all the way to fairy

Chapter 530 Madness

Chapter 530 Madness
"Hahaha..." The woman's crazily sad laughter resounded in the firelight, revealing the despair that penetrated to the bone marrow, which made people's hearts tightly gripped.

That beautiful and quiet woman frantically fired the fire formula, as if she wanted to burn everything in the world, including several bodies.

The maid Du Man turned pale in an instant, and muttered in disbelief: "How could it be..."

Speaking of this, she paused, looked at Mu Yan, and then at Yunli, with a look of sudden realization on her face.

"I was negligent." Muttering softly, she frantically took out the array card to activate, and activated the inner court array.

Yunli was shocked from ear to ear by Daoist Lingxi's sudden madness, and was stunned by the maid's behavior, so she hurriedly asked, "What are you doing?"

The formations around the spiritual plants in the medicine garden are all simple and small formations. If they can withstand the calamity of the golden core real person's pill fire, after a while, there may not be any spiritual plants left in it.

Just don't feel sorry for Lingzhi, just like Lingxi's madness to despair, I'm afraid he will burn himself to death every minute!

Du Man took a deep breath, bowed to several people, and said firmly, "Since the three real people have finished their inquiries, please leave quickly."

Yunli looked towards the inner courtyard. Under the formation, she could no longer see what was going on inside, and everything returned to a quiet and peaceful appearance. Only the smell of burnt ashes mixed with burnt protein wafted from her nostrils, indicating that the raging fire inside was raging. .

"Master Lingxi, she..."

Before he finished speaking, Du Man interrupted: "I am the registered disciple of Suxi Zhenjun, and I have taken care of the real person for nearly 50 years."

Named disciple?

Yunli was surprised. Although the registered disciples were not as good as the personal ones, they still bore the name of master and apprentice. The registered disciples of Suxi Zhenjun must have a higher status than the ordinary inner disciples of Mirage Palace.

She took care of Lingxi herself, which could only be the meaning of Suxi Zhenjun.

Moving out of Suxi Zhenjun at this time, he was determined not to let them go in to check, and exchanged a glance with An Ran and Mu Yan, Yunli said: "So, excuse me."

She turned around, and a green leaf fluttered along the hem of her skirt, and slowly fell on the grass beside the road.

As soon as he left Chu Yu Pavilion, Wei Lin and others came up to meet him, Zheng Rui asked nervously, "How is it?"

Before waiting for a few people to reply, Wei Lin said, "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Zheng Rui also realized that the door of Chu Yuge was not the place to talk, so he hurried back.

In the eyes of everyone expecting, Mu Yan was the first to speak: "Lingxi is very obsessed with alchemy, even the smallest details must be controlled clearly, and no accidents will be allowed. The alchemy rate is as high as nine levels, even The newly learned alchemy formula has a much higher alchemy rate than ordinary alchemists, but it seems a bit..."

She frowned, and couldn't think of any words to describe it for a moment. She was able to refine a heavenly elixir in the late stage of Jindan, which was able to catch up with Daoist Danyang, but it gave her a very strange feeling.

"Stupid," An Ran took her words and continued, "The process of her alchemy is very dull. Every time she learns a pill recipe, she must first figure out every aspect and every detail, and formulate a precise process. .

Then strictly follow the steps, step by step, this has indeed increased the rate of alchemy, but it is too rigid, and the same is true for planting spiritual plants, there is no flexibility at all.

Take the amount of each spiritual plant as an example, as long as it is in the right amount, it will not fail, and sometimes it is okay to add some extra. "

Speaking of which, she glanced at Yunli, "For example, she prefers sweet and sour tastes. We will add some spiritual fruits with this taste if it does not affect the efficacy of the medicine."

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Yunli raised her eyebrows proudly. This is the benefit of having an exclusive alchemist, and the pills are all customized.

Everyone was speechless.

"What about you, what do you see?" Wei Lin looked at Yunli, and brought the topic back in time. Although the alchemy process was a bit strange, it seemed that there was nothing suspicious about it.

"She's really sick," Yunli pointed at her brain, "and here, when she entered, she had a good chat, gentle and elegant, and polite. We just came out, and for some reason, we suddenly went berserk, wreaking havoc... ..."

She detailed what happened next, and everyone was stunned. After a while, Chu Nanhu asked, "What did you do to irritate her?"

Yunli spread her hands, "I don't know, the phantom palace maid guarded us like thieves, reacted and immediately activated the formation, completely isolating the inner courtyard, and issued an order to drive us away without stopping."

Judging from the huge changes before and after Lingxi, it is obvious that she suffered a mental disorder after some kind of accident.

But what does this have to do with her and Ah Yan, before that, they didn't even know there was such a person.

"What's going on in Chu Yu Pavilion now?" Wei Lin's voice transmission suddenly sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"How do you know I'm keeping back?" Yunli was astonished.

"Previously, Suxi Zhenjun specifically explained that as long as the girl goes, it seems that there must be a story about her madness. With your temperament, are you curious?"

Wei Lin looked like I knew you, and Yunli felt a little guilty. She touched the tip of her nose, and said through sound transmission: "I'm here to find out the suspect who robbed the mother Gu, so I can't be sure that she is really crazy. It's still fake madness."

Wei Lin squinted at her, eyes full of disbelief, "Did you find anything?"

