Chapter 518
Qinghe Valley, Xingyao Mountain.

"There's still no news about Waking of Insects?" Xingye frowned, and his deep voice was a little worried.

Chun Shiqi had a bitter face, "No."

This is already the tenth time he has answered this question this month. In fact, since Master Jing Zhe disappeared a year ago, he will come to Xingyao Mountain to answer this question every few days.

It wasn't that he was slack, it was because the last time he contacted Master Jing Zhe and conveyed the order to bring Ying Mei back, he disappeared from the world, and no one saw him again.

Glancing at Shou Xingye's pensive look, he couldn't help but secretly complain, who said that the pavilion master is afraid of Master Jing Zhe, the worry on his face is almost overflowing!

Just as he was lamenting that the rumors were unbelievable, there was a soft banging outside the door, and then a male cultivator with a serious face and a high nose came in, and he recognized that he was Xingye's personal guard.

After the visitor saluted, he respectfully replied: "Pavilion Master, the witch has awakened."

Chun Shiqi was stunned, Miko?What witch?
Immediately, he remembered the relationship between Canye Pavilion and the Wugu Sect, and immediately widened his eyes. The witch of the Wugu Sect is still alive?Still in Qinghe Valley? !

Chun Shiqi swallowed hard, raised his eyes to look up at Xingye, but it was empty.

At some point, Xing Ye had already left.

After the [-]th Spring Festival, the heart couldn't help but feel cold. Their Chunzi generation was the first batch of killers cultivated in the pavilion from scratch. The previous Ruozi generation mostly joined the Remnant Night Pavilion with Jindan stage cultivation, and they can be regarded as the members of the pavilion. old man.

I don't know if other people know, anyway, he doesn't know that the Remnant Ye Pavilion was built by the remnants of the Wugu Sect. When the news broke out, he still regarded it as the plan of the four major factions. Who would have thought There really are witches in the pavilion!

Chun Shiqi couldn't stop trembling when he thought that the witch was in Qinghe Valley, maybe it was some female cultivator who had passed him by.

Curse, the other party doesn't need to show up at all, just some information or small items can cast a curse on you, no matter how high your cultivation level is or how powerful your magic weapon is, it won't help.

Opening Lian's state of mind, Xingye saw the woman sitting up in the center of the lake at a glance, and she was indeed awake.

Sensing the movement here, the woman turned her head to look, her dazed eyes instantly gathered brilliance, and the corners of her brows and eyes were filled with joy, "Second brother!"

Xingye's gloomy face for many days rarely showed a little smile, his figure flickered, and he was already on the lotus bed, and asked with concern: "How do you feel?"

Lan Yi stood up, felt it attentively, and then opened and closed her hands repeatedly, "It's not bad, but I've slept for too long, and my body is a little stiff."

"That's good." Xing Ye obviously breathed a sigh of relief, "Let's go, I'll take you back to Xinghui Mountain."

Lan Yi frowned slightly, but soon relaxed again, nodded and said, "Okay."

As soon as the two of them left the mountain, Lan Yi was stunned, and asked anxiously, "Why did the Great Formation of the Protecting Pavilion open? What happened?"

Xingye's brows were furrowed again, and he said in a deep voice, "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Seeing the gloomy expression on his face, and seeing the killer inside the door looking this way, Lan Yi nodded in agreement.

As soon as she entered Xinghuishan's residence, Lan Yi immediately asked, "What's going on?"

"We were discovered by the four major sects that we are members of the Witch and Gu Sect, just besieging the valley." Xing Ye briefly mentioned a few words, and then said: "You should take a good rest first, recovery is important, and there is no need to worry about the valley."

"What? Our identities have been discovered?" Lan Yi was shocked, and immediately said: "Impossible! This is impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Xingye rubbed the center of his brows, knowing that she couldn't accept it for a while, and even he himself was very puzzled, how he came to where he is today.

Because of Devil May Cry, Remnant Ye Pavilion has always been mysterious and unpredictable, and they are very careful and rarely provoke people from the four major factions. Therefore, although Remnant Ye Pavilion is famous in Canglan, it has not attracted the attention of the four major factions.

He got up and walked out, "You rest first, don't worry about the affairs in the cabinet, it's just killing some killers, wait for this matter to pass, and then cultivate it."

"No, the prospect I predicted is not like this!"

Xingye's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around suddenly: "What did you say? Did you succeed in divination?"

"You don't know?" Lan Yi was stunned, seeing that his expression did not seem to be fake, she was furious, she gritted her teeth and shouted: "Xing Luo!"

Xing Ye's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly figured out the level, "Did you give Xing Luo the result?"

"Yes." Lan Yi's blood surged up, tearing Xing Luo's heart to pieces. She risked her life, and the result of divination, he actually hid it!

She took a deep breath and said quickly: "After you left, I kept trying, but I still didn't feel it. Half a year later, I became pregnant, so I had to put it aside temporarily. I didn't want to give birth, but I suddenly felt it, and I was busy making calculations."

Xing Ye understood that after giving birth, he would lose both energy and blood, and forcibly divination, involving the four deep-rooted sects, would require a huge price, and it would be very difficult to keep his life without the help of a puppet stand-in.

At that time, she and Bai Lu were not in the pavilion, and Jing Zhe was retreating, so the only person she could trust was Xing Luo.

Thinking about this, Xing Ye's mind was buzzing, and he was so angry that his whole body was smoking. He wished he could pull Xing Luo out of the grave and beat him up. This bastard, who did more than fail, was so bold that he dared to hide the results of divination.

