all the way to fairy

Chapter 525 Insinuation

Chapter 525 Insinuation
Xiao Zhen frowned: "At this time, the alchemy ceremony will be held..."

"very suitable!"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Zheyan, with a smile on his mouth: "You guys help me in Zhongzhou, wipe out the witches and gu killers, and severely dampen the arrogance of Canye Pavilion. Look, this alchemy ceremony is not only to be held, but also to be held in a big way!
We must let the monks in the entire Canglan Continent know that we have decent successors, and heaven favors us! "

Yunli's heart moved, if he could take this opportunity to let all the monks in Canglan know the merits of his brother, and take the opportunity to collect the power of faith, he would be able to resist the malice of heaven!

However, this alchemy ceremony was held for a few of them, and the senior brother is an outsider, so the head teacher will definitely not let the senior brother overwhelm the host, so they have to think of a way.

After pondering for a moment, Fu Yue said: "This siege has lasted for more than 20 years, it is time to hold a celebration, not just for their juniors, but also to commemorate the heroic spirits who died in this siege!"

Jinqing Zhenjun Qiushui's apricot eyes were slightly rippling, and he said softly: "I don't know how long it will take for this battle to be completely over. I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone relax."

As she spoke, she looked at Zhenjun Yan Zhao, the owner of Four Seasons Valley, and Zhenjun Su Xu, the owner of Mirage Palace, "What do you two think?"

The two True Monarchs pondered for a moment, and agreed one after another.

"Since everyone has no objection, let's set it at Nanling City after three months, and send someone to prepare it immediately." Fu Yue turned his back and made a final decision. Then, without waiting for everyone's reaction, he said to Yunli and Taiyi Sect disciples: "How many of you are there?" One, come with me."

Yunli raised her eyes to look at Wei Lin, then quickly followed Fu Yue, and just walked a few steps, she heard Xiao Zhen say: "Young friend Feng, long time no see, can you go sit with me?"

Wei Lin ignored the scorching gazes that fell on him, and nodded with a smile, "Senior, I can't wait for an invitation."

Several people broke through together, everyone was naturally curious about their adventure, the disciples of the four major sects were not easy to ask, he, a casual cultivator, was one of the targets of everyone, Xiao Zhen's move was to help him out of the siege.

"Let's go too." Zhenjun Jinqing signaled to the crowd, and left with Chu Nan and the others.

Everyone secretly scolded Xiao Zhen for acting fast, and then turned their target to Xu Yueqing who was the only one left. They didn't want to, before they could speak, Zhenjun Fushu called someone to lead Xu Yueqing down to rest.

The meaning is very clear, this matter refuses to inquire, and everyone can only rest their minds.

On the other side, Yunli and the others followed Fu Yue into his room, and a gentle voice sounded from the inner room, "I'm back."

Then, a slender white hand opened the curtain, and came out from the inner room. He was dressed in a light blue robe, which was extraordinarily elegant and lazy. The moment he appeared, Yunli could only feel the bloody smell and tense situation on the battlefield outside. , Intrigues and suspicions all disappeared suddenly, and I came to a peaceful paradise in an instant.

Fu Yue gave a light 'hmm', "I'll bring them back to ask some questions."

Songyin's sleeves fluttered lightly, and cups of hot tea appeared on the table. He said softly, "Stop standing, sit down and talk slowly."

Yunli was stunned, why is this scene so weird?There is also an inexplicable sense of familiarity?

Oh, come to think of it, isn't this the scene of a gentle wife welcoming her husband home? In an instant, she thought of all the gossip about Fu Yue, Song Yin and Zhang Jiao's wife, could it really be a love triangle?
"What is little Ali doing looking at me like this? Is there a flower on my face?"

Songyin's words brought back Yunli's thoughts like a wild horse running wild, and only then did she realize that she had been staring at Songyin, she hurriedly looked away, smiled mischievously, trying to fool her.

"You haven't said anything yet, what are you looking at me for?" Song asked with a faint smile, with a kind tone.

"Uh," Yunli blurted out after a moment's hesitation, "You're so good-looking, I'm fascinated."

Song Yin was stunned, and then smiled, "I haven't seen you for so many years, little Ali's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

After a while, Fu Yue suppressed his smile and said, "Tell me, what happened to you in the Weeping Immortal Valley these years?"

After a pause, he emphasized again: "Let's start from the beginning."

"Yes." Mo Huai immediately received the sound transmission talisman from several people, and after discussing it, he decided to go to find out what happened. He told in detail what he saw and heard all the way into the Weeping Immortal Valley and the reactions of each of them.

Fu Yue listened from the beginning to the end with a blank expression, until Mo Huai explained the whole escape process, then he raised his eyes to look at Yunli, "Is Ling the magic weapon of your life?"

At the beginning, the Zhanmeng Saber caused an uproar, but it turned out that it was not her natal magic weapon. Yunli knew that it would attract attention, and she had already thought of a way to explain it.

She gathered herself together, and said: "I got it in Jiuliyuan, it's very easy to use, and the grade is not bad, so I decided to use it as my talisman."

After thinking about it, without waiting for Fuyue to ask, she simply said by herself: "Jiuliyuan is mostly a place of absolute spirits, it can't absorb spiritual energy to repair a few bodies, and I'm just a little Golden Core cultivator with little spiritual power. That’s why I absorbed that spirit mountain.”

