all the way to fairy

Chapter 521 Dark Tide

Chapter 521 Dark Tide
"Really?" Zhongxing Zhenjun looked surprised, "Looking at his age, he is younger than Mohuai Chunan, he has already formed alchemy at a young age, and his combat power and courage are not impressive. He is not an elite disciple of the Taiyi Sect?"

He was full of suspicion, "Could it be that you are a dead old man who lied to me? A casual cultivator has no resources and no contacts. How can he have such an amazing talent?"

The Wang family's robe sleeves flicked, pretending to be sullen: "You can tell if you are right or not, what are you doing, old man?"

The two sang in unison, while raising the wind and judging, they kept quiet and slammed the two heavenly talents in Mohuai and Chunan.

Zhenjun Fushu raised his eyebrows, his gaze became more subtle, he was dissatisfied with the irony of several people before, but now he has put it down.

Two idiots, if Qianjiu's identity is exposed in the future, the two will deeply understand what it means to speak out.

True Monarch Zhongxing and the head of the Wang family are also old foxes, when they saw Fu Shu's meaningful eyes, they suddenly felt strange, and just about to probe and ask, Fu Yue asked, "How many people are there in Huai'er?"

Ye Zheyan was slightly taken aback, isn't this the sarcasm of Fu Shu?

Xiao Zhen who was next to him didn't think much about it. Facing Shang Fuyue's gaze, he was puzzled like a monk like Zhang Er: "Didn't you return to Fenshui City a few months ago?"

The crowd stagnated and became quiet in an instant. These juniors are now attracting attention. If they return, Fenshui City will definitely report.

In the past few months, people have been coming and going between Qinghe Valley and Fenshui City almost every day, but there has never been any news of these people.

Everyone's eyes fell on Fu Yue and Jin Qing, the two leaders, almost unable to conceal their schadenfreude.

During the trip to Jiuliyuan, except for Yaoxiu and Remnant Night Pavilion, all the disciples who came out were Taiyi Sect and Tianxin Pavilion, especially Taiyi Sect, six people from one sect survived, and one of them was a female cultivator who was also an immortal. The government is also favored by God.

When these disciples grow up, their position as the giants of the Taiyi Sect will still be firmly established in the future. They will still be subordinate to them, and they will be assigned by them. How can they not be envious or jealous.

Under the gloating eyes of everyone, Fu Yue asked back: "How many months ago?"

At this time, Xiao Zhen also realized that the matter was serious, and said hurriedly: "Yes, after receiving your summons, a few friends set off to return to Fenshui City, why, didn't you come back?"

The complexions of the Taitianxin's True Monarchs suddenly sank. After several months passed, they didn't respond to the summons, and they didn't take it seriously.

Having just gone through a great battle, it takes time for the juniors to heal their wounds and realize their feelings, and the Qinghe Valley battle situation does not lack a few of them Golden Core monks.

Besides, all the witch killers of the Zhongshan family were wiped out, Xingye also returned to Qinghe Valley, and the road was very safe.

Even if a heartless Nascent Soul cultivator had to take the risk of offending the four sects to attack them, if he couldn't beat them, he would have no problem running away.

Now, all the monks who set off after the Yexiao family have arrived, but the few who left a few months ago have not arrived...

In the silence, Suxi Zhenjun opened his thin lips lightly: "Last time, little friend Yun said that Jing Zhe doesn't seem to be in Qinghe Valley."

The hearts of the true kings of Tai Tianxin sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant. If they encountered Jingzhe, the consequences would be disastrous.

"What are you waiting for, go find it!" Chu Nan Master Zhenjun Jinshu hurriedly urged, she looked at the pavilion master Zhenjun Jinqing, "Senior Sister, let me go."

Most of the Tianxin Pavilion are alchemists, and most of them are in Fenshui City. There are only three people here, the pavilion master Zhenjun Jinqing, the formation master Zhenjun Jinshu, and Rongqiu Zhenjun.