"That female disciple has been guarding the door, it should be true."

The female disciple is only a foundation-builder, and there are many leaves and plants around her, and she is already very good at transforming leaves. It is difficult for Nascent Soul monks to find out, let alone a foundation-builder.

Wei Lin stopped the sound transmission, opened his lips and said to everyone: "What we want to investigate is the mother Gu, it has nothing to do with whether she is crazy or not."

Lingxi is only occasionally mentally disturbed, and her suspicion cannot be ruled out.

Yunli frowned, but the Illusion Palace is far away in the Beishan system, and I can't go there for a while, even if I go to the Illusion Palace, how should I start the investigation?
Lingxi is the granddaughter of Suxi Zhenjun, and her status and status are so obvious that it is impossible to investigate clearly; Yu Ziyou, who had some friendship with them, died in Jiuliyuan, and there are only a few acquaintances left, so it is not good to rush to make friends, secretly investigate Also hanging.

"Can you tell the difference between the same pill refined by different people?" Wei Lin asked again.

Mu Yanliu frowned slightly: "Generally speaking, it is possible, but if it is deliberately imitated, or the pill has been tampered with, it is not sure."

"I can do it!" Yunli raised her hand and said loudly.

"You?" An Ran doubted, "You can't even recognize all the spiritual plants, are you sure you can distinguish the pills made by different alchemists?"

Yunli swiftly took out a bottle of Buling Pill and poured it out, and neatly divided it into two piles, "The one on the left is made by you, and the one on the right is made by Ayan."

An Ran leaned over and carefully identified it for a moment. There was indeed nothing wrong, and she couldn't help being surprised: "How did you tell the difference?"

Even she couldn't tell so quickly which ones were made by herself and which ones were made by Ah Yan.

"Pill fire, every alchemist's pill fire is different, and the fire energy melted in the pill is naturally different."

An Ran, Mu Yan: ...

After practicing Dan for so long, this is the first time I have heard of such a thing as anger.

Wei Lin: "If that's the case, then we only need to get the elixir she refined during the Illusion Palace and compare it with the one she refined now."

"She came here four years ago, and the elixir she sent should have been distributed by the Mirage Palace to the disciples, is there any left?" Ye Chuchen looked worried.

Zheng Rui waved his hand: "It's okay, I've searched for more than ten years, and I don't care about a few more years, as long as there is a direction, I can always find out!"

"One more thing." Mo Huai raised his eyes and fixedly looked at several people, "Can she really make alchemy?"

After being stunned for a moment, everyone was shocked. If she didn't know how to make alchemy at all, they were investigating in the wrong direction!
An Ran raised her chin, smiled and said: "This is easy to handle. In a few days, Ayan and I will go to her to discuss alchemy, and we will be clear after a furnace with her."

In the early morning of the next day, the maid Du Man finally opened the formation and walked into the inner courtyard. Yunli's spirit was shaken, and she hurriedly controlled the consciousness in the phantom leaf to sweep over.

The inner courtyard was scorched black, and the houses and spiritual plants were all burned. Lingxi stood in the middle of the courtyard in a daze, her hair was burnt until only a layer sticking to her scalp, and the moon clang on her ear gave off a soft halo, protecting her body. head.

The green dress was also glowing, obviously it was also a defensive robe that was triggered automatically. The exposed hands and neck were not so lucky, and they were scorched with red blisters.
She lowered her head, lifeless as if her soul had been sucked out, and a sour murmur escaped from her lips, "Liar, liar..."

Yunli sighed softly, and silently dispersed the phantom leaves.

Half a month later, the real Lingxi recovered. When An Ran Mu Yan went to find her, she had completely forgotten the madness of that day, and happily started alchemy with the two of them.

This most basic question was confirmed, so Ye Chuchen wrote to Dan Tang in Qingyang City, ordering them to investigate secretly the elixirs that flowed out from the disciples of the Phantom Palace. .

On this day, she dragged herself tired and returned to the courtyard where she lived, and was about to rest when Xu Yueqing came.

Seeing her tired face, Xu Yueqing bit her lips, and said extremely guilty: "I'm sorry, Master Yun, for disturbing your rest, but I still can't make Ling complete the tree trunk, can you teach me again?"

After speaking, her voice became smaller and smaller, as if she was extremely embarrassed.

Yunli frowned slightly, Xu Yueqing's magic weapon was also Ling, and when she saw her Ling made flexible and changeable, she was shocked, so she carefully asked her for advice.

It doesn't involve silk tactic, just some experience and insight, Yunli will not be stingy, and will teach her the method of refining silk with wooden stakes.

However, her white silk is not connected with her mind, and her spiritual power is insufficient, and she has made little progress after many years of practice.

Now she just doesn't want to teach, in order not to scare the snake, and not to refuse rashly, she rubbed her brows: "What don't you understand?"

She opened her mouth, and Xu Yueqing's nervousness disappeared visibly with the naked eye. She exhaled, and hurriedly said: "I have already mastered the knives on the silk face, and I can also cut into the stake, but the whole tree trunk is still standing upright as before. How can I not find it?" Feel."

"It's because you don't have enough control over Aya. The spiritual power must flow in Aya like water, and let a piece of the stake turn into a blade..."

(End of this chapter)

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