Chapter 515
Wen Xueluo sneered and remained silent, her eyebrows moved slightly, and a group of monsters appeared out of thin air, such as the muscular cloud leopard, the snow-white tiger king, the ferocious crystal python, the chirping eagle, etc., all of which were eighth-level cultivation bases.


Following her order, all the beasts roared and neighed, their hooves flew, and they rushed towards them. In an instant, grass clippings and mud dust flew up, covering the sky and the sun.

This is a powerful scene, but Yunli wants to laugh inexplicably, for no other reason, because of the forbidden space, the eagle and other birds are also running on the ground.

Those with long legs ran gracefully, while those with short legs were extremely festive. Leaving aside a pair of outstretched wings, the whole group of penguins ran wildly with small steps.

She held back her smile, looked sideways at Wei Lin and said, "You protect them well, I'll go."

Wei Lin nodded, took a step forward, and stood in front of Anran Mu Yan. The spiritual consciousness is forbidden here, the storage bag cannot be opened, and the Mo Li sword cannot be used. Although it can defeat these monsters, it will be troublesome.

After giving the order coldly, Wen Xueluo swept her eyes coldly, holding a long silver sword in her hand, pointing at Mo Huai.

Mo Huai didn't talk nonsense, he called out the Zijin sword, and attacked Wen Xueluo like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

Two swords, one green and one white, clashed heavily in one place. In just a moment, Wen Xueluo was sent flying with her sword. The indifference in her eyes was broken, and she was full of shock.

Turning around in the air, with both feet forward and backward, plowed two deep grooves on the ground, and it took tens of meters to stop the retreat.

However, Mo Huai wouldn't give her a chance to breathe, so he dodged in front of her, and with a burst of wind and rain, Wen Xueluo was beaten back steadily.

While supporting Wen Xueluo, she was annoyed at the same time. He was too big to be chosen. Mo Huai is the head teacher of the Taiyi Sect, the elite among the elite, and a swordsman. The difference in actual combat cannot be achieved by her in just a few years caught up.

She should choose Chu Nan or another male cultivator, and she needs to progress step by step to improve the actual combat. Thinking of this, she suddenly caught a glimpse of the guarding Chu Nan and the others, and she was shocked.

No, why didn't monsters besiege them?
She turned her head and saw an unforgettable scene in her life. All the running monsters were cut off at the waist, the lower body was still running forward, but the upper body stopped in place, the lower body was gushing blood, and the upper body internal organs fell off...

The light and soft orange gauze flutters in the wind, and under the sun, the gauze glistens with brilliance, as if sprinkled with broken stars.

At the end of the veil, the girl was wearing a light yellow dress, standing against the light, as if she had merged with the sun, her expression couldn't be seen clearly, but her whole body was glowing like a god.

She raised her hand slightly, and the orange gauze flew back, the light dissipated, and turned back into a slender ribbon wrapped around her snow-white wrist.

At this moment, she suddenly felt a sharp air in her heart, which made her heart beat wildly. She suddenly came back to her senses, her body turned sharply, and the next moment the cold blade pierced against the edge of her heart.

Her scalp exploded, and she resolutely escaped into the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and just before entering, she heard a cold snort, "You dare to be distracted when you are fighting against me, you are arrogant!"

As soon as she entered the Immortal Mansion, Wen Xueluo fell to the ground, her forehead dripping with cold sweat, and she covered the wound with her hands, blood gurgling out from between her fingers, soon soaking through the surrounding clothes.

Only an inch, if it wasn't for the last moment, she turned around and avoided it, the sword would have pierced her heart!

Her heart was heavy. With her previous cultivation base, she could only carefully hide in the Taiyi Sect, keeping herself out of everyone's sight, with almost no actual combat experience.

Although she is aware of this shortcoming and intends to make up for it, experience is something that takes time to accumulate, and it is difficult to make up for it in a while.

During this period, other people's experience and experience are also constantly increasing. If she wants to catch up, she will have to put in ten times and a hundred times of effort.

She has never felt that she is inferior to Mo Huai Yunli and the others. She can do all the secrets they can break through, kill people, and do things, and even things they can't do, she can do.

But at this moment, it is an indisputable fact that she almost died under Mo Huai's sword. Leaving aside the fairy mansion and spiritual pets, is her strength so far from theirs?
Thinking of the many monsters killed by Yunli with one move, she couldn't help being startled. They were eighth-level monsters, which were equivalent to the mid-stage cultivation of a golden core, and she had no power to resist under her hands!

Seeing this thrilling scene, Hei Hua, who was fighting with Jing Zhe, suddenly went mad, and swung his giant tail towards Mo Huai.

Although Mo Huai retreated hastily and immediately opened the magic weapon to protect him, the big monster's attack had not yet reached his body, and the aroused air current was not something he could resist now.

At the critical moment, the orange yarn flew from his side, wrapped around the snake's tail, and pulled it aside. Mo Huai's heart relaxed slightly. With this little time buffer, he didn't stop, quickly distanced himself from Hei Hua, and moved forward with Yunli. After that, he returned to everyone.

After pulling the snake's tail away, Yunli let go immediately, and did not twist the snake's tail with the magic silk blade.

Jing Zhe's strength is unfathomable, if Hei Hua is slightly inferior, wouldn't she assist Jing Zhe.

Hei Hua didn't want to but refused to give up, the thick snake body slammed Jingzhe away, twisted the snake's head, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards the few people, obviously wanting to find time to deal with the little bugs first.


