all the way to fairy

Chapter 531 The Dark Web

Chapter 531 The Dark Web
She explained the essentials in detail, and seeing that Xu Yueqing still half understood, she simply pointed to a tree next to her and said, "Demonstrate it once, and I'll see what the problem is."

"Thank you, Master Yun!"

Xu Yueqing thanked her again and again. She took a deep breath, gathered herself together, and focused her eyes on a tree trunk beside the road. The spiritual light flickered at her fingertips, and the white silk flew straight out. When she was about to touch the tree trunk, the spiritual light flourished, and the white silk stiffened instantly. Like a sharp long sword, it cuts into the tree trunk lightly.

Suddenly, the snow-white long sword collapsed and turned into a light gauze again, stuck in the tree trunk, and slowly fell down, and the tree trunk could only be cut in half.

Yunli frowned, it took more than ten years to practice like this, it is not as good as the effect of her first practice, this understanding is no one else.

Sighing lightly, she said: "You don't have enough spiritual power, don't turn the whole silk into a blade, just turn the part that is about to pass through the tree trunk into a blade."

Xu Yueqing's face was reddish, and she said in embarrassment: "The spiritual power is input from my hand, you have to fill the back first, then there will be spiritual power in the front."

Yunli: ...

After being silent for a while, she said: "Next, you should contact and control the spiritual power to walk in the silk, and put aside the matter of cutting tree trunks for now."

"Let me try." Xu Yueqing injected a bit of spiritual power into the white silk, and tried hard to control the spiritual power to swim in the silk. In just a moment, fine beads of sweat oozed from the corners of her forehead.

"Relax, it's very easy, it's the same as casting spells and spells, don't think about it so deeply..." As he said, Yunli sacrificed Huanshiling and demonstrated it to her on the spot.

The evening breeze was blowing, and the long hair of the two of them was flying, the sleeves of their clothes were flying, and the orange and white Er Ling danced from time to time.

After practicing for ten times, Xu Yueqing still didn't get the trick. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said embarrassingly, "I'm very stupid. I'm afraid I won't be able to feel it for a while. Daoist, go back and rest first. I'll figure it out by myself." .”

As she said that, she bowed and said sincerely: "Thank you, Daoist, for your enlightenment, Yueqing is very grateful."

"It's a matter of a few words, it's okay." With a few words of politeness, Yunli turned and went back to the small courtyard.

After she left, Xu Yueqing frowned while holding the white silk, and tried several times, but the effect was still not obvious. Her expression was slumped, and the white silk also fell to the ground.

After a long while, she came out of the negative emotions, exhaled deeply, put away the white silk and went back, a slender blue silk fell into her hand silently from the layers of silk.

Camp outside Qinghe Valley.

"Now you can rest assured." Fuyue moved his fingertips slightly, brushing off the embers of the sound transmission talisman remaining on his fingertips.

Hearing this, Su Xi snorted softly, with a strange tinge of yin and yang: "It was also my negligence, I didn't notice that your disciples of the Taiyi Sect don't call themselves teachers and sisters in private."

"I really don't know about this." Fu Yue was very wronged, he is a dignified head teacher, how can he pay attention to the relationship between the little monks of the sect, let alone their titles.

"It only took half a month to recover from the onset of the disease, which shows that the day lilies are indeed effective, and it can barely be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Su Xi's brows that had just been stretched frowned again, and asked coldly: "A blessing in disguise?"

"For my slip of the tongue, I will give you two stalks of Suan Youcao, which is my apology."

Dayan Youcao is produced in Jiuliyuan, and now it is only found in the Taiyi Sect, Fuyue's apology, Suxi Zhenjun can't refuse.

After a moment of silence, he said, "I don't understand, why are you so cautious about Qian Jiu?"

First, he agreed with him to investigate the Mother Gu with the younger generation, so as to catch his mind, and then he allowed himself to allow them to investigate Lingxi, because he was afraid that if he refused, Qian Jiu would notice something.

After more than ten years of planning, everything is logical and reasonable. Except for the senior leaders of the four major factions and Ye Zheyan, no one knows the real purpose of this alchemy ceremony.

How did Qianjiu find out that there was no proof?

As the granddaughter of her own direct relative, Lingxi was justified in refusing to investigate.

Fu Yue looked solemn: "Qian Jiu is the one who broke the seal, no matter how careful you can be, what we want is to be safe!"

Suxi Zhenjun sneered: "Since he is the one who revealed the seal, it seems that he has a great relationship with the ban on heaven and earth, and maybe he needs to undo the ban on heaven and earth, so we should make friends with him.

Qianjiu killed many of our disciples, the blood feud is over, to take a step back, we can also pretend that we don't know, and let him make friends with the juniors.

In this way, not only can he be used to counter Canye Pavilion, but also the juniors can be used to monitor his whereabouts. When Dong Lu is alive in the future, it is logical for the juniors to be with him. "

While speaking, he kept looking at Fu Yue's expression, but it was a pity that Fu Yue's complexion remained calm, without the slightest change.

He raised his eyes, looked directly at Suxi's inquiring eyes, and said in a low voice: "With Qianjiu's cautious temperament, he used our hands to remove the Canye Pavilion and avenged him. Do you think he will still associate with the juniors of our four sects?" ?"

Suxi's eyes flickered, and he simply asked: "What else did the four of you discover back then?"

Fu Yue was displeased: "What happened back then was personally inquired and investigated by our seniors from the four sects. Why, you don't even believe your own ancestor's words?"

