Chapter 510 Resolving Gu (4)

For this reason, everyone was speechless. Isn't it because the face was scratched by the surging spiritual power, and the missing piece of flesh can grow intact, let alone a few wounds, which can heal quickly, just sleep well.

Hey, female cultivator, regardless of age or talent, I cherish that face very much.

With a sigh, everyone put the matter aside, the vigilance of the vigilance, the detoxification of the detoxification, and the make-up of the knife.

The division of labor and cooperation, the orderliness, no need for Yunli to work hard for a few small Golden Core Stages, Mohuai Chunan, who was in charge of opening the small trap, was also replaced by two Yuanchu Zhenjun.

But everyone knows that the back is more dangerous, and the witches and Gu killers can sense the surrounding situation through the Gu insects in their bodies.

At this time, the witch killers who were still alive in the formation went crazy one after another, infected by the bondage of the silver net, the poisoned killers struggled desperately, and those killers in the small sleepy formation that Xiao Zhen had not yet reached, their eyes were red one by one, attacking Go all the way, leaving nothing behind.

The monks who fought against them complained endlessly. With the blessing of Gu insects, the strength of the witch and Gu killers was far superior to them. Now they are like crazy tigers. How can they resist.

As the saying goes, the soft ones are afraid of the hard ones, the hard ones are afraid of the violent ones, and the violent ones are afraid of death. The witches and Gu killers are at the end of the day. If they fight hard, they may still have a chance to survive. The True Monarchs naturally don't want to die on the eve of dawn.

One side is desperate and the other is hesitant. As a result, people in the two families are constantly injured and even died.

Bang bang bang, all kinds of auras shone, loud noises came and went, Ye Zheyan frowned seeing the two monks retreating one after another, and now the situation was reversed, it was obviously inappropriate to fight on their own, he opened his mouth, and was about to remind, his ears A Qingling female voice sounded, "A group of three, a formation of three talents!"

Ye Zheyan raised his eyebrows, the little girl reacted quickly, and she was courageous enough to order the Nascent Soul cultivators in an orderly tone.

However, I have to say that the effect is quite good. For those who panicked, strong orders are more effective than friendly reminders. Everyone immediately formed a small group of three people and turned from offense to defense.

Although the Witch Gu killers were a bit stronger than them, facing the two monks who were defending together, it was difficult to break through their defense for a while.

The killers fell one after another. With Yingmei's current speed, it won't take long for the killers in the second small formation to be dealt with. Xiao Zhen is trapped in five formations in a row, and now there are only four killers left in the small formation. Mobility.

Just relying on them, not to mention breaking through the nine-turn lotus formation to escape, even the simple three-talent formation in front of them cannot be broken for a while.

Someone broke down and shouted fiercely: "Since we can't live, then you can be buried with us!"

As he spoke, his body instantly swelled up.

"No, he's going to explode himself!" A monk who had fought with him earlier screamed, and his figure flashed away.

As soon as he left, a gap appeared in the formation of three talents, and the two assassins next to him immediately shot out, killing the two who hadn't recovered.

The fleeing people rushed to the arc corner and hurriedly typed out the hand formula.

The two clansmen died before their eyes, Ye Zheyan was startled and angry, Xuan Er saw his behavior, was terrified into a cold sweat, hurriedly shouted to stop: "Yeqiu, what are you doing?"

Yeqiu turned a deaf ear to it, and crazily used the spell to untie the formation. The people in the other small sleepy formations felt chills after seeing it. Once the small sleepy formation was opened, the power of self-explosion would surely spread to other formations, and the nine-turn lotus formation would collapse. uncertain.

These Nascent Soul True Monarchs might be able to escape the catastrophe by relying on their physical arrogance and wealth accumulated over the years, but Yingmei will definitely not be able to escape after a few Golden Core Stages. Without Yingmei, what will the Gu worms do?
"Yeqiu, stop!"

"Are you trying to kill us all?"

"You coward..."

Roaring, ordering, shouting and cursing were all mixed together, Yeqiu ignored them all, and just frantically beat his hands.

At a critical juncture, a big man with eyes like cold stars and brows like lacquer grabbed his wrist and blocked his pinching tactics: "Yeqiu, that's enough!"

Yeqiu struggled frantically, but the big man's hands were like iron tongs and steel claws, motionless and unable to break free.

He collapsed, turned around and looked at the killer whose body was swollen into a ball, his eyes were full of despair, and he sat on the ground against the flower screen: "I don't want to die, Brother Xiao Qi, I don't want to die."

The big man's eyes turned red in an instant, and his voice was low and sorrowful: "If you can live, who wants to die? But we still have clansmen, if the formation is activated, Yingmei will definitely die, what about those clansmen?"

The big man squatted down, looked into Yeqiu's eyes, and said slowly: "Do you know why he didn't explode himself now? You look up at these killers, they are all waiting for you to open the formation."

