Chapter 527
Lan Yiliu frowned slightly, and thoughtfully said: "In this way, there are not only Qianjiu, but also Qianshi."

"Thousands and ten," Xingye said with a headache, there are such things as variables, there are even pairs!

For Qianjiu, at least she can guess some information. People who have no celestial karma have excellent spiritual roots. This is a variable in itself, but where does Qianshi start with this variable?
Since she practiced, she has been ostentatious all the way, seemingly open and frank, everything is exposed to everyone's noses, but there is always a veil on the key points, making people look at flowers through fog.

Everything about her is somewhere between reasonable and unreasonable.

The first exposure to the public eye was Xiaobi in the pavilion. At that time, she only had the fourth level of Qi training, but she beat the disciples on the eighth and ninth levels of Qi training until they cried.

But what she relies on is a low-level monk who is born with divine power, has little experience, and is not proficient in performing spells. When it comes to upper body cultivation, she is indeed only crushed.

From then on until she entered Jiuliyuan, her strength was more reflected in her strength. Although her cultivation speed was far faster than that of ordinary five spirit root monks, it was still acceptable.

Nine years later, when he came out, his cultivation speed instantly surpassed that of Wen Ming Mo Huai and other monks with dual spiritual roots.

However, Jiuliyuan is dangerous and unpredictable, and it is strange that one can break out of it alive without rich experience.

"Have you checked their background?" Lan Yi asked.

Bai Lu smiled wryly: "I checked after Xiaobi back then, and the two first appeared in Moyun City, and rented a courtyard to practice for three months. Not far from the city, they were discovered by Ying Yi and brought to Xiaodong Village outside the valley."

The two were very cautious. In March in Moyun City, they never came into contact with others unless they went out to buy necessary items.The only one who had more contact with them was a young man who was looking for guests at the city gate, but he died during an outing experience, and the only clue was broken.

During that time, a large number of monsters died inexplicably in Nanniwan. The nearby monks heard the news, and even many monks from other mountain systems rushed there.

At this time, the movement was restricted outside, and a personal guard hurried over, "I report to the Pavilion Master, the four major sects have released the news that after March, they will hold an alchemy ceremony for several juniors in Nanling City."

"The alchemy ceremony?" Xing Ye's eyebrows moved slightly, "Go and call Chun Shiqi."

"Yes." After the guards left, Chun Shiqi appeared in the meeting hall within less than a cup of tea.

"Pavilion Master, you are looking for me." Chun Shiqi was crying in his heart, every time he answered, it was like going to the execution ground, can you contact me by sound talisman?

"What's wrong with Yan Jun?"

Chun Shiqi was slightly stunned, "No..."

As soon as he uttered a word, a simple and simple jade post around his waist gave off a soft halo. He hurriedly checked the formula, and then raised his eyes in astonishment, "Yan Jun left Fenshui City."

"Direction." Xingye asked quietly.


"You go down."

"Ah?" Chun Shiqi was stunned, was it so easy this time?
Until walking out of Xingyao Mountain, Chun Shiqi still couldn't get back to his senses, did he pass the level so easily?

After Chun Shiqi left, Bai Lu said: "It seems that the four factions are going to attack Qian Jiu."

Xingye sneered: "The alchemy ceremony, these hypocrites have thought of a good name."

The alchemy ceremony of the Taiyi and Tianxin sects Tianjiao cannot be wronged in the small Fenshui City, and it is reasonable to choose Nanling City, the largest city in the Nanshan System.

In Nanling City, which has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and is populated by aristocratic families, the defensive formation directly catches up with the sect protection formation of the four major sects.

As for the alchemy ceremony, all Nascent Soul True Monarchs will naturally go to celebrate it, and it is only logical that they gather in Nanling City.

At that time, under the watchful eyes of everyone, revealing Qianjiu's identity will not only make him unable to escape, but also enhance the power of the four factions.
A gleam flashed in Jing Zhe's eyes, and he said coolly, "Why don't we borrow the arrangement of the four factions."

Xingye tilted his head, raised his eyebrows and asked.

There was a slight smile on the corner of Jingzhe's mouth, and he spoke slowly, "Under the Soul Breaking Curse, Qian Shi will be given to Qian Jiu, when Qian Jiu's identity is revealed and everyone is watching."

Slightly stunned for a moment, the few people quickly recalled that the stagnant atmosphere in the room was swept away. Xing Ye looked at Lan Yi, nodded and smiled and said, "That's right, the return of our little witch from the Wu Gu Sect will naturally attract the attention of the world. The alchemy ceremony is just right!"

Lan Yi frowned: "Aren't you going to use her to pave the way for Yue Qi, she was killed by me, how can the name of spy be confirmed?"

Killing Tai Tianjiao at the highest profile of the four factions, and pouring cold water on his head, not only destroyed the purpose of the four factions to show their power, but also avoided the power behind Qianjiu, and successfully eliminated two confidantes. It is indeed an excellent move method.

It's just that the death of a righteous man who is arrogant and saves all living beings is too cheap.

"It's okay, Qianjiu's crisis, Qianshi will definitely not stand by and watch, and let Yueqi guide the relationship between the two of them. The four major factions know that Qianjiu has betrayed the Remnant Night Pavilion, and they can conclude that Qianshi is also a traitor. Difficult. Her identity is solid, and Yue Qi will naturally have merit."

After finishing speaking, Xingye immediately sent Zhang Chuan Yinfu to Chunshiqi, ordering Yueqi to send Yunli's hair or blood back to Qinghe Valley before the alchemy ceremony in March.

