all the way to fairy

Chapter 509 Chapter 508 Resolving Gu

Chapter 509 Chapter Five Hundred and Eight

Seeing this situation, several people immediately thought of the scene when she urged the Gu king to call out the Gu insects in the mutated witch Gu's body, and all of them backed away. These mature Gu insects could not be destroyed by their means.

Sure enough, the Gu worms struggled a bit, and got out of the host body like the ordinary Gu worms before. Unlike ordinary Gu worms, there was only one in number, and the color was no longer black, but gray-green, and the back was tightly stitched. The carapace opened, turned into two wings, flew to Yingmei's fingertips, and got in through the wound on the fingertips!
Immediately afterwards, the Gu worms in the second person came out, and the third and fourth...

All the Gu insects regarded Yunli and the others as air, flew to Yingmei's fingertips one after another, and lined up to enter her body.

Doubt flashed across Yunli's heart, and she suddenly thought of one thing. Ordinary Gu worms evolved to mature Gu worms by devouring flesh and blood, and then stopped devouring flesh and evolving. How did the Gu King come from?

Could it be that the Gu King can devour the same kind?

"You can really kill the Gu worms!" Yang Yang's exclamation broke her thinking, Yunli looked up, and saw the first killer who was called out the Gu worms looked at Yingmei with disbelief on his face.

The rest of the killers all looked at Ying Mei in shock, with anticipation flashing across their faces, which was immediately replaced by panic, while the two monks who were also trapped showed joy, their hanging hearts finally fell to the ground.

Seeing that Xiao Zhen was still in joy, a member of the Xiao family hurriedly called out: "Patriarch!"

Xiao Zhen came back to his senses, and hurriedly ordered: "Little friend Yun, protect her. Little friend Mo, little friend Chu, let's go!"

After speaking, he put away the silver net, turned around and rushed to the next space.

At the same time, when the first Gu worm entered Yingmei's body, Xingye's body shook suddenly in the Qinghe Valley. The cup in his hand, the seat under his body, the table next to him, and other objects were all stirred by spirits around him. Shattered to pieces.

Bai Lu was slightly stunned, his body was faster than his brain, and he turned around to avoid the flying powder, he looked at Xing Ye in surprise: "Pavilion master?"

Xing Ye's face was livid, his hands were poured with hot tea, and he didn't realize it, he muttered to himself: "It turned out to be the idea of ​​killing everything, but it is courageous!"

Taking a deep breath, he quickly calmed down, and ordered: "I have to rush to Central Continent. During this period, Gu Nei will be entrusted to you, especially Lan Yi, she must not have any accidents!"

After finishing speaking, before Bai Lu could answer, his body was surrounded by silver light, and the space in the room was twisted...

Central Continent?

Bai Lu stared blankly as the space in the room stabilized, allowing the pavilion master to let go of Lan Yi and rush over there in person, it could only be because of something wrong with the Gu King, or Yingmei could be detrimental to the Gu King.

Facing the empty and lonely room, he closed his eyes tiredly. One wrong step, one wrong step. Obviously they have the strength to crush the top four factions, but because they confronted the four big factions ahead of time, they made repeated mistakes over and over again. Even Jing Zhe's whereabouts are unknown now.

If it wasn't for him disappearing, he would have brought Ying Mei back in a year, how could he have caused her to stir up trouble today.

Outside Zhongzhou city, inside the nine-turn lotus formation.

While paying attention to the movements of the killers, Yunli quickly gave the detoxification pill to the masters of the Ye Xiao family, and then quickly retreated to Yingmei's side, staring at the killers vigilantly.

After being horrified, the killers quickly realized that the situation was critical. They lost the amulet of Gu worms and were restricted in their poisoning actions. Right now they are lambs waiting to be slaughtered. When the two monks recover, all that awaits them is death.

At the moment, they became crazy, regardless of mobilizing their spiritual power.

Desperately, someone actually suppressed the toxin for a short time and regained a little mobility. The silver-white dart flew towards them at a very tricky angle with supreme sharpness.

The petal-shaped grid is not that big, Yingmei is very close to the killers because of the technique, and the silver-white dart has arrived in front of Yunli in an instant.

Her scalp was numb, Ying Mei behind her was urging the Gu King, and she couldn't be interrupted, and the senior brother behind him was doing his best to restore his spiritual power, so he couldn't be interrupted.

When time was running out, she wielded the Dream Slashing Knife, mobilized her spiritual power, and used the aura of the knife to form an impenetrable peach powder barrier in front of her body.

At the same time, Huanshiling flew out from her wrist, and danced around Yingmei and Wei Lin to form a gauze curtain, leaving only a narrow gap in front for Gu insects to enter.

