all the way to fairy

Chapter 519 Variables

Chapter 519 Variables
Xing Ye briefly mentioned the major events that happened in these years, then turned to Bai Lu, and told Lan Yi the three pieces of divination information, "What do you think?"

After digesting for a while, Bai Lu began to analyze, "The essence of divination is to use secret methods to spy on the future, but the future is not constant. In fact, changes happen all the time, but those changes are too subtle to be important to the overall situation.

But the existence of some variables is enough to change the situation. In the future predicted by the divination, Qian Jiu is the help of the cabinet, but now it is the biggest obstacle. If you think about it, he is the variable. "

Xing Ye nodded, he also had the same intention, the difference in the three messages was actually inextricably linked with Qian Jiu.

The Xiao family's pawn was abolished because Qian Jiu used Ji Ruochen's mouth to inform the four major factions that there were witches and gu people in the valley;
Lin Chen and Chu Feng have been famous for a long time. It is not surprising that they are famous. As for Mu Yan, there were many people who were unknown in the world at first, but later became famous. Now Lin Chen is still in a coma and has not woken up. It is also Qian Jiu's fault.

Putting all this information together, anyone with a little brain can see that Qianjiu is a variable. He doesn't believe that his stupid brother can't see it.

Over the years, without any reminder, he just watched them deviate step by step.

At first Xing Ye tried to think about why his stupid brother was stupid, but now he is completely unwilling to think about the logic of his behavior, a fool who is entangled in love and love, he doesn't know the reason why he is ridiculous.

Xingye pursed the corners of his lips tightly and asked, "In your opinion, are the two Qianjiu the same person?"

Bai Lu is really not sure about this question, logically Qian Jiu is Jing Zhe's only direct disciple, if he is not forced to feel cold towards Ge Li by the blue book, he will be a great help to Ge Li when he grows up.

But Qian Jiu has no fairy fate, and Jing Zhe has already given up on this disciple. Even if there is no blue book to force him, with his temperament, he will not repay evil with kindness, and the possibility of helping the pavilion is unlikely.

Suddenly, he noticed a detail, and his whole body was shocked.

Seeing this, Xing Ye hurriedly urged: "Say."

"It's not alone." Bai Lu glanced at Lan Yi, who was immersed in sadness, "The result of divination is that Lan Shu, Mo You, Qian Jiu and Lin Chen from the four major sects are fighting against each other.

But the pavilion master, with Qianjiu's talent, can Lin Chen and Chu Feng compete with him after more than 100 years? "

Xingye was shocked, not to mention more than 100 years later, just after he came out of Jiuliyuan, Qianjiu severely injured Lin Chen in Jindan Stage with his late foundation establishment cultivation, and he still hasn't woken up yet.

100 years later, with his talent, it is extremely possible to conceive a baby. Adding Chu Feng, he is not his opponent, let alone three against four.

The Qianjiu in divination is by no means the current Qianjiu!
Thinking about Qianjiu not having a celestial relationship but having spiritual roots, Xingye suddenly became cheerful, raised his eyes and asked: "I remember Qianjiu is younger than Lanshu, right?"

Bai Lu thought for a moment, then replied, "Three years younger."

"This makes sense. Qianjiu's ability to cultivate depends on the great power behind him. Naturally, our divination cannot predict the great power's actions." Xing Ye narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes were heavy.

With heaven-defying means, Qianjiu has the power of a perfect spiritual root. If divination makes him feel it, even if there is a puppet to share it, it is impossible for Lan Yi to survive.

Bai Lu frowned, "Who is Qian Jiu in the divination? Qian Shi?"

Xing Ye remained silent, but it was possible, the disciples in the pavilion were named according to the order in which they received Devil May Cry when they first started, if Qian Jiu no longer existed, Qian Shi would naturally be Qian Jiu.

The ability she has shown now is enough to compare with Lin Chen Chufeng, and her rebellion is entirely because of Qian Jiu.

Lan Yi has never been in contact with Qian Jiu, so it is difficult to draw conclusions. After listening to their analysis silently, she said: "Since it is a variable, let's get rid of it!"

Xingye Bailu has no objection to this point. The problem is how to get rid of him. They have long wanted to get rid of him, but if they are detected by the powerful behind him, the consequences will be disastrous. Get rid of him.

Lan Yi raised eyebrows, "I can't wait any longer, he has only been in the pavilion for more than ten years, and the situation has been tampered with beyond recognition, if he is allowed to make trouble again, the Canye Pavilion may really die because of him.

Ordinary means will be noticed, so use a curse, use the soul-shattering curse, after casting the curse, the spell will be shattered together with the soul, leaving no trace.I still don't believe that Da Neng will guard him all the time! "

Xing Ye and Bai Lu exchanged glances silently, and said, "Alright, Wen Ming and his two brought back a complete body substitute puppet technique, and I have already ordered someone to refine it."

Saying so, he ordered Bai Lu: "Send someone to visit his yard and look for blood in his hair."


Bai Lu agreed, and immediately stepped aside to do it.

I thought it would be an easy task, although Qian Jiu has not returned for more than ten years, but Qian Jiu has lived in Canye Pavilion for many years, there will always be some traces left behind, blood may be difficult to find, and it is not easy to find a few hairs.

No, Xingye just finished explaining to Lan Yi, went to Xingluo Room to find out the divination information hidden by him, and was about to return to Xingyao Mountain, Bai Lu had already returned, and replied: "I didn't find it."

