Chapter 526 More than one stone kills two birds

Soon, Wei Lin put down the teacup, slowly raised his eyes, with a slight smile on his lips, and listened to Xiao Zhen complaining to Fu Yue, "The first sect of Cangtang Tangtang is so stingy, what's wrong with that, Qiyu is Lingshan, It has been absorbed by the few of you and turned into your own cultivation, who can covet it."

Xiao Yan stared at the roof in embarrassment. In order to protect his disciples, the Taiyi Sect must have sealed the matter that Yunli's Ling absorbed all the remaining Lingshan. As for whether this mouth will be sealed to the head of the Ye family, he is not sure. At this time, in front of Ye Zheyan, he could only say nothing about it.

It was Ye Zheyan who defended Fu Yue with a smile: "That old fox Fu Yue didn't know about it yet, no one would have thought that their adventure would be so straightforward."

After listening to the gossip for a while, guessing that it was almost time, Wei Lin got up to say goodbye, and when he went out, he met Yunli coming out of the small path.

"What a coincidence." Wei Lin chuckled.

Yunli's eyes lit up suddenly, and she hurriedly sent a voice transmission: "I was looking for you, Jing Zhe..."

Before she finished teaching, a male cultivator in white clothes and gold ornaments came up to greet her, and after paying respectful salutes, said: "Masters, please follow me."

Yunli glanced at his face, and asked in surprise, "Zhen Yuchen?"

Nanxiu was flattered, "Uncle Yun still remembers the disciple?"

Yunli was taken aback, "You're actually in Qinghe Valley?"

But she remembered that this Zhen Yuchen was best at seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages. Logically, shouldn't he be in Fenshui City?

Wei Lin glanced at him, recognized him, and said: "Ten years ago, when we rescued the Gu King host, he was here, and he arranged the house where you healed."

"Really?" Yunli was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, I didn't notice it at the time."

Zhen Yuchen waved his hands again and again, "Uncle Shi was seriously injured at the time, it's normal if he didn't notice."

"Okay, hurry up and take us to our residence." Mo Huai interrupted the greetings of several people, and brought Yunli back to his senses.

It's important business, it's only a few steps to the residence, so hurry up, she hurriedly transmitted the sound to Wei Lin, "Jing Zhe is so scheming, she even dug a hole for me..."

When she finished speaking, Wei Lin was not surprised at all, and replied lightly: "The purpose of Jingzhe is not just to kill two birds with one stone."

Yunli's footsteps were slightly stagnant. Apart from restraining Wen Xueluo and alluding to her identity as a spy of the Canye Pavilion, did she have other goals?
"Have you told Fu Yue about Xu Yueqing's background?" Wei Lin asked again.

Yunli was slightly taken aback, is it related to Xu Yueqing?
"No, how can the head teacher have time to care about the origin of an ordinary foundation cultivator? What's wrong with her?"

Not only Fu Yue, although Xu Yueqing lived in Dayan City with An Ran and others for several years, Ye Zheyan and Xiao Zhen and other two Yuanying Zhenjun's impressions of her only stayed in the Zhongshan family that Yunli and others rescued. The female cultivator, the whole family died of Gu, and she was at odds with Canye Pavilion.

As for which city she was from in the Zhongshan system, whether her family members died of witchcraft killers or Gu insects, and how Yunli and the others met her, the powerful people are not interested in knowing these things.

Her talent is considered good in Sanhe City, but compared with Yunli, the top four factions, it is not enough.

The monks down there were rather curious about her, but Xu Yueqing had undergone tremendous changes, and her temperament was very withdrawn. She had been actively cultivating these years, striving to contribute to the eradication of the Canye Pavilion as soon as possible, and rarely went out, let alone talked with others.

Wei Lin raised his eyes to look at the blood-red sky not far away, his eyebrows and eyes were light, "Xiao Yan said that when they arrived at the Weeping Fairy Valley, the path had disappeared."

Hearing this, Yunli was shocked. If I remember correctly, Fu Yue just mentioned that the three of Xiao Yan and Jin Shu came to the Fairy Weeping Valley a few months after they entered the different space.

The trail was gone in just a few months!

But Xu Yueqing saw the path seven years after Jiuli Yuan was opened and was trapped in the canyon.

Back then, after the alchemy assessment, Wen Xueluo returned to the sect with her cousin and others, and then went to Jiuliyuan, without going out on the way, it could not be the path she called out.

Unless there is another heroic queen in Canglan Continent, it can only mean that Xu Yueqing is lying!
Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the vicissitudes of life have changed. It is very rare for Canglan to have a heroic queen, and the possibility of another heroic spirit is extremely small.

What's more, not just any heroic spirit can call out Xiaolu and enter a different space.

Suddenly, Yunli remembered that Jing Zhe stopped Hei Hua when Hei Hua was attacking Mo Huai and Xu Yueqing.

After Mo Huai seriously injured Wen Xueluo and forced her into the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, Hei Hua attacked Mo Huai twice.

For the first time, Hei Hua dealt with only Mo Huai, and Jing Zhe didn't respond.

The second time was when Mo Huai was protecting Xu Yueqing, and that time, Jing Zhe followed his own words, stopped Hei Hua, and reached a cooperation.

"So, it's because we thought too complicatedly. The most direct reason for Jingzhe's move was to save Xu Yueqing?"

Yunli felt a little unbelievable, after they rescued Xu Yueqing, they also checked her origin and identity.

Especially Tian Xiao's ancestor and grandson, if we talk about the later investigation, it may be arranged by Canye Pavilion in advance, but Tian Xiao's ancestor and grandson are completely out of control.