Ding Ding Ding!
The dart collided with the light of the knife, like a sharp blade cutting tofu, passing through layers of barriers of knife energy in an instant, Yunli's expression changed suddenly, and the knife was in front of her immediately, and finally stopped the dart a second before it hit her chest.

An incomparable sharpness erupted, the white light on the dart soared, and the Dream Slayer was also in full bloom. The two colors of aura refused to give in to each other, and they clashed fiercely. open your eyes.

When the aura weakened slightly, everyone's vision was clear again, and they saw that Yunli's chest and face were scratched in a row by the agitated energy, and the blood was gurgling, staining her skirt red.

However, the attack of the silver-white dart did not stop, the smooth shuttle-shaped body of the dart spun rapidly, like a silver-white lightning, slashing fiercely on the blade of Taofen.

Holding the saber in both hands, Yunli's spiritual power surged all over her body, pouring a steady stream of spiritual power into the saber, while her feet plowed two deep pits on the ground. However, she is only at the early stage of Jindan, and her spiritual power is qualitatively comparable to that of monks in the late Yuan Dynasty. the difference.

She can rely on the sharpness of the magic weapon and the agility of her body to interfere and dodge, but it is too difficult for her to withstand the attack of the empress monk, especially since the two people behind her cannot be affected by the attack. Can't dodge.

Yunli gritted her teeth, supported herself desperately, tried her best not to let the dart enter any more, turned her head and growled at Yexiao and Yexiao's two true masters: "You guys, really, hurry up—"

The two monks of Ye Xiao are also very anxious, but it takes time for the detoxification elixir to take effect. After drinking some sleeping grass powder, my head was muddled, like a ball of paste, and it was very difficult to stay awake.

"Little friend, if you persist, the old man will take a while." An old man from the Ye family with half hair and beard said anxiously.

At this time, the dart master who fell to the ground after throwing the dart let out a loud roar, blowing away the dust on the ground with a heavy breath, revealing a bare shallow pit, he bounced up, and another silver-white dart appeared at his fingertips.

Yunli's heart was beating wildly, she couldn't stop even one dart, let alone another one, which would overturn her in minutes.

Her body is tyrannical, it's okay to spit out some blood if she is injured, the key is that if Ying Mei behind her is injured, the dissolving of the Gu will have to be delayed, so all the Gu insects cannot be wiped out within three days.

There is also senior brother, who was interrupted in healing, and the aggravation of the injury is minor. If she went crazy because of this, she dared not think about it.

For a moment, the peach light became more brilliant and clear, and actually suppressed the silver light of the dart. After a sharp piercing sound, the high-speed spinning dart suddenly stopped, the aura dimmed, and finally fell to the ground with a snap.

The Nascent Soul cultivator on both sides of the enemy and us were stunned, she actually took the blow from the Yuan Empress cultivator!
Even though the dart owner was poisoned, and even though the blow was only one-tenth of the original strength, it was still an attack from a cultivator after the Yuan Dynasty, and she, a cultivator at the early stage of Golden Core, unexpectedly took it!

The shocked people saw that her eyes were sharp, she was staring at the dangling dart killer, her toes were spinning slightly, and she was going to rush over, and they were even more stunned that she still had the energy left!
Just as Yunli took a step, a gleam of purple flowers flew past her side behind her. The next moment, the dart that the dart master had not thrown was thrown away, and the lavender jade flute that pierced through the air went straight into his chest. His right wrist pinned him to the ground.

She breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly turned to look at Wei Lin, "Are you alright?"

Wei Lin made a fist with his hand, pressed it against his lips, coughed twice, waved his hand, and said, "It's nothing."

As he spoke, he walked slowly to Yunli's side, rolled up the silver-white dart that fell on the ground with a traction technique, raised his hand, and the dart flew out.

The bright red blood was sprayed in the form of mist, and under the bright sunlight at noon, the blood beads were exceptionally clear, like finely divided red crystals all over the sky.

When the blood mist fell, he saw the fat and white monk leaning against the wall, blood gushing out from the fist-sized blood hole in his chest, and all the darts had sunk into his heart.

He raised his head with difficulty, opened his mouth, and only made a hoarse hoarse sound, then his neck tilted and he lost his breath.

This is the first killer who died after entering the trapped formation, the killer who had already dispelled the Gu, the bright red blood made all the killers realize more clearly that they were at the end of their way.

In sight, the young man in blue clothes was filthy, his face was pale and indifferent, like a life-threatening Shura crawling out of hell.

Shura raised his hand and drew away the exquisite peach-pink scimitar. His figure disappeared from the spot in a flash, and he reappeared in front of them...

Seeing that Wei Lin was next to the killer, and as soon as the Gu worm left the killer's body, he quickly dealt with the killer, Yunli couldn't help but be terrified, "You still have injuries, come here first, seniors will be healed soon."

