all the way to fairy

Chapter 522 Do you think she is not enough to attract hatred?

Chapter 522 Do you think she is not enough to attract hatred?

Formation of alchemy is a big event, and it is also the watershed between high-level monks and low-level monks. Naturally, Mu Yan is ready to go out. Where can I find such a place with such a strong aura.

After Mu Yan formed the alchemy, Wen Xueluo started to advance again. No one helped to open the space, and they didn't send it out, so they had to continue to bury themselves in the cultivation.

Then, Chu Nan and An Ran also touched the breakthrough threshold one after another, and everyone decided to wait for Yunli to break through before going out.

Guarding such a large spiritual mountain, if you don't make good use of it, you will be thankful!Especially when everyone has practiced for several years and made breakthroughs one after another, they only used less than one-tenth of the Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi. How could they be reconciled to leaving at this time.

Coming out of Jiuliyuan, Yunli was the first to form alchemy. I thought her breakthrough would be very fast, but I never expected that this wait will last for six years, and she has no sign of breaking through so far!
"Ten years, it's time to go out." Wen Xueluo got up and walked towards the southeast corner.

Yunli was silent, and it was time to leave. If other people's dantian was a vast lake, then her dantian was an endless ocean, and it would be impossible to break through it for a while.

Looking up at the quietly standing Tianjingyun Lingshi Mountain, in ten years, with so many people and demons, they used less than one cubic meter of Tianjingyun Lingshi!
Guarding a spiritual mountain, can't take it away, can't use it up, this feeling is aggrieved!
Wen Xueluo made a formula, and not long after, a bluestone path was formed from nothingness and extended into the endless darkness. With the completion of her last formula, the path that appeared and disappeared completely stabilized.

"Hei Hua, let's go."

She greeted Hei Hua, paused, then turned her head and said to the crowd: "As for you, please go ahead."

Yunli rolled her eyes, she has already left, do they dare to stay here?If she didn't come to open the door, wouldn't they be stuck here forever.

She seriously suspected that Wen Xueluo was in a hurry to leave because she didn't want them to take advantage.

Be stingy, with so many sky crystals and spirit stones, she can't use them up even after she ascends to the Yuan Dynasty.

From the corner of the eye, he caught a glimpse of Hei Hua striding towards the path, Yunli didn't care about the slander, pulled Mu Yananran up, and jumped in front of Hei Hua, "Let's go!"

The bodyguard that Ah Yan earned after ten years of hard work, naturally wants to make the best use of everything, let him stay behind, and beware of Jing Zhe's black hands.

Fortunately, Hei Hua, a demon cultivator, is very moral. Seeing this, he immediately slowed down, stood in front of Jing Zhe calmly, and let others walk in front of him.

Yunli felt at ease, although they had made a deal with Wen Xueluo, it was Hei Hua who did it, if he was unwilling, it would be impossible for Jingzhe to take advantage of his slack.

At this moment, an accident occurred.

There was a strong force in her wrist, and she was caught off guard, Yunli was dragged back a certain distance, and she fell onto her back with a snap.

That force appeared without warning, and was so irresistible that the back of Yunli's head was buzzing, dazzled, and unable to recover for a long time.

Jing Zhe and the others in the back only felt a touch of orange gauze flying in front of them suddenly, they were immediately alert, and dodged to avoid it, they were all surprised in their hearts.

In the early stage of a little Golden Core, he actually attacked them!
After dodging, it was only then that Cheng Ling didn't intend to attack them, but shot towards Lingshan behind her.

The orange silk unfolded and circled the Lingshan Mountain from the bottom of the mountain, enveloping the entire Lingshan Mountain in an instant.

Then, they saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

The Sky Crystal Yun Lingshi Mountain, which they only used a small gap in ten years, lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye, just like a giant beast with excellent teeth, it gnawed the Lingshan mountain with a few clicks clean!

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ouch!" Yunli rubbed the back of her head as she got up, and saw everyone looking behind her like a ghost.

She subconsciously turned her head to look, and there were debris scattered in the small space, the huge mountain of sky crystals and spirit stones disappeared, only a thin orange gauze was fluttering, shrinking slowly, returning to the size of a ribbon, With a whistling sound, it flew back to her wrist.

After sending her a thought of disgust, the charm faded away, like an ordinary ribbon.

Yunli raised her hand blankly, staring blankly at Huanshiling on her wrist, can it absorb spiritual energy?

Why didn't I find out before?
Immediately, she felt several sharp knife-like gazes on the top of her head, Yunli's scalp went numb, and she swallowed hard.

Can't help cursing Huan Shiling secretly, in ten years, you can absorb spiritual energy, just suck it secretly, so many people can fish in troubled waters, right?

Why did you make such a big noise under the eyes of everyone? Is it because you think she is not enough to attract hatred?

Yunli wanted to cry.

Also, why dragged her behind the crowd, and had to cross Jingzhe and Heihua to run away!
She slowly raised her head, her gaze passed Jing Zhe and Hei Hua, and she saw Wei Lin suddenly turn around and slap Wen Xueluo with his palm.

She reacted immediately, and Huan Shi Ling threw her at Jing Zhe Hei Hua to buy time for Wei Lin.

Wen Xueluo regards Lingshan as her private property, and she is very reluctant to share it with them this time. Now that Lingshan is destroyed, no deal will work.

In the current situation, the only option is to subdue Wen Xueluo, use her as a coercion, and force Hei Hua to stop Jing Zhe, otherwise, none of them can escape.