Xing Ye suspected that he had heard it wrong. Under normal circumstances, hair can be preserved for more than 50 years. Now it has only been more than ten years since Qian Jiu left. How can there be no hair in such a big yard?
Bai Lu was also very helpless, this matter was of great importance, so he decided to do it himself, who would have thought that he would search the entire small courtyard in order to find a single hair.

Not to mention the hair, there is no dandruff that falls.

Xing Ye didn't believe it, so he came to the small courtyard in a flash, pushed open the door, the first thing he saw was the shiny floor, because of the existence of the formation, there was not a speck of dust.

Immediately, he was attracted by the bare tree trunks of different heights on both sides of the yard. Given his knowledge, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. What are these two doing in the small yard?Ordinary trees have also been harmed like this.

He swept over with his consciousness, no matter the tables, chairs, benches, or futons on the floor, they were all clean and spotless, and there was nothing in the whole small courtyard except the objects themselves.

At this time, Bai Lu came in from the outside and said: "I asked, Qianjiu Aijie, and she is very cautious. Every time she leaves the residence, she will perform the dust removal technique, and it will be the same when she comes back. First perform the dust removal technique, and then move in."

Xing Ye: ...

"As for Mount Royer, I remember that he followed Jing Zhe to practice at Mount Royer for more than a year."

Bai Lu raised his eyebrows slightly, he felt that it was unlikely, the dust removal technique was an extremely simple technique, and could be performed in a moment of thought, since Aijie, it was already part of his instinct to perform the dust removal technique.

Unless, his love for Jie was an excuse, and it was the result of the cabinet's vigilance after the attitude towards him changed.

When they arrived at Mount Royer, the two found some strands of hair in some hidden corners, but they were all stung.

After being silent for a while, Xing Ye let out his breath slowly, and said, "Order Yue Qi, get his hair and send it back."

A flash of surprise flashed in Bai Lu's eyes, and Xuan Er was relieved, Yue Qi is important, but Qian Jiu is a variable, so she must get rid of it at all costs!

At this time, in the Weeping Immortal Valley, Wei Lin, whom they were thinking about, had already started to advance to the mid-stage Golden Core.

In the epiphany two years ago, he had already touched the threshold of the mid-stage golden core, and now with the continuous support of the spiritual energy from Tianjing Yunling Mountain, the advancement is a matter of course.

In the simple spirit-gathering formation, spiritual energy was dense, hula la gathered towards Wei Lin, and within a moment, the spiritual energy in the formation disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Sensing the movement, Yunli and the others withdrew from the cultivation state. Seeing that Wei Lin had started to advance, Yunli was overjoyed and immediately became vigilant.

Layers of fantasy silk spread out, pouring down from the top of Wei Lin's head, isolating him from the crowd.

Standing outside the silk tent, she was fully on guard, her fierce eyes gliding over the startled Jing Zhe, Hei Hua, and Wen Xueluo from outside the formation, and said sharply: "If anyone dares to break the rules, I promise, Next, don’t all of you even think about practicing.”

Jingzhe opened and closed his five fingers on his right hand several times, and his heart was very entangled. Qianjiu disrupted the important events in the pavilion several times, especially this time, the chess piece of Zhongzhou was completely pulled out, and even the Gu King died because of them. Kill, get rid of this confidant...

Glancing at the eyes of the girl outside the silk tent, he hesitated again. Her eyes were clear and bright, and he could easily see his own figure and undisguised determination in them.

If she does it now, she is afraid that she will really do whatever it takes, even if it doesn't hurt them, it will disturb them so that they cannot cultivate.

If she was killed again, it would be hard for the others not to feel cold. In addition, the balance would be broken. Without their restraint, they would fall into the previous situation again.

Jing Zhe turned her head and met Wen Xueluo's dark eyes, a glimmer of expectation flashed in her indifferent eyes.

Here, she wanted to get rid of them the most. Without their restraint, Hei Hua restrained herself, Lingshi Mountain could be hers alone.

After struggling for a while, Jing Zhe finally spread his five fingers and took a few steps back.

Yunli's heartstrings were still tense, and her eyes fell on Wen Xueluo, half persuading and half threatening: "Such a big Sky Crystal Yunling Mountain, you can't use it up even if you ascend to Yuan after cultivation, but if you want to break the rules ..."

She paused, clenched her fists, and punched the nearby Lingshan. With a click, a deep groove appeared in Lingshan, and rich spiritual energy escaped.

Her eyes turned cold, and she said solemnly: "Then the fish will die and the net will be broken, and no one can use Lingshan to practice!"

Wen Xueluo's face froze slightly, her eyes slowly swept across a few people, and she said coldly: "I don't believe you are willing, even if you are, what about them?"

Yunli's complexion remained unchanged, and she said lightly: "You can try it."

Wen Xueluo frowned, and her eyes wandered repeatedly between Yunli and the people in the silk tent. Could this real Fengjue be Qianjiu?
She struggled, and the scene froze for a while.

At this time, a group of clear flames was generated from Mu Yan's hands, and slowly fell above the eyes of the gathering spirit formation. The majestic spiritual energy was purified, and the amount decreased sharply, but it became more pure.

Wen Xueluo's eyes flickered slightly, because of the existence of hostility, their cultivation was very slow, and they had to worry about it all the time, and it was difficult to enter the state.

And this real Fengjue has already started to advance in a short period of time, which shows the powerful purification ability of Qingxin Liulihuo.

Thinking about this, she said: "It's better to cooperate, your spirit gathering array is too simple and the effect is limited, I can provide the gathering spirit array."

 Thanks to book friend 161219180356007 for the reward and monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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