all the way to fairy

Chapter 523 Road Numbers

Chapter 523 Road Numbers
On the way of fleeing, three people rushed towards them, they were the three True Monarchs Fu Shu, Xiao Yan and Jin Shu. Yunli exhaled, the rescuers came!

"Master." Chu Nan called out in a daze, seemingly unable to recover.

They all escaped safely, Zhenjun Jinshu heaved a sigh of relief, Xuan Er glared at Chu Nan, and said angrily: "How do I teach you on weekdays, a gentleman does not build a dangerous wall. You are so courageous, where is the Fairy Weeping Valley? Dare to break in!"

Back then, they searched all the way, and learned from the left-behind monks in Shanxin Town that a sound transmission talisman had been sent to Yunli. They guessed that several people should have entered the Immortal Weeping Valley after receiving the sound transmission talisman.

They also found traces of several people entering in the north, so it was confirmed that they were in the Weeping Immortal Valley, but the path disappeared, and the three true monarchs did not dare to search further.

Later, they sent people back to the sect to fetch the soul lamps of An Ran, Mo Huai and Chu Nan. After confirming that they were safe, they stayed outside and waited for them to come out.

They didn't expect to wait for ten years, and they also wanted to go back to the Qinghe Valley battlefield, but when they thought of the fight Qu Liang said, they were worried.

If they dared to fight in the Weeping Immortal Valley, the opponent was probably a Nascent Soul cultivator. In desperation, the three could only wait outside the Weeping Immortal Valley.

Just now, the legendary path suddenly appeared, the three of them entered immediately, met An Ran and the others head-on, learned that Jing Zhe was here, and hurried over.

Chu Nan was speechless, this time they were indeed careless: "The disciple knows his mistake."

Glancing at the unconscious Wen Xueluo on Wei Lin's shoulder, Zhenjun Fushu's eyes flickered slightly, and said, "I'll help Senior Heihua, Mo Huai, and take good care of you, Junior Sister Wen."

As he spoke, holding the blue flag gun in his hand, he dodged towards the end of the path. Zhenjun Jinshu and Xiao Yan looked at each other, and said "you go first", and followed.

Yunli was stunned for a moment, and quickly figured out their intentions. The mainland was about to be unsealed. At that time, Fushu and other post-Yuan monks would all face calamity and ascend to the upper realm.

If they could get some information from Heihua's mouth, they would not be blinded when they went to the upper realm.

What's more, Wen Xueluo was originally a disciple of the Taiyi Sect and was in charge of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion. Now that Heihua is here, no one dares to rob her, but if she stays in the sect and cultivates her well, she will also be the sect's help in the future.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows, and handed Wen Xueluo to Mo Huai, "Your Junior Sister Wen, take good care of her."

Mo Huai's expression froze, and he hugged Wen Xueluo helplessly.

Not long after, a few people came out of the Weeping Immortal Valley, and were immediately stunned by the outside environment.

Originally, there were overgrown grass and trees outside the valley, and there were few people. Now, three small buildings have been built, surrounded by wooden fences, which are elegant and simple.

"They won't stay here for many years, right?" Yunli exclaimed, in the current tense situation of the battle, three true masters with good fighting power can be separated to wait here, the sect attaches great importance to them!

Out of the range of the Immortal Weeping Valley, as soon as his consciousness recovered, Wei Lin immediately checked her injuries, and found that they were only skin injuries, so he was relieved, and said: "You care so much, heal your injuries quickly!"

An Ran and Mu Yan, who rushed up to meet her, immediately took out the elixir for her, and helped her to bandage the wound.

Others also cast attention on Yunli and asked questions one after another.

Yunli smiled casually: "He didn't shoot with all his strength, it's just some skin trauma, it will be fine in a few days, don't worry."

After saying that, she was stunned, that's not right, Jing Zhe wanted to use them to contain Wen Xueluo in front of the Lingshan Mountain, so it was justified not to take action against them.

But when he came out, he didn't need to restrain him anymore, so why would he show mercy to her?

It stands to reason that what they have done these years, Jing Zhe should wish to tear them to pieces.

She glanced suspiciously at Mo Huai and Chu Nan. Both of them were wounded, but they were not fatal. The two of them were not far away at the time, and they also received the aftermath of the attack. This way, the factor of her being too strong can be ruled out.

Jingzhe really didn't make a move with all his strength, why?

Chu Nan looked serious: "Don't be careless, Jingzhe is the top sword cultivator in Canglan, didn't he leave a sword intent in your Zhenjun Fuyu last time, please check carefully, don't let him stay in your body What a secret method."

Yunli suppressed the confusion in her heart, and smiled at Chu Nan, "I almost forgot about it, I have to check it out."

With the fire of Nirvana that burns everything, no secret method can be left in her body, but the process still has to be gone through.

A quarter of an hour later, she opened her eyes and said happily, "There is no sword intent left."

Wei Lin next to him immediately answered the conversation, and changed the subject: "A little Golden Core cultivator, why should Jing Zhe stay behind. This place is not safe, let's leave quickly."

Not long after the crowd left, they saw Jing Zhe rushing out of the Weeping Immortal Valley, glanced at them, his figure flickered and disappeared into the boundless sky.

Immediately afterwards, Fu Shu and others came out of the valley in a hurry, looked at the sky, but did not chase after him, their faces were serious.

Yunli was a little surprised. In the different space, Hei Hua's strength is only slightly inferior to Jing Zhe. Now there are three empress monks as helpers. No matter what, Jing Zhe shouldn't be allowed to escape like this. Could it be that in the different space, Jing Zhe didn't deal with Hei Hua? Go all out?
In doubt, I saw Zhenjun Fushu sacrifice the spirit boat, and said in a deep voice: "Come up."