Jin Qingxiu frowned slightly, if she really encountered Jing Zhe, only a formation master could protect the juniors, she pondered for a moment, then nodded: "That's fine."

Looking at Fu Yue again, "Fellow Fu Yue, how about you?"

The corners of Fu Yue's lips were tightly pursed, and he commanded Fu Shu in a deep voice: "Junior Brother, you go there yourself, and you must bring a few people back safely."

"Xiao Yan, you go too!" Thinking of Yunli and the others' help to Zhongzhou, Xiao Zhen raised his voice and ordered.

After sending the three of them away, he comforted Fu Yue and the others: "Canglan is so big, it doesn't necessarily mean that he has encountered Jingzhe, maybe there are other things that have delayed it."

If someone else had an accident, he wouldn't mind being like the others, gloating about their misfortune, but Yunli and the others are of great kindness to the two families, and he couldn't stand by and watch when they had an accident.

Xiao Zhen started, and the others expressed comfort no matter whether they were genuine or not.

After the routine meeting, Ye Zheyan went to Fuyue's residence, and said, "Young friend Fengjue's words have awakened me. For Xingye, Jingzhe and other high-level officials in Canye Pavilion, you might as well use the Jueling Formation."

"Extreme Spirit Formation," Fu Yue was slightly startled, and then his eyes lit up, "It's a way!"

Soon, he hesitated again, "Xingye Jingzhe is a sword cultivator, even if he doesn't use his spiritual power and consciousness, his combat power is far superior to ordinary people, I'm afraid this move..."

Ye Zheyan secretly rolled his eyes, old fox, he doesn't believe that Fuyue can't think of employing a large number of people, but he doesn't want to bring it up by himself.

It's just that their two families and Can Yege are life and death enemies, if Can Yege is not completely eradicated, not to mention the bad breath in their hearts is hard to swallow, even if they are willing to endure, Canye Pavilion may not be willing.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Zheyan said: "Two fists are no match for four hands. Without the huge gap in spiritual power and consciousness, actual combat experience can be made up by numbers."

Fu Yue's brows were tightly furrowed, his face struggled several times, after a long time he raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, then sighed softly: "I don't know how much more lives I have to lose."

It was agreed, and Ye Zheyan breathed a sigh of relief, turning a blind eye to his words of concern for the country and the people, and continued to remind: "I don't know when the witch will wake up, this matter must be done as soon as possible."

Fu Yue shook his head, "Huai'er said the spy is someone else, have you found out who it is?"

"This..." Ye Zheyan choked, "The spies hide very deeply, and the relevant personnel are dead again. It will be really difficult to find out after a while."

Fu Yue's face turned serious, and he said seriously: "You only have one chance, it must be safe, don't find out the spies, don't worry?"

Ye Zheyan frowned, this method is all about surprise, if the news leaks out, how can Xingye and Jingzhe be brought into the Absolute Spirit Formation?

Or the other party will use their tricks and bring a group of killers into the Absolute Spirit Formation. At that time, they will be the ones who will die.

Fu Yue said again: "There is also the spy lurking in our four factions, we have to find out."

Mentioning this matter, Ye Zheyan was even more heartbroken. If the four major factions hadn't disclosed this matter, they would not have easily agreed to encircle and suppress Canye Pavilion.

The four major sects were all spied by Remnant Ye Pavilion. If they were allowed to continue to develop, the righteous way would be subverted sooner or later.

In addition, each faction is also uncertain how many people in their own family are Canye Pavilion spies. They want to investigate, but they are afraid of scaring the snake, so they simply take this opportunity to carry out a big cleansing.

Ye Zheyan let out a little breath, the matter has come to this point, it is useless to think too much, what can be done now is to eradicate Canye Pavilion as soon as possible and end this battle.

"Also, Feng Jue..."

