all the way to fairy

Chapter 517 Ration is a Big Problem

Chapter 517 Ration is a Big Problem

The decision was made, and another problem was before him. After breaking the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi, the escaped spiritual energy was mixed with hostile energy. A small amount would not affect it, but if it was too much, there would be the danger of going mad.

Seeing that Wen Xueluo had finished contemplating, Yunli hurriedly asked: "When you came last time, you have practiced here, how do you feel? Is hostility a big influence?"

Wen Xueluo's eyes were dignified, "It's very big. After practicing for a while, you will feel irritable and you have to stop and concentrate."

It was also because she was too irritable that she left as a last resort.Otherwise, guarding such a spiritual mountain and not worrying about cultivation, how could she go out.

Yunli frowned, it's fine in ordinary situations, it's good to interleave cultivation and rest, but if the condition is particularly good, it would be a pity to quit halfway.

Forget it, forget it, it’s cheap to pick it up for nothing, it’s better to have trouble than nothing.

Mu Yan's eyebrows twitched, her eyes swept over everyone present, she clenched her fists, and said, "My..."

"Ayan!" Yunli raised her eyebrows sharply and interrupted immediately.

Mu Yan lowered her eyes and was silent for a moment, she slowly raised her eyes, fixedly looked at Yunli, and said softly: "The biggest function of the pure heart glass fire is to purify the evil in the world and prevent it from going crazy. If I am afraid of being coveted by others, Just let you absorb the spiritual energy mixed with hostile energy, if you go crazy because of this, what do you want to do with Qingxin Liulihuo?"

"Pure Heart Glazed Fire?" Hei Hua was shocked, and was immediately overjoyed. With the Pure Heart Glazed Fire, not to mention hostility, even demonic energy can be purified, so there is no worries at all!
Jing Zhe's eyes fell on Mu Yan for the first time. Her delicate face was not outstanding among the handsome men and beauties, her brows and eyes were soft and indifferent, like peaches and plums on the treetops in the village. Impressions do not attract people to stop and appreciate.

Such an inconspicuous female cultivator actually has a pure heart glazed fire!
Most of the different fires are tyrannical and manic, and it is extremely difficult to subdue them. If you are not careful, you will be burned to death, but the Qingxin Liulihuo is an accident. It is extraordinarily warm and cool, and the difficulty of subduing is greatly reduced, but the effect is great.

Therefore, although it is only a low-level strange fire, its popularity is comparable to that of sky fire.

This girl's fate is not shallow!

The eyes of the others also fell on Mu Yan, with mixed expressions. Even An Ran was stunned for a moment. After Jiuliyuan, she saw Mu Yan's fire, but Mu Yan didn't mention it, so she didn't ask. It turned out to be an extremely rare Qingxin Liulihuo!

Jiu Liyuan, if Yu Sheng didn't exist, he would have gone in too, so what's the situation now?

Seeing that Mu Yan could not refute, and directly spoke of Qingxin Liulihuo, Yunli's complexion was pale, and her fingertips trembled uncontrollably.

The pure-hearted glazed fire has a similar effect to the pure yin female body, and can also make the owner's body like colored glaze, with pure spiritual power in the body.

Not only that, but it can also be used by spells to help others to calm down and purify the impurities in the body. It is the elixir that she has refined, and the effect of the elixir is better than that of other alchemists.

People's hearts are too fickle. Because Ah Yan stayed in the Nether Ghost Lake for three years, she picked many spiritual plants, which attracted attention, but because of the power of the Taiyi Sect, she dared not act rashly. It's hard not to be tempted by a monk after the Yuan Dynasty.

Mu Yan saw what she was thinking at a glance, smiled, and said: "It's not that there are you, I'm not afraid."

Yunli clenched her heart tightly, and her voice trembled violently: "But, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you."

"Who told me last time that there is no one in the world that she can't kill. If she can't kill now, she will be able to kill in the future. Where is that confidence?"

Mu Yan pretended to smile relaxedly, and reminded with the shape of her mouth from an angle that everyone couldn't see: extremely yin fate soul.

Yunli's complexion became paler in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on her forehead, but she ignored this point. The extremely yin soul, the coldest soul in the world, can suppress hundreds of ghosts and thousands of souls in the underworld, and is more susceptible to hostility than ordinary people It is also more difficult to get rid of the influence of
She clenched her fists tightly, her gaze was like a sharp blade, and she swept across everyone in the arena one by one, and finally landed on Mu Yan's face, and said slowly: "Yes, in the sky and on the earth, there is nothing I can't kill, no matter whether it is fairy, demon or ghost. If there is someone If you dare to touch you, I will make all of its bloodlines disappear into nothingness!"

Every word was full of firmness, and when it came to the end, the murderous intent was awe-inspiring, and if there was substance, everyone could only feel a tingling pain in the skin, and an invisible chill penetrated into their hearts.

Wei Lin didn't see the words on the lips of the two, he sighed secretly again how much she valued Mu Yan, perhaps in her heart, An Ran was not as important as Mu Yan.

He rubbed the center of his brows, and asked, "If Yingmei is a Nascent Soul, what will happen?"

This abruptly inserted words caused everyone's brains to shut down for an instant, and it took a while to recall that it also has the effect of purifying spiritual power. The temptation of the pure-hearted glass fire is much greater than that of the pure yin female body. After all, the pure yin female body cannot be taken away. But Qingxin Liulihuo can.

