all the way to fairy

Chapter 520 Irony

Chapter 520 Irony
The storage bag can't be used. Thanks to Yunli's keeping a few spirit stones in her purse, Chu Nan used these spirit stones for a while to create such a simple spirit-gathering array, but the effect is really limited.

And Wen Xueluo's natal magic weapon is the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, and her items are completely unlimited, so it would be a good choice to cooperate with her.

It's just that Ah Yan has worked very hard to purify the spiritual energy they need for cultivation, and with Wen Xueluo, I don't know if it can be done?

Receiving her gaze, Mu Yan smiled, stepped forward and said, "Cooperation is fine, but it's only you. If there are too many, I don't have the energy to purify."

Heihua is a big monster who fell down in the later stage of the tribulation. Although his cultivation base has fallen, but the vastness of the dantian inner mansion is there, the spiritual energy required for cultivation must be huge, so he should not even think about cultivation.

Wen Xueluo was also aware of this situation, and she didn't expect Heihua to be with her, so she nodded and was about to agree when Yunli interrupted her.

"In addition, you have to promise that after you go out, you have to ask Heihua to help us stop Jingzhe."

Wen Xueluo's eyes sharpened, "Don't push yourself too hard."

Yunli clasped her arms around her chest, and said indifferently: "It's fine if you don't agree. Anyway, guarding such a spiritual mountain, there is no shortage of spiritual stones. The effect of gathering spirits is almost there. If we don't have it, we will just smash it."

An Ran raised her eyebrows lightly, and gave her approval. Right now, the three parties are restraining each other. They are not in danger for the time being, but after leaving here, they will be in danger.

Regardless of Jing Zhe or Hei Hua, if the two hit them during the fight, it would be enough for them to bear it, maybe a few weak ones would die on the spot.

Now that Wen Xueluo urgently needs Ayan's help to purify her spiritual energy, she naturally has to sit down and raise the price to get rid of her worries.

Wen Xueluo clenched her fists and stared at Yunli coldly.

Yunli sits firmly on the Diaoyutai, it is not them who are asking for help now.

In the end, Wen Xueluo compromised. She was already a few people behind in actual combat, and if she fell behind in cultivation, she would really be left far behind by them.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when their worries were resolved. Weilin now needs a lot of spiritual energy to advance, so they will naturally not practice at this time, adding burden to Mu Yan.

He just waited for Wei Lin to advance to the next level, and he would focus on cultivation without distraction, hoping that he would also be able to work hard and successfully advance to the next level.

Three days later, Wei Lin successfully advanced to the mid-stage Golden Core. During this period, Jing Zhe had been cultivating on the other side of the Lingshan Mountain without any changes.

While Yunli heaved a sigh of relief, she was also slightly surprised, she had never had any contact with Jing Zhe before, and she mostly knew what kind of person he was from his mouth.

In her impression, Jing Zhe is loyal to Xingye, she thinks he should be a person who puts Can Yege's interests first.

Now it seems that she has lost her mind.

No matter how loyal Jing Zhe is, he is also a monk first of all. A monk values ​​his own cultivation and will be attached to one person. The root cause is that he can improve better by following that person.

Now that the Tianjing Yun Lingshi Mountain is in front, it is natural to pay close attention to the cultivation, and when can they not be killed when they are a few small Golden Core Stages.

Time passed, and when the snow covered the ground one after another, the Ye Xiao family finished their reorganization and returned to the Qinghe Valley battlefield.

After years of fierce fighting, both sides are exhausted, especially the killer of the Canye Pavilion. In the past few years, the Deputy Pavilion Master died, Yingmei was rescued from Qinghe Valley, and the Gu King was destroyed. confidence.

"The rats of the Canye Pavilion, take a shot from me!"

Accompanied by a violent shout, a fiery red spear broke through the thick clouds, and with terrifying power, it shot towards the battle situation below, crackling and burning the air where it passed.

After drinking violently, without waiting for the reaction of the people below, several spears shot down again. In an instant, the dark sky seemed to be on fire, and a rain of fiery red arrows rained down.

The death of the clansman and the depression of being almost exterminated broke out completely at this moment, turning into endless anger, pouring out towards the killer below.

After the Xiao family's arrow rain, the true masters of the Ye family threw all kinds of magic weapons and spells like scattered flowers.

Xiao Zhen rushed into the battle at the first, with a shake of the spear in his hand, there was a sound of howling wind, like gold and iron horses, coming one after another, the killer opposite him immediately scalped, deflected the opponent's attack, and immediately retreated quickly.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Zhen shot a feint, flipped his wrist, and stabbed the spear at the killer who was fighting with Zhenjun Buyuan on the diagonal. The killer was evenly matched with Buyuan, and he was suddenly attacked by Xiao Zhen. Immediately, he tilted his head and took the lunch box.

Killed by one blow, Xiao Zhen laughed loudly, raised his head and said loudly: "Little boy, you lost!"

"Really?" A fluttering voice came from the front left, and everyone looked around, only to see the Ye family's opponent in Nanling City froze, and suddenly fell straight down from the sky.

Ye Zheyan, dressed in white, appeared in front of everyone, and the dark red blood stains on the edge of the folding fan in his hand slowly disappeared.

He twirled the fan casually, looked at Xiao Zhen with raised eyebrows and said, "You should see who will go first."

Xiao Zhen raised his eyes and saw that the eyelids of the killer in front of him moved slightly, obviously not completely dead yet, while the one who fell from Ye Zheyan's hand was completely out of breath.