Fei flew onto the spirit boat, and at close range, the faces of the three true monarchs became more dignified, and Hei Hua actually got on the spirit boat. With a flash of inspiration at his fingertips, he swept Wen Xueluo away from Mo Huai's arms, and carried her into the room. out of the cabin.

Yunli raised his eyebrows, what did the three True Monarchs say to him, it's fine if he doesn't take action against them, but he still wants to go with them?
"You guys, are you all right?"

Yunli withdrew her gaze, only to see Zhenjun Jinshu rubbing the center of his brow with his hand, his eyes were full of seriousness.

Chu Nan shook his head, and replied, "It's all skin trauma, is Master alright?"

As he said that, his eyes were fixed on Zhenjun Jinshu, and the worry in his eyes was almost overflowing. He didn't let out his breath until Zhenjun Jinshu admitted that he was fine.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Chu Jingshu, who was a little uneasy, and he turned his head to call her, "Shu'er, come and see your master."

Then he explained to Zhenjun Jinshu: "A few years ago, this disciple went to Chu State and met a good seedling, who has been accepted as a personal disciple."

A flash of surprise flashed across Yunli's heart, for such an important matter as accepting apprentices, Chu Nan didn't send a message to inform him of his master immediately!
"Disciple Chu Jingshu, I have met the master."

Looking at the girl who was bowing down, Yunli was startled to realize that time had passed, and the monks had a long time, especially the few of them, their cultivation level improved rapidly, their lifespan was lengthened, and their appearance remained at a young age.

Looking at the same face day in and day out can easily lead to a feeling of being stuck in time.

"Jingshu?" Master Jinshu was surprised.

Yunli blinked, and suddenly realized that the little girl's name had the same pronunciation as Zhenjun Jinshu, not only the same pronunciation, but also the second word!

For the sake of the venerable, not only the common people pay attention to it, but the monks also attach great importance to it. Outsiders like them are not familiar with Zhenjun Jinshu, so it’s fine if they didn’t pay attention. How could Chu Nan, a direct disciple, forget it?

She looked at Chu Nan suspiciously, only to see him stunned for a moment, then suddenly knelt down: "This disciple deserves to die."

Xiao Yan who was next to him slapped his head and suddenly realized: "I said that when I heard this name, I felt a little familiar. It turns out that it has the same pronunciation as Fellow Daoist."

He smiled and helped to explain: "Fellow Taoist, don't blame Lingtu. This little girl came from a miserable background. She was originally a little beggar in the border town of Chu State. You didn't see it. When I first met her, she was so thin that only a handful of bones were left. Because he didn't find his disciples to beg, his legs and feet were almost broken by the wicked.

The quiet girl is like a beautiful woman, I think Lingshou is hoping that her future life will be quiet and beautiful, free from wind and rain. "

"Quiet girl is like a lady." Zhenjun Jinshu murmured softly, his eyebrows stretched, and he looked at Chu Nan, "It is indeed a good name."

Chu Nan didn't have the courage to look directly into her eyes, and lowered his eyes and said, "The disciple will change her name now."

"Since it's your master's wish, wouldn't it be a disappointment to change your name?" Zhenjun Jinshu waved his hand, looked at the bewildered Chu Jingshu, and asked, "What kind of spiritual root qualification?"

Chu Jingshu was a little dazed by the sudden change, and timidly replied, "Gold and soil dual spiritual roots."

Master Jinshu nodded, "With your aptitude, sooner or later you will be able to form an alchemy. In that case, you can give me a Taoist name in advance, and you can show it to others in the future."

Chu Nan hurriedly said, "Master, please give me the number."

Master Jinshu frowned in thought, glanced at the girl's clear and pure eyes, and said: "Competing with others and heaven along the way of cultivating the Tao, practicing killing, betrayal and betrayal are everywhere, and blindly demure and beautiful can only be reduced to others. The stepping stone of the road, the name of the road is called Dong Qi, Qi water in winter, ice but not cold."

"Dong Qi," Fushu Zhenjun murmured, and praised: "It's a good one who is not cold, and the road is difficult. If you are not a person with a strong heart, it will be difficult to survive; after going through the vicissitudes of life, you can still retain the original kindness. It’s even more rare! Dong Qi, a good Daoist!”

Chu Jingshu was at a loss, and looked at Chu Nan beside her in a panic, but it was a pity that Chu Nan kept his eyes down and didn't see her asking for help.

Yunli shook her head involuntarily, and said: "Thank you for the number given by your master."

Since the little girl practiced, she first lived with them in Dayan City, and then practiced in a different space. Although her cultivation base has improved rapidly, she has never seen the dangers and cruelty among monks, and the relationship between people is not clear.

Chu Jingshu bit her lip and said in a low voice, "Thank you, master, for giving me the number."

Yunli sighed softly. Although the name has not been changed, Zhenjun Jinshu has made it clear that in the future, she can only be known by her Taoist name. The name that has been used for more than ten years suddenly cannot be used anymore. It is no wonder that she is like this.

This matter is indeed Chu Nan...

She glanced at Chu Nan who was still kneeling on the ground. He lowered his head. From her angle, he couldn't see his expression. She just heard him dryly repeat: "The disciple should die."

"Get up, it's just a name, she should die anyway, call her dao name..." Having said this, Zhenjun Jinshu paused suddenly, and murmured softly, "Dao name?"

Yunli looked up, a strange light flashed in her eyes, she suddenly laughed, and said to Zhenjun Fushu next to her: "Speaking of which, they have formed alchemy for many years and have not yet had a dao name, but now they have not formed alchemy Dong Qi took the lead."

(End of this chapter)

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