Fu Yue's words brought back Ye Zheyan's thoughts, he collected himself and asked, "What's wrong with him?"

Fu Yue raised his eyebrows, "You value him very much?"

Ye Zheyan's eyes were fixed, thinking of Fushu's strange expression at the door of the camp, a vague thought flashed through his mind.

After deliberating for a moment, he said: "He was the one who proposed the method of the Absolute Spirit Formation. He also contributed a lot to saving our Central Continent from danger this time. He is talented, capable, and intelligent. I really value him."

"If there is no accident, he should be Qianjiu."

"What?" Ye Zheyan was startled suddenly, but after thinking about it, he realized that it made sense.

The talents of Yunli and other four sects' disciples are already the top in the mainland, Fengjue is not weaker than them in everything, and even firmly suppressed Mo Huai and Chu Nan. After the loose cultivation is completed, what do you want to do with the entry-level family.

When he had almost digested it, Fu Yue continued: "We have found Yan Jun, the real person who broke the illusion, and we will know if it is true or not."

Ye Zheyan's eyes darkened, "If it's really him, then we have to think of a perfect plan. This kid is extremely cautious, and his movement speed is very fast. Once he is aware of something escaping, it will be difficult to catch him. Moreover, He has touched the mid-term threshold of Golden Core."

"Golden core middle stage! So fast!" Fu Yue cried out.

Qian Jiu came out of Jiuliyuan and was still in the late stage of foundation establishment, and it has only been a few years since he formed the alchemy, and he has already touched the threshold of the middle stage of the golden alchemy. At this rate, will the infant formation be far behind?
With his innate strength, he might be another Xingye Jingzhe after giving birth, no, even stronger than Xingye Jingzhe!
He is a sword cultivator who has comprehended the power of law during the foundation building stage. Although the power of law in Chen'er's body is mostly just a mistake and he can't fully grasp it, it already shows his potential.

"He has a sudden enlightenment." Ye Zheyan smiled wryly. Once he realized it, he had to practice hard for ten years. Looking at the movement of that day, the enlightenment is not small.

Fu Yue didn't know what to say, just after leaving Jiuliyuan, he had a battle with Chen'er, he realized the power of law, and in just a few years, he had another epiphany, this child's talent and comprehension has never been seen before!

At this moment, he couldn't help thinking to himself, if the Four Seasons Valley hadn't made trouble back then, and he had successfully entered the sect, how prosperous the sect would be now.

He closed his eyes, suppressed thousands of thoughts and sighed, and said: "This matter must be discussed in the long run. Before that, there should be no clues. Please pay attention to Fellow Daoist Ye."

After a pause, he warned again: "Don't tell Xiao Zhen about this beforehand."

Ye Zheyan nodded, Lao Xiao is a very stubborn person, if he finds out that Feng Jue is Qianjiu, in order to repay the kindness of saving the family, maybe he will directly disclose it to Qianjiu.

Time flies by like a white horse, and the time of cultivation flies by very quickly, and ten years pass by quietly in the blink of an eye.

Weeping Fairy Valley, in the secret space.

"Junior Sister Yun, do you still not feel it?" Seeing that Yun Li had withdrawn from the cultivation state, Chu Nan asked quickly.

Yunli cried, "No."

It's been ten years, except for Jing Zheyin, who is a monk of the Yuan Dynasty and has no way to advance, everyone has successfully advanced, and the little monk Chu Jingshu jumped several levels in succession and directly established the foundation;
Because of Wen Xueluo's improvement, Hei Hua recovered to the eleventh level of cultivation equivalent to the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

She is the only one who is still at the seventh level, and there is no sign of breaking through the eighth level at all!

Yunli was about to vomit a mouthful of blood. In the third year, when they were preparing to go out, Mo Huai was about to make a breakthrough; touched by his breakthrough, Mu Yan felt something in her heart and touched the threshold of alchemy.

 Thank you book friend 2018213132228954 for the cute monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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