Just as he was talking, the old monk from the Ye family who had spoken earlier stood up, "Young friend Yun is right, leave the rest to us."

Seeing that the old man had detoxified, Wei Lin didn't insist, and immediately returned to Yunli's side, and the old man took his place.

Soon, the two cultivators detoxified one after another, leaving only two people here, and the rest of the true masters immediately rushed to other places to help.

There is no suspense here, just waiting for Yingmei to call out the Gu worms one by one.

Yunli breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Wei Lin, and hurriedly asked via voice transmission: "What happened to you before? Why did you fall?"

After a moment of silence, Wei Lin sent back a message and asked, "Have you changed the arrow?"

"It's changed, I pestered him to change it when he was about to ejaculate, what's wrong? Is there really a problem?" Yunli thumped in her heart, was there still something wrong.

She became nervous and tried to recall the details at that time. After handing the arrow to Xiao Zhen, Xiao Zhen shot it immediately. Could it be that he moved his hands and feet in that short period of time?
"After the arrow entered my body, my consciousness was in a trance for a moment. There seemed to be a cold breath in my body. When I came back to my senses, there was nothing. Everything seemed to be my illusion."

"Cold?" Yunli suppressed her anger. The Xiao family's kung fu is domineering and strong, so it can't match the coldness. It's not a matter of spiritual power, is it poison?
Just as she was about to ask, she received a voice transmission from Wei Lin, "Just now I checked while recovering, and there is nothing abnormal in my body."

Yunli tightly clenched her fists, suppressing the anger in her heart, being so secretive, it was definitely not a temporary idea, they tried their best to help the two families solve the Gu trouble, and even went to Qinghe Valley to rescue Yingmei at the risk of their own lives.

Before the river crossed, they began to demolish the bridge!She was shaking with anger.

"Don't say anything, it might be my illusion." Wei Lin closed his eyes, the feeling at that moment is hard to describe, as if he was in the coldest prison in the world, even his soul was frozen.

"What kind of illusion, everyone saw it with your own eyes, you suddenly fell, how could it be an illusion." Yunli only felt that her reason was on the verge of disintegration, jumping around repeatedly, she wished she could ignore it and rush to find Xiao Zhen's theory.

But rationality stopped her, once the voodoo attack reached a critical moment, if she made a fuss at this time, all the previous work would be in vain, besides, the cousin's voodoo has not yet been resolved.

Secondly, Xiao Zhen will not admit it without any proof now; thirdly, and most importantly, he must first go back to Ayan to see what kind of poison it is and whether it can be cured, if it is some weird poison, He had to find a way to get Xiao Zhen to come up with the antidote. It would be unwise to have a falling out at this time.

What she was thinking, Wei Lin guessed a lot, and immediately persuaded: "Don't act rashly, you are not sure about anything, it may not be Xiao Zhen."

Except for the injury, everything is normal, he is really not sure if the coldness that suddenly appeared and disappeared inexplicably is his illusion, even if it is real, it may not be Xiao Zhen's doing.

It had been decided a long time ago that he would shoot the arrow. If there was a problem with him, he would be the first to suspect him.

In addition, he has no grievances or enmity with Xiao Zhen, at least in Xiao Zhen's view, he has no grievances and no enmity. Zhen has no motive at all.

Pressing down on the messy thoughts in his mind, Wei Lin emphasized again: "The overall situation is the most important thing. We will check everything after we go back."

Yunli kept exhaling, and almost gritted her teeth to send back: "Don't worry, I know the seriousness."

Soon, all the voodoo killers in this frame were eliminated, and a thin layer of sweat broke out on Yingmei's forehead.

Now, she is the treasure of the two families, and a real monarch asked repeatedly: "Little friend, can you still hold on? Do you want to take a break?"

The effect of trapping the enemy is better than that of the nine-turn lotus flower. It is not impossible, but after many discussions, the nine-turn lotus formation was finally decided. The fancy thing is that it can trap the enemy in the nine small formations.

In this way, there are fewer people who need to be controlled by the Silver Net Binding at one time, and the possibility of being broken free is small, and it can also relieve Yingmei, who is dispelling the Gu, so that it will not eliminate all the Gu insects in the killer's body at once.

Yingmei waved her hand, "No, let's go, go to the next place."

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Yunli who kept exhaling, and said in surprise: "What's wrong with you? Get angry?"

Yunli clenched her fists tightly, her nails almost piercing into her flesh, and glared fiercely at the body of the killer who was throwing darts, "I forgot just now, I should have done it myself, dare to ruin the beauty of this fairy, such a death is too cheap for him Already!"

(End of this chapter)

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