Yeqiu raised his eyes and looked back over his shoulders. At some point, the fighting in this small trap had stopped, everyone was looking at him, the killers' eyes were full of expectation, and those familiar faces , is full of confusion.

He turned his head and looked at the other small sleepy formations, one after another familiar faces were either angry, unbearable, or worried.

He smiled desperately: "I have survived for so long, why can't I wait for the last 50 years?"

I blamed others before, but after hearing this, the anger in my heart disappeared completely. Yes, these old guys tried their best to prolong their lives. Now that the ban is about to be lifted today, but they die at this time, how can they be reconciled?

The big man turned his head to look at Xiao Zhen, smiled desolately, and said, "Father, son, take a step first."

"Yi'er," Xiao Zhen's eyes were red, the muscles around his lips trembled constantly, he opened his mouth several times, but finally said nothing.

Everyone felt as if a boulder was blocking their hearts, making them breathless. The dozen or so monks inside were all relatives they were familiar with, and now they were helplessly watching their relatives die, but they could do nothing.

The killers were extremely disappointed, but the killer who blew himself up couldn't hold on any longer, there was a loud bang, and the sky shook...

Yunli stomped her feet heavily, stabilized her figure, and quickly protected Yingmei. The small trap had been reduced to a sea of ​​blood, which was shocking. The clear barrier was full of cracks, and it collapsed under the shock of the aftermath.

She secretly rejoiced that the killer who blew himself up wanted to give his companion a chance to escape, so he didn't blew himself up immediately, so that Yingmei had time to incorporate the summoned Gu worms into his body, otherwise they would run away and cause another disaster to all living beings.

Wait, after the self-explosion, will the Gu worm die?

This thought flashed across her mind, before she could think about it, she felt Yingmei's figure sway, and instantly went to the place where the blood was rolling, forced out a drop of blood, and hurriedly recited the formula, a dozen gray and green Gu worms sprang from the stump. Fly out of the broken pieces.

Yunli counted thirteen, which was the same as the number of killers. She breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried over to catch the stumbling Yingmei.

Gathering the thirteen Gu worms in an instant consumed a lot of energy on Ying Mei, her forehead was covered with layers of cold sweat, and her complexion was as pale as gold paper.

"I need to take it easy."

Yunli nodded, and was helping her to walk towards a clean place when a low growl came from behind: "I see how many people you can save."

As soon as the voice fell, there was another loud noise.

Feeling the surging air behind her, Yunli threw Yingmei to the ground.

This time, the killer self-destructed cleanly, without gaining momentum, and his power was slightly weaker than that of the previous one. However, the nine-turn lotus formation suffered a self-destruct once, and it was already damaged.

At this moment, he couldn't hold on any longer, click, click, and the barriers between the trapped formations all shattered.

After Lie Wei was stunned, the remaining killers were ecstatic and frantically attacked the nine-turn lotus formation.

Yunli jumped up suddenly, and shouted: "Luo Lingliufang!"

Huanshiling raised her head high and threw it out with force, and the orange silk spread out suddenly, surrounding the remaining two small traps.

She turned her head and yelled at Xiao Zhen, "Silver net bondage, hurry up!"

Xiao Zhen was startled, he hurriedly sacrificed the silver net binding, and sprinkled it towards the two small traps, at this moment, the barrier between the traps completely shattered.

Most of the killers were restrained by the blood-pupil silver silk, but the leading old man jumped out first, avoiding the silk restraint.

Yunli hurriedly made Huan Shiling wrap around his feet.

The old man was not interested in fighting, and immediately fled after dodging. In the blink of an eye, he ran far away, and Yunli was also taken away.

"Ali!" Wei Lin exclaimed, hurriedly trying to catch up with Yu Jian.

Ye Zheyan glanced, all the killers were restrained, and there would be no more self-explosion, so he hurriedly called out a few people: "You guys, follow me!"

Sensing the aura chasing after him, the old man became anxious and wanted to shake off the orange silk on his feet, but he felt that the orange silk shrank tighter and tighter. Planted from the sky.

Struggling again, making sure he couldn't break free for a while, he turned his fingertips into blades and slashed hard at his ankle.

"Mist Grass!" Yun Li from behind was stunned, and he could do anything to himself, but he was already a baby, and there was no chance to reshape his body!
The moment the spirit blade was about to fall, the familiar tune of "Wangqing" sounded, the old man paused, and Ye Zheyan quickly threw out the folding fan, defeating the spirit blade.

And the monks he brought spread out, outflanking the old man in a fan shape.

Under the interference of Wei Lin Quyin, the crowd finally formed a siege thousands of meters away and stopped the old man.

The old man would not be caught without a fight, his eyes were cold and stern, and he swept across the faces of everyone like a cold poisonous snake, and finally landed on Yunli, snorting coldly: "The old man is wise all his life, I never thought it would be ruined by you, a little girl." .”

If eyes could kill, Yunli would have been torn to pieces long ago. She stared at the old man, "I was once wise, but it was ruined by me. There are too many, so don't feel ashamed."

Although she spoke extremely arrogantly, she was not proud on her face, and her eyes were fixed on the old man.

Ye Zheyan was worried about the battle situation over there, turned the folding fan in his hand, and approached the old man, other true kings also made moves one after another, Wei Lin floated in the air, and the sound of the flute was faint.

The old man's footsteps moved lightly, the ice sword was already in his hand, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped several degrees, and thousands of icicles came out.

Yunli was surprised, he turned out to be a mutated ice spirit root!

At this moment, she had to sigh, the high-level talents of the Canye Pavilion are really good. Needless to say, the owner of the pavilion, Xingye, has a rare spatial spiritual root, and the lore Jingzhe is a single gold spiritual root. The other three don't know, but they can be lore. It's not too bad to think about it, but this little-known assassin in the cabinet is actually a mutated ice spirit root!

Two fists were no match for four hands, under the siege of Ye Zheyan and others, with Wei Lin interfering from the side, and Yunli pulling Huanshiling from time to time, the old man was gradually lost, showing more and more flaws.

His eyes were sharp, and he threw the icy sword in his hand into the air. The wind and snow swept across the tip of the sword, and countless icicles formed, covering the sky, and the sky suddenly darkened. He shouted, "Thousands of icicles!"

In an instant, icy rain fell from the sky, and the indescribable chill slowed down everyone's thinking.

Yunli hurriedly dodged and came to Wei Lin, the Huanshi Ling spread out above his head to block the falling ice, and the others also tried their best.

At this moment, Yunli suddenly caught a glimpse of a triumphant smile on the corner of the old man's mouth, she was stunned, her brain turned sharply, Huan Shiling was still wrapped around his feet, the senior brother's flute sound continued, after the exhaustion just now, He can't escape either.

Moreover, although this move of Bing Ling Wan Qian is powerful, it also consumes a lot of energy. After using such a move, the spiritual power in his body should be exhausted, right?

Thinking this way, he saw the white steam billowing from the ice sword, covered with countless sharp ice thorns, and the huge ice sword, set off by countless icicles, fell straight down with an irresistible edge.

The target is, old man.

He is going to kill himself!

Yunli was startled suddenly, she called out the Mengzhan Dao and charged forward, holding the sword with both hands, she slashed fiercely at the Frost Sword.

The huge shock force pushed Yunli back tens of meters, and her arm was numb from the shock. She managed to force the ice sword to deviate from the direction and stab the old man's shoulder blade.

Ye Zheyan quickly reacted and stopped the old man, "Since you are in a hurry to die, I will fulfill you!"

After finishing speaking, he lifted the old man and disappeared into the sky.

"Are you okay?" Wei Lin took Shu Yuming away and asked hurriedly.

Yunli shook her arm, "It's okay, it's just numb from the shock."

Wei Lin heaved a sigh of relief, and scolded with fear on his face: "You also rush up in the Nascent Soul Stage, if something happens!"

Yunli touched the tip of her nose, and the sound transmission explained: "I weighed it, and I didn't endanger my life. I won't make fun of my own life."

Wei Lin stared at her, and was about to continue to scold her, when a monk from the Ye Family next to him said: "This person's martial arts are vicious, and the icy cold air enters his body, which will damage the meridians and dantian, the two friends should use their kung fu to dispel it earlier.

Especially Xiaoyou Feng, when you lured the enemy earlier, I seemed to see a tiny icicle sinking into your body, so you quickly dispersed it with your kung fu. "

Yunli Weilin looked at each other, could it be that the sudden coldness earlier was a sneak attack by the old man?
She voice transmission: "Is Bingling's chill the same as before?"

Wei Lin pursed his lips, is it the same?He wasn't sure either, "I accidentally hit a few icicles just now, let me see."

Thanks to the seniors of the Ye family, Wei Lin sat on the ground and practiced the exercises, there was no abnormality in the body, no loss of meridians, and the dantian was also very normal, the same as before.

He breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that the old man had sneaked in before, not by Xiao Zhen, but why did the ice not affect him?

Ah Li has Nirvana fire in his body, so he is not afraid of this coldness, but why is he?

After listening to his sound transmission explanation, Yunli's hanging heart finally let go, and she was very thankful, fortunately, she held back before and didn't seek Xiao Zhen's theory, otherwise it would be so embarrassing.

The two pretended to exercise their kung fu, and waited for the true kings to dissipate the cold air before rushing back together.

 Thank you Lei Siyan and Bai Busy Leftover for your monthly tickets! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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