Yunli shouted, grabbed Mu Yan beside her and dodged to the side. At the same time, Wei Lin was protecting An Ran, Chu Nan was protecting Chu Jingshu, and Mo Huai was protecting Xu Yueqing, and scattered in all directions.

After dodging, Yunli glanced quickly, no one was injured, she felt at ease, and the fantasy world silk danced around her wrist, forming layers of illusions in front of her.

She raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Whether you talk about martial ethics or not, what kind of ability is it to attack us little monks!"

Hei Hua didn't feel ashamed, stretched his abdominal muscles, and rushed towards Mo Huai like a sharp arrow, obviously he was very worried about Mo Huai's serious injury to Wen Xueluo just now, and he must get rid of their threat for Wen Xueluo before going to fight Jing Zhe.

Yunli wanted to cry, but the worst happened. The two beings who could easily crush them to death had a grudge against them and wanted to kill them.

Glancing at the sparkling Lingshi mountain standing next to her, she sighed lowly, with this Lingshan mountain made of crystal-rich spirit stones, even if there were no previous grievances, Heihua Jingzhe would not let them go.

Out of the corner of her eye she watched Jing Zhe's movements, Huan Shiling was thrown out again, wrapped around the snake's body, blocking Hei Hua's movements, and at the same time, her mind was spinning rapidly, is there any way to solve the immediate danger?
This place is obviously another space, they don't know anything except the towering Lingshan Mountain, Hei Hua and Jing Zhe obviously won't give them time to find out the situation, escape will not work.

Except for Lingshan, there is a flat river around, and the grass and trees on the ground will reach the ankles, and it is impossible to hide.

She frowned, wondering what was behind Lingshan, could she hide?
There were many thoughts in her mind, she saw Jing Zhe move from the corner of her eye, she immediately became alert, opened her mouth to remind Wei Lin and the others, but saw the long sword in Jing Zhe's hand flying straight towards Hei Hua, pulling him towards Mo Huai and the other two's tails into the ground.

This sword is very powerful, the snake's tail is folded in half along the piercing point, and Hei Hua sinks deep into the bottom. sword, to wrest the tail out of the ground.

Yunli was stunned, Jingzhe was saving them?

how can that be!

The four major sects besieged Qinghe Valley, and both sides had long been dead. How could he save the core disciples of Tai Yizong and Tianxin Pavilion? !

Besides, there are two traitors from Canye Pavilion, himself and his senior brother. Doesn't he wish he could kill them soon?
Jing Zhe raised his eyes, glanced at her indifferently, turned to Hei Hua, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips: "If you are powerful, you must have the air of great power. You are not ashamed to attack a few ants."

Yunli was dumbfounded, really didn't want to do anything to them?Why didn't I find out that he still has the good character of not bullying the weak?

At this time, Heihua's snake body circled around the nail plate several times, the muscles and muscles all over his body suddenly swelled, and the snake's body suddenly became half thick.

The ferocious snake's head was raised high, and the snake's mouth was opened wide. The painful neighing that resounded all over the field echoed in the space, and the long sword inserted into the ground was raised little by little.

Finally, the thick snake's tail suddenly straightened, the long sword was bounced off, Hei Hua swam out screaming, changed back into a human form, and stared at Jing Zhe with fear in his eyes.

"Can we have a good talk now, what is this place?" Jing Zhe recalled the long sword and asked calmly.

Yunli blinked, is Jingzhe too tough, or is Heihua actually an embroidered pillow?

The same great power from Canglan from the upper realm, Ning Wujue is physically and mentally disabled, and he can still fight Xingye evenly.

Although Heihua failed to transform into a dragon, and was tired by Wen Xueluo, his cultivation level dropped to the eleventh level, but no matter what, he was also in the late stage of crossing the tribulation, and he was also an existence that called the wind and the rain in the upper realm.

Why is it so different from Jingzhe?
She looked at Hei Hua suspiciously, only to see that his complexion turned blue and white, and he was extremely humiliated. After struggling for a while, he finally said: "The entrance of the ancient battlefield."

The entrance to the ancient battlefield?

Yun Li was startled, why did she come here? This is the battlefield of immortals and demons, full of demonic aura!
Just at this time, Wen Xueluo healed her injuries and left the Yunshu Immortal Mansion. Upon hearing this, her complexion changed suddenly, and she said coldly, "Heihua!"

A faint sneer flashed in Hei Hua's eyes, and he said lightly: "I can stop him, can you stop them?"

Yunli's eyes flickered slightly, and she suddenly realized that after Jingzhe's attitude changed, this has become a situation where the three parties are restraining, there is hope!
She secretly rejoiced, brushed the broken hair in front of her forehead, and looked at Wen Xueluo for a long time, and now she has to agree if she doesn't agree.

A flush flashed across Wen Xueluo's condensed face, and she said coldly, "I brought you here so that you can recover from your injuries as soon as possible."

Yunli blinked, Wen Xueluo already knew this place?Do you know that there is a mountain of Tianjing Yun Lingshi here?Then why not move away?

Hei Hua's expression was cold, and he asked back, "Then what do you say?"

Wen Xueluo was silent, she really didn't expect that Jing Zhe would use Yunli and others to restrain her, Hei Hua was slightly inferior to Jing Zhe, if he went to deal with a few people first, Jing Zhe would seize the opportunity to seriously injure him.

At that time, I can only hide back to the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and hand over the Lingshi Mountain to Jingzhe; if Heihua doesn't care about Yunli and the others, they will naturally not look at the pile of Lingshi in front of them.

After weighing it for a moment, she gritted her teeth and said, "It's up to you."

(End of this chapter)

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