"Has it been repaired?" Fu Yue asked again.

Yunli scratched her head, uncertain: "It should be, my strength is low, and I can't fully exert its full power."

Speaking of Huanshiling, Yunli's head suddenly became as big as a bucket. She thought that after absorbing so much spiritual energy, Huanshiling's power would be improved to a higher level.

But judging from the battle against Jingzhe that day, it was no different from before, I really don't know where all the spiritual energy went.

Fu Yue didn't ask any more questions, but only told: "Evil cultivators and artifacts of evil cultivators, pay more attention, don't be affected by your xinxing."


After Yunli responded, he stopped talking, and slowly turned the finger on his thumb, as if he was thinking about something.

For a while, the room was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Yunli silently recalled her answer and response, there was nothing wrong with it, and it was normal for her to be unclear about Huanshiling's origin and function.

The natal magic weapon is very important to a monk, even if it is a real master, there is no reason to explain it cleanly, not to mention that she is still a registered disciple who worshiped under Fuyue halfway, and has never been with Fuyue except for a name. .

As soon as her mind was free, she couldn't help thinking about herding sheep, and the fire of gossip was burning in her heart.

Speaking of which, she has never met Mrs. Zhangjiao, not only her, but it is said that Lin Xi, her own granddaughter, has never met her grandma. According to the outside world, she is practicing in seclusion.

He looked up at Songyin who was sitting beside Fuyue gently, and saw that he was pinching the teacup with his jade white fingers, sipping his mouth, and from the corner of his eyes, he saw that the tea in Fuyue's cup was exhausted, and he handed it to Fuyue. Tea was added to the cup, and the tea continued to be tasted quietly.

Tsk tsk, don't feel too strongly about this old couple!

After a long time, when she was about to make up a whole set of dog blood theater, Fuyue said again: "Jingzhe said, 'A powerful man should have a powerful bearing, and you are not ashamed to attack a few ants', are you sure?"

Yunli raised her eyes, Jing Zhe was indeed not a gentleman who would not do anything to his younger generation, he protected them just to use them to contain Wen Xueluo, is there any problem?

Mo Huai was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Sure, word for word."

Fu Yue tilted his head to look at Yunli: "Before this, you scolded the Hei Jiao for attacking the juniors and not talking about martial arts, but the Hei Jiao didn't say anything, right?"

Yunli blinked her eyes, a thought vaguely flashed in her mind, before she caught it, she heard Fuyue say: "After that, Jing Zhe will attack the black dragon."

Yunli's mind exploded, leaving aside to restrain Wen Xueluo, Jingzhe attacked Heihua immediately after she said that sentence, and his words were all defending her!


This black heart is to make the four factions suspect her identity!
Yunli was about to break out in a cold sweat, saying that they all betrayed Canye Pavilion, and went around destroying Canye Pavilion's good deeds, why didn't Canye Pavilion reveal her identity as a spy, so they just left it here to wait for her !
Step by step to today, Yunli is not afraid of Can Yege directly exposing her identity, because the four major factions will not believe it!
She is the new talent of the Taiyi sect, and she has made great contributions to destroying Canye Pavilion. At this time, Canye Pavilion suddenly jumped out and said that she is a spy of Canye Pavilion. The four major factions will only think that Canye Pavilion is sowing discord. And the means are very clumsy.

However, the soft-knife cutting method adopted by Remnant Night Pavilion is effective. People always believe in the "truth" they have obtained by themselves.

She pretended to be calm, pretending to be stunned: "You mean, he is defending me?"

"Maintenance?" Fu Yue sneered, "This provocative move is too underestimating our four major sects!"

Yunli seemed to have just realized it, and scolded angrily, "Shameless!"

But in his heart, he has decided to stay away from this group of Nascent Soul True Monarchs as soon as possible. If one day they suspect her, how can she escape.

Well, after the alchemy ceremony, you can use the excuse of looking for traces of the mother Gu to leave.

No, I will act soon, and I can take the opportunity to go to Fenshui City first. There is only one Nascent Soul monk in charge there on weekdays, so it is much safer.

Thinking of this, she raised her eyes and said: "Before she died, Yingmei said that the mother Gu we brought back had the potential to become a Gu king. During the years when Jing Zhe was not in Qinghe Valley, she might be looking for the mother Gu."

Fu Yue frowned. Ye Zheyan had already mentioned this matter after he came here. They have not relaxed in their search for the mother Gu these years, but the mother and daughter seemed to have evaporated out of thin air, leaving no clues.

Taking a look at his expression, Yunli tried to suggest: "We Jindan monks here in Qinghe Valley can't help much, why don't we go to Fenshui City to check the mother Gu?"

Fu Yue frowned, pondered for a moment, and said, "That's fine, Zheng Rui and Ye Chuchen are in charge of this matter now, you two may have different ideas together."

After finishing speaking, he raised his eyes to look at Yunli, a rare softness appeared on his serious face, "Don't be arrogant or impetuous, work seriously, you are very good."

Yunli smiled embarrassedly, and sighed secretly in her heart, this is just planting flowers deliberately but not blooming, but planting willows and willows unintentionally to make shade.

At this time, Wei Lin, who was missed by her, picked up the teacup and took a sip, his eyelids slightly closed to hide the obscure waves in his eyes.

 Thank you for a small and cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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