However, Yunli's eyes lit up in an instant. If Yingmei was at the Nascent Soul stage, even if she couldn't defeat Xingye Jingzhe, she could at least escape, and she wouldn't be reduced to Xingluo's furnace. So in the final analysis, it was a matter of strength.

Wei Lin was very pleased that she could react so quickly, and continued to ask: "If you had a pure Yin body, what would you do?"

Yunli didn't even think about it, and retreated, "Then naturally work hard to improve your combat power. Of course, you have to be careful when you are weak, and don't leak it."

"What if someone finds out by accident?"

"Then try to silence that person!"

After the words came out, Yunli was stunned, this process is somewhat familiar, isn't this just their experience!
Wei Lin smiled, and raised his eyebrows at her: "Look, the body of pure yin is actually no different from the secret of the secret treasure. They are all to prevent others from knowing."

Glancing at Jing Zhe, he said in a low voice: "The tragedy of Yingmei, apart from the inhumanity of Canye Pavilion, the most fundamental thing is her lack of strength."

Jing Zhe's eyes were dark, and when he saw the group of them appearing, he guessed that the situation in Central Continent might have reversed, and now it was confirmed that there was no possibility of any chance.

He pursed his lips tightly, this accident must have been caused by him, if he hadn't found Wen Xueluo on the way, caught up with him, and was trapped in the Weeping Immortal Valley, Zhongzhou would have ceased to exist.

However, the Gu King is important, and the Yunshu Immortal Mansion is equally important. Without knowing that Wen Xueluo has contracted with the Great Demon of the Upper Realm, he will make the same choice again.

Jing Zhe raised her eyes to look at the lofty and silent sky, feeling a sense of heaviness in her heart, could this be the fate of Canye Pavilion?

Unraveling the knot, Yunli's gloom for many days was swept away, her eyes wandered for a moment on Lingshi Mountain and the monsters on the ground, she suggested: "Why don't we have dinner first, and practice after eating?"

Wei Lin: ...

Wen Xueluo said with a cold face, "That's my monster."

"Now it's my trophy!" Yunli raised her voice, raised her hand and threw out the Huanshi Ling, and pulled all the corpses of monsters except the crystal python to her side, these were all rations.

Wen Xueluo was so stalked that she couldn't speak, which is what it should be, but now they have reached a cooperation, shouldn't they compromise in order to stabilize the cooperation?
Moreover, the eight of them are the weakest of the three parties, and they are only spared because Jing Zhe wants to contain him, so they are not expected to be grateful, but this attitude is too arrogant!

At this time, another immature voice sounded, "Yes, it is our trophy!"

When it came to the issue of rations, Dodo immediately changed from a hairpin back to a human form, popped her head from Mu Yan's leg, and echoed loudly.

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a clouded leopard's leg, which was exposed outside the horizontal position where they were standing. She hurriedly bent down and stretched out her two chubby hands. She didn't think the blood-stained leopard's leg was dirty, so she dragged it to a few people behind.

Looking up at the crystal python in the distance, he complained: "Sister Yun, why did you miss one."

While speaking, she ran forward with short legs, Xiaopang grabbed the skin and flesh on both sides of the python's head and dragged it vigorously. Crystal Python, changed from dragging to pulling.

Looking at the huge, smooth and greasy python body, Yunli felt a chill, and her voice became sharp, "Duoduo, if you pull it over, I'll take your skin off!"

I don't know if it's because I've been staying for a long time, I've become more courageous, or because the rations are ahead, I forgot to be afraid for a while, Duo Duo didn't cry when she was a little bit aggressive to her like before.

She blinked her crystal-like purple pupils, her face was full of doubts, "Sister Yun, the snake meat is delicious, especially delicate."

His gaze scanned a pile of monster beast corpses with reluctance, "If I must keep one for her, can I replace it with that tiger, its meat."

Yunli was dazzled by the ferocious python body, "You put it down for me and come back, who said I will leave it to her!"

Duoduo was even more puzzled, and wanted to say something. Facing Shang Yunli's fierce eyes, she had to put down the crystal python aggrievedly, and turned her head three times a step.

One big and one small, there was no intention of compromise at all, Wen Xueluo let out a bitter sigh, turned her head away, and simply out of sight.

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, why did the topic change from training to eating?

He rubbed his forehead, the spiritual power in his hand flew out, cut off the head of the crystal python, and cut the crystal python along the abdomen, helplessly said to Duo Duo: "Peel off the skin and come back with the meat."

Duoduo stopped and looked at Yunli quickly, seeing that she had no objection, she happily responded: "Hey!"

Turning around, peeling off a small circle along the neck fracture, pulling hard, the snake skin was completely peeled off, the internal organs fell off, revealing the pink and white meat, clean without any blood.

"Demon Pill." Seeing that she was about to run back when she turned around, Mu Yan hurriedly reminded her.

When she came back, Yunli stretched out her hand to pinch the meat, and licked her lips: "Let's stew it, the soup should be delicious."

Dodo: "We don't have a pot."

Yunli: ...

Nima, how come I forgot about this, after a while, she sighed and said, "I can only bake it."

Wei Lin reminded: "We don't know how long we're going to stay here, and the storage bag can't be opened. With this ration, are you sure you don't want to save it?"

Yunli was stunned, people are like iron, rice is steel, if you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry, rations are a big problem, she looked at Wen Xueluo: "Are there any monsters in Yunshu Immortal Mansion?"

Wen Xueluo's forehead twitched wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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