At this time, Yunli and Yunli were wondering where the mother Gu had gone, and they were oblivious to the coming crisis.

"How could this happen? Two big living people can disappear out of thin air." She frowned, her mind was in a mess.

After more than ten years of investigation, there is still no clue. This matter has become Zheng Rui's heart disease, and he has a headache when he mentions it: "After the incident, Zhenjun Fuguang investigated it himself, but he didn't have a clue. Later, he was replaced by the careful Zhenjun Fushu to lead the investigation. Still found nothing."

The formation is intact, without any signs of being destroyed. After the two True Monarchs left, there was no sign of the formation being opened again. The whereabouts of all the monks in the city have been investigated one by one, and there is no abnormality.

Bailu robbed people in the first half of the night, and the city was on high alert. No one sneaked in, and everyone who left the city had their identities confirmed.

Yingmei confirmed that the mother Gu was not in Qinghe Valley, Jing Zhe's departure later was probably looking for the mother Gu, and it was basically certain that it was not stolen by the Canye Pavilion.

Not in the four major sects, nor in the Qinghe Valley, when will there be such a person in the Canglan Continent, who can rob people in the competition between the four major sects and Canye Pavilion.

Over the years, he has become bald due to investigations. Fortunately, the Zongmen also knew that this matter was difficult, so they did not urge them to take their time.

Not falling into Canye Pavilion's hands is already a blessing among misfortunes. The mother Gu only has the potential to become a Gu king. With its current strength, even if it creates a Gu insect, it can be destroyed by ordinary techniques.

Looking at Yunli Fengjue among the contemplative crowd, Zheng Rui had a thought: "Speaking of which, Daoist Feng was there when the incident happened that day. You are careful. You may have noticed something that others ignored. Why don't you tell us?"

Wei Lin nodded, and said while recalling: "After the night attack that day, the real monarchs moved the mother and daughter to Xiefang Courtyard. Fellow Daoist Yun led people to arrange for the killers to be captured, and I returned to my courtyard... ..."

Yunli was slightly stunned, and later they went to Yingyi to ask questions, and when they found out that the mother and daughter were missing, they appeared a little later, remembering that someone had gone to them immediately.

If everyone else is fine, aren't they the biggest suspects? !
Especially the senior brother, when he went to arrange the arrest of the killer himself, he was already out of everyone's sight.

She was startled suddenly, did the head teacher and others check herself and her senior brother?
After thinking about it, she pretended to be surprised: "So, doesn't Fellow Daoist Feng also feel disgusted?"

Zheng Rui was speechless, they are all Jindan real people, why did they speak so freely, "You forgot, the mother and daughter were brought back by the two of you, no one who doubts you will doubt you."

"Uh," Yunli touched the tip of her nose, her face full of embarrassment, "I forgot it for a while."

Zheng Rui shook his head, and said to Wei Lin: "Forgive me, Fellow Daoist Feng, Junior Sister Yun is just outspoken and has no other meaning."

"Zheng Daoyou is being polite, it's just an unintentional remark." Wei Lin smiled slightly.

Yunli's hanging heart fell to the ground, and she focused her eyes on finding the mother and daughter again. After thinking about it, she said: "Everyone knows the abilities of the two of you. After more than ten years of investigation, you still have no clue. Will you Could it be the wrong direction?"

Ye Chuchen replied: "That day you suddenly brought back the mother and daughter. Before that, no one except Can Yege knew about their existence. Since it wasn't Can Yege, it can only be that someone in the city coveted it. .

After you came back that day, we repeatedly checked the monks who had entered and left Fenshui City, and then extended the time period to three days before your return to one month when the mother Gu disappeared. "

Yunli felt dizzy for a while, when she discovered that the mother and daughter's village was already very close to Fenshui City, so it took only two days from when they found it to arriving at Fenshui City.

Zheng Rui and Ye Chuchen extended the scope of their search to three days before they arrived in Fenshui City. It was already a real blanket search!
Under full coverage, how could there still be no clues?What went wrong?
Wei Lin gently put down the teacup, and said: "Or, let's change the way of thinking. If we are robbers, what kind of ability do we need to have to sneak into the heavily guarded Xiefang courtyard to rob people, and then retreat completely."

Yunli cheered up, "Come on, let's brainstorm, talk about whatever comes to mind, regardless of whether it's reasonable or not.

I'm the first one, I'm not good at formations, sneaking in silently won't work, after hearing the news, hurry up and sneak in before the true kings arrange the mother and daughter.

After robbing someone, naturally wait at the exit of the formation in stealth, and sneak out when the formation is opened, hide the mother and daughter, and then recover their identities while taking advantage of the chaos, and search with everyone. "

Zheng Rui shook his head, "The head teacher and others had already thought about it that day, after discovering that the mother and daughter were missing, they immediately sealed off Fenshui City, searched every corner of the city several times, and found many secret rooms and secret passages.

Not only that, but he also used the visibility talisman throughout the city, and Suxi Zhenjun personally performed the magic to break the invisibility. "

Mu Yan said: "If the other party is a monk who is extremely good at formations, can he sneak into Xie Fang Yuan silently, and then leave Fenshui City silently, maybe when the mother and daughter are found missing, the other party has already escaped Fen Shui City."

Ye Chuchen reminded, "Not only was the array not destroyed, but there were also no traces of it being opened during that period."

(End of this chapter)

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