Chapter 514
Chu Nan also said: "The spirit boat is a trivial matter, the promise of the two patriarchs is the most valuable."

Moreover, it is still a promise made by the family, if they ask for something in the future, the two families will help each other with all their strength.

Yunli didn't take it seriously, this promise was of little use to them, if their identities were exposed, it would be difficult for the two families to withstand the pressure of the four major factions, if they could not help them, small money would be more important.

Except for the gifted spirit boat, the spoils seized this time were distributed according to their merits, and the two of them also received gifts from some people in private.

In short, this time not only the Gu problem was eliminated, they also made a lot of money!

Wei Lin wanted to seize the time to discuss the matter of the mother and daughter, but seeing that she was so happy, he didn't mention it.

Since the mother Gu disappeared in Fenshui City, it would not be too late to discuss it again in Fenshui City.

The sky was calm and cloudless, the sun was shining brightly, and everyone was in high spirits and full of pride, changing the depression and dullness of the past two years.

The two great schools of witchcraft, one is witchcraft and the other is worms. Now that the problem of voodoo has been solved, hundreds of voodoo killers have been buried in Central Continent. The strength of Canye Pavilion has been cut in half.
Two days later, a solitary peak stood in the unchanging sea of ​​billowing clouds, straddling the road ahead, reaching a line of sky.

Everyone was about to change direction and go west around the Weeping Immortal Valley, when a sound transmission talisman flew over, Yunli was slightly startled, at this time, who would be looking for them?

After listening to the content of the sound transmission note, everyone was stunned.

The sound transmission talisman came from Qu Liang who stayed behind in Shanxin Town. Although the Gu worms in other places in the Zhongshan System except Zhongzhou City have been cleaned up, just in case, Shanxin Town will still send people to patrol the surrounding area from time to time. .

A few days ago, they discovered that there was a strange movement in the Weeping Valley of Immortals, and from time to time there were golden and black auras stirring, as if someone was fighting.

Qu Liang took people to check, but found the path that Wei Lin mentioned!
The highest cultivation among them was only at the foundation building stage, so they didn't dare to act rashly, so they sent a sound transmission talisman to inform them.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Xu Yueqing had stayed inside for more than eight years, Xiaodao had never appeared again, and now it appeared again!

There are still people fighting inside!Aren't you afraid of being contaminated with magic energy?

Yunli immediately became interested and suggested, "Go and see?"

Qinghe Valley is the battlefield of the Nascent Soul stage, and these Jindan stage monks went there to fight for soy sauce.

It's a rare opportunity for the trail to reappear, maybe they can find the reason why the trail appears and disappears!

This proposal was unanimously approved by everyone, and everyone immediately turned around, and under the leadership of Wei Lin, they found the trail.

In midsummer, the sun is scorching, the vines are green, and the valley is full of fresh green. There is no strong wind during the day and night, and the valley is rarely peaceful, without the spooky aura of the past.

Everyone didn't dare to be careless and carefully observed their surroundings.

Suddenly, a golden light shot up into the sky in the distance, it was sharp and piercing, and reached the sky.

"What a strong sword intent!" Mo Huai exclaimed, Xuan Er frowned, "I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Wei Lin's expression changed drastically, and he lowered his voice: "Go quickly! It's Jing Zhe!"

Yunli suddenly realized, no wonder they looked so familiar, she immediately pushed An Ran in front, pulled up Mu Yan behind, and ran along the path!

Fortunately, the Immortal Weeping Valley forbids the divine sense, otherwise Jing Zhe would have found them at the first time if they were so close; the bad thing is that the sky is also forbidden, so they cannot fly away quickly with flying equipment.

However, why is Jingzhe here?Is there anything in the Weeping Valley that deserves Canyege's attention?
A lot of doubts flashed in my mind, and suddenly I heard Fang Chunan ask, "Are you sure it's him?"

