Chapter 508 Resolving Gu (2)

"You stay inside."

As he said that, Xiao Zhen stepped out of the formation in one step, handed the longbow to his left hand, put the arrow on the string in his right hand and drew it full, aiming at Wei Lin who was playing the flute in the air.

Concentrating on his concentration, he moved slowly following Wei Lin's movement. He glanced at the battle situation around him from time to time. With one hand, Xiao Zhen's shock was no small matter, the arrow almost shot out.

He glanced sideways with a sullen face, and saw Yunli standing beside him nervously, holding a set of silver-white bows and arrows in his hand.

He caressed his heart, Yaoshou, he is quite old, but he couldn't bear to be scared, so he stared angrily, and asked with his eyes, 'what are you doing? '

"Well, why don't you change a set of bows and arrows?" Xiao Zhen was annoyed when he received Yunli's sound transmission in the sea of ​​consciousness. Is he so untrustworthy? Besides, they are using magical weapons, which can only be effective after they recognize the master , It's not an ordinary bow and arrow, how can you change it at will.

He gave way to the side, angrily: "You come here, you come here, the position of the shoulder blade, don't miss it."

Injury to the scapula will not be fatal, but it will affect the performance of "Forgetfulness", and the sound of the tune will become chaotic. The witch killers will not let this good opportunity go.

Yunli put on a smiling face and shook her head firmly: "You are old and experienced, so you should come."

Looking up at the figure playing the flute in the air, she thought about it, but the senior brother disagreed.

After making the plan, she took it for granted that she should be the one who shoots the arrow. After all, people are separated from each other. What if the shooter moves a little bit and leaves hidden dangers for the senior brother.

For this reason, she prepared a set of bows and arrows in advance. Who would have thought that a few days ago, Wei Lin specially told her not to shoot arrows at him, and even said hypocritically that the swords and arrows he didn't want to shoot at him came from her hand. For whatever reason.

She really wanted to say, wouldn't arrows shot from other people's hands be more dangerous, but meeting his gaze at that moment, she agreed in a strange way.

Afterwards, she was very annoyed, but the matter had come to this point, she could only do her best to minimize the potential danger, persuade everyone to let the straightforward Xiao Zhen shoot the arrow, and then decided to change the arrow temporarily.

"Then you should take your hands away!" Xiao Zhen's face was twisted, his mouth opened and then closed again bitterly.

Yunli was very fortunate that at this time, she could only transmit sound. If she could speak, he might spray her face with his roaring saliva.

She raised the sharp silver arrow in her hand, "If you don't change the bow, let's change the arrow."

Although the power of arrows that don't recognize the master will be greatly reduced, but they are shooting their own people, and they don't want to kill the enemy with arrows, which is enough.

Xiao Zhen was so angry that he wanted to kick her away, he took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to kick someone in his heart, and moved his eyes from her smiling face to the white tender claws tightly grasping his arm.

Realizing that he would not be able to shoot today if he did not change the arrow, he dodged the silver arrow with his hands, and almost gritted his teeth through a voice transmission: "Change!"

Yunli immediately let go of his hand, "Please please."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Zhen drew the bow and set the arrow in one go, the bow opened like an autumn moon flying in the sky, and the arrow went like a shooting star falling to the ground.

It wasn't until the sound of sharp arrows piercing through the body was heard in the distance that Yunli came back to her senses, dumbfounded: "Why did you shoot directly? You haven't aimed yet!"

Xiao Zhen rolled his eyes unceremoniously, "At such a short distance, you still need to aim. I'm afraid you are not insulting the old man."

Yunli didn't care about arguing with him, and hurriedly raised her eyes to see Wei Lin's reaction, only to see that his stagnant figure froze for a moment, and then fell straight from the sky the next moment.

She was stunned, this was different from what they had agreed upon, according to the plan, the senior brother would grunt first, then forcefully continue playing the flute, after a few breaths, he would spit out blood, pretending that the arrow was poisoned, and then wanted to return to the camp, Bring the killers to the trap.

After all, the position of the scapula is not fatal, if it is too obvious to escape and lure the enemy immediately after being hit by the arrow.

what happened?

Yunli was a little flustered, her feet moved slightly, and she wanted to go over to check, but Xiao Zhen grabbed him, "Lao Ye and the others are here, nothing will happen to him."

While speaking, Wei Lin's falling figure stopped suddenly, he hurriedly lifted the flute and continued playing, not wanting to spit out a mouthful of dark red blood in the next moment, and his figure staggered.

Finally, it was staged as planned, Xiao Zhen heaved a sigh of relief, and pulled Yunli into the formation, "Isn't it all right?"

Yunli is still worried, there must be something wrong, the senior brother will not disrupt the plan for no reason, besides, if the arrow falls directly after being shot, the enemy will be suspicious.