It's a pity that Xing Luo's body has long been burned to ashes by the righteous way, and there is no grave.

He took a few deep breaths before he managed to suppress the anger in his heart and asked, "What is the result of your divination?"

Lan Yi also knew that now was not the time to be angry, so she straightened her mind and said, "I have three results. One is that after 200 years, the Xiao family was found to be a remnant of witchcraft. After the death, the Ye family also fell into a slump, and the Ye's business was quickly divided up. The Ye Xiao family disappeared, and the strength of the righteous way was greatly damaged."

Xingye's heart was full of turmoil. Judging from the result of this divination, Canye Pavilion had a bright future. Not to mention that the time has moved forward by more than 100 years, things have changed drastically.

They faced off against the four major sects ahead of time, and before the pawn of the Xiao family had time to play a role, it was revealed that the Remnant Ye Pavilion was established by the Wu Gu Sect.

Where is the problem? Why is the situation so different from the divination result?

"Secondly, Lin Chen and Mu Yan of the Taiyi School, Chu Feng and Chu Nan of the Tianxin Pavilion rose up in the battle to wipe out the 'Witch Gu Sect', and they are Xiaoshu's strong opponents."

Xingye's eyes flickered, and he asked, "Mu Yan? Alchemist Mu Yan?"

"I don't know if he is an alchemist or not." Lan Yi shook her head, the so-called divination is just a glimpse, and it is very rare to be able to clearly divination the name.

She would hand over the divination results to Xing Luo, largely because of this. Since she already knew the most potential disciple of the enemy, she naturally wanted to kill him before he grew up.

Xingye pursed the corners of her lips, Mu Yan is the only alchemist who has come out of Jiuliyuan in so many years, it should be her.

"What about the third one?" he asked.

"Thirdly, our Remnant Night Pavilion, besides Xiaoshu, also produced two powerful disciples, one is Mo You and the other is Qianjiu. The two of them are equal to Xiaoshu, Taiyi and Tianxin's geniuses."

"Qianjiu?" Hearing that the villain who had repeatedly ruined the big things in the pavilion was actually the help of the pavilion, Xingye's shock can be imagined, and the spiritual power surged all over his body, almost hurting Lan Yi who had just awakened.

"Second brother, you..." Lan Yi was stunned. Xingye, the second son of the Wugu sect, is more calm than the young sect master Xing Yuan. He didn't lose his composure in the previous two big news. His potential disciple lost his composure instead.

Soon, Xing Ye recovered, and immediately summoned Bai Lu through the master-servant contract, and took advantage of the time when Bai Lu arrived, and said to Lan Yi: "Qian Jiu is really amazing, but she keeps breaking things in the pavilion. Many things are all because of him, Mo You is dead, Lan Shu, "

He paused, "He died in Yingmei's hands more than ten years ago, and his spirit and soul were completely wiped out."

"What did you say?" Lan Yi suddenly got up, and rushed over to grab his arm, "Xiao Shu, she..."

Xingye looked at her with unbearable eyes, and said guiltily: "It's because I didn't take good care of her."

"Impossible, impossible!"

Lan Yi took a few steps back in a daze, and kept murmuring in a low voice: "Her talent for witchcraft is excellent, and she is very close to my mother. I haven't had time to teach her in the future. How could she die? It's impossible. I didn't grow up with her." , I haven't seen her grow up yet, how could she die..."

Thinking of Lan Shu's death, Xing Ye was also very sad. Lan Shu's witchcraft talent is excellent, and he has a single golden spiritual root. If he grows up, his future achievements will be no less than his own.

It's a pity that she hadn't waited for Lan Yi to wake up and taught her witchcraft, so she gave up early.

"Xing Luo!" and the distraught Lan Yi suddenly yelled angrily. His consciousness swept Xinghui Mountain, but found no trace of Xing Luo, and swept Qinghe Valley, but there was still no trace of Xing Luo.

She raised her eyes and asked with red eyes: "What about others? How did he act as a father and let that bitch kill his daughter! Where's that bitch? I'm going to tear her into pieces!"

"Calm down." Xing Ye didn't want to tear Ying Mei into pieces. She not only killed Lan Shu, but also destroyed the only Gu King in the pavilion.

"Master, you are looking for me."

When Bai Lu entered the room, he saw Lan Yi with bulging veins on her forehead, her eyes were scarlet, her white teeth were clenched tightly, and she looked like she was going to eat people. He was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that she already knew about Lan Shu. .

With a low sigh, he said, "Mistress, please forgive me."

Lan Yi gritted her teeth, and asked with red eyes: "My daughter was born in October, and I only hugged her once, and I have never even seen her when she grows up. How can I mourn?"

Bai Lu twitched the corners of her lips, and didn't say anything more, but the fact was that, but he couldn't show the slightest sympathy for Lan Shusheng.

Geli will come to this point today, and the reason is that Lan Shu showed Qianjiu's face for his own selfishness, shaken the foundation of Canye Pavilion, and lost the hearts of the people in Geli.

Later, it was she who acted without authorization and went to the Misty Swamp to provoke the four major factions and let the four major factions target Geli in advance.

Xing Ye pressed the forehead that was jumping wildly, and said: "Xing Luo is dead, and Ying Mei is also dead."

Lan Yi's heart was blocked, and her breath was stuck in her throat, unable to spit out or swallow.

 Thank you for the monthly ticket that I am the cute little Da Luo Jinxian! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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