all the way to fairy

Chapter 516 After the Heroic Spirit

Chapter 516 After the Heroic Spirit
Hei Hua breathed a sigh of relief, looked past the crowd and landed on the standing Lingshi Mountain, and said, "You must have seen it too. She discovered this Sky Crystal-Contained Lingshi Mountain, and it is the purpose of our trip."

Being safe for the time being, Yunli let go of her dangling heart, and asked the doubts in her heart, "Senior Sister Wen discovered it, so why didn't she know the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi? Why didn't she take it away?"

"Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi is a thing of the upper world, she doesn't know it, why don't you move it away?" He paused, pointed to Lingshi Mountain, made a gesture of invitation to Yunli, and said: "You can try."

Glancing at his expression, Yunli knew that there might be some restrictions, and that's right, a pile of excellent sky crystal Yunling stones are piled here. If there were no restrictions, they would have been taken away tens of thousands of years ago.

However, if you are afraid of information asymmetry in everything, it is better to find out in person. Thinking of this, she pursed her lips and said, "Try it."

The Huanshi Ling flew out from the wrist, and shot towards the Lingshi Mountain like a sharp arrow, embedded in the gap on the edge of a piece of Skyjing-yun Lingshi, and then wrapped the entire Skyjing-yun Lingshi and pulled it to this side, and the Skyjing-yun Lingshi remained motionless.

In this regard, Yunli was not surprised, she withdrew her spiritual power and tried only with strength, but it still didn't work.

In this case, it is logical that there is a formation restriction, but she did not feel any spiritual power fluctuations. She turned her head to look at Wei Lin Chunan, "Have you felt the formation restriction?"

Both shook their heads, Wei Lin said to Hei Hua: "What is the secret of this Lingshan, please tell me, senior."

Hei Hua raised his hand and punched the spirit stone. The punch was like thunder, and it landed on the spirit mountain with only a slight click sound. In the middle, a sky crystal-contained spirit stone cracked several gaps, and the pure spirit flow overflowed out.

"There is a restriction under the Lingshan Mountain, you can't move it, but you can smash the Sky Crystal Yunling Stone to let the spirit escape."

Yunli felt it again, but she still didn't notice any fluctuations in spiritual power, not only them, but even Jing Zhe had a trace of surprise on his face, obviously he didn't notice the fluctuations in the formation.

Seeing that Heihua was still staring at Lingshan with admiring eyes, Yunli reminded, "What else?"

If Lingshan only had these two characteristics, after Wen Xueluo found out, she would definitely not go out again, and would not attract Jing Zhe and them.

This place is the entrance to the ancient battlefield. Could it be that there is a devilish energy?
She was not the only one who had this guess, everyone looked at Hei Hua, waiting for his answer.

Hei Hua didn't give a shit, nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Yes, this place is close to the ancient battlefield, the possibility of the devil energy escaping is very small, but there is a lot of hostility, if it is absorbed into the body too much, there is also the danger of going crazy .”

Yunli's face became serious, she had to be cautious because it was about the devil, she asked: "The formation here is not a part of the sealing formation, is it?"

Xu Shi Lingshan wanted to share it with so many people, which made Wen Xueluo feel annoyed. As soon as Yunli finished speaking, she sarcastically said: "What a leader of the righteous way, he never forgets the common people in the world."

Yunli raised her eyes, looked at the light blue and lofty sky, and said softly: "The responsibility lies."

Her voice was very soft, so ethereal that it seemed to come from the sky, and there was a faint sense of fatigue in the sonorous and majestic voice.

Wen Xueluo snorted coldly, and returned to her usual indifference and coldness.

"If I'm not mistaken," Hei Hua glanced around, his face becoming more respectful, "This place is a place to worship heroic spirits, and this mountain of crystal-encrusted spirit stones is used to protect worshipers."

"Worship?" Yunli was astonished.

"That's right, it's worship! By coincidence, I once entered the edge of the battlefield of immortals and demons, and saw the great sealing formation set up by the immortal master. Although the formation under the Sky Crystal Yunling Stone Mountain is also profound, it is far inferior to Jiuzhong The formation of Xingque was only laid down by the formation master of Qingxuandu Tribulation Period."

This huge amount of information really confused everyone. How did he enter the battlefield of immortals and demons, a dragon python who has just arrived in Canglan for a few years?

Their expressions were too obvious, Hei Hua quickly reacted, and simply sat on the ground, assuming a long talk.

"Let me start from the beginning, in the ancient times, there were only a few people in the Qingxuan Starfield who suddenly descended from demons, but in just a few months, it became a prairie fire.

Demons run rampant, the way of heaven collapses, the entire Qingxuan Starfield is reduced to purgatory, weak creatures are almost extinct, and powerful people are chased to hide like mice crossing the street.

Fortunately, Jiuzhong Xingque sent immortal envoys to lead the star field powerhouses to kill the evil spirits. The battle was so dark that almost all the immortal envoys fell, and the Qingxuan star field collapsed, and part of it was slowly reduced to a low-level small world , and some of them disappeared into the endless void. "

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, interjected and asked, "So Canglan used to be a part of Qingxuan?"

"It may also be from other star regions. Our Qingxuan star region was not the only one that was invaded by demons back then."

After explaining, he continued, "After the demons were wiped out, the immortal envoys left a seal to seal the battlefield of the immortals and demons to prevent people from entering by mistake and prevent the magic energy from escaping."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, glanced at Wen Xueluo, and then continued: "Later, in order to commemorate the heroic spirits who died in that battle, the powerful people joined forces to build the Immortal Weeping Valley outside the seal, and left Out of the place of worship.