At this time, the insiders were sweating, not sure if the witch killers would be fooled.

Fortunately, they were stunned for a moment, and finally acted when Wei Lin turned around and wanted to flee back to the camp.

"Stop him!" Following the order of the leading old man, a dozen or so killers nearby all attacked him, and those who reacted quickly had already shot before the old man gave the order.

As the killers dodged towards him, they used various methods, spells, artifacts, spiritual pets and other attacks flew towards Wei Lin one after another.

Wei Linyu's white face was calm, and he quickly sacrificed a heaven-ranked high-grade ethereal shield. The attack of a dozen Nascent Soul cultivators, the heaven-rank high-grade ethereal shield naturally couldn't stop it. Cracks all over.

Wei Lin flew out with the energy used on the Void Spirit Shield, and sacrificed another Void Spirit Shield before the Void Spirit Shield completely shattered.

Naturally, Ye Xiao's two Nascent Soul Masters would not let it go, and moved closer to Wei Lin's direction, trying to stop the killer.

However, their opponents wouldn't just watch, they all interfered and prevented them from approaching.

Seeing that the second Void Spirit Shield was about to be shattered, Wei Linxin's defensive magic weapon hadn't been fully deployed, and the attack was in front of him, a Xiao Family True Monarch yelled, shook his spear, and forcefully pushed away the entangled man. killer.

A sudden attack in the air came to Wei Lin's side, the spear waved, and stopped all the attacks that had come to Wei Lin, turned his head and shouted at Wei Lin, "Go!"

Wei Lin was not sticky either, his body flashed with aura, and another defensive magic weapon was opened, and then his figure flickered, and he flew in the direction of the trapped formation.

No, he just flew a certain distance, and spit out another mouthful of dark red blood, with a faint stench.

Spitting out this mouthful of blood, it was as if most of his vitality had been sucked away, and his whole body suddenly became sluggish, all supported by one breath.

The killers were overjoyed. The old man in the lead was pestering Ye Zheyan. Seeing this, he hurriedly shouted: "Quick! Kill him and you will be rewarded!"

In the past two years, with the interference of this kid, the three subordinates were captured alive, and the others were beaten very aggrievedly. If they can take this opportunity to get rid of him, the balance of victory will tilt towards them sooner or later.

After shouting, the long sword in his hand was like lightning, within a short time, thousands of sword shadows attacked Ye Zheyan.

Ye Zheyan was not a vegetarian either, he had already been very familiar with this opponent's moves after several years of fighting, and unfolded the folding fan with light and shadow in his hand, blocking all the old man's attacks.

Under the order of the old man, a white clothed female cultivator whirled a white silk in her hands, like a nimble white snake, passed through layers of obstacles, and approached Wei Lin's vest.

Feeling the surging air flow behind him, Wei Lin shortened his stature, dodged the white silk, and then suddenly pulled away to the side.

At the same time, a folding fan flew towards Ye Zheyan as if spinning, and knocked away Bai Ling. Seeing this, the leading old man swung his long sword and pierced Ye Zheyan's chest.

He snorted coldly, "Fighting with the old man, how dare you be distracted!"

"Really?" Ye Zheyan asked indifferently, the old man felt as if the sword had been pierced into a ball of cotton, which was soft.

He looked over subconsciously, and saw a soft green light on Ye Zheyan's chest, his sword was trapped in the green light, and he couldn't get in any more.

"Heaven-rank treasure?" After being slightly startled, the old man sneered, "As expected of the patriarch of the Ye clan, he has a profound background, but you can stop me, but others may not."

Without the restraint of the sound of the flute, the witches and Gu killers showed their full strength, and soon, the two monks were about to fail.

At this time, Wei Lin was only five meters away from the trapped formation, but the last of the pursued killers was still nearly a thousand meters away from the trapped formation. He had to wait until all the killers had entered the trapped formation before starting the formation.

During this period, they and the people who were ambushing nearby couldn't even go out to help.

Yunli was secretly anxious. Although the first arrow wasn't fatal, the killers who were chasing after him were ruthless. Senior brother was repeatedly affected, wounded by wounds, and there was an inexplicable fall before...

After thinking about it, she sent a sound transmission to Xiao Zhen, and then she hid herself and held her breath, came out of the formation, and touched the periphery.

At this time, the two sides were chasing each other and fighting fiercely. Her flying spiritual power fluctuations were submerged in the turbulent spiritual power, and she quickly concealed it from everyone, and came to the periphery of the killers' pursuit. Huan Shi Ling unfolded silently...

After about a cup of tea, Bai Ling avoided the two monks again and forced her to Wei Lin's back. At this time, the spiritual power in his body was exhausted, his injuries exploded, and he fell from the sky with his sword.

Looking at the back, the last killer is still a hundred meters away from the trapped formation. Besides the first time, there are also many killers on the edge of the trapped formation. Xiao Zhen hesitates. Now that the formation is started, if these people react quickly, they are likely to escape .