Su Xi was stunned, what kind of person is the ancestor, how could he believe the verbal words of the four people, he pretended to agree with their words, and asked Zhuo Ru to find out the truth after returning to the palace.

Who would have thought that Zhuo Ru, the fox, left overnight, saying that he went out to practice, and it took 2000 years since he left, and he was already conceived when he returned again, and the incident of the witch and Gu sect broke out again.

When all the dust settles, he is already the mainstay of the sect, and the high-level sect will die or be injured, and no one can force him.

Bu Yuan is even more exaggerated. The dignified Sijigu disciples directly lived in the Taiyi Sect on the grounds of visiting friends. At the request, I returned to Four Seasons Valley.

Back then, those who broke the rules and robbed the Taiyi Sect also meant to avenge the shame of the sect, and the Taiyi Sect was wronged, so they lightly exposed it.

In such a situation, even a fool can see that the four of them are hiding something, but now that Fuyue Jinqing has a high position and authority, and Zhuo Rubuyuan is not the little foundation-building monk who was soft-spoken back then, they can only pretend to be deaf and dumb about this secret .

Fuyue was too cautious towards Qianjiu!

No matter how amazing he is, he is only a Golden Core cultivator now. So many times, Feng Jue is right under their noses, and they can grab it with their hands, and it is the same when Yan Jun confirms his identity.

But Fuyue was not at ease, activated Nanling City's defense formation, and put people under the siege of the four sects of Nascent Souls.

A little Golden Core cultivator, why did he end up here.

Suxi's five fingers were slightly bent, and he exhaled slowly, it's okay, there are still 30 years, since the clues have been revealed, they can always be found out!

Fenshui City.

"Junior Sister Yun, why don't you go back to sleep and stop using it?" As dusk fell and Yunli patted her buttocks again to leave, Chu Nan finally couldn't help it and suggested.

As a monk, after bigu, the perception of the alternation of day and night and the passage of time has faded. Now Yunli eats and sleeps at the o'clock every day, reminding them of the passage of time, which makes people unconsciously feel a sense of urgency, and the investigation has no progress. Mood is invisibly affected.

If it was the right time, Yunli would be happy to agree, but recently Xu Yueqing has been very motivated, and she would ask her for Ling's tricks at every turn.

Yunli knew her own temperament very well, after staying for a long time, if Xu Yueqing noticed some flaws, wouldn't it be a shock!
It would be of great use to keep her.

She said righteously: "How can I do that? I personally asked the head teacher to ask for work, but I quit halfway through and asked you to work hard. What kind of person am I?"

Wei Lin rubbed the center of his brows, and felt that it would not be a problem to continue like this, since all the secret passages in the secret room had been found out, there was no problem.

Recently, everyone was looking through the itinerary of the personnel who came to Fenshui City. Whenever they settled down and concentrated on it, the movement of her leaving would interrupt their thoughts for a moment.

The itinerary records are not important information, so naturally they won't be so extravagant to use jade slips to record them. They want to flip through the books one by one.

Look at each line clearly and think about whether there are any loopholes in it.

For more than ten years, Fenshui City has been an important transit point for the alliance, with tens of thousands of monks coming and going, making it extremely cumbersome to check.

After thinking for a while, he said, "The alchemy ceremony is about to begin. For such an important occasion, are your clothes and accessories ready?"

After being stunned for a moment, Yunli was annoyed, "Not yet."

For the alchemy ceremony, all her attention was on how to publicize the achievements of her senior brother and gain a wave of faith, completely forgetting that she was one of the protagonists of the ceremony.

Although she doesn't care about her dao name, she still needs to pay attention to her clothes when she appears in the public eye!
She looked at Ye Chuchen: "What new products do you have in Jinyi Pavilion? Are there any big and beautiful ones?"

Before Ye Chuchen could answer, she said again: "Forget it, let's see for ourselves, we still have to put on the clothes to know whether they are pretty or not!"

Then she took An Ran Mu Yan out.

Chu Nan was dumbfounded, he changed his words too quickly!

He also said earlier that he couldn't let go of the pick and quit, but he not only left on his own, but also took away Senior Sister An and Junior Sister Mu!
Wei Lin laughed, probably no girl could refuse the temptation of beautiful clothes.

Busy days, the world flies by extremely fast, and the day of the alchemy ceremony is getting closer and closer.

Everyone received a message from Fu Yue, telling them to go to Nanling City first.

Considering their strategy of staying away from Qinghe Valley, before leaving, Yunli simply took away some of the unfinished records, euphemistically saying that time waits for no one, and we must hurry up to find clues.

Her diligent work attitude infected others, and Mo Huai and others expressed their desire to learn from her, and each took away a stack, which made the stewards below admire him.

After arriving at Nanling City, Yunli locked herself in the room and concentrated on writing her own public opinion guidance and planning.

If you want to gain the power of faith, it is best to give the main credit to your senior brother, and this is also a fact.

But the true masters of the four sects such as the head teacher are definitely not willing to give the greatest credit to a casual cultivator, and as a disciple of the Taiyi sect, he can't be too obvious.

After much deliberation, Yunli finally gave up the idea of ​​publicizing Wei Lin's merits at the alchemy ceremony. The alchemy ceremony held by the disciples of the Taiyixin sect, a casual cultivator can't take the lead, but it can be passed on after the alchemy ceremony. Gossip or something.

 Thanks to r1010 for the cute monthly pass! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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