At the same time, she yelled at An Ran Mu Yan: "Run!"

The two woke up like a dream, and hurriedly ran out.

"Shu'er, you guys go too!" Chu Nan dropped such a sentence, and immediately called out his natal magic sword, and was about to step forward to help.

The orange silk exploded suddenly, and a huge aftermath of spiritual power came. He only had time to push Chu Jingshu out before being knocked to the ground.

Jingzhe is the top master of Canglan, and Heihua is a superpower in the upper realm. It is extremely difficult for Huanshiling to trap the two of them for half a breath.

An incomparably powerful impact came from Aya, and Yunli fell to the ground like an overturned sack, the blood in her body surged, her throat sweetened, and she spat out a mouthful of blood.

But this time is enough.

At the same level of cultivation, Wen Xueluo was no match for Wei Lin, she was knocked unconscious by him sealing the spirit veins and acupoints within a short breath, and then a spirit blade lay across her neck.

"Senior Hei Hua, please stop Jing Zhe!"

Heihua swung his fist halfway, but stopped abruptly, turned his head to see this scene, and suddenly became angry, "You..."

As soon as she uttered a word, she saw the spirit blade move slightly, and Wen Xueluo's fair neck suddenly became bright red.

"Senior Hei Hua, please stop him."

Wei Lin repeated again in a low voice, with a look of winning on his face, but he was gripping tightly in his heart, because Jing Zhe had his long sword in his hand, and attacked Yunli.

Hei Hua clenched his back molars tightly, fearful and angry at the same time, what they concluded was a blood contract, if Wen Xueluo died, he would die without a doubt; what was angry was that Wen Xueluo was so useless, she was taken down by the other party before she could react.

She is in the Immortal Mansion, and she can escape into the Immortal Mansion with just one thought, even if she can last half a breath, it is enough to escape into the Immortal Mansion.

Seeing that the spirit blade penetrated into Wen Xueluo's flesh and blood without hesitation, Hei Hua roared angrily, turned around and attacked Jing Zhe.

After landing, Yunli bounced up immediately, Huanshiling unfolded in front of her body, and summoned spirit gangs to protect her body. Although it was still unstoppable, it was better than nothing, and it was better than doing nothing.

Now, I only hope that her body is strong enough to withstand the sword of Jing Zhe.

As if the sword intent was actually surging, it was mighty and sharp, Yunli felt like a flat boat, in the stormy sea, her body was out of control, heaving and falling with the wind and waves.

Suddenly, a light and thin long sword turned into lightning, tore through the thick clouds, and slashed towards her. Lingling's sword was unstoppable, and slashed fiercely on the smooth orange silk.

Pieces of the upright silk screen shattered and softened, and the blade arrived in an instant without any hindrance, piercing directly between Yunli's eyebrows.

Yunli retreated hastily, bumping into the closed space barrier, and there was no way to retreat. Her forehead was dripping with cold sweat, but her mind was surprisingly calm.

Spiritual power poured out from her fingertips, and the softened Huanshi Ling was once again radiant, and she climbed straight up.

Avoiding the deadly position, the long sword pierced her calf, and the burst of sword intent smashed the turf and mudstone near the ground to pieces, and the mud and sand flew up, covering the sky and the sun.

Only the bluestone path under the feet, of unknown material, was not damaged at all.

When the calf was stabbed, Yunli's figure did not stop, but climbed faster with the help of force, allowing the sword blade to draw a deep blood groove on her calf.

In the blink of an eye, she had already flown to a height of three feet, leaving the core area of ​​the Sword Intent, and the Huan Shi Ling spread over Jing Zhe's head.

"I underestimated you." Jing Zhe snorted coldly, turned his wrist, raised his long sword vertically, and pointed at the silk gauze.

This sword is completely different from the previous one with great momentum. There is no sharp sword intent, no sharp sword force, it seems that the sword is just raised at will.

But Yunli felt the chilling killing intent, the spiritual power in the fantasy silk crumbled like powder, the silk softened and there was no way for her to use it, she fell straight down like a stone.

Just as she was about to collide with Jing Zhe's upright long sword, at the very moment, a section of vines flew towards her, wrapped around her waist, and dragged her away, and then the black flood dragon made a move, intercepting Jing Zhe's attack.

"Are you okay?" Mo Huai caught her and asked worriedly.

Yunli shook her head, "Hurry up, cough cough..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood.

The blood stained the eyes of several people, Wei Lin's fingertips trembled slightly, the spirit blade sank a little, and Wen Xueluo, who was in a coma, unconsciously groaned.

He raised his hand and knocked Wen Xueluo unconscious again, who was about to wake up, and said in a low voice, "Let's go!"

Yunli raised her hand to wipe off the blood from the corner of her mouth, and immediately ran wildly, running, but she didn't hear footsteps behind her. She turned her head and found that several people were still standing still, and she couldn't help shouting: "Why are you standing there?" , run!"

Wei Lin's eyes softened a little, running so fast, it seemed that the problem was really not serious, he picked up Wen Xueluo, and ran after her.

Mo Huai who was behind couldn't recover, he looked down at the pool of blood on the ground, and asked in a daze, "Can't she feel the pain?"

After being hit by Canglan's number one expert, although it was just some aftermath, it would be an exaggeration to not be affected at all, especially since her injury was not minor.

Chu Nan raised his eyes and looked at Heihua Jingzhe who was in the battle, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes, he pursed his lips and said, "Get out first!"

(End of this chapter)

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