The three of them were accidentally rescued by themselves and their senior brother. Later, they decided to lead the group of people to destroy the army of witchcraft, and it was also a temporary idea.

Even if Can Yege had placed spies in Fenshui City and learned that the two of them were going to support Zhongzhou, they did not expect that they would abandon Fu Yue's order halfway and lead the rescued people to wipe out the army of witches along the periphery.

Not to mention, if Tian Xiao, grandson and grandson made this move ahead of time, if Canye Pavilion really went against the sky to such a degree, the Canglan Continent would have been their world long ago, and they would not have come to this point today.

"I've overlooked it. After the failure of the Hengyue City operation, Canye Pavilion must have thoroughly investigated the whereabouts of us participants. They should have discovered the trail at that time and set up a trap based on it."

Wei Lin's heart sank slightly, they were still in Jiuliyuan, Canye Pavilion arranged for Xu Yueqing to be a spy, she must be of great use, would her role be to replace Ah Li?
Although Xu Yueqing was still full of doubts, it was certain that she was a spy of the Canye Pavilion.

Yunli squinted her eyes, and said via voice transmission: "That's why she instigated the woman from the Ye family to leak the secret to the voodoo killer for the riot in Dayan City, causing my cousin and the others to be succumbed to a voodoo, and then blamed Xu Linghui afterwards."

She clenched her fists, her eyes filled with a murderous look.

"Uncles, here we are." Within a short time of sound transmission, they had already reached their residence.

Outside the camp, the houses were tense, and several people were arranged in several adjacent houses.

Although it is not difficult for a monk to build a house, the coverage of the formation is so large, so it can't be too particular.

Taking advantage of the polite farewell, Wei Lin hurriedly explained via voice transmission: "My idea is that if she is not exposed, Can Ye Pavilion will definitely send other spies.

As for Fu Yue, take it easy, Jing Zhe insinuates that you are a spy of Canye Pavilion, but you reveal that Xu Yueqing is a spy, it will inevitably give people a sense of concealment. "

Yunli was silent, and said: "Okay, the Prophet will see cousin and Ah Yan, Xu Yueqing has a lot of contacts with them, so you have to pay attention on weekdays."

The next day, Yunli and his party arrived in Fenshui City to investigate the mother Gu.

On the other hand, the return of Jingzhe caused a huge commotion in Qinghe Valley, and the long-dreary Qinghe Valley swept away the haze of the past.

Jing Zhe, the leader of the four great killers, No. 1 in the strength of the Canye Pavilion, in the current battle situation, he is like a pinnacle of calming the sea.

As long as he is in the valley, even if he does not fight, he will be a great encouragement to the killers in the valley!
Xingyao Mountain, the meeting hall.

Jing Zhe's eyes were heavy: "The 'Qianjiu' in divination is not Qianshi, it should be Qianshiwen Xueluo."


Hearing this name again, Xingye was in a daze for a moment, he was so angry with Qianjiuqian 12 that he almost forgot that Wen Xueluo was the scourge that Canye Pavilion got to where it is today.

Jingzhe: "In the different space of the Fairy Weeping Valley, Qianshi once angered Wen Xueluo, how did Yunshu Immortal Mansion come here, don't you have any idea, and you said that the way of heaven is so close to feeding her food."

"Qianjiu!" Bai Lu's eyes flashed, and she exclaimed, "Yunshu Immortal Mansion is related to Qianjiu!"

He took a deep breath, trying to calm down the turbulent mood, "Pavilion Master, do you still remember Jing Shi?"

"The former manager of the city building?" Xingye frowned in thought, the door of memory was opened, and the scene of that day was vividly remembered, and he couldn't help but gasp.

Therefore, Yunshu Immortal Mansion should belong to Qianjiu, but was taken away by Wen Xueluo. If she hadn't taken Yunshu Immortal Mansion that day, she would naturally be the killer in the pavilion at this time.

"You guys, who can explain to me?" Lan Yi was confused and reminded helplessly.

She has been sleeping for many years, and after waking up, what she understands is mostly the current battle situation. She is completely unaware of the grievances and grievances of the little killers in the valley.

Bai Lu made an apologetic confession, and said eloquently: "Back then, Wen Xueluo took Yunshu Immortal Mansion away. The former city building manager Jing Shilai reported that his daughter died at Wen Xueluo's hands. The scene before she returned from the Soul Lamp came from the scene before she died. Look, Qianjiu is also there, still in a coma.

We all know that the second test of the Yunshu Immortal Mansion is the test of martial arts understanding. It stands to reason that if Wen Xueluo can get the Yunshu Immortal Mansion, her martial arts understanding should be good.

Wen Ming once said that she was learning actual combat experience in Jiuliyuan, but she was crushed by Mo Huai of the same rank after so long. It can be seen that her martial arts comprehension is very average, how can she pass the test of the Immortal Mansion.

Among the juniors of this generation, Qian Jiu's martial arts attainments are recognized.Xiaobi back then, under Wen Ming's sword power, he quickly comprehended the sword power.

After just a few breaths of imitation, he formed his own unique sword posture. This kind of martial arts comprehension can easily pass the test.

Therefore, he was the one who passed the test back then, but an accident happened, and the token was obtained by Wen Xueluo, thus obtaining the Yunshu Immortal Mansion.

Qian Jiu didn't have a celestial fate at all, and she shouldn't have appeared in the Canglan Continent. Without him, Wen Xueluo couldn't pass the test, couldn't get the Immortal Mansion, so naturally she wouldn't betray the pavilion.

With her ruthless temperament, full of hatred, and the fate of the heroic spirit, it is a certainty that she will grow up step by step.At that time, it will be a great help in the pavilion! "

(End of this chapter)

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