Xiao Zhen cursed and flicked his spear, crushing the killer's heart.

The two sky-level killers died in an instant, and the killers immediately rang the alarm and responded with 12 energies.

After Xiao Zhen, Xiao Yan, a militant member of the Xiao family, followed closely behind. The addition of the two new forces made the stalemate tilt towards the Righteous Path Alliance in an instant. Many sky-level killers were unable to react in time and died under the siege.

For a moment, the Righteous Path Alliance was full of enthusiasm, and the dull and depressed atmosphere was swept away.

Fu Yue raised his eyebrows slightly, it seems that the siege of Zhongzhou is not without benefits, the Ye Xiao family was not so active in the previous battle.

At that time, under the control of Ye Zheyan, an old fox, it took a lot of effort to send an extra Nascent Soul cultivator to the battlefield.

Bai Lu, who was united in the front line, shot again and again and rescued several endangered killers. Seeing Zhengdao's majestic momentum and high fighting spirit, after thinking for a while, he loudly said: "Withdraw!"

The killers fought and retreated, and quickly retreated into the large formation in the valley. The righteous monks chased a certain distance, and tacitly rang the gong to retreat.

It's not that they don't want to take advantage of the victory to pursue the attack. For one thing, the Qinghe Valley's defensive array is complex and sophisticated, and it will be difficult to break through it in a short while.

Even if they successfully broke through the formation, it would be useless if they could not take down high-level officials such as Xingye, Jingzhe, etc., but would anger them. At that time, let alone how many of them would perish here, when the killers escaped, which sect family would be able to afford it? their revenge.

Today, they are riding a tiger.

Taking advantage of the situation, Fu Yue withdrew his troops and returned to the camp, recruiting high-level officials from various factions to discuss follow-up matters.

At the entrance of the meeting hall, the old lady of the Yin family in Hengyue City cupped her hands towards the two patriarchs of Ye Xiao who were walking towards them: "As the saying goes, if you survive a catastrophe, you will have a future blessing. , The actions of the two fellow Taoists also made the old man admire."

As soon as she finished speaking, she immediately got the echo of the others around her.

"Old Madam Yin's words are true. With just the two of you, one of Canye Pavilion's reliance has been destroyed. I admire you!"

"In the past, I underestimated you, Cang Lan's first family, you are worthy of the name!"

"Unlike some sects, which seem to be well-known, but are actually mediocre..."

The sarcasm was very subtle in the front, but when it came to the back, everyone almost pointed at the noses of Fu Yue and the others, bluntly saying that their reputation is really hard to live up to.

Fu Yue and other senior leaders of the four major sects who were walking this way did not even raise their eyebrows. They had expected this kind of situation.

Now that the general situation has been established, no matter how many complaints these people have, they only dare to complain a few words. If they have ten courages, they dare not leave at this time, let alone deal with their four major factions in reverse.

If you offend the Remnant Ye Pavilion, and then offend the four factions, how can this Canglan Continent have a foothold?
Although there is still no way to deal with high-level assassins such as Xingye Jingzhe, most of their goals have been achieved.

The power of Canye Pavilion is being consumed, and the power of other aristocratic sects is also being consumed. The stronger Canye Pavilion is, these aristocratic sects can only cling to their four major sects.

Thinking of the news brought back by several disciples this time, Fu Yue and the others couldn't help but feel excited. Gathering the auras of more than a dozen continents, the secrets in the Eastern Continent must be shocking.

Never let other people get infected!
They don't care about irony, but they won't let this group of people ridicule unscrupulously, otherwise, what is the majesty of the four factions!
As the head teacher, Fu Yue would not surrender his status to confront them, but Zhenjun Fu Shu, the head of Taixiao Peak, was a perfectly suitable candidate.

He glanced at the crowd indifferently, and pretended to ask: "Why didn't you see my Taiyi and the juniors?"

Unexpectedly, seeing everyone's faces froze, Fu Shu's lips curved slightly, and he looked at the two patriarchs of Ye Xiao with a smile: "Speaking of which, I would like to thank the two fellow Taoists for their care, otherwise, with these juniors who have just formed alchemy, Jumping in front of the Nascent Soul stage killer like this, ten lives are not enough."

Everyone looked a little helpless, they had just ridiculed that the four major sects were not worthy of their names, and they turned around and mentioned the juniors who participated in the battle of monks in the Nascent Soul stage and made great contributions.

From this point of view, wouldn't it mean that these Nascent Soul Stage disciples are a little better than the elite disciples of the Golden Core Stage of the four major sects.

But Fu Shu's words were modest and tactful, they couldn't refute them, the juniors did a very good job, among other things, just entering the Qinghe Valley to rescue the Gu King's body is commendable.

After holding back for a long time, Zhenjun Zhongxing, the lord of Nanling City, had a flash in his eyes, and finally found a breakthrough. He pretended to smile and said, "Fellow Daoist Fushu is modest, and the juniors of your sect are very talented, courageous and knowledgeable, far surpassing us back then." ah.

Especially that Yunli and Fengjue dared to break into the Qinghe Valley alone to rescue the host of the Gu King. If it were me and others, let alone the Golden Core Stage, even with the current cultivation base, I would not have the guts. "

The head of the Wang family who is also one of the four major families in Nanling immediately understood, and said jokingly: "The city master is not confused. That Fengjue is just a casual cultivator, not a disciple of the Taiyi sect."

(End of this chapter)

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