Only the descendants of heroic spirits who have made great contributions can open the passage and go to the place of worship. This formation with the Lingshan as the core is set up to protect the worshipers from being contaminated by demonic energy. "

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked at Wen Xueluo in unison. Yunli suddenly thought of the trail that suddenly appeared and then disappeared, and was shocked, "Are you the queen of the heroic spirit?"

Wen Xueluo remained silent, a slight sarcasm flashed in her eyes.

"Wait, before that, you were the one who came here to call Xiaodao out? The last time you mentioned was referring to that time!"

Yunli was dumbfounded, and immediately felt that the time was wrong, her senior brother had found the trail by mistake after escaping from the desert of the Western Mountains during the Hengyue City incident.

At that time, Wen Xueluo should have returned to the sect with the spirit ship. Cousin and Ayan can prove that she did not leave halfway, that was during the previous alchemy assessment.

Seeing Wen Xueluo acquiescing, Yunli was in a complicated mood. If I remember correctly, she had avenged Wen Xuelian and Wen Xuexing brothers and sisters during that time, and even ran from the Xishan Department to the Immortal Weeping Valley. She did a lot of things secretly!

Yunli suddenly realized, and murmured: "No wonder you are so lucky, you are the Queen of Heroic Spirit."

The continent has been torn apart. It can be seen that the war was so fierce that year. If one is not careful, the entire star field will be destroyed. The ancestors have great merits to save the world. No wonder the heavens favor Wen Xueluo so much.

She had a premonition that the Canglan Continent was the broken piece of the Qingxuan Starfield, because Wen Xueluo was not only blessed by the Canglan Heavenly Dao, but her luck was as good as it was when she was in Jiuliyuan.

Wen Xueluo's face was cold, "What about after the heroic spirit, it's not like he can't escape the tragic death."

Yun Li was startled, and soon remembered that she had said that her mother was burned alive by her aunt, and if there were no accidents, her heroic spirit came from the matrilineal side.

Her mother is also a heroic spirit queen, but that fate is indeed embarrassing.

Wen Xueluo's eyes darkened, "The way of heaven is so-called good, how do you know it's not a flattery, a blessing or a curse, who can tell for sure."

Hearing this, Wei Lin immediately rolled his eyes unceremoniously.

Yunli blinked her eyes, and it took her a while to realize that what she was referring to was because of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, which caused her shortcomings in actual combat, and she was immediately very upset.

"Don't get cheap and act like a good boy. How did your Yunshu Immortal Mansion come here? Don't you have any idea? Tiandao almost put food in your mouth, what else do you want!"

Wen Xueluo was dissatisfied and opened her mouth to defend herself, but Yunli didn't give her this chance, she fired like a machine gun: "I'm not conscious enough, I blame heaven, I gave you Yunshu Immortal Mansion to save your life, not to hide in it enjoy.

Yes, at the beginning you were chased and killed by the powerful Nascent Souls in the Canye Pavilion, so you had to hide in it all the time, but don't you know how to practice actual combat?

Coming out of such a family, don't you know that actual combat is very important for monks?Without enemies, there are so many monsters in Yunshu Immortal Mansion, can't they be used as training objects?
When you arrive at the Zongmen, you will serve as a guard for Senior Sister An, and the mission of the Zongmen will not be mentioned, but there are so many monsters and spiritual plants in the Zongmen Protector Mountain, you don’t practice your hands, and you don’t participate in the trial tower. Now you lack actual combat experience , Who can blame it? "

A series of rhetorical questions made Wen Xueluo froze in place, realizing that the Immortal Mansion had restricted her development in actual combat. She blamed Can Yege for being cruel, and even sent half of the Nascent Soul to her as a Qi training monk, and blamed An Ran for picking her As a guard, he even suspected that obtaining the Yunshu Immortal Mansion was a conspiracy.

But now, she was the one who should be blamed the most for Yunli's blunt words to get to where she is today.

Maybe it's not that she can't think of it, but that she doesn't want to think about it. No one is willing to admit that they are wrong. It is much better to blame others than to blame yourself for not doing your best.

"If there are no accidents, when you arrive in Qingxuan Starfield, you will still be blessed by the Dao of Heaven. If the Dao of Heaven knows that you are such a white-eyed wolf, I don't know if you will regret it." she.

At this time, the silent Jing Zhe suddenly asked coldly: "How did she get her Yunshu Immortal Mansion?"

Yunli was at a loss for words, and almost forgot that there was a Canye Pavilion lore next to her, so she was vague, "Ask her."

Naturally, Wen Xueluo would not speak, she fell into deep thought.

Wei Lin expressed his confusion with his eyes, asking her what to do?
Yunli exhaled lightly, judging by her luck, her ancestors must have played a big role in the battle between immortals and demons.

After the heroic spirit, you can't just watch her go astray, can't you, take advantage of the fact that it is not completely crooked now, break it off, as for the future, it depends on her.

Having said all that, she didn't say any more, and turned her head to look at the dazzlingly bright Tianjingyun Lingshi Mountain, secretly deliberating.

After endless years, the devilish energy should have almost disappeared, and with the formations laid down by the people of the fairy world, the possibility of the remaining devilish energy escaping is even smaller.

And there are very few heroic spirits after that, Canglan probably only has Wen Xueluo alone, and it is very unlikely that someone will come here later.

You can borrow the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi here to practice!
(End of this chapter)

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