The speed of Yunli's feet didn't slow down, and she explained in a deep voice: "At the beginning, he left a dark hand in Zhenjun Fuyu's body with one move, and many disciples of Taiqing Peak died tragically. At that time, we were all in Taiqing Peak and witnessed see."

As she said that, doubts crossed her mind. Didn't the senior brother say that Chu Nan had recognized him? He, the former elite killer of the Canye Pavilion, stamped it, so it was naturally true.

While running, she remembered something, who was fighting with him?
Jing Zhe's strength is already at the top of Canglan, and it has been nearly ten days since Qu Liang and the others discovered it. Who can last so long under Jing Zhe's hands?

Just at this time, there was another angry neighing, which made everyone turn pale, Yunli frowned, this neighing sound was familiar!

The next moment, a huge black dragon-python phantom flew out of the verdant greenery, soared into the air, flicked its tail, and slammed on the golden light, the golden light collapsed in an instant, and a piece of the dragon-python phantom was missing.

It turned out to be Heihua, the snake python in Jiuliyuan, Yunli's heart trembled, and she ran faster, snakes are the most annoying.

"It turned out to be him." Wei Lin murmured, the tension in his heart loosened, the black flood dragon is Wen Xueluo's spiritual pet, Wen Xueluo and Can Yege are immortal, and with the black flood dragon pestering Jing Zhe, they can at least run out.

After the crisp sound of the sword, an even more astonishing sword intent rushed forward with unrivaled momentum. All the vegetation along the way was cut off at the root, revealing the bare wet ground and the rolling black dragon python on it.

The tight muscles were stretched, and the scales rubbed against each other to make a tinkling sound. Under the sun, the scales of the snake were crystal clear, and the traces of cold air could be felt even from afar.

What made everyone's hair tingle even more was the man in white standing opposite the black dragon, holding a sword. Without the cover of vegetation, the other party saw them at a glance.

His eyes slid over several people, and finally fell on Wei Lin in front of him, his eyes were cold.

Of course everyone ran faster, Jing Zhe was famous, everyone had already been heard like thunder, Cang Lan's number one sword cultivator, they are a few little golden pills, the opponent is not as simple as crushing a few ants to death.

What's more, this trip also brought two alchemists, An Ran Mu Yan, Chu Jingshu, a young Qi practitioner who has just stepped into the fairyland for more than two years, and Xu Yueqing, who is in the foundation building stage.

Everyone's hearts were raised in their throats, but he looked away when he didn't want to, the long sword in the hand of 'Om' whispered softly, and the sword was like a galloping tiger, biting fiercely at the dragon python.

"Hiss——" the dragon python let out a painful scream, and the huge python body rolled on the ground in a circle, like an arrow from the string, it went straight to Jingzhe.

Jingzhe's long sword danced at such a speed that the movement could not be seen clearly, only a pale golden light remained. However, although his swordsmanship was exquisite, he was knocked backwards by the fierce force of the Jiaomang...

One person and one dragon fought so hard, Yunli and the others naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity, and they showed the fastest speed in their lives, running out of the speed of stepping on leaves and flying flowers.

Seeing that he was about to leave the Weeping Fairy Valley, the mountain shook suddenly, and the Weeping Fairy Valley seemed to have become a wooden barrel with a leaky bottom. This familiar feeling of weightlessness made Yunli dream back to Jiuliyuan in an instant.

Stepping on the solid ground again, Yunli opened her mouth wide, looked at the shining lonely peak in front of her, and fell into a daze.

She rubbed her eyes, then turned her head and asked Wei Lin, "Am I dazzled, how can I see a whole mountain of Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi?"

What is in front of me is not a spiritual mine, but a Lingshi mountain made of sky crystals and spirit stones, or a Lingshi mountain as high as a thousand meters!
Wei Lin didn't speak, his eyes were filled with shock, the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi is a thing from the upper realm, how could there be so many in the Canglan Continent?
Suddenly, Jing Zhe and Hei Hua also suspended their fight, and Hei Hua changed back into a human form, and cried out: "Spiritual stones in the sky crystal!"

