindan?
For some reason, he felt a faint uneasiness in his heart. These two people are here to restrain them. Every time they are related, things will always go wrong.

After thinking for a while, he ordered Mang Zhong: "Contact Jing Zhe and ask him to go to Central Continent to bring back Yingmei."

Time flies like a white horse, amidst the flames of war, it is the beginning of summer again in a blink of an eye.

The early summer morning is not hot, the leaves are fresh green, the sun is clear, and there is a hint of coolness in the gentle breeze.

A group of people in a hurry stopped at the gate of Yingmei's small courtyard, and the two guards took no surprise at all, stepped forward to salute, and said: "There is no movement, and there is nothing unusual."

Ye Tiancheng sighed deeply, "If there is any situation, please inform me immediately, and you will always pay attention to it on weekdays, and you must not slack off in the slightest..."

The two guards lowered their heads, feeling a sudden pain in their heads. For a year, for a whole year, the night steward would routinely ask questions every day at this time, rain or shine, better than the filial sons who give their elders morning and evening peace. on time.

Knowing that the host of the Gu King is important, just ask, there is no need to tell them every day, they are not three-year-olds who can't remember, and it makes people's ears callous.

When the two had a headache, the flowers and plants on the side of the road fluctuated, as if something moved from above.

Yunli sticks the invisibility talisman, and the voice transmits Yingmei: "I'm under the tree."

After a while, she felt that the wind beside her was blocked, and Yingmei had come to her side.

After Ye Tiancheng finished instructing the guards and got up to leave, the two of them followed behind him, drifting all the way, and left the city unimpeded.

Leaving Dayan City, the two remained hidden and held their breath until they entered the camp of the Chinese army outside Zhongzhou City, and they did not show their figures.

Seeing the two of them, Xiao Zhen immediately asked nervously: "Is there no accident?"

Yunli waved her hand, "It's been a full year of preparation, and everything is the same as before. If there is an accident, we can only say that the sky will kill us."

Personnel and routes have been rehearsed dozens of times, just to bring Yingmei to Central Continent without anyone noticing, laying the groundwork a year in advance.

Now, except for her and Mo Huai who should be inside and outside Dayan City at this time, everyone else is in line with their own course of action.

It doesn't matter for the two of them, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is normal to break the rules occasionally.

Xiao Zhen glared at her, "You girl, what nonsense are you talking about? Since ancient times, evil has prevailed, and the law of heaven is naturally on our side."

Yunli rolled her eyes, the majestic Yuan Empress Zhenjun is quite superstitious.

At this moment, Chu Nan walked in and said, "The Nine Turns Lotus Formation has been completed."

Ye Zheyan's expression relaxed, and he let out a deep breath, his eyes slid across the faces of everyone in the room one by one, and finally fell on Wei Lin, Yun Li, Chu Nan, and Ying Mei.

He saluted the four of them, and said in a deep voice: "My fellow Taoists help each other out of righteousness. This kindness will never be forgotten by my Ye Family. If there is a need in the future, we will definitely help each other with all our strength."

Xiao Zhen also nodded heavily, and raised his voice: "I, Xiao Zhen, also hereby promise that if the four of you are in trouble, the Xiao family will definitely not stand idly by."

Yunli raised her eyebrows, but she didn't take it seriously, and said politely with a smile on her face: "The two patriarchs are polite."

"Take action."

Following Ye Zheyan's order, dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators filed out of the room, Yunli grabbed Wei Lin who was turning around, and said worriedly: "Be careful."

In this operation, Wei Lin's task is very important, he is the key link to lead the witch killer to the trap.

Originally Yunli wanted to go, but she was a phoenix, with rough skin and thick flesh, plus the long-term burning of the flames in her body, ordinary injuries did not affect her fighting, it was much safer for her to lure the enemy.

But those witches and gu killers had all seen the power of Crimson Flame that day, even if she was injured, those people might not dare to step forward to take advantage of it, fearing that they would not be able to achieve the effect of luring the enemy.

After everyone had left, Yun Li and Xiao Zhen, Chu Nan Yingmei and the others quietly walked into the Nine Turns Lotus Formation, where Mo Huai had already been waiting.

This formation was secretly set up by Chu Nan and Mo Huai. It is mainly based on suffocation, and an isolation formation is embedded on the outside. At this time, the formation only activates the isolation formation on the outside.

Xiao Zhen checked the formation to make sure there were no loopholes. He flipped his hand, and a dark red longbow with patterns of tigers and geese appeared in his palm.

 Thanks to Mo Mojiujiu, Huanxi 202082545, and the two cute monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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