The figure around him flickered, and Chu Nan, who was dressed in blue, rushed out, caught Wei Lin before he landed, and then dodged back to Xiao Zhen's side.

Outside, the killers who were chasing stopped hurriedly. The killer who was chasing close was rescued under the nose and disappeared instantly. Everyone realized instantly that it was a trick!
Xiao Zhen was stunned for a moment, seeing the reactions of the killers, he hurriedly shouted loudly: "Start formation!"

Suddenly there was a rain of flowers in the sky, and endless pale gold petals fell from the void. All the killers felt dizzy for a moment, and when they woke up again, they were in the square separated by the pale gold petals.

The last killer saw the huge nine-petal light golden lotus array that suddenly lit up in front of him, and was shocked, "Nine-turn lotus array!"

Thinking of the Gu King host that they have been thinking about, but has not shown up for a long time, the killer has a bad heart, such a big battle between the two families must be the Gu King host!

He turned around and ran away, but there was a bright peach blossom in front of him, huh?What is peach blossom?Isn't it the Nine Revolving Lotus Formation?

As soon as the question came to mind, a trace of cold and silvery white flashed in the peach light, the cold light was cold, and the exposed skin faintly felt the stabbing pain of the knife light penetrating through, it was Yunli's Dream Slayer!

He retreated hastily, Meng Zhan Dao is an ancient magic sword, more than a year of fighting has made them initially realize the power of this magic sword, it can hurt the Nascent Soul Stage.

Halfway back, he suddenly remembered that there was a nine-turn lotus formation behind him, and hurriedly moved sideways, not wanting his feet to feel cold and tight, as if he was entangled by something.

He lowered his head hastily, only caught a glimpse of a green vine and was pulled into the formation.

After confirming that everyone was drawn into the formation, Yunli heaved a sigh of relief, and dodged back into the formation. Wei Lin had already taken the elixir, and was now trying his best to activate the effect of the elixir.

Chu Nan said, "Don't worry, he's fine."

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, smiled at him, and said, "Just now, thank you very much."

Chu Nan shook his head and said softly, "It's a small matter."

After finishing speaking, several people looked at Xiao Zhen together, the killers had been brought into the formation, and it was up to Xiao Zhen to do it next.

He took a deep breath, opened his palm, and a small silver net the size of a coaster appeared in his palm.

Yunli stared wide-eyed, and asked blankly: "Is this the bondage of the silver net?"

At any rate, it is a high-grade heaven-ranked treasure, so can it not be so shabby, it doesn't matter if it is small, after all, it is in the world of cultivating immortals, and the size of the utensil can be changed.

However, the net is too torn, the sides are not trimmed, the threads are of different lengths, and the grid in the middle is broken in several places, as if the whole net was randomly cut from the whole net.

"This is something from the upper world!" Xiao Zhen solemnly lifted the net up to chest level, his eyes were devout, like a believer looking at a god.

He motioned to the four of them, "Action."

Yunli immediately took out a cyan jade bottle, while Chu Nan and Mo Huai made a tactic together, the huge lotus petals that were spinning at high speed stopped, and the flower screen leading to one of them melted.

Xiao Zhen's lips moved, his fingers fluttered, and the small and tattered silver net gave off bursts of glaring white light. The moment the flower screen completely melted, the silver net suddenly became bigger and flew out, and thousands of silver silk wrapped everything in the petals. People are all bound.

Yunli poured out the poisonous pill, grabbed a person nearby, and roughly stuffed the pill into that person's mouth.

The man obviously hadn't recovered, until the bitter taste spread in his mouth, and he struggled, trying to spit out the poison pill.

Xiao Zhen was stunned by her action, it wasn't until she stuffed the poison pill into the man's mouth that he came back to his senses and hurriedly said: "Be careful, don't touch the silk!"

It was only then that Yunli realized that her behavior was a bit rude, because all poisons were invulnerable, so she had no respect for poisons.

She stuck out her tongue, ejecting a burst of spiritual power, forcing everyone to open their mouths. Immediately afterwards, poison pills flew into the killers' bodies.

Control it here, Xiao Zhen turned his head and looked at Ying Mei expectantly, "Thank you, fellow Taoist."

"Yingmei, what are you going to do?" Among the killers, many knew Yingmei and immediately asked in panic.

Ying Mei's expression was indifferent, ignoring them, she closed her eyes and stimulated the Gu King in her body.

Following the appearance of the Gu King's aura, the witches and Gu killers curled up into a ball with pain on their faces, and a faint green light flickered in and out of their bodies.

Yingmei scratched the pulp of her index finger and forced out a drop of blood. Under the urging of blood energy, the Gu worms in the body of the Witch Gu killers became clearer, and even the patterns on the backs of the worms could be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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