"What is the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi?"

An indifferent female voice sounded, Yunli and the others looked over, Wen Xueluo came out from nowhere, and looked at Heihua indifferently.

"A high-grade spirit stone. In our Qingxuan Continent, primordial stone is the most commonly circulated. Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi is a higher-grade spirit stone than primordial stone. It is equivalent to the top-grade spirit stone here." Hei Hua lowered his eyes. Mou, said in a low voice.

Seeing Wen Xueluo again, An Ran's expression was a bit complicated. Although she always knew that Wen Xueluo had many secrets, she was also a fairy mansion and a great power to cross the catastrophe as a spiritual pet, so it was hard not to be envious.

She looked at the young man transformed by the black flood flood flood dragon. She could imagine how strong he was for being able to contend against Jing Zhe for so long, not to mention that this was the cultivation level after being implicated by Wen Xueluo.

Tiandao treats Wen Xueluo too well, as if he wants to give her all the good things in the mainland, is this Tiandao's darling?

Wen Xueluo nodded, and ordered in a cold voice: "Kill him."

The blunt order made Hei Hua look gloomy, but he was helpless, he let out a long cry, turned into a ferocious dragon again, and rushed towards Jing Zhe.

Yunli's brows were knotted, and she spun back behind Wei Lin. Fighting is fighting, why does she have to change back to her original form? Seeing that she was frightened and angry, she wanted to draw her sword and go forward to chop him into pieces!
But Jing Zhe was entangled by Hei Hua again, thinking that he would not have the energy to worry about them for a while, Yunli was slightly relieved.

Between these two, it's really hard to say whether to win or lose. The Jingzhe sword technique is exquisite and unparalleled, and it has been in the late Yuanying period for many years. It can be called one of the strongest in the mainland;

Although Hei Hua was tired by Wen Xueluo, and his cultivation level fell to the early Yuanying stage, after all, he was once a great monster in the tribulation period, and his comprehension of Tao and experience in secret techniques are not comparable to Jingzhe.

However, they also had to be very careful, after all, Jing Zhe was the powerful empress of the Yuan Dynasty, Cang Lan's number one swordsman, if he hit them once or twice during the fight with Hei Hua, they would be finished.

"Why did you come here?" Wen Xueluo's voice was without warmth, with an undisguised murderous look.

Yunli was suddenly alert, this sounded strange, as if he regarded her as the owner of this place.

"And why are you here?"

After the occurrence of the Gu disease, people in the world avoided the Zhongshan family. Except for the nearby Xuanyumen and other sects that were in danger of dying, everyone wanted to move and stay away from Zhongzhou.

Wen Xueluo didn't find a place with plenty of aura to practice, so why did she come to the Weeping Valley of Immortals?
She glanced at Jing Zhe, and from his tone just now, it was clear that she was unyielding and insisted on finding Jing Zhe to avenge her past, presumably she was not chased by Jing Zhe.

With a thought in her mind, could it be that Jing Zhe came after her?

As soon as Wen Mingyue didn't know that Wen Xueluo had adopted the black flood dragon as her spiritual pet, when Jing Zhe saw her, she naturally wanted to hunt her down and take her back to Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Of course, with Jing Zhe's arrogance, even if he knew, he would chase Wen Xueluo to the end.

Jing Zhe is a monk of the Empress Yuan Dynasty, and Wen Xueluo, who is only a young Golden Core Stage, would not be able to detect her whereabouts.

Hei Hua didn't know him, nor did he know about Wen Xueluo's grievances with Can Yege, even if he sensed Jing Zhe, he wouldn't take the initiative to provoke him.

From this point of view, it can only be that Jing Zhe discovered Wen Xueluo's whereabouts and chased her all